View Full Version : Explaining your character.

Ange Tot
Aug 31st, 2002, 01:55:59 PM
I didn't know where to put this, but someone (hinthint-Cherice) mentioned something OOC about me and another guys character.

Mine, Ange, recation in that thread is somewhat on the lines of what I'd do, except I'd probably would've hit you...hahaha....

Ange is pretty much me, she has my temper *which i can lose quite easily* and my additudes towards certian things *like the Mutant cockroach! yuk*...And well if your offendended by that then we should never meet IRL.....


Now anyone else wanna explain there character? Or am I being silly? or shall this thread become hijacked and noone will care about it?

Chase Starwalker
Aug 31st, 2002, 02:11:23 PM
*The clouds circle in the sky, as it grows dark and stormy*

...A Hijacks a'brewin!

Yanagi Shindeiru
Aug 31st, 2002, 02:14:52 PM

*thwaps chase and drags him off for.............FUN*


Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 31st, 2002, 02:24:42 PM
Vega acts how I would act if I had lots of confidence, and was about 20 times more arrogant :lol

Xazor Elessar
Aug 31st, 2002, 02:33:46 PM
Xazor is like me.....a tom-boy at heart. She is a Warrior and likes to kick ass.....she was brought up with men and wants to be like them....but can't be one. She is confident and can be cocky sometimes....and knows how to put people in their place. She is a go-getter....and will give anything for the things she truly believes in. She does cry sometimes though.....when things are really bad.....she likes to vent her emotions which can be harmful to her. Her overall attitidue is: she cares about things that are really important....but if someone she does not like gets too close....well honestly, she would rather give them the big F'U than say hello.......


Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 31st, 2002, 02:35:17 PM
And as for Dasquian, he has my personality totally (apparently).

Aki Raa
Aug 31st, 2002, 02:39:22 PM
Cool....well I guess i better explain some others.

Aki Raa- My more bookish side, she like a total nerd, prefers books over people. So far haven't developed anything of a personalliy for her, but she'll have one, someday.

Yanagi Shindeiru- Um, I dunno, nothing from myself in her, maybe abit of my hate for the world, a total klutz, definately not sure of her place.

Da-ku Etanial- One word. Psycho! I just made him to bug Xanatos, but then he sorta grew on me, hates women, and his father, total bi-personallity after he killed his sister.

Salemn Lysce
Aug 31st, 2002, 02:43:52 PM
Salemn is basically what could be described as me. Withdrawn, depressed, and silent. (Well, she has to be since she's mute .. But you get the point) Just like me, she doesn't show up at many events unless she feels like she's needed or wanted. Being polite when needed, she'd rather stay by herself or someone she trusts. She likes to read/do research, and has extensive knowledge when it comes to herbs.

But don't get her mad .. Or else. :mad

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 31st, 2002, 02:54:04 PM
Lance is....ME!...........<_< A billion of personalities and a temper that can quickly change...in a matter of secs I'm telling you..one sec I can be acting like Heero from gundam and the other I'll be running around all happy like Zeke, or I can also be there flirting with all the girls and my other mood.....make st-pid annoying jokes every 2 secs :D. He is also strong smart or he's like me :)......He's cool not as cool as me but he's cool :mneh

Dae Jinn
Aug 31st, 2002, 03:26:11 PM
Heh. Dae is like me if i were a sexy naked evil chick :lol

Seriously, I think most characters on this board have something about them that is like the person who plays them. You can always tell if I'm in a sour mood IRL because my posts as dae are nasty and mean >D :lol I guess Dae is like me a bit. I'm not as confident or as flirty as her in real life, that would be far too extreme(I don;t ever see myself seducing men to get my way.LOL) She does love Lord Gue though, and I love real Gue. We have that in common ;) She likes fun and gets bored easily, like I do. She's loyal to her friends and can't really ever be mad at anyone for too long, like me. :lol Not too sithy, but it works well :)

Chimp the Rubber chicken
Aug 31st, 2002, 05:20:24 PM
Chimp is not like me...because I'm not rubber..or a chicken (the animal kind)

Crono on the other hand is kind of like me....He doesn't really fit it..and his life is boring...but he has alot more confidence then me and likes to fight (which is not me at all...I"m a gamer not a fighter). And we both could be labled as strange..

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 31st, 2002, 05:35:56 PM
Kindo is me in the Star Wars Universe. In every aspect, every aspect, I am Kindo.

Kaytor Surna
Aug 31st, 2002, 05:36:23 PM
hm are my characters like me?

Kaytor: Maybe a tiny bit. But for the most part no. I am insane IRL. But beyond the insane part, I do like to stick to the shadows and dont talk to many people. That is kinda her additude right now.

Pheonix: Yes and no. Tiny bit of my insaness, and a tiny bit of the other things in my life. *Shrug* I guess I dont make characters that act like me.:rollin :crack

Admiral Lebron
Aug 31st, 2002, 06:22:18 PM
Mr. Lebron is generally me but he is much more experienced making him wiser.

Chase Starwalker
Aug 31st, 2002, 06:44:57 PM
Originally posted by Yanagi Shindeiru

*thwaps chase and drags him off for.............FUN*


ooohhhh......what kinda fun?? :rollin ;)

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 31st, 2002, 11:04:39 PM
Verse- Verse is the dude that doesn't have to grow-up. He looks like he is in her early to mid twenties but is really like 60. He is Garou....he still has around 400 years left to live. He is me for the most part. I don't think I am a flirt....I am just social. I like to laugh and have fun. I am not as out-spoken as him. In RL I am shy and resevered...till I learn how far I can push you and have as much fun as possible. BTW...I/Verse am not a whore......no matter what Dae says.

Chaos- He is evil Brandon. He is what I wish I could do sometimes. Kill all the stupid people!!!!! He hates all his family but Xazor. He is power hunger and has a thirst for knowledge. Deep under all the hate and sorrow is a small spark of light. Will it ever blaze bright? Who knows?

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Aug 31st, 2002, 11:27:20 PM
Seer: she is the one I'm most like, but she's mostly the calmer side of my personality whereas Videl was my destructive side. I act with Seer pretty much as I do in rl but I'm not as flirty.

Motssumi: a mix of Videl and Ryoko...Mot is not really me other than she's the side of me when I'm angry in the fighter aspect of her...in a sense, Mot lives for violence though as I do not....She's generally normal in calm settings but she not like me in the way she may act, she likely to hit someone unlike me who is more of a curser.

Sorreessa: is not really me in any way, I base her after the colder side of govt types, she is meant to do her job without caring whose lives she messes up along the way. This is something I would never do since those who know me well know that I do what I can to keep ppl happy.

Sep 1st, 2002, 12:20:28 AM
Satine is basically me, just stronger, more outgoing, and wiser. I share the tendency to open my mouth/do things without thinking, and most of the ways Satien acts is how I would deal with the situation, if I really DID have to facwe it.

Kelt Simoson
Sep 1st, 2002, 12:58:30 AM
I play Kelt how im like in RL when im nice in RL...as i have been told by my brother O_o.....

I play him as a kind, gentle to nature and sweet kind of guy that when excited is a chatter box, and when sad sits in a corner somewhere and keeps himself to himself, he stands up for what he beielvs in and has a open mind to anything and is NOT quick to judge anyone by looks or by feelings, only by personality....he cant talk to women for love nor money without feeling a hord of butterflys in his stomach and loss of speech. Which i must admit the women thing is me O_O.

I play sieken well..the oposite to Kelt and ME when im nasty and evil. Of course i wouldent kill anyone but still.

I play sieken as a sarcastic, arogant nutball that has a temper like a raging bull, he is a but Phyco when hes over the top in madnass, but he never hurts women or animals unless he has to...he has a barrier to hurting things...he is also a guy that stads to what he beilves and such, but sieken unlike me after Sapphire (his IC GF) would never go near a girl again in the same way he did Sapphire.

Dae Jinn
Sep 1st, 2002, 01:05:58 AM

Kelt does sound like you! :)

Ainė Elenion
Sep 1st, 2002, 01:34:36 AM

well, Elles is the closest to me of my two chars. She doesn't give trust easily but once you have it, it's absolute. If you lose it then it's nearly impossible to get it back and even then it's not the same. She likes to keep her business to herself but there's no problem expressing how she feels about something. Especially if she's angry...like me:)

Ainė on the other hand is way more patient than I could ever be. She's...I dunno, hard to describe:) The character sort of takes over *insert Twilight Zone music*

Xenodoros Stormrider
Sep 1st, 2002, 03:44:23 PM
I guess Lance is like Brian... but Brian's a bit more perverted LMAO.

Xeno is the type of person I would be if I learned to react faster. What do I mean?

You know when someone insults you and 20 minutes later you think about what you should have said to win the stupid insult-battle? Yeah well Xeno responds at the right time @_@ Because boards are easier time-wise. Gives me time to think LOL.

Other than that, Xeno's quite too serious. I'm not serious one bit, heck sometimes I'm just as annoying as Lance, or even more.

Xeno's just the person who I'd want to be if I were bigger and more self-confident. A kind of rebelious me. ;)

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 1st, 2002, 05:37:02 PM
Interesting thread. It's been very cool to learn about everyone.

Terran is alot like me. I consider his mentality mine if I was not accustomed to the comforts of technology. I.E. he loves nature--so do I, but I spend more time inside than out because I love my computer and my stereo :D .

He welcomes a challenge, but does not seek it. He has no problem with the quiet life! He is focussed and concerned. He is also a very thoughtful person. He likes to contemplate the Force and life.

He has a big heart. I am told by people that I am too much of a softee. I have a big problem saying no. Terran is about the same--he would rather sacrifice any and all aspects of his personal comfort to avoid conflict with others.

Finally--and most importantly--he is a dreamer. He dreams of love. He is a hopeless romantic--like myself--set on the fact that he wants to live 'happily ever after,' but doesn't think he will ever achieve it. He is a scapegoat and figures he was created to suffer.

That was confusing....hope your head doesn't hurt! haha

Sep 1st, 2002, 05:49:33 PM
Chance, I consider, is a calm fellow. Sorta like 1/3 part of me, the one who will fight and likes to social.

Xander is the 2/3rd part of me that likes to do insane stuff, which is me most of the time. I"ll go and BMX and crap just for fun and the ad' rush.

Vick is the last part, the part which likes to fly or be airborne in any way.

Simple... :)

Yanagi Shindeiru
Sep 1st, 2002, 06:55:00 PM
Originally posted by Chase Starwalker
ooohhhh......what kinda fun?? :rollin ;)

*molests Chase until he can't walk straight*


Oh also for Yanagi, she's sorta more, uh, in tune with her sexual side then me....... ;)

Chase Starwalker
Sep 1st, 2002, 07:16:40 PM
>_< *cries himself to sleep

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 1st, 2002, 10:05:54 PM
Hijackers ~.~

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 1st, 2002, 10:53:34 PM
OO, this is a good idea... Ryla is... well, I've played her for over two years now, and I can say that, while she started out as much like me, she kinda has matured and grown on her own, and for that I am glad. She's inherited her sarcasm from me, of course, and her love for learning, but her athleticism is not something I can relate to very much. I guess she is how I wish I could be. (I had a lot of hip problems as a child, and can't really do the whole sports thing.) But her like of teaching is from me... as far back on my mom's side of the family as we can trace there has always been a teacher. We're both technical, love little gadjets and gizmos, and also tend to spread ourselves over way to many projects at once. But she's much more jaded than I am, because she's seen a lot of pain in her life, and tends to distance herself from relationships, where I will make friends with everybody and their mother.

Kelt Simoson
Sep 2nd, 2002, 01:56:37 AM
Sends a Tam of British SAS and kills all the HiJackers*

Sep 2nd, 2002, 09:27:51 AM
Zeke is forever happy, resistant to anger and sadness. He views life as being perpetually good. Others see his lighthearted attitude and brand him as being immature, but Zeke knows when to get down to business and be serious. But he's still gonna smile and make jokes while he does so.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 2nd, 2002, 09:51:40 AM
The only thing I have in common with Diego is the body hair. ^_^;

He's primarily just a very conservative father figure, who can change into a nasty wolf and kill you :)

There are some of my characters that borrow traits from me, and some who don't.

Sanis is almost entirely me. He's not strong, not magical, not really special in any way other than he's just at the right place at the right time, and reacts to it.

Cirrsseeto is the part of me that hates complicated aspects of life. Sometimes I wish I could live on rare steak, eat with my hands, and have casual sex like some people shake hands. Kindof a childlike simplicity on some raunchy issues :)

Jubei is kindof a representation of my moral compass. In a perfect world, I would want to be that pious and in-tune with the good of the universe.

Anbira is a representation of my sense of justice. It got me into trouble before, cause I used a really bad part of my life as fuel to the RP fire, and it backlashed on me emotionally. He represents that no matter the score at the moment, the good guys always win.

Keerrourri is my built-in need to please. When I'm inspired, I'm very romantic, and enjoy the delight of others.

Those are the only ones I can say that are a part of me. As for the others...they're just fun little parts to play, with a funny angle to them.

Xandra Etanial
Sep 2nd, 2002, 11:12:34 AM
I've only had two characters here.... ^-^;;;; Leia knows who the other one is I think. Anyway...

She was exactly like me, good to the core. Had my stubbornness and had more friends with the Sith than she did with the Jedi... and being a Jedi herself that really didn't make much sence O_o but anyway... Stubborn, she was herself, she wasn't suckup, she kept to herself most of the time, and didn't talk much.

Xandra on the other hand... I dunno.... Xanatos asked me if I wanted to play her and she's sort of being developed kinda on her own in my mind. She's a witch (something I can be, but rarely am), a quick learner, bad temper (4th grade, brother still has scars on his arms), ummmmmmm.... well... I think it's safe to say she doesn't exactly LIKE her father(I don't like my father RL myself sometimes), but she doesn't dislike him either.... he's on neutral ground right now and who knows where that will go knowing the Etanial family *l*:p

Sep 2nd, 2002, 02:27:11 PM
:: Kicks Kelt in the rear and turns to run ::

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 3rd, 2002, 11:34:02 PM
Amen to that one, Xandra.

Sene Unty
Sep 4th, 2002, 08:20:23 AM
Sene is what I wished I could have been like when I was 13 years old. He's confident without being in your face about it. He is quiet yet loud when it is necessary. He lets his emotions get the better part of him some times, but he doesn't let that bring him down. In fact he lets very little get him down. He is a very happy person with a few skeletons in his closet to keep him real. He doesn't talk like a normal 13 year old because I infused him with all the knowledge I have gathered through out my years on this earth. I guess I gave him a bit of a head start. He knows things about the wourld that no 13 year old should really know. The biggest difference from what I was like when I was his age is how he is very talkative. He can always open a conversation with another person, unlike me when I was 13. He doesn't sit at the back of the room when there's a party going on....

Sep 4th, 2002, 09:57:03 AM
I base the character of Oriadin on the kind of Jedi I would like to be. Hes warm, friendly and nice natured. Hes knowledgeable and always keen to learn something new. Hes brave and reliable and hates to let people down.

He's quite reserved, fairly shy. He doesnt like to mingle into big crowds but prefers one to one confrontations. He sets himself high standards and can become disapointed in himself if he fails to meet those standards. He can fight like a bull when he has to but would much rather find a more diplomatic solution to any given problem. He can also be indecisive at times.

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 5th, 2002, 05:25:43 AM
Lion: Supposed to be like me, just older, but he kinda lost that a month into me creating him...he's a hella lot calmer than me, until he sees a friend...then, all hell breaks loose...

...With me, IRL I'm the "all hell breaks loose" from the start....one of my new chars is gonna be a lot more off-the-wall than Lion was, which'll be a lot more like me...still, Lion is just trying to be nice, though he hates diplomatic solutions to alot of stuff...

...he likes parties, and screwing with guns and stuff...he's still getting used to not being paranoid, since he was a merc...

...I don't look anything like my avatar (Ken from White Cross/Knight Hunters/...call it what you'd like...)...which is why I'm changing it to something that looks sorta like me...

Sene Unty
Sep 5th, 2002, 09:38:09 AM
I can't find a picture to use as my Avatar. FRUSTRATION!!!