View Full Version : Another one walks in...

Rikku Kimora
Aug 31st, 2002, 10:32:29 AM
A figure wearing a cloak walks into the recruitment office, looking around. It appeared to be nice...protocol droids behind the desks, several jedi and padawans walking around...

Pulling back the hood of her Black cloak, revealing long, light purple hair, she walks towards a table and sits down...one of her friends, Lion El' Jonson, had told her to wait for a jedi to arrive.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 31st, 2002, 11:49:17 AM
A figure appeared from the shadows along the walls of the Recruitment Center. She was clad in black robes with the hood drawn up over her head...shadowing her face and concealing her identity. She made her way past a group of people who payed little or no attention to her....and continued on with light steps toward the newcomer. Finally she reached her...and stood facing her back.

"Greetings young one....I am Warrior Jedi Knight and Council Member, Xazor Leo Dawnstrider. You seek the Jedi this day, yes?"

Her words were gentle, yet they held a hidden power about them. Slowly the woman took her hand up to the hood and pushed it back...letting her long blonde hair fall out. It was done up in Garou Warrior Braids with golden coins woven into them. At full length....the braids touched her waist and seemed to put off a glow of their own from the soft strands. Her eyes were a deep blue...piercing the souls of the very ones that looked upon her...and the silver specks that dotted the canvas of her eyes....caught the light and reflected it like broken pieces of glass. She was beautiful and glowed with a radiance only the Force could have given her. And now she stood before the newcomer...waiting for her to speak....

Rikku Kimora
Aug 31st, 2002, 08:25:10 PM
The young woman spun around towards the voice behind her, her hand going for her blaster before she realised who the voice belonged to...

"Mistress Xazor...I'm sorry. My name is Rikku Kimora, and I came here after one of my friends told me about it...er, one Lion El' Jonson..."

Rikku trailed off, her voice a bit anxious...

Xazor Elessar
Sep 1st, 2002, 08:56:45 AM
Xazor smiled gently and bowed to the woman who rose to her feet quickly.

"You have good reflexes and timing...I must say..."

She said softly, winking as she spoke. Her eyes shifted to the floor and then back up to Rikku....a coy smile upon her lips.

"So Lion told you of this place? Is that the only reason for you coming here...or is there something more?"

Rikku Kimora
Sep 1st, 2002, 09:48:53 AM
Rikku smiled...coming from a Jedi Knight, that was a definite compliment...

"Thank you, ma'am...and no, I actually wish to become a jedi..."

That was it, flat out...no messing around with some crazy excuse for coming here...Rikku looked up, revealing deep purple eyes that seemed to draw you in...

Xazor Elessar
Sep 1st, 2002, 11:45:10 AM
Xazor smiled gently and nodded when she spoke. Finally the young woman looked up at her......revealing deep purple eyes, much like those of her lover, Dasquian. She smiled to herself, letting the silver specks in her deep blue eyes catch the light as she looked down at Rikku.

"But will you finish what you begin? This life is most difficult. You will be hated and hunted by many.......yet needed and sought after by all......"

She said softly, crossing her arms over her chest as she eyed the Jedi-Hopeful.....

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 1st, 2002, 04:32:30 PM
Lion was kicking back at the recruitment center, like he always did, eyeing the hopefuls while he sat at a table with a drink...this time, there was a surprise in store for him...

"Hmm...nice hair, cool eyes...reminds me a lot of Rikku..."

Lion turned back to his drink and had taken a sip before he spat it out again...

"RIKKU?!?!" Lion half-yelled...jeez, what brings her to this neck of the woods?

Rikku Kimora
Sep 1st, 2002, 04:45:59 PM
Rikku noticed Lion's reaction, and was inclined to burst out laughing, but didn't...not right now, anyway...

"I'll finish...all of my life I've been hated by people for what I do for a living, Mistress Jedi..."

She reaches into her cloak and pulls out a datapad, listing her accomplishments: destruction of the Moff Tarkin Dam, assassination of Imperial governor Larewen and his entire staff, the destruction of the Imperial AT-AT AV-475...the list of accomplishments (or tragedies, depending how you looked at it) went on and on...Rikku handed the datapad to Xazor, wondering what she'd say, and still watching Lion out the corner of her eye.

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 3rd, 2002, 07:33:09 AM
Lion turned back to his drink, smiling...he'd talk to Rikku after Xaz was done...he hadn't expected her to actually come to the Order...

Xazor Elessar
Sep 6th, 2002, 09:57:03 PM
Xazor took the data-pad and looked it over for a moment before lofting a brow and handing it back to the young woman. She smiled gently and stepped forward.

"We do not kill and destroy here...though sometimes it is necessary...hence why I am a Warrior....that is left up to us. I see good things for you in the future...just understand that killing is an offense against youself and the Force. As for your admittance.........I accept you to the Greater Jedi Order. If Lion would, I think perhaps he would show you around...."

She said softly, bowing to the newest Padawan before turning her attention to Lion...waiting for his response....

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 7th, 2002, 06:52:06 AM
Lion noticed Xazor's stare and nodded...he could guess what she wanted him to do right now...show Rikku around...

He pushed back his chair and walked over to them, throwing his cloak back on as he went.

"Hello, Mistress Xazor...good evening..."

Lion gave Rikku a little smile before averting his attention back to Xazor...