View Full Version : I hear voices.

imported_Taja Loraan
Aug 31st, 2002, 10:31:10 AM
Quite a number of TBH members either hear voices, see ghosts, or can basically drive a person mad with psychic bashing. So what say us crazies get together and do some sort of RP? Mebbe involving Bast's infamous spirits.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 31st, 2002, 11:46:39 AM
;; can do none of the above ;;


imported_Taja Loraan
Aug 31st, 2002, 12:01:17 PM
:( Nuuuuuuu!!

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 31st, 2002, 12:27:59 PM
:\ Vega has no mental powers except from peeking into and tampering with non-force users heads

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 31st, 2002, 11:41:24 PM
LD has NO mental powers at all...at least none she can control.

Sometimes she goes bananas and blows up with psychic and mental powers, but that always ends badly for her. Like...near death.

Jibrielle Abunai
Sep 1st, 2002, 04:30:52 PM
I think it would be a good idea, Taja .. Although with those two - *points towards LD and Vega* - can't really "participate", they could play an important role .. Such as changes in their demeanor, going completely pyscho, yadda yadda yadda .. Maybe trying to figure out why the rest of us are going mad ... :)

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
Sep 2nd, 2002, 07:56:23 PM
I thought everyone here was mad, to a certain degree.

Shaed is only slightly nuts, and only when he's hiding - if you haven't read enough of his RPs to understand that, "hiding" is what he is doing when no one can see him or even sense him, unless they're very very talented in those respects. But when he's doing it, his mind is so occupied with hiding that he has trouble thinking, seeing, hearing, feeling, etc. The few thoughts he is having sort of waver between what he'd normally think, and what he'd think if he was paranoid and two people.

However, he's also great with driving other people crazy by completely screwing their minds over - his strongest Force skills all have to do with the mind, and controlling the minds of others. So if you can use him, sure, I'll try to help out.

Pierce Tondry
Sep 2nd, 2002, 08:43:56 PM
Hob has his own unique brand of "hearing voices." He has a kind of split personality to start with, but if there's a spirit in the vicinity he can "see" anything that spirit says, as though there were subtitles printed in the air.

Slayn Cloak
Sep 2nd, 2002, 09:24:56 PM
... :: raises a brow :: Slayn only has mental abilities for the mst part... that and telken...

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 3rd, 2002, 10:49:45 AM
I thought everyone here was mad, to a certain degree.

I would think you would have to be mad to be a darksider.

But the spectrum of insanity in the hand is verrrrry broad I think o_O

I mean I wouldn't say Vega is at all mad. He can be a bit of a meglomaniac sometimes and a bit brattish about not getting his way - under statement - but I wouldn't say he is mentally unstable.

Slayn Cloak
Sep 3rd, 2002, 04:04:34 PM
I agreer with vega, and ad that Slayn too is very much saine, just a bit detatched from reality.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Sep 3rd, 2002, 04:32:38 PM
I am already in the boat of insanity and hearing voices ^_^ I blame the clone nightmare :(

Jibrielle Abunai
Sep 3rd, 2002, 06:22:05 PM

imported_Taja Loraan
Sep 4th, 2002, 04:32:43 AM
Taja is schizoid. Or a moody cow, however you choose to put it. :p

I was thinking of something along the lines of a history of Bast, i.e. why it's so haunted and whatnot (I'm not sure if it's been done before). Something could happen to peeve the spirits and they in turn drive those who can hear them mad (well, more so than they already are).

Shaed's main weapon is his mind, so he'd be influenced as well. And as Jibrielle said, though charas like Lily and Vega wouldn't be direct victims, they'd be affected by everyone else's behavior. Maybe we could all go completely psycho and try kill one another .. ?

Basically just one big insanity RP. :)

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Sep 4th, 2002, 10:26:47 AM
But there needs to be a resolution too. How the spirits can held a bay once again and all that :)

Unfortunately, the only person that did alot with the spirits if Bast was Delirion and I doubt if I asked her on her thoughts, she answer :\

imported_Taja Loraan
Sep 4th, 2002, 10:53:46 AM
Ack. :x I don't know her very well, IC or OOC. Has she done this sort of thing before? If so, that might be a problem since not all of us are familiar with her RPs. Otherwise, could we just integrate her ideas into the plot .. ? I don't know ... but we have to do something as a group! ^_^;

The other people I can think of who might know about Bast's spirits IC is Hob, cuz he's been around just about forever, and Dale.

Zasz Grimm
Sep 5th, 2002, 11:20:23 AM
Right now Zasz / the clones could easily go over the brink of sanity, and into the insane. Just because.

And Zasz has some mental capabilities, telekenesis, some mind jarbling things, etc.

He has the ability, but doesn't have the teacher right now.

Jibrielle Abunai
Sep 8th, 2002, 06:02:16 PM
.. I actually have a ghost character we could use if decided.

Slayn Cloak
Sep 9th, 2002, 09:39:53 PM
I'd be in... but Slayn's mind is fine tuned... the only thing I could even consider is that he goes comatose for awhile.... and has crazy dreams that he thinks are real, until he wakse.. ok wait that ... yes I an do it- I'm in...

Arya Ravenwing
Sep 10th, 2002, 01:29:33 AM
Hint: Just start something!

I've noticed a horrible trend here: we just sit around and talk about what we might do, and don't just go and do it.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Sep 10th, 2002, 04:26:00 PM
:: sits and thinks about LD's suggestion ::


but she is right... :)

Pierce Tondry
Sep 11th, 2002, 08:30:09 AM
*Whales on Zasz, Vega, and Jibrielle until they go post to their training thread in the Durance forum.*

Slayn Cloak
Sep 11th, 2002, 09:30:32 AM
:: post even though it's not his master ::

Pierce Tondry
Sep 11th, 2002, 11:41:16 AM
You're welcome to do just that if you feel like, Slayn. Only thing you'd have to do to get yourself involved is hunt down the source of the fireballs.

imported_Taja Loraan
Sep 12th, 2002, 02:15:29 PM
Love to start something, Lily, but I need to know some historical 'facts' about Bast before I can do that. There has to be a a link between the reason WHY the place is so haunted and why the spirits decide to beat up on us.

So ...

... help? ^_^; I'm not sure if Del did stuff to define certain aspects of Bast and the spirits, but if she did, I'd really appreciate it if someone could tell me what.

Also ... if you haven't done so already, could everyone please post like a short description of their character's relation/experience with the spirits? If they can hear/see them, how/why ... that sort of thing.

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 12th, 2002, 02:20:15 PM
will edit with proper answer later. right now don't have the time :)

Slayn Cloak
Sep 12th, 2002, 04:16:55 PM
Hmmm, Perhaps they're not spirits at all; Not in the sence you mean them to be anyway. This plannet is dead, and anything that normally would live on it could, would die. So then there would be left over an abondance of energy, perhaps it became sentient, or maybe is simply the life of the planet, evolved energy to some exctent.

Anyhow, that was my only idea, or rather bone to throw. As far as Slayn he would be able to fel them, in a sence as if he were to see them, but not as drastic. Second, he could will them away, there of no importance to him, and that is his only realm of power, and / or control. If anything at all was to happen to him, it would be his own fualt for barking up the wrong tree, and then shown who's boss. Placed in somekind of dream state he would be locked in his mind, but as comfortable as he is in there, he wouldn't know it.

Sep 12th, 2002, 06:46:00 PM
Nup hears voices... but they're not imaginary! He actually has an insect living in his head... really! :)

Arya Ravenwing
Sep 12th, 2002, 07:50:14 PM
Bast is the old stronghold of Darth Vader, and I imagine that the spirits within are people and stuff that he tortured and killed there.

Pierce Tondry
Sep 12th, 2002, 08:07:46 PM
The spirits of dead Jedi and other Force-sensitives who were killed by Vader's lethal capriciousness. Some of the more powerful ones pull other, non Force-sensitive dead around themselves, especially those they have killed personally.

All in all, Bast is home to much mistreatment and wrongdoing.

Also, in my most recent post to "Greater Becoming" I mentioned that Hob bound all the spirits now on Bast to the service of the castle and its' residents. I'd imagine they're not too thrilled about that, and if they had an opportunity, they might fight back.

All in all, though, the spirits respect Hob. He's made a study of them and understands them better than most. On occaision, when he is feeling charitable, he will ease their pain.

imported_Taja Loraan
Sep 14th, 2002, 09:13:56 AM
Woo, I think I have an idea for how to begin the thread. ^_^ I just need to talk to a few peeps about it first and hopefully we'll have started something within the coming week. :) Keyword: HOPEFULLY. ^_^;

Jibrielle Abunai
Sep 14th, 2002, 10:08:58 PM
--Makes her ghost char haunt you all-- :evil

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 14th, 2002, 10:17:18 PM
wo0t count me in Taja, of course.

o_O at Jib


Sarah Kross
Sep 14th, 2002, 10:50:07 PM
Boo. :darkangel

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 14th, 2002, 10:52:00 PM





:cry :cry :cry

Sarah Kross
Sep 14th, 2002, 11:04:18 PM

Slayn Cloak
Sep 14th, 2002, 11:08:50 PM
that emotion is kool....

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 15th, 2002, 11:03:11 AM
can ya tell I so hate dawn :lol

Slayn Cloak
Sep 15th, 2002, 11:29:14 AM

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 15th, 2002, 11:30:20 AM
what? o_O

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 15th, 2002, 11:30:38 AM
WHINEY WHINEY DAWN the klepto >_<

imported_Taja Loraan
Sep 15th, 2002, 12:06:10 PM
I like Dawn! Purely because she hates Buffy. :D

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 3rd, 2002, 12:41:08 AM
Bump for Taytay to read

Maester Wargrave
Oct 3rd, 2002, 12:45:37 AM
Okay I gotta question now in regards to these ghosties.

Can I have Millard's Dad visit him? He was killed by Vader and was a Jedi Master. I know we have two all ready...wasn't sure if that was okay or not.

imported_Taja Loraan
Oct 3rd, 2002, 05:51:34 AM
That'd be verra cool. :) I was thinking about something along those lines (i.e., a Jedi Master spirit showing up). Yay that you brought it up first. ^_^

Taylor Millard
Oct 3rd, 2002, 11:01:13 AM
Who wants to RP him?

I can if no one wants to.

imported_Taja Loraan
Oct 3rd, 2002, 12:17:06 PM
I would, but I'm already playing a ghost so someone else'll prolly want the job. Besides ... my posting is so freakin sporadic. |I