View Full Version : For all to consider.... (OOC)

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 31st, 2002, 04:22:43 AM
Dear Jedi,

In the time that we have been together as a result of the merge between SWFans and cc.net Jedi Orders, we used the name of GJO to show unity for the two Councils, to come together as one alliance, for alliance it was then. It eventually became a Order of it's own in time, when it still signified the coming together of other Orders into one.

I would now think that time is long gone and I would propose that we as a group just become The Jedi Order. I do not believe anything else is required now, and has been that way for a long time. It seems to me that just describing ourselves at SWForums as The Jedi Order is an acknowledgement of what we are today. However, it is recognised that GJO is our name know across the Internet and it has a reputation under that name. While that is true, on SWForums, we are the only Jedi Order. Why call ourselves The Greater Jedi Order, when none other exist here?

It of course in the end doesnt matter, but it just seems no longer needed as a definer of what we are.

The second, I believe might be seen favourably. When we came hre, it was because we were on the back foot and as a group, weak and needing of protection, which was given by Tohmahawk and the NRSF. However, times have changed. Coruscant is now where the Republic is and that is where the Jedi should have a presence. Arcan IV is too far away from where the Jedi should be - near the seat of Government. Thence, I propose moving Training and recruitment, plus maybe the Council Romm itself to Coruscant. Also, the Bar and Grill was once on Dagobah - why not move it back there? Personally, I enjoyed the mud hut and the atmosphere Dagobah created, as well as a superb training area. Yavin we can keep a presence as a training / Council setup. However it be done, what I propose is just 1) re-establishing our presence on Coruscant and 2) move the Bar to Dagobah.

Thought,s ideas, etc?

Aug 31st, 2002, 04:49:18 AM
Interesting proposals Marcus...

As for the moving of the Council room, acadamy and other bits and bobs to Coruscant Im for it. I agree with all you said.

About the name change, to be honest I dont really mind. I think the Jedi Order has a better ring to it and it probably does represent what we are better but on the other hand, The Greater Jedi Order has been the name for longer than I have been here so some people may feel GJO should remain the name. I really dont mind either but if I were to pick one id probably say The Jedi Order sounds better. On another note, Ive always thought that GJO sounds kinda 'were better than you'. It sounds as if there is already a Jedi Order but we are the 'greater' of the two. Sounds unjedi like to say we are greater. I know thats not what it means at all but it could give that impression.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 31st, 2002, 07:12:53 AM
I say yes to both. I've never been fond of Arcan IV as the Jedi Location. I don't really know about the B&G being on Dagobah, I mean wasn't Dagobah hit with superlasers that cracked it's very crust?

Ok, so it's by no means inhabbitable but I would say it may be prone to earthquakes and volcanic activity on occassion. As for Yavin IV, I say we only need that for the Temple which is not used for training or permanent residence, just for retreat and peace.

As for the name; I've always referred to this place as simple the Jedi Order. The GJO is the main Jedi group in the SWFans Universe and as such should by nature be THE Jedi Order like in the films. Plus if we go back to Coruscant it only makes even more sense to rename it back to The Jedi Order.

I vote yes on both accounts.

Morgan Evanar
Aug 31st, 2002, 07:46:36 AM
Having the B&G on a seperate planet makes no sense from a logisitics stanpoint. Actually, aside from the tradition, it makes absolutely no sense anyway.

But then, theres an awful lot of stuff at SWFans that doesn't make sense. Since we're doing proposals though, I'd suggest having it changed to a mess hall or call it "Central Gather," a spot for after hours type stuff.

As for a name change, don't really care. Recruitment on Coruscant makes sense--its pretty much the Galatic hub.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 31st, 2002, 08:18:15 AM
That's another point that Morgan made. Why in God's name would the Bar and Grill be on Dagobah? It's not like it's next door to Coruscant and why in God's name would leave Coruscant everyday to visit their favourite bar and grill?

That would like me going to New York for my favourite morning coffee or something. The B&G should be Coruscant next to Dexter's Diner. :)

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 31st, 2002, 08:27:07 AM

Yog's was never supposed to make sense, or be logical. It's original purpose was to give the Jedi a hangout instead of Rama's Bar. It was originally split in two - one for Jedi only, the other for general players. It was at Dagobah, cause that was Yog's IC home (And cause Yog was EzOp for GJO's board). It errr... sort of developed from there and turned from a running gag to what we have today.

Having a Jedi bar is a nonsense (why the hell would Jedi hang out in bars anyway???), but it's been in existance to help build community. While it is true a Mess hall would make more logical sense, I'd love to see Yog's go back to it's basics - mud hut, root stew, attached to the side of Yog's living area, on Dagobah and outside of official Jedi structures. The present living quarters would work more than fine for a Mess Hall and that would be an appropriate place for one.

So, that's all I'm proposing. Back to basics for Yog's where it's not a Jedi place, but more of just a place. Yog's place. And make sense of be logical? Nah. Why start now with it? It's whole existance it's been one long running gag. And it's purpose has been more OOC than IC. Adn it was always on Dagobah even when the Jedi were on Coruscant.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 31st, 2002, 10:59:37 AM
Still, even so you have to draw the line somewhere and I can't see any of my characters going off to Dagobah even BEFORE it was blown to hell let alone now that it's a quaking, flaming hell-hole. It would be much more difficult to explain why in God's name a little mudhut would recieve so much traffic.

Ok, so a lot of people can completely let go of the logic behind the B&G, fair enough, but I can only to a certain extent and I doubt I'd be the only person. So I think this moving to Dagobah idea is actually an unneccessary change and if anything would make it only more exclusive to Jedi. That is unless Dagobah becomes Coruscant II.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 31st, 2002, 11:44:13 AM
I say yes to it all...doesn't really make a difference here nor there....it's our place...the Jedi Order...no matter what the name was, we would still be here doing this. :)

As for Yog's...again, doesn't matter...Xaz would go off to hang out there wherever it was....even if it doesn't make sense, it doesn't have to.... :D

P.S. I really love the idea of us back on Coruscant.... :D

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 31st, 2002, 12:01:45 PM
Makes no difference to me either way.

Aug 31st, 2002, 01:12:13 PM
I'll clear something up about Dagobah here, though I am undecided as to what to do with these decisions right now.

Dagobah wasn't hit with superlasres to the point its a charred rock. Only the existing Jedi structures there were hit. I know this well since I was closely involved in planning and executing that particular event.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 31st, 2002, 01:18:28 PM
Were the structures hit with superlasers though?

If so surely the sheer force behind that weaponry would've cracked the planets surface, that is what those smaller superlasers do isn't it?

Ange Tot
Aug 31st, 2002, 01:18:57 PM

None of this makes sense to me, all I'm getting is moving the order to a diff. planet (or board?) and renaming it, I'll still call it GJO, sorry but that's my way, like calling Alpha, Sir.

Aug 31st, 2002, 01:20:12 PM
I'll look up the thread for exact details. I know we made some OOC arrangements not to render the planet uninhabitable.

Aug 31st, 2002, 01:30:00 PM

Its a proposal to rename GJO to the Jedi Order and to move a few of the Jedi facilities, nothing more like a board move or anything like that.

Loki: I have looked up the thread:


And yes Yog's B&G was hit with a superlaser, but I do recall from my research back at the time this occured that it took an etended suberlaser charge to heat a planet's crust to the point of rendering it uninhabitable. The hit was short in duration not long,as I know we had made arrangements with the Jedi OOC that Dagobah would be left reasonably intact.

Aug 31st, 2002, 01:37:58 PM
Thinking about this just a little more has made me slightly leery of wanting to agree with changing the groups name, but this decision of mine is not as an administrator of SWFans but as a padawan member of GJO.

I think the “Greater” part of the name actually helps make the group stand out and above some of the other groups. I mean have a look at the main forum index and imaging it saying “The Jedi Order” where the forum for the Greater Jedi Order is right now, right above where the link for “The Sith Order” sits. It just seems a bit plain that way to me. The "Greater" portion of the name does have RP history behind it and I am one who likes to honor history.

As for the move of some of the facilities I am good with that and do also feel that Yog’s B&G does fit better being based on Dagobah because Dagobah and Yog do go hand in hand.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 31st, 2002, 03:08:58 PM
Mister .NET is completly right. Greater Jedi Order is a great name we'd look lame with only "Jedi Order" God were the most powerfull group in swfans.net why take out "Greater" It makes us look diferent distinguished. And for the moving of Academy and stuff Im ok with it. :) Good idea

Liam Jinn
Aug 31st, 2002, 04:32:14 PM
The Jedi Order sounds good and all, but as Mr. Green pointed out, the name GJO has a history. I think we should keep it GJO.

Yog's bar should be on Dagobah, but how about we RP rebuilding it and maybe put refugees on the planet and help make it more civilized. That way it'd make more sense, even though it wouldn't be exactly a Jedi bar.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 31st, 2002, 06:51:29 PM
I like Liam's idea much. :thumbup for the refugees on Dagobah.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 31st, 2002, 07:34:55 PM
GJO= 3 sacred letters

Why change that?

Salemn Lysce
Aug 31st, 2002, 08:16:16 PM
I, for one, don't think we should move it to Coruscant. I know some people will get it confused with Corellia and then a whole bunch of trouble will break loose. I think we're fine on our location .. As for the name, I rather like it. GJO has become part of our "history", and it almost says, "Look, we're a rather distinguished group of people."

But that's just my personal opinion. :)

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 1st, 2002, 06:58:35 AM
If the name doesn't change, for the record, when I say the Jedi Order IC, I mean GJO. I hate the "Greater" part of the name. It's too grand and bold for a group of humble peace-keepers.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 1st, 2002, 07:40:48 AM
That's is what prompted me to put the change forward. I was looking at the name and just thought.... it doesnt seem to sit well. And Greater than what? The purpose of the Greater Jedi Order was a coming together of several Jedi Councils. The Greater Jedi Order just doesnt really sit well now that it's original purpose is basically forgotten and I'm almost the last whom remembers why GJO came about.

But anyway, calling it GJO, Greater Jedi Order, or just plain The Jedi Order, still refers to the same place at SWForums. I dont regard GJO as a sacred name, but it does have history, a good deal more than what most now here will ever know. Basically boils down to Greater Jedi order doesnt reallty sound (or look) right anymore, but has real history with that name.

Yog's bar should be on Dagobah, but how about we RP rebuilding it and maybe put refugees on the planet and help make it more civilized. That way it'd make more sense, even though it wouldn't be exactly a Jedi bar.

Yep, good idea and I'd point out the Bar and Grill never started out as a "Jedi Bar". It wasnt even really a roleplaying place - it was more of a OOC hangout that became IC as a natural progression.

As for the move of some of the facilities I am good with that and do also feel that Yog’s B&G does fit better being based on Dagobah because Dagobah and Yog do go hand in hand.

Yep. Basically putting the B&G back to basics and it's beginnings. And also, RP'ing on Dagobah is still to me more interesting than Arcan.

Basically, the way I see is that the Jedi should be close to the Senate. That means now Coruscant. There should also be a presence on Yavin for training / rest / retreat. Dagobah is also trainign, with the addition of Yogurt's B&G for a weary Jedi to be able to go to.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 1st, 2002, 09:07:15 AM
Originally posted by Morgan Evanar
Having the B&G on a seperate planet makes no sense from a logisitics stanpoint. Actually, aside from the tradition, it makes absolutely no sense anyway.

But then, theres an awful lot of stuff at SWFans that doesn't make sense. Since we're doing proposals though, I'd suggest having it changed to a mess hall or call it "Central Gather," a spot for after hours type stuff.

:thumbup to this idea

Morgan Evanar
Sep 1st, 2002, 10:47:56 AM
To further elaborate: Yavin and Arcan aren't that far apart. Maybe 30 light years. Its like a 2 hour drive.

Now Dagobah is on the other side of the Galaxy. Litterally. Its a 4 day drive, I'd guess.

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 1st, 2002, 03:18:47 PM
I am always the one with different views....so here they are.

I am for the Temple to be moved to Coruscant. They need to be in near the Senate and such. I believe the training should be able to keep going on Yavin if jedi wish to stay there. Verse, and some others, don't like cities. He would rather train in the woods were life is all around him. I am use atleats one other person feels the same.

I like the name as it is. The 'Greater' part catchs people eyes and can symbolize a few things. we are always changing. People like Big Green, Marcus, Myself, Obi, Leia, and others have been here a LONG time. We have all seen this place go from here to there all the way across the street and back. Most of the time it is for teh better. Thus "Greater" it is always getting better. If the name is changed I will live though. A Name is Just a name. As long as we do our thing it is all cool.

Sep 1st, 2002, 03:43:48 PM
Originally posted by Loki Ahmrah
If the name doesn't change, for the record, when I say the Jedi Order IC, I mean GJO. I hate the "Greater" part of the name. It's too grand and bold for a group of humble peace-keepers.

This is exactly what I was trying to get at with the name in my earlier post, cheers Loki!

Im in favour of changing the name. 'Greater' makes us sound as if we are better than others which as we all know is against what the Jedi stand for. Some people are talking about the history behind the name and everything but as Marcus said, the vast majority here dont know the history behind it anyway.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 1st, 2002, 04:49:56 PM
To me "Greater" implies there is some sort of competition for greatness between the Jedi. Yoda, the GREATEST Jedi wears the most humble of clothing and lives in the most humble of homes, a mudhut.

Liam Jinn
Sep 1st, 2002, 05:55:40 PM
Argh, delimma's...'Greater' sounds arrogant, yet it has a history. I've rethought it, and I guess The Jedi Order wouldn't be such a bad name.

About the bar thing, you're not really going to need to have a bar on Coruscant, there's enough of them there already. It doesn't make any sense as to why there'd be another there. If we go with the refugee thing, we'd most likely have some Jedi stay on Dagobah to make sure everything runs smoothly, so there'd always be people at the bar.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 1st, 2002, 06:48:24 PM
Yeah Greater think bout it Greater then the last order? If we arew following the SW story line that is.

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 1st, 2002, 10:17:00 PM
Well, I agree with Loki and Liam... I think that Greater sounds very haughty. I like just plain "The Jedi Order" myself.

As for moving to Coruscant, I think that is a great idea, but I also think that there should be at least some Coruscant hangout spot for purely logistical reasons... If I want to take a vacation, I'd go, but just for a drink or something, there needs to be a mess hall as well.


Helenias Evenstar
Sep 2nd, 2002, 03:39:09 AM

Name is not a matter for me - GJO, Jedi Order.... all works for myself and I would think we could use either name without a problem

Putting the Bar and Grill, for whatever IC reason at Dagobah.... I do like. I only had the opportunity to visit there once or twice and I rather liked it, much more than now. I dont see it needs a reason, sometimes we dont need logic to have fun.

And last.... so Jedi, are you going to put the new temple on the ruins of the one I helped fell?

* Suddenly realises the Jedi are looking at her *

Ummmm......... sorry, evil flashback. I mean, what a great idea, renew what was on Coruscant before ..... ummmm.....

Okay, I guess I owe any new Jedi structure on Coruscant a coat of paint. And I promise I wont ...... errr.......

You know how embarrassing to be discussing this when I was one of the reasons the Jedi left Coruscant? And I am thinking I could write a nice angst ridden post when the move is made in character.

Morgan Evanar
Sep 2nd, 2002, 12:15:12 PM
You apparently either don't care about logic or completely ignore it.

IT MAKES NO SENSE. None. Zip. Nadda.

See, Arcan is pretty close to Yavin, like I said.

But Dagobah, Coruscant, and Yavin ARE ALL REALLY FAR APART. REAALLLLLYYY.



Loki Ahmrah
Sep 2nd, 2002, 12:21:59 PM
It wont be fair for people like me either who wont roleplay at the B&G if it's on Dagobah. It makes little sense.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 2nd, 2002, 12:27:36 PM
... And seems completely pointless so far o_O

Sep 2nd, 2002, 01:06:01 PM
I have to agree that having the bar and grill on dagobah does seem pointless.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 2nd, 2002, 04:53:37 PM

Does every single tiny part of roleplaying HAVE to make sense??? No, I dont give two rips about logic or common sense sometimes. Sometimes it's a great deal of fun to be absurd. You just cant mentally shift for a few seconds and make something up?

Let me point this out once again......

Yog's bar was put in place for a OOC and IC hangout for Jedi, it was NOT put in to make sense, or to be logical, or even to be a part of the Jedi official structure.

You know, it's not too much of a mental stretch to say Master Yogurt has a mud hut on Dagobah. And inside, is a nice comfortable room where a nice fire burns and there is root stew and warm drinks, shelter from the elements. A place where Jedi can either just take a break or train in the jungles. So why would Jedi come there..... well I dont know, make something up!

Besides, if your that keen on a bar at Coruscant or similar, the Trading Post is going to have to be renamed / restructured. Call it Dexters, or Marcus' Movie and Restraunt Complex or Loki's Pinny Arcade! Anything you can think of!

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 2nd, 2002, 05:07:18 PM
Yog's bar was put in place for a OOC and IC hangout for Jedi, it was NOT put in to make sense, or to be logical, or even to be a part of the Jedi official structure.

The key feature of that point is WAS. It isn't anymore and to me and many others it is a very real location. Some people don't see things the way you do, Marcus, and as such we shouldn't have to if we feel uncomfortable with it. I say have to because I do still want to roleplay there but that avenue of roleplaying will be closed off by this. It's an unneccessary and drastic change.

Besides, if your that keen on a bar at Coruscant or similar, the Trading Post is going to have to be renamed / restructured. Call it Dexters, or Marcus' Movie and Restraunt Complex or Loki's Pinny Arcade! Anything you can think of!

Secondly, your making this sound like we have no say in the matter. Some of us like to roleplay at Yoghurt's B&G rather often, HOW do you make up a logical reason to be visiting a desolate planet four days journey away from where you are located? On a personal level, Loki is too young to fly yet. Think about the complications this drastic and ridiculous change will bring about.

Sep 2nd, 2002, 05:28:01 PM
I will once again state my dislike of the name change and try to clarify my own personal reasoning.

“Greater” in the sense it is used in the GJO’s name conveys no haughtiness to me and never has. I know its common here in the US for things like telephone directories to be labeled things like “Denver and the Greater Metropolitan Area”, which is defined as Denver and all the subdivisions and cities in its immediate area. It is used in the sense of all encompassing, which is exactly how I see the name “The Greater Jedi Order”. It isn’t an elitist thing in any way shape or form, nor does it sound like one to me. Its possible that someone new may see it in such a way, but once explained the history all becomes quite clear. It means “All Encompassing” which makes a lot of sense when thought about really.

I personally would think that having the first two RP groups names on the SWFans.Net main forum index only differ by a single word would be very bland and dull.

The Jedi Order
The Sith Order

Its like there is no creativity or intelligence present, at least that would be my first impression seeing something like that. Bland and not very much thought or history involved, simple and dull.

But if everyone is set on making the Jedi group’s name so similar to one already taken then it is your prerogative as a group to do so. I just feel that the name as is inspires and conveys more imagination and thought than simply calling it The Jedi Order.

Climbs off soap box

Liam Jinn
Sep 2nd, 2002, 06:12:38 PM
Ok, why not have two bars? One on Dagobah and one on Coruscant.

People on Dagobah aren't going to go to Coruscant for a drink, so it works both ways.

Alright, why don't we call our selves the United Jedi Order or something?

Morgan Evanar
Sep 2nd, 2002, 06:37:04 PM
Does every single tiny part of roleplaying HAVE to make sense??? No, I dont give two rips about logic or common sense sometimes.

And it really shows sometimes. Look, there are some decent ideas, but this isn't one of them, because its way too much of a stretch just to have fun, to shove it down those of us who do usually "give two rips about logic and common sense." Honestly, I think the Jedi should have a central presence on ONE place. Makes it much easier to RP. Honestly, I'm not really sure if we're on Arcan or Yavin.

But I think the choice should really boil down to two locations:

Coruscant or Yavin IV.

There's no NEED to split anything. It should all be at one place, if only for our sanity as roleplayers and for a consistent setting.

Oh, the name issue -- I don't really care, but I see no need to change it.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 2nd, 2002, 06:55:29 PM
a) So, Going back to Coruscant seems to work for everyone. I'ld say the Council now IC vote and we have a thread doing the move

b) Name change - Hmmm. I dont think everyone is favorable on that, so that should be further discussed and debated. Maybe an either / and / situation? Call ourselves GJO cause that's our history and The Jedi Order, because that is what we are today? Would it work?

c) Loki, if you didnt have a say in the matter, it would already be done.

Simply, we are leaving Arcan. The bar will have to IC become something different. A Jedi Bar is already a logical sidestep. So, basically I dont see why Laim's idea cant be used - one, Yog Mud Hut with gets it back to what it was and two, something a bit more local. I aslo dont see why a logical sidestep cant be used to be on Dagobah either.

Liam Jinn
Sep 2nd, 2002, 07:01:06 PM
Eh, whatever people decide to do with the bar doesn't mean there won't be one on Dagobah. At least if we go with my plan. Hell I might even RP the refugee thing by myself, if no one else agrees to it. Might make a new home for Liam or something..

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 2nd, 2002, 07:03:57 PM
Eh, whatever people decide to do with the bar doesn't mean there won't be one on Dagobah. At least if we go with my plan. Hell I might even RP the refugee thing by myself, if no one else agrees to it. Might make a new home for Liam or something..

Sounds like a good idea regardless.

Sep 2nd, 2002, 08:21:27 PM
Zeke likes GJO! Zeke likes Arcan! ::sits on the floor in the Arcan Temple and crosses his arms:: I'm not moving! Put the temple on Coruscant, but leave the rest here! Of course, it may be too late for me to have an opinion, but you get my 2 cents whether its late or not.

Morgan Evanar
Sep 2nd, 2002, 08:30:11 PM
a) So, Going back to Coruscant seems to work for everyone. I'ld say the Council now IC vote and we have a thread doing the move
Um. No. I think a poll would be in order, seeing this affects EVERYONE.

c) Loki, if you didnt have a say in the matter, it would already be done.
Try reading what you wrote above. I see no clear resolutions so far.

Simply, we are leaving Arcan. Thats nice. I'm glad you say so. But this is something thats decided as a group.

The bar will have to IC become something different. A Jedi Bar is already a logical sidestep. So, basically I dont see why Laim's idea cant be used - one, Yog Mud Hut with gets it back to what it was and two, something a bit more local. I aslo dont see why a logical sidestep cant be used to be on Dagobah either.

I guess you could do that. Though it seems like extra gunk.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 2nd, 2002, 08:40:17 PM
Allright Mr. Pedantic, I'll just reword myself and then FOAD for your viewing pleasure.

"It's clear the consensus so far is to leave Arcan and return to Coruscant, which a more fitting place, thence it should go to the Council to be voted and the we have some fun leaving". FINE BY YOU?!?!

Sep 2nd, 2002, 08:40:39 PM
OK, I read through the first 20 or so posts, and I don't feel like reading the other 30, so bear with me if i missed any details.

A) I'd rather GJO remain as GJO. It's known like that and having to change it would just be a nuisance.

B) I feel moving the place to a central location like Coruscant to be beneficial, as it also will be NR headquaters.

C) If you're so adament in moving the B&G to Dagobah, why not just leave it on Arcan IV? Personally, I'd rather have the B&G be NEAR the GJO temple on Coruscant. Logistically, it makes more sense, and it's like Loki said... what's the point of leaving Coruscant to have a cup of tea over on Arcan or Dagobah, only to have to go back to Corucsant to deal with Council matters and whatnots. Keep everything together and simple.

As to the other 30 some odd posts, I'll go read em now. :x

EDIT: To further my thoughts on point C... Having the B&G on Dagobah makes no sense as then you'd have plenty of traffic from all sorts of other beings, but not too much of jedi traffic as it's a wee bit out of the way. Yavin makes much more sense, and in my eyes, Coruscant makes even MORE sense. But it seems to me some ppl here have a problem with having the B&G on the same planet as the Temple. Just an observation after reading some of the posts.

Morgan Evanar
Sep 2nd, 2002, 08:49:44 PM
"It's clear the consensus so far is to leave Arcan and return to Coruscant, which a more fitting place, thence it should go to the Council to be voted and the we have some fun leaving". FINE BY YOU?!?!

Nope. Because I don't see the consensus you do. Like I said in my previous post, I think we should have a poll first, since it affects absolutely everyone in the group. I'm going to go start that poll now.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Sep 2nd, 2002, 09:13:08 PM
1. The name. I've always liked the GJO name. More than just showing a merger between the two original jedi groups, it comes to show a sense of cosmopolitanism, shared by lots of different kinds of jedi coming together to do something. There's no reason to change it.

2. (DROP-KICKS Dagobah out of this conversation. No point in it.)

I'd like to see everything (including the kitchen sink) moved to Coruscant. I know Coruscant. I like Coruscant. Its a variable Ankh-Morpork of galactic proportions...with more than enough "stuff" (the generic element of everything) for all of us.

Figrin D'an
Sep 2nd, 2002, 11:06:51 PM
1) Keep the name Greater Jedi Order. The "Greater" refers to community... the many Jedi who came together in fellowship and became of one group... a group that became far more than the sum of its parts. It's symbolic of that moment in our history when we became what we are today... a complete family, a whole Jedi order.

2) Having the B&G on Dagobah was a fun, nonsensical running joke for a while, but in RP terms, it really doesn't make a lot of sense. Moving back to Coruscant is a good idea... the Jedi need to be near the seat of the Galactic government. Put the Council and main Jedi facilities on Coruscant, keep Yavin IV as a Jedi retreat and fully functionally Jedi complex(in case we end up being forced off Coruscant again... we'll need a place to regroup). Maybe put a smaller "regional" facility on Dagobah, and go ahead with the refugee idea.

Sep 3rd, 2002, 02:42:45 AM
Ooo, some heated discussion in the Jedi ranks. Firstly, I think everyone should just calm down for a few moments. Take a few deep breaths. Its not THAT important.

Ok, first the name change. Im not all that bothered about the name either way. If I had to choose between the two names I would pick 'The Jedi Order'. I just think it sounds better and as Marcus said, represents what we are better. I know the greater part isnt supposed to sound as if we are better than someone else but an outsider may disagree. Greater does have a more pompus ring to it. I think it was Loki that said earlier that 'The Jedi Order' simply sounds more humble.

Secondly, Im all for the council and acadamy etc to move to Coruscant. It seems as if the majority here are in favour of the move. The vote is the best way to decide for sure.

Thirdly. The B&G. I think it should be on Coruscant. Whether it was for that purpose or not in the first place its there to be rp'd in now. People use it to socialise IC and it gives us a chance for us to develope our characters in a way which is impossible in spars, training and missions. Sure, it doesnt have to make sense for us to use it (ie have it on dagobah) but then we might just as well have the council on the moon and the acadamy on pluto. I think we are trying to create a world as real as possible to make roleplaying more enjoyable so therfore think it has to be on Coruscant. Whoever it was that mentioned the summer camp type thing could be on to something. We could have another trainging facility on Dagobah with Yogs on there but really, we need something on Coruscant in my opinion.

Kelt Simoson
Sep 3rd, 2002, 10:16:35 AM
Makes no diffrence to me...

Sene Unty
Sep 3rd, 2002, 12:04:54 PM
The name change to me means very little. GJO...Greater Jedi Order.....The Jedi Order......Humble Jedi Order.....Silly Jedi Order......Nutty Jedi Order......it doesn't really matter to me. I think as a group we make up such a strong bunch of individuals that the name we call ourselves is irrelevant.

As for the move to Coruscant....I am all for that, but I don't think we should get so crazy about the details. So what if going all the way to Dagobah for a drink makes no sense. This is just fiction. FUN fiction. If it really is that much of a problem, just have two bars: one on Coruscant and one on Dagobah.

Oh and let me clarify this. I don't want to seem like I am being pushy or whatever. I don't mean to insult anyone by this post. If I did....I'm sorry

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 3rd, 2002, 08:38:33 PM
Okay ... Know some of this has already been said :) Oh well ^_^

Coruscant makes sense to move there because it is the center of the galaxy in the terms of politics, military and of course, commerce. The Jedi would be very well represented and seen :)

But, to just pack up a leave behind somethng that they Jedi IC and OOC have established on Yavin and Arcan makes no sense. A Jedi preserves history and never forgets its roots.

Therefore, it makes more sense to me that IC, the Jedi establish two points of recruitment. Think about it... The Jedi have a presence in the outer and inner rim of the galaxy so that all gentle beings feel their presence. We aren't saturated in one place ... the influenced is spread. Plus, it compromises those that wish to have both .... and it provides more RP material for everyone. You can choose to be on Coruscant, Yavin or Arcan ...

Speaking of Arcan, the bar should stay there. Arcan is military outpost as well and the men need to drink.

Dagobah ... I understand why some ..coughmarcuscough :p wants to have the bar there because of sentimental value. But, I do believe that common sense is an important part of RPing around here? :) right?? ^_^

Therefore, I like the proposal of a refugee point. No one would think the Jedi would go back there after the defeat by the Empire. Quietly an outpost can be made and people that need to be moved around or get the hell out of certain areas, or need a stopping point to rest or whatever, can be used.

I think it is a fair compromise and provides ALOT of RP's that all Jedi can do. Just needs to be layed out well and explain so there isn't much confusion.

My thoughts :)

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 3rd, 2002, 09:52:20 PM
btw - I personally don't mind being called the Jedi Order. I always refer to the group here as the Order in my posts anyway.

Course, it does seem redundant with Jedi and Sith Orders :|

Azhure Darkstone
Sep 10th, 2002, 02:22:26 AM
I think the GJO is who we are, the name has fitted aroudn the group and is a part of our history, and in some ways perhaps a little of our identity and it should stay the same. It's all I've know even as Saphire, and I quite like it.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 11th, 2002, 02:15:37 PM
I wish for our name to stay the GJO just becasue it sounds better, more important. And besides, the JO looks kinf of funny.

Moving to Coruscant might be good for the council, but I think it might be a bit tougher to train there. At least on Arcan we seem to have an ocean, jungle, and whatnot. With endless city, what kind of variety can we get in our training?

And as far as the B&G goes, it needs to be wherever we move to. It is the relaxation point, and is also where a lot of us Padawans get to know the knights and masters, usually by accident. Wherever we go, there has to be somethign like the B&G there, preferrably only as far away as across the street.

So, we can move to Coruscant, but, to me it seems we will have a harder time training there.

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 11th, 2002, 03:26:38 PM
So, what we really need is a Holodeck. D'ya think the Crossover Police would allow it? ;)

Gurney Devries
Sep 11th, 2002, 04:20:31 PM
While trying to avoid a thread hijack: I think convincing situational holograms would be a cool idea, and a logical evolution in technology.

As far as the name of the group: Simply put, I think "GJO" has a better ring to it than "TJO". Also, it sounds more original, and is a name that everyone is accustomed to.

And the location issues: They're all just different settings. Short of putting us on Myrkyr, I don't really care where we are. They're all just different backdrops for the same play.

Sanis Prent
Sep 12th, 2002, 05:15:40 PM
They did have functional hologram technology in SW, so no problem there.

Liam Jinn
Sep 12th, 2002, 09:23:26 PM
Right...which helps with force training....:\

I wouldn't think that there is enough positivness on Coruscant. I know it sounds silly, but why train on a planet with corruption, as opposed to a planet we already have which is teeming with life. Uncorrupted life that is..

Heh, I'm exhausted so I don't know how much sense that makes right now..

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 12th, 2002, 09:25:50 PM
Ah, but aren't Jedi suppose to help keep the peace and to teach goodness and compassion?

Coruscant IS the ideal place to do that. :)

Liam Jinn
Sep 12th, 2002, 09:28:57 PM
Not for those who are unexperianced. Maybe those with more training...*light bulb*

How about we train the newer padawans on Yavin, then when we feel they have enough training, ship them to Coruscant. It'd give the padawans something to write about.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 12th, 2002, 09:30:39 PM
Jedi aren't supposed to sit in seclusion in their ivory towers away from all the bad things. Coruscant is the most corrupt planet in the galaxy and that's exactly why the Jedi presence has to be focused on it.

Liam Jinn
Sep 12th, 2002, 09:34:11 PM
*shivers at the sight of Loki*

Mmm, yes. Your point is taken, though from an IC point of view, Liam wouldn't want to take the risk of losing any padawan due to the 'evilness'. Now OOC, I know it'd take alot more than just a corrupt planet to turn someone (.....) but it's not about the OOC :)

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 12th, 2002, 09:39:30 PM
And like having padawans fight sith any better?

Training on Coruscant can be just as rich and fullfilling and training on Yavin. Both have their flaws and merits which make them both ideal. And gives Padawans different terrains and beings to see as part of their training.

Liam Jinn
Sep 12th, 2002, 10:24:57 PM
Eh, what'd I tell you. I'm tired...

Anyways, does this mean we get to change the images 'round this place?

Helenias Evenstar
Sep 13th, 2002, 10:43:10 AM
Never expose one to corruption until they are strong enough to resist.

Commander Zemil Vymes
Sep 13th, 2002, 11:27:58 AM
I could make a comment on Jesus's light of the world parable, I suppose :)

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 14th, 2002, 08:18:46 PM
I thought that the Imps owned Coruscant...

Liam Jinn
Sep 14th, 2002, 11:26:54 PM
lol...TGE has broken up or in the process of, Lion. :)

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 15th, 2002, 01:50:26 AM
oh.....a joint NR/Jedi retaking of Coruscant sounded cool, but it'd get really confusing...^_^;

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 15th, 2002, 11:10:53 AM
Re-taking bah.. liberating =^_^= use proper word. Jedi don't take we free people :mneh

Sep 15th, 2002, 01:22:41 PM
Alright, I suppose I can throw my two cents in.

Name change: I really don't care either way. However, I like the ring of "The Greater Jedi Order". Because it's not just "The Jedi", it has some sense of history

I think the council and the bar should be moved to Coruscant and the whole thing should be rp'ed out. Change the name of the bar and put it in the slums. Should prove for some interestingrp opportunities. Granted, ic, the bar wouldn't be moved, but the jedi would just find a new hangout to call their own.

Keep a training facility, ic, on Yavin. It'll provide an good contrast for training in coruscant.

Yog's B&G. Ok, I remember when Yog's *was* mostly ooc chat. Heck, it was the ooc forum with the occasional ic post. Well, why not rename the Trading Post to Yoghurt's B&G? It would remain essentially an ooc forum, but, since it would be an out-of-the-way, cozy, eatery, there would still be the opportunity for people to rp there if they want. Granted, it would be a little disconcerting at first, but people can adapt pretty quickly.

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 16th, 2002, 02:55:28 AM
Well, we ARE taking it from the other peoples...it's not like everybody wants Jedi running around their city...:lol

Liam Jinn
Sep 16th, 2002, 02:05:49 PM
No no, NR running their city. Jedi residing in it :)

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 17th, 2002, 07:53:51 AM
I said running AROUND the city, :lol. I don't think that anybody expects us "wee lil' Jedi" to run an entire city. Especially not one that is the capital of the galaxy and covers the whole planet...:lol

Oct 16th, 2002, 04:17:25 AM
eh, small fry

Lion El' Jonson
Oct 16th, 2002, 05:58:07 AM
Once again, I'm misunderstood...I feel so lost...

Oct 25th, 2002, 02:18:30 AM
:: Pats Lion on the shoulder. ::

Here, have a cookie. :)

Lion El' Jonson
Oct 26th, 2002, 08:23:38 AM

:::Sniffs it, then looks at it suspiciously...:::

"These wouldn't happen to be one of Leeloo's "special" cookies, I hope...."

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 28th, 2002, 01:21:36 AM

Lion El' Jonson
Oct 28th, 2002, 02:48:06 AM
You know, the ones with the Chicken in them...w8, maybe that's her cakes...:lol