View Full Version : Consolodation: Tried and True

Aurelias Kazaar
Aug 31st, 2002, 02:58:53 AM
FRELL! the black haired man dodged several blaster bolts, as they smacked off of crates and power supply batteries.

He ducked behind one of the crates and fired back, hitting the Barabel square between the eyes. The alien fell, throwing his blaster in the air as a sign of death. Unfortunately his four partners were right behind them, spewing bolts of death towards the bounty hunter.

Well this officially sucks! Aurelias Kazaar thought as he continued to run. The Dutchman was off limits now, guarded by over 10 men who were all loyal to the albino crimelord, Kimiiki Crei.

Kazaar could have sworn that Crei was in prison, but his information broker- Jaranda Piett-Tomar said he'd escaped during the confusion on Bespin after the Imperial split up.

Damned Imperials...always causin' trouble...

A power supply unit exploded right by his head sending him to the cold steel floor of Nar Shadda. Blood poured from the wound on his head, as Kazaar shakily rose from the ground.

He was no closer to figure out who put a 50,000 Credit bounty on his head. And now...he was about to figure out who it was...at the cost of his life.

He felt a blaster bolt smack into his shoulder, then another on his chest.

Kazaar hit the ground again, then stared up into the three-eyed ugly face of a Gran and another Barabel.

His luck had run out...and he was about to die...

Estelle Russard
Aug 31st, 2002, 03:13:53 AM
The day began as any other for Estelle at the Greater Jedi Order.

She awoke as the first rays of sunlight streamed in subdued opaque beams through the slatted blinds of her bedroom and made horizontal designs across her bed and bending onto the carpeted floor .

Estelle still referred to the Apartment where she lived as ReaperFetts, though she resided there alone now. He would not be coming back. Still, she left everything of his where it was. His clothes still hung in his closet. His spare boots still sat in the corner of his room.

Only her room had her things in it - what meager items she owned. Everything remained as it was the day her Master left on his journey, right down to the NR Tactical Manual he had been reviewing, open and face-down, on the living room desk.

She stretched out - reaching so far her knuckles scratched on the wall (which they always did) and her toes pressed forward to try peek out of the covers at the other end (which they never did).

Yawning expansively, she rolled over and tumbled out of bed and stumbled her way to the refresher unit to shower. Wondering, as she did every morning, how Kazaar was, and where he might be waking up today.

Aurelias Kazaar
Aug 31st, 2002, 03:22:56 AM
He fought hard as they dragged him towards the prison cell.

He wouldn't go calmly into the night. He would cause them all to die. Kazaar struck out with a bloodied hand, catching a human thug in the throat. The thug fell twitching to the floor as the air in the lungs slowly left his body. Three minutes later...he was dead.

The bounty hunter kept on fighting, taking a vibroblade from the dead human, holding it out in front of him. He slashed a Gran, cutting off one of its three eyes. A Transdoshan got a cut on its long, scaled arm and a pig-faced Gammorean took on to the stomach.

Suddenly a growl behind him caused Aurelias to turn, just in time to see the Wookie's clawed hand him in square in the face.

His last thought was a shout...


Estelle Russard
Aug 31st, 2002, 09:19:54 PM
The yelling of her name arrested her mind like a sharp yank on the shoulder and shot s streak of dread through her body.

Ever since she had left her apartment and made her way to the Academy to spend some time in peaceful mediation, she had a niggling sensation of trouble.

She had not been able to place its source. Her immediate thoughts had gone to her Padawans, Maximas and Plo Koon. But the distress did not center from them. A tentative searching for their force signatures - ones that she was increasingly knowing better over time - raised no concerns.

And then, before she had turned her focus specifically on him, he found her.


Her heartbeat increased rapidly, thumping a loud adrenalin alarm inside her chest and she forced herself to remain calm and try to focus.

Submerging her fear, she reigned in her thoughts and began softly to project her thoughts through the force toward the Bounty Hunter.

"Aurelias..." her voice was a soft whisper in his mind, Where are you? Help me find you."

Aurelias Kazaar
Aug 31st, 2002, 09:32:13 PM
The Dutchman...where was The Dutchman?

If he knew where his ship was he could escape. If he could figure out where he was he could escape.

Kazaar's head hurt. Bad. It had been cut on several levels, both physically and psychologically. Aliens were all around him, cursing him, cajoling him, beating him, and then hurting him even more.

The bounty hunter's right arm hung lifelessly from his body, broken in several places.

His mind was a blur, thinking on several levels.

He'd been on Nar Shadda, now...now he was somewhere else. It didn't stink like a Hutt's lair, nor did it smell sweet like an apartment on Bespin. Instead...it was earthy...and it did smell. Kazaar sniffed, like a caged animal, feeling the smell fill his nose.

He took it back...it did stink.

But where was he??

A hiss to his left began answering his question. Then another...and another...Long arms scraped his face, cutting it even more.

Her voice came to him like a fairy, soft as a whisper, "Aurelias... Where are you? Help me find you."

"Trandosha," he croaked through cracked and bleeding lips, "'m on Transdosha..."

Estelle Russard
Aug 31st, 2002, 09:44:46 PM
The pain was all too apparent as Kazaar's voice reached her.

Her head dropped forward and she closed her eyes tightly wishing it were not so. She could remember vividly the beating she took from a group of low-life thugs on Bespin, and the screaming agony of every nerve-ending in her body was echoed through the force sensitivity she felt toward Aurelias.

"Ill find you Kazaar. Hang on, Ill be there."

She left the Academy rooms at a run, returning to her apartment just long enough to grab her lightsaber, blaster and a small med kit she had put together with the help of some Jedi herb guidebooks.

She thought inwardly as she made her way quickly to the GJO space port hangars...Nows as good a time as any to see how my flight training has sunk in, I guess.

Aurelias Kazaar
Sep 2nd, 2002, 12:32:36 AM
A swipe of the vibroblade and Kazaar had another scar on his face. This one bled profusely though, going well with the laceration on his forehead.

Whoever was torturing him was certainly enjoying it. The captured bounty hunter could hear it in his torturors voice.

"A little more blood please, you're not bleeding enough," the voice sounded like it came from a hollow canyon, echoing in his mind.

Another spout of pain...more blood.

"You see Mister Kazaar," a new voice, silky and sweet, started, "When you had me arrested I was able to ponder several things before my escape."

More pain...

"You and that krasst of an Imperial, Millard, should have killed me, not imprisoned me. And my revenge on him was seeing the Empire turn into a group of squabbling warlord.

"You on the other hand...I'm going to personal delight in destroying."

Kazaar tried to lurch forward against his restraints. A gauntleted fist slammed into his face, causing bile to shoot up from his stomach.

"Careful...I just had this robes made. I'd prefer not to ruin them on such...riffraff."

Still stinks'n 'ere... Kazaar thought as the blackness took him again.

Estelle Russard
Sep 5th, 2002, 08:01:45 PM
She logged her flight plan for Trandosha with the GJO and obtained clearance to leave.

The little onboard r2 unit beeped and blipped at her.

"I know, I know. I remember. Forward thrust is accelleration..I know."

The unit wasnt helping. She was very nervous. Estelle had the auto co-pilot enabled and so any error she might make would be corrected by the computer, but still...it was nerve wracking trying to make a smooth departure. Especially since her mind was filled with what Aurelias must be going through....and if she will arrive in time to make a difference.

Slowly, tentatively, the small ship banked to the left and Estelle Russard - rookie pilot - began her maiden voyage.

Aurelias Kazaar
Sep 5th, 2002, 10:38:50 PM
It was a glorious day on Transdosha. The hot and heavy sun was cool in the morning, but it would be hotter later.

A man clad in silk and linen stood out on a balcony, looking out over the palm trees and the grassy knolls of Transdosha. His white skin contrasted with the purple and green of his attire. The white of his hair was pulled back in a ponytail and his white skin was cleansed and shining. Kimiiki Crei hadn't felt this good in months...no years.

And now he had Aurelias Kazaar, the man who'd helped capture him, in his grasp. The troublesome bounty hunter would die slowly...very slowly. But now...he had things to plan.

"Ah...now we must begin reorganizing our organization. Timark, put out a notice to all smugglers that we want them in our organization."

'Ya sar."

Crei smiled...it was indeed a glorious day.

Estelle Russard
Sep 15th, 2002, 07:54:12 PM
She had set the r2 unit on the flight over to scouring the computer databanks to locate Aurelias' latest haunts, but none were recorded as his being anywhere near Trandosha within the last 3 months.

Wracking her brains, she tried to think logically. Why would someone want to hurt Kazaar...No, that catagory would open too many options. Ok then what about "Who". That too would have an abundance of names..

How about, "Who would want him the most."

That was easy. Kimiki Crei immediately sprang to mind. He had a bitter hatered toward Kazaar and the bounty hunter was the whole reason the crimelord was now serving time. Atleast, Estelle thought he was still in gaol.

"r2 - run a search on Kimiki Crei's latest whereabouts."

A whirring and hum signalled the search was in progress and then the exuberant blips and squawks of the little droid announced some success.

"Trandosha. When did he get out??"

But now, it was beginning to make sense.

"r2 - try to find me any information that will narrow down where the Albino is operating from, or even where high criminal activity is centered. Anything that will give us a lead."

The whirring hum began again as Estelle received clearance to land at Spaceport, docking bay 502 on a beautiful Trandoshan morning.

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 12th, 2002, 01:39:27 AM
Pain...even more of it.

This was different than the pain he felt when he'd been attacked by Geeda the Hutt's thugs. These guys were more professional than the Hutt's hirelings.

They'd used the simple beating first off, pulping his face and his body with fists, both guantleted and uncovered. Then came the hot vibroblade...they'd touched the personal areas first, then his face. Then another beating.

Kimiiki Crei was trying to break him...and failing. He refused to give in...he wouldn't give in. Aurelias Kazaar had to move on...he had to survive.

* * *
"Good morning" the protocol droid greeted Estelle as she exitted her ship.

"I am C-8PO, human/cyborg relations. What is the purpose of your visit to Transdosha?"

Estelle Russard
Oct 12th, 2002, 09:30:55 PM
"I am Estelle Russard, Knight of the Greater Jedi Order. Ive come to find a friend of mine. I believe he has been taken against his will, and is being held here on Trandosha."

She spoke with a confident authority. There were times one threw their weight around, and Estelle was not going to shy in doing so. Not today.

"Oh dear me. That is an awful thing to happen. "

The droid bustled along beside her, aware that his assistance would be required.

"I need a transport to the East Sector immediately."

"The East Sector is a grid within the city running 8 by 10 blocks. It is populated largely by.."

Estelle cut in. "I know all about the East Sector, C-8PO, so spare me your longwinded description and find me a driver. We dont have much time."

The droid would have elaborated that it was controlled by the notorious crimelord Kimiiki Crei and that her chances of survival going alone in such a secter were 327 to 1. Instead he bowed stiffly.

"Yes, Miss."

"Oh, and C-8PO. Dont speak to anyone but the driver."

"Yes, Miss"

As the protocol droid moved off, R2 bliped and squeeked excitedly.

Estelle spoke soothingly. "I know, dont worry. Its foolish to trust the droid. Thats why we arent going to the East Sector. Besides...your information has Crei's name linked to an oceanside cabana right?" R2 twirrled and tweeted. "Thats where we are going. Lets hurry."

Paying for a rental speeder, Estelle and R2 were soon speeding away to the co-ordinates the little droid entered into the navcomp of the transport. If C-8PO was as efficient as he was polite, Crei's goons would be waiting for her expectantly in the East Sector on the far other side of town. As she closed the distance to the seaside, Estelle knew she was on the right track. She could sense Aurelias. She was getting closer.

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 20th, 2002, 12:57:40 AM
"You've gone quiet Aurelias," Crei silkly said as he stared at the beaten bounty hunter.

"Have you died on me?"

A cough from Kazaar told him otherwise.

The albino smirked, "Gooooood, you're still alive. I'd hate it if you died right here, before I could kill you."

A Twi'lek ran up to him, handing a message to the crime lord.

"Really?" Crei said as he read the note, "Interesting...Bom Fas, go up and meet her. Bring her here and I'll wine and dine her..."

Bom Fas nodded and left.

"Aurelias...oh Aurelias..." Crei crowed, "It appears your Jedi friend, Estelle Russard in on her way. I do hope she enjoys wine...and then a long, deep sleep."

The gangster chuckled as he exitted the dungeon.

He was too far away to hear Kazaar mutter...


Estelle Russard
Oct 20th, 2002, 10:18:30 PM
When Crei entered the dining room, Estelle was standing next to the mantel, hands clasped calmly before her. A blazing fire cast a warm glow on her features, but it looked dim compared to the determined fire that the Albino saw in the Jedi's eyes.

Bom Fas turned as his boss entered. "She refused to sit."

Crei glanced at the single drawn chair from beside the large metallic dining table, and moved on with a shrug.

"Nice to see you again, Ms. Russard. What is the honor for your visit? Surely you haven't forgotten my brand of hospitality so soon?"

He was being smug, but Estelle refused to bristle.

"You have something that doesnt belong to you, Mr. Crei. Again."

The Albino smiled thinnly.

"If you would bring Aurelias, I wont infringe on your time any longer."

Outside the main grounds, R2 set to work busily accessing the main wiring housing and rewiring electrical networks with mechanical precision.

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 26th, 2002, 05:41:47 PM
Crei smiled a silky smile.

"But of course. One moment please," he turned to one of his advisors and whispered a few words into his ear. The Twi'lek, ironcially a bit darker than the albino, nodded then ran off.

"Now...while they go clean Aurelias up. Let's discuss payment."

He noticed the look on Estelle's face and laughed, running a finely manicured hand through his finely cut white hair.

Kimiiki Crei crossed the distance between the crime lord and the Jedi Knight. His breath smelled of mints and creme and his violet eyes dazzled with cold.

He whispered into her own ear, the scent of the mints and creme filling Estelle's senses.

"You didn't think I'd just give him to you did you?"

Estelle Russard
Oct 26th, 2002, 10:01:34 PM
She stifled a shiver as Crei's closeness made her skin crawl. His minty breath serving to only make her feel nauseaus.

"Payment? Such as?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 26th, 2002, 10:18:18 PM
"Whatever you're in the mood for, young one," Crei gave a charming smile, with malice hiding right behind it.

His hand slowly went down to her shoulder and rubbed it lightly.

"I'm sure we can find a method the both of us will enjoy."

Estelle Russard
Oct 26th, 2002, 10:32:31 PM

It was impossible to stifle the shiver this time. Crei was as creepy as one could get, and even the suggestion he voiced made Estelle feel unclean.

"You had better take your hand off of me, Mr. Crei. I would hate to have to hurt you."

In her mind she was willing R2 to hurry up...why was it taking so long..?

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 26th, 2002, 10:45:52 PM
"A petite thing like you would hurt someone like me?" Crei gave a wolfish smile, "I sincerely doubt it.

"Now as for your payment," He walked away from her, "Information will suffice. But I am not cheap. A life for information."

He leaned forward, flashing her his perfect teeth.

"What do you think?"

Below the castle, mechanics whirred and a latch unlocked. And the door to Aurelias Kazaar's cell was opened.

Estelle Russard
Oct 26th, 2002, 11:11:48 PM
Estelle watched him warily, her mind reaching out to Kazaar with the Force, feeling where he was located. One word she was able to touch his mind with.


Remaining where she was standing the whole time, the Jedi followed Crei with her eyes.


Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 26th, 2002, 11:20:13 PM
"Yes," Crei said, feeling full of himself.

"The New Republic has gotten stronger after the Imperial split up. I wish to establish...'shipping' on various New Republic worlds. I need to know if I can establish various businesses on those worlds."

He smiled again, "I'm sure a Jedi such as you has information of that kind."

Estelle Russard
Oct 26th, 2002, 11:24:00 PM
"You are incorrect, Mr.Crei. I have no such information."

Her stare hardened.

"You are also incorrect to assume I would pay you to release Aurelias. You have taken him by force against his will. You will receive nothing."

She began a slow walk over to the Crime Lord.

"You will release him, and we will leave peacefully."

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 26th, 2002, 11:35:12 PM
"But Ms. Russard," Crei remained civil, "Mister Kazaar has a sizable bounty on his head. I am simply claiming him as a business expense...

"I'm sure you can understand that, can't you?"

Down in the Dungeon...

Kazaar heard Estelle's call for being calm.

All right... he didn't even know if Estelle would reply.

He slowly began crawling on the ground of the cell floor, trying to reach the door.

"A few more feet," he muttered, "A few more feet."

Estelle Russard
Oct 26th, 2002, 11:45:11 PM
Crei was being obstinate - which was no surprise. Estelle had counted on him being just so. Fortunately for her, he hadnt set his goons to work her over, like he had the last time she had dealings with the Albino.

"Before I tell you anything, I need to see Aurelias...to make sure he is even still alive."

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 26th, 2002, 11:51:33 PM
Crei smiled, "You don't trust me?"

"No," was her simple reply.

The crime lord nodded, "Very well...we'll take you to him."

Kazaar had gotten to his feet, perch up against the bars of his cell. The damage done to his body had given his little strength, and he rested as much as possible.

"Got...'nuff...strength...f'one...punch...make't... a...good'n..."

Estelle Russard
Oct 26th, 2002, 11:57:44 PM
Estelle, discreetly but determindly, took note of the way to the dungeons. She knew Kazaar was close...so close.

"Sorry for the smell, Ms. Russard. Kazaar has abominable hygeine."

Crei was still speaking, when outside there was a small spark and R2 "wheeeezzed" and bliped as the wires he had finally been working on fried each other. The lights immediately went out in the whole compound and electronic gates opened and shut and opened in a crazy haphazzard manner.

Crei was on shouting commands instantly in the darkness and grabbed for Estelle, but it was not soon enough. Estelle had been expecting just such an occurance, and had already slipped from beside him and was running down the corridor to Kazaar. She pulled from deep within her robes a blaster and shoved it into the bounty hunter's hand.

"I hope you can still shoot!"

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 27th, 2002, 12:15:28 AM
Kazaar was in a daze.

"'stelle?" he mummured, "Tht you?"

"Yes," there was no mistaking the urgency in her voice, "Let's go!"

Aurelias tried to walk forward, he really did. But as he took three steps his legs failed him and he fell to the ground of the cell.

"Ge' outta 'ere, 'stelle," Kazaar gasped, "Yo' more 'mportnt 'n m..."

A Gammorreon ran up to end Estelle's life. Kazaar shot him in eye.

"Go..ge'outta 'ere."

Estelle Russard
Oct 27th, 2002, 02:18:53 PM
"You have to try!!"

Estelle was screaming at him. Yes, screaming was the right word - Kazaar had never seen her so uncomposed. Estelle was trying to penetrate the fog of Kazaar's mind - she could see even in the darkness, the dullness of his eyes and hear the defeat in his voice - something she had never ever heard from him - and it terrified her.

More guards rushed forward, and Estelle grabbed back the blaster from Kazaar and twisting, sent off a hail of fire that sent them all sprawling backwards.

Meanwhile, R2 was doing more of his handiwork and creating diversions of alarming proportions upstairs. He had created an electrical fire in the lighting conduits in Crei's munitions room. As the fire had spread, the armory was alight and explosive rumblings were the indications that it had spread to the weaponry. A sprinkler system had kicked on, even down in the dungeons adding to the confusion of the moment. Estelle hopped the water would help rouse Kazaar, but it didnt seem to be doing much at all.

The Jedi placed her hand on the bounty hunters forehead, and focusing her force ability, drew on the teachings of Master Yoghurt and tried to administer some healing virtue into him. She found it so hard to keep control, her fear for Kazaars life kept filling her mind and she knew she would not be any use if she did not pull herself together. She had just seconds to do this - already she could hear another wave of guards storming down the corridor towards them.

"Come on Aurelias, we can do this" She spoke to his mind and then tried again to heal his broken and bruised body. Even a little improvement could be the difference between wether they got out of there alive or not.

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 28th, 2002, 11:06:36 PM
Kazaar felt better.

Not completely better, but better enough to not spill bile and acid onto Estelle as he lay in pain on the dungeon floor.

"Kid," he spat as he struggled to stand, "Gimme th'gun."

His eyes were hazy but his aim was true and five Rodian Guards were shot and died before they could get off a shot. Kazaar lurched forward, the Jedi Knight supporting him, not wasting his shots as several more guards hit the ground.

"W'need 'nother blaster," the bounty hunter rasped as he picked up one of the dropped blaster. It was slicked with green blood.

"Here...take this," Kazaar handed Estelle one of the blaster. His side hurt and his chest heaved as he tried to stand. His knees were injured too and they protested the strain put on them.

The exit door to the prison swung open, and about 10 men rushed in, all carrying blasters.

Kazaar threw himself, pulling Estelle with him, behind a desk...with bits of wood chunking up as the blaster bolts hit it.

"Got any Jedi tricks up ya sleeve?" he asked, gasping for breath.

"Or sum bourbon?"

Estelle Russard
Nov 2nd, 2002, 08:36:34 PM
Estelle was already working on that - the "Jedi tricks" as Kazaar referred to them.

Trying to heal Aurelias had drained her in a way she had never really experienced before. But she needed to tap into reserves that she knew she had somehwere. Blaster fire was whizzing by her head...and Kazaar was requesting bourbon! One day she would introduce him to orange juice..that would be a switch.

As the bounty hunter picked off 3 more attackers, Estelle projected the force and pulled 1, 2, 3, 4 blasters from the hands that gripped them and hurled them across to smack into the wall. She then sprang upward, rattled off 3 quick blasts from the blaster Kazaar gave her, and then ducked back down again.

"Did I hit any? How many are left?"


Outside, R2 trundled along a backyard pathway in the darkness and made his way over to a parked speeder. Rising up on his hydraulic extended "legs" he swayed and then swung forward to flip into the vehicle. His small pincher "hand" then busily attacked the forward in-port on the dash panel to get the transport started.

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 23rd, 2002, 12:18:12 AM
"Two," Kazaar mummured, taking a couple more shots at the men.

"I swear, kid, ya need t'jist close ya eyes 'n shoot. Ya did tha' back on Kuat, 'n was good."

He continued to shoot, catching one right between the eyes and sending him to the ground.

"W'need sum bette' fire power. Get m'ona those heavy blasters will ya kid?"

Kazaar ducked another couple of shots.


Estelle Russard
Nov 26th, 2002, 11:37:58 PM
Estelle seized the opportunity Kazaar had given her. They really did need that heavy blaster, and so she must have overcompensated the Force pull as both weapon and the rodian clinging to it came hurtling forward. She would have to work on her force controll under extreme stress. Estelle found she was more shaken by the state she had found Aurelias in than she had realised, and it was showing in her ragged control of the force.

They were still wet from the sprinkler system that had activated at R2's handiwork earlier and so as the rodian came flying forward and landed bodily into Estelle, her feet slipped out beneath her and both fell to the floor in a lump.

Immediately she felt the Rodian's weight lifted off her as Kazaar yanked him back by his collar and king-hit him in the face, knocking the smaller alien sensless. He grabbed the gun as Estelle got back to her feet.

She looked at him sheepishly. "Well, I got you the gun, didnt I?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 1st, 2002, 02:57:22 AM
"Yeah," Kazaar ripped the blaster from the unconcious alien's hands and checked the remaining shots. It was enough for them to get out of the dungeon alive...but not enough to use them on any scenery.

"But ya gotta b'careful next time kid. Risks're good but not when they get'cha shot!"

The bounty hunter turned, looking for a way out. It was then his injured eyes saw the loose grate about ten feet from where he and Estelle were hiding. Kazaar couldn't waste any of his blaster shots, and the kid was still lookin' a bit tired from her usin' the Force so much.

Kazaar shook his head and grabbed the Rodian.

"Thanks fer th'help," he smirked, then threw the alien towards the grate. With a clank the metal framework gave way, and the duo had their way out.

"Go'ne get outta 'ere...I'll cover ya!" Kazaar fired a few shots at the thugs, causing them to scatter. Estelle refused to move.

"Look I'll b'right behind ya just move!" he tried to shove her but fell to the ground, as his knees gave out.

The thugs regrouped and began firing again.

Estelle Russard
Dec 14th, 2002, 11:38:33 PM
Ducking down, Estelle crouched over Kazaar - the dismay clear on her face. She spoke quietly, fighting the panic that threatened to overwhelm her, as he looked so weak. He never ever looked weak to her and she was firghtened for him.

Behind her the blaster fire increased. Swinging about, in an act of desperation, Estelle garnered the force, and with an incredible burst of energy sent a bubble of force at them, that hurled them back against the wall violently.

She stood, shaking, her legs threatening to collapse beneath her, and she surveyed her attackers.

Laying littered about the floor, sprawled out and unconscious, only one or two of them managed to moan out their pain.
She felt sick at the violence of her actions, but would have to deal with her conscience at a later time. Right now, they had to get out of there.

Turning back towards Aurelias, she pulled on his shirt front in an effort to get him back on his feet.

"Kazaar, come on, you have to get up. I cant lift you - I have nothing left. Please, Aurelias, get up.."

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 14th, 2002, 11:49:01 PM
The bounty hunter reached deep into energy reserves he didn't even knew he had and shoved Estelle into the hole.

"Jus' go!"

He turned and fired several more blaster bolts, killing several of the sprawled out thugs.

A minute later and he joined Estelle in the knee-deep water below the dungeon.

As he hit the water, Kazaar didn't get up, too tired from his ordeal to move.

Estelle Russard
Dec 14th, 2002, 11:58:51 PM
She splooshed through the dirty water on her knees, and rolled Kazaar over to rest his head on her lap.

Sitting there in the stinking, smelling, brine, Aurelias managed to grin up at her. She knew that smile..he was about to say something crude, she just knew it.

"Whatever you're thinking Kazaar, dont say it - you are too close to death, and I may just nudge you over."

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 15th, 2002, 12:06:25 AM
"Who me?" Kazaar looked almost hurt, "Thanks..."

He smirked, "Thanks fer comin' after m'. I appreciate it.

"By th'way...ya look good, kid. Angelic like almost..."

Kazaar saw the look on Estelle's face.

"'Ey even I can give compliments."

Estelle Russard
Dec 15th, 2002, 12:21:42 AM
"Angelic...? Well, well, too bad it takes a near-death experience for you to show your sensitive side Aurelias."

She smiled at him, brushing aside a lock of jet-black hair that had fallen across his face.

"but we arent out yet. Do you think you can walk?"

She looked down the length of the dungeon, or more correctly the underground tunnel that meandered among the dungeons, trying to decide which direction they should go in.

"You dont happen to know which way is out, do you?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 15th, 2002, 12:31:06 AM
"Behind m's th'way out," Kazaar gasped, "Th'water's goin' that way."

He struggled to his feet, leaning against the metal exterior for support.

"C'mon let's go."

A silky smooth voice came from behind them.

"Not so fast my dear friends."

It was Kimiiki Crei, wearing high boots so not to destroy his silk pants.

"I knew you'd try and escape so I came for you myself."

Estelle Russard
Dec 15th, 2002, 12:35:25 AM
Estelle was shocked to see Crei, her shoulders slumped as a feeling of defeat washed over her.

Despite what she felt, Estelle remained defiant.

"Mr. Crei, you will let us go. You cant keep us here."

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 15th, 2002, 12:38:01 AM
"Oh?" Crei smirked, "Are your Jedi friends going to come and save you? Did you tell any of them where you were?"

The albino looked triumphrant, "Your master is dead...are you close to anyone other than this trash of a bounty hunter?

"Will anyone care that you die along with this...fool?"

Estelle Russard
Dec 18th, 2002, 10:20:17 PM
The shock effect of Crei's mentioning the death of ReaperFett was visible upon Estelle's face.

Though she had come to grips with her Master's loss, the pain of it was still just below the surface. She felt Kazaar's eye's slide over to her, but she dared not look. The sympathy she would read there would be the end of her resolve, she was certain.

Faces of those she cared for came unbidden to her mind at Kimiki's words. Her padawan's Plo Koon and Maximas, her brother's and parents, dear little Loki, friends like Oriadin, Navaria, Azhure, Keerrourri - who's image brought a different kind of heartache - and of course, Aurelias who stood beside her and who touched her hand lightly. These images served to fortify her and instead of Crei's intention of making her feel alone, he only served to hearten her. Love was stronger than the dispair he had hoped to defeat her in - and Estelle loved all those whose images filled her mind.

"Only those who need to magnify themselves try to belittle and dismay others, Mr. Crei. You are even more destitute than I first thought you to be.

You will pay for the things you do here today."

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 19th, 2002, 12:49:31 AM
Crei laughed a silky laugh.

"I all ready have...you two have caused enough trouble for me. You have put me in jail all ready, force my criminal empire into the cover of darkness, and force me to wear something other than silk."

He aimed his blaster, "Good bye...Aurelias."

Then he shot Kazaar in the stomach.

Estelle Russard
Dec 21st, 2002, 08:25:31 PM

Dropping to the ground with Kazaar, Estelle bent over the Bounty Hunter, shocked eyes and frantic hands lifting his now tattered shirt, scanning his wound.

"No, Aurelias, no..." Tears welled up into her eyes, spilling down her cheeks, hampering her vision and her efforts to help him.


Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 4th, 2003, 01:17:23 AM
"Yessss!" Crei hissed as he saw Kazaar fall to the ground.

"My revenge is complete! I will get the bounty now!"

He holstered his blaster and strode the distance between he and Estelle.

One of his white-skinned hands rested on Estelle's cheek.

"He's gone now you know," his eyes lit up darkly, "There're no Jedi tricks that can save him.

"Why don't you come with me," his pink tongue came out of his mouth and licked his lips, "I'm certain I can convince you how much better of a companion I am to this ruffian."

Estelle Russard
Jan 4th, 2003, 02:07:18 AM
She felt sick. Sick to her stomach. Crei's touch was clammy against her cheek, but it was nothing compared to the wretching feeling she got as she looked down at Kazaar's pale face.

There was no way he was dead. There was no way.

She shoved the albino's hand away from her, and pulled Aurelias up toward her in a desperate embrace. She tried to focus herself to reach him. Tried to wrap the life flow of the force around him and grip onto him, but her efforts from earlier, together with the absolute shock to her senses of Kazaar lying unmoving in her arms, combined to frazzle at her discipline.

She was sobbing now, and the more she tried to bring herself under control, the less she was able to do so.

"You cant. Kazaar...Stop.." Her voice was tremulous, and she was shocked to hear the fear in it.

Crei puffed himself in triumph. "He's gone. Its no use."

She buried her head against Aurelias, shaking it in denial, until she snapped completely.

Angrily snatching Kazaars blaster, she lifted it and aimed for the Albino's head, but his co-horts had expected such a pathetic retaliation and pounced, as Crei only laughed at her.

Instantly they snapped her arms behind her, wrenching the blaster easily from her, and bound her hands in durasteel cuffs, they dragged the Jedi away from the bounty hunter, and herded her down the dungeon tunnel.

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 4th, 2003, 02:15:34 AM
"H-hey whitey," a gruff voice came from behind Crei. As the albino turned a blaster bolt caught him in the side and sent him down.

"L-let 'er go," Kazaar could barely stand, but there was fire in his eyes.

"I dunno wha-ya did, kid...b-but ya did it," he smirked at as the guards held her.

"If," he winced, "If ya don't let 'er go. Crei 'ere gets it."

When the guards didn't move, Kazaar shot Crei in the arm. They let go and ran to their boss. They had paychecks to get after all.

The Jedi Knight ran to the bounty hunter and they embraced, the weakness in Kazaar's legs taking them down.

Kazaar gave another smirk as his hand brushed Estelle's face.

"C-can w'go now?"

Estelle Russard
Jan 5th, 2003, 03:00:57 AM
She twisted around and Kazaar unlocked the cuffs after a guard had told him the code begrudginly at blaster-point.

It was all so much to take in. Estelle felt sensory and emotional overload. Kazaar had survived, and somehow he attributed to her, though she had been certain her efforts were in vain, so distressed she had been.

Crei was snarling and howling in both rage and pain at the bounty hunter, but he needed medical attention and had no choice but to allow his guards to take him to a medical area.

A huge explosion came from the floors above them and rocked the dungeon tunnels. R2 had not been idle all this time.

It was way past time to go.

"C'mon kid" Kazaar urged, "Aint gonna get a better chance 'n this"

Finding strength in her legs somehow, Estelle aided the bounty hunter to his feet, and the pair staggered towards freedom.

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 5th, 2003, 03:08:26 AM
The two made their way from the depths of the dungeon towards the upper part of the metallic building.

"Who'd ya bring 'n entir' New R'public brigade?" he smirked as the two worked towards the exit.

When he saw the R2 droid roll out of wherever it had been doing its damage, his jaw physically dropped.

"Damn kid...you're resourceful. I like that," with his free hand, although it was bloodied he patted her cheek.

"Now...where's th' Dutchman?"

Estelle Russard
Jan 5th, 2003, 07:58:47 PM
Looking at him as if to ask "how would she know where the Dutchman was??" she continued to half drag him as they ran painfully toward the waiting speeder.

R2 again elevated himself into the small craft and within seconds the speeder lurched forward and raced away from the still burning Crei cabana.