View Full Version : Devilry (Gabran)

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 31st, 2002, 12:41:32 AM
ooc: sorry this is short. /ic:

De'Ville sat in the middle of a room, windows to the outside were open, letting in a slight breeze of sulfurous air. Her eyes were closed, and she was waiting for Gabran to arrive.

Soon she would meet him, this former apprentice of Cloak, and would judge for herself what he needed to know.

Gabran Darkysa
Sep 2nd, 2002, 10:38:58 AM
Vjun's acrid air flowed through the room on a small breeze. And alerted by mild burning sensation in his sinuses. The short period he had spent with the Black Hand was full of mystery and uncertainities. The Dark Jedi accepted him into their eccentric fold. Many new faces had arrived, joined or ended with forceful disputations. Many occasions Gabran had run across one or more of them, he greeted each with curt but respectful courtesies. Nothing was rarely missed within these confining walls.

Now he had been appointed a new master and sheer enthusiasm to begin his training flowed through his body like conduit. Walking down the hall towards the designated chambers. His stride constant and confident. Gabran appeared in the doorway to find a woman sitting still, meditative-like, in the center of the room. Her eyes remained closed as momentarily he studied the Dark Jedi Master. Curiously what caught his attention was her stark black hair which flowed down her shoulders. Mirroring a pale expressionless face.

Though her placid visage remained unperturbed, she surely knew her apprentice was present. He broke the silence by clearing his throat, "Master Lilaena, I have arrived as requested..."

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 5th, 2002, 11:55:39 PM
Her eyes opened, and she motioned for him to sit across from her. As the man took his positition, cross-legged as she was, Lilaena closed her eyes again.

"Tell me...Gabran...what training have you recieved? Have you developed your potential at all?" She sat completely still, and remained there with her eyes closed, awaiting his response.

Gabran Darkysa
Sep 7th, 2002, 12:54:02 AM
Gabran immediately obeyed his Master's gesture and sat down across from her. Then she did something quite curious... closed her eyes again. He quietly observed her while she spoke, thinking on her inquiries. The young apprentice responded, "The training of a Jedi padawan learning their basest rudimentry philosophies, moral code, and a fair share of physical and mental training. Yes, I believe I have indeed made great strides in embracing the Darkside and learning of it's mysteries. And it led me here. However I shun the path of my first chosen and swore never return to such hypocritical piety."

He studied Lilaena and was unsure if he should speak further. Or spoke enough.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 7th, 2002, 03:13:40 AM
One eye opened, and its green depths seemed to swell as the pupil dilated. The other eye opened, and De'Ville spoke again. "What are the philosophies of the Jedi? Tell me what you remember."

She expelled a breath, as if she had been holding it for some time...slowly and carefully. The young man was confused, but the answers would come. Eventually.

Gabran Darkysa
Sep 8th, 2002, 12:57:48 AM
When his master opened a single eye then the other with slow deliberateness, he sat up straight. Then she asked him of his past. The one he wanted to forget. He felt pinned beneath her piercing green eyes and that is all he could focus on. Taking a slow deep inhalation which instantly reminded his lungs of the acrid air of Vjun. The apprentice held back an irritated cough and focused his thoughts on the question.

Looking back into his past and what was taught him. He swiftly replied, "That life is precious and that it is one's duty as a sentient living being to serve the lightside of the Force and be an minister of peace by committing one's self to preservation of life unreservedly, to keep or restore peace. And follow the dictates of the Jedi Code."

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 8th, 2002, 08:56:10 PM
He had an answer ready on his tongue when she asked, and De'Ville kept her eyes fixed on his. "And what has this Code taught you, that you did not agree with? Striving for peace? It seems a noble cause. But you left them, and have sought out the Jedi here: the Dark Jedi, as we are called. What do you hope to find here that they could not provide for you there?"

She tilted her head to the side a little, awaiting his response.

Gabran Darkysa
Sep 9th, 2002, 12:46:36 AM
His eyes never left her's. And what has this Code taught you, that you did not agree with? Striving for peace? It seems a noble cause. But you left them, and have sought out the Jedi here: the Dark Jedi, as we are called. What do you hope to find here that they could not provide for you there? She spoke softly.

These new questions Gabran found very trying on his thoughts and patience, he left the Jedi Order so he could have true peace. Preferring personal gratification and power. The young apprentice had grown inexorably selfish and dispassionate. There was no turning back, his heart is froward and hard. His bouts of innerturmoil had long ceased while violence and pride took residence. But not after the fashion of the Sith. Not meaningless nor irrational. His emotions remained very alive.

His face twisted with a grin, as he replied, "Because they do not hold the answers I need neither the power I seek. If they had, I would have never left the Order. And peace will never last."

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 17th, 2002, 11:15:13 PM
"Peace will never last." She repeated his words, not breaking eye contact. "Correct." An eyebrow quirked upwards.

"The Jedi's ideal of peace is unrealistic, in the world today. Sentient life is full of strife, and runs towards anarchy. It is nature. It will always be this way. I will teach you how to harness your powers and to aid the Hand in our quest for true harmony in the universe." She got to her feet, finally looking away from his eyes.

He blinked, feeling a bit strange. Lilaena waited for him to stand as well, and asked, "Have you had any lightsaber training? What are your basic Force ablities?"

Gabran Darkysa
Sep 18th, 2002, 02:20:17 AM
His ears fell on every word she spoke, everything she said rung true with what he felt deep down in his heart. The convictions which drove him. A strange feeling or drawing moved him to stand. She asked him another two questions which he promptly answered.

"I have had some extensive lightsaber training, Master, and my Force abilities are rather random. I do not know of any particular ability that stands alone as my forte. But the basic ones are those that enhance my combat skills."

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2002, 09:52:06 PM
She nodded, and motioned with her right hand, closing the windows with a bang. "Have you constructed your own lightsaber yet, my young apprentice?" De'Ville flipped her own lightsaber hilt into her right hand, and ignited the jaded amethyst blade with a snap-hisss.

"It is an elegant weapon, not a disruptor rifle or a melee weapon." She brought the blade before her face in a salute, and then angled the saber away and down, in an defensive posture, her legs offsetting each otehr for balance. "A Jedi would never strike in anger, and a Jedi would in most cases refuse to take the first move. Form Three of the Jedi emphasizes defense and deflection, often sending attacks back towards those who originated them. Deflection with the purpose of harming the opponent was refined into what they call 'Form Five.'"

De'Ville slashed upward and then spun her saber from side to side, switching hands and deflecting imaginary laser bolts. "This form is weak in many points. It is not agressive enough to let people know you mean business, but there are points in it which are advantageous."

She returned to her original defensive stance, left leg spread wide and right leg bent, half crouched with the saber pointing down in front of her body. "I fight with none of these forms, and yet, with all of them. A Jedi would call me an abomination, a person who uses Form Seven, which is a combination of all the forms. But I do not confine myself to their ideal of 'control.' In doing that, I lose my edge. By embracing the Dark side I have the full power of the Force as my tool.

"The true Jedi, the dark Jedi, are not confined by ancient traditions and forgotten nursery rhymes."

Gabran Darkysa
Sep 25th, 2002, 01:44:07 AM
He stood silent, admiring the powerful delivery of her words and the puissant display in her simple yet deft movements. Gabran fell speachless, a hand pulled at his spade-shaped goatee. He agreed with her philosophy completely. Finally finding words, "Yes master, I have constructed my own lightsaber. My former master required it of me. It has since been reconstructed according to my personal liking. My fighting style has been refined or evolved according to my changed persona but had been taught form one and four."

He looked at the eerie incandescent glow of the amethyst blade and bowed curtly, "Master, what will be the day's lesson?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 27th, 2002, 01:50:13 AM
"Do you have your saber with you? If so, we will spar." De'Ville eased up on her stance, and stood lightly, resting her weight on the balls of her feet.

Her saber deactivated and sat in her hand, ready to be reignited. "I wish to see how much you learned from the Jedi, and what bad habits you have picked up. As much as there is for you to learn, my apprentice, there is just as much for you to unlearn."

Gabran Darkysa
Sep 29th, 2002, 11:22:13 PM
"Yes Master, I have a lightsaber. The very one I constructed alone. This will be an interesting afternoon indeed."

The apprentice reached into the folds of his black vestment and quickly removed a shiny cylindrical object. The lightsaber he had constructed not long ago. The very one which his former master beamed at, firmly exhorting Gabran while kindly encouraging him. Those memories vanished quickly like a wisp of smoke as Gabran shut them out. He smiled and waved the deactivated weapon slowly. Admiring the torchlight reflecting off the metallic design. His eyes met Lilaena's eyes and he bowed, "I am ready Master."

His thumb slipped over the activation switch, 'snap-hiss', an fiery orange blade awoke from the hilt.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 29th, 2002, 11:50:47 PM
De'Ville slowly circled around him, and nodded when he said that he was ready. "Then attack me! Pull your anger in, but do not allow it to cloud your judgement." She feinted towards him, her lightsaber activating as she moved forward, but then pulled back into a defensive stance once more.

Gabran Darkysa
Sep 30th, 2002, 12:15:03 AM
The apprentice shifted on his feet as she circled him, keeping his Master always in front. He easily parried Lilaena's feint while realising the purpose was not an aggressive one but an attempt to lure him into an foolhardy response. He kept slowly turning with her circling, whirling his lightsaber, Gabran closed the distance with a series of strikes, probing out Lilaena's defenses. She skillfully parried or eluded, his heart began to race faster.

He launched a second series of strikes, slashing at her ribs, winding the saber around to thrust at her midsection, blocking and spinning, axehandle strike downwards at Lilaena's shoulder. She moved very fluidly as each attempt to otherthrow her defenses were foiled.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 30th, 2002, 12:29:23 AM
She laughed, but it was tightly controlled as she concentrated. "Very good Gabran." Lilaena caught his blade on hers, and the sabers locked for a moment. Catching his eye, she added, "Be careful..once you think you know the rules, like a game of random sabacc, they usually change up on you."

De'Ville extended a hand, and Gabran was shoved away from her with the Force. He did not lose his footing, but she stepped up to him, parrying his blade away with a one handed slash, and exposing his chest to attack. She brought her left hand in, and tapped his solar plexus. "If I were carrying a vibroblade, which I often do, you would be dead."

The Dark Jedi danced away from his blade, and felt his anger rising. She sank back into a defensive position, and then shifted to the offense, parrying a blow and spinning around low to the ground, to sweep him off his feet with her leg.

Gabran Darkysa
Sep 30th, 2002, 12:57:14 AM
He felt his face flush with humiliation and anger. A white-hot anger as she batted his defenses away like a child. Only to moments later find himself lying on his back from perfectly executed legsweep. A legsweep he should have anticipated and adjusted to. Being humbled was not easy for Gabran. Shaking his head, the apprentice flipped up onto his feet.

Facing Lilaena, he attacked with a more disciplined onslaught. The lightsabers crackled as blades connected extensively. Her skills and reflexes were phenomonal but he began to feel a holes in her tiresome defenses. With increased fervor, his strikes and counters became more methodical.

The room offered little means of utilizing his more limbre talents. Riposting the lightsaber down towards Lilaena's skull, permited him to snap a powerful kick to her ribcage. Causing her lose her stabil stance while he Forced-pushed his Master back.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 30th, 2002, 10:26:55 PM
De'Ville was shoved backwards, and fought to keep her balance. Managing to stay upright, she grinned, and advanced on Gabran again.

He was wary, and she quirked her eyebrow up as she took another step forward. Moving in like lightning, she batted his lightsaber away, and while his arm was still extended out she kicked him in the arm. Not hard enough to break it, but hard enough to hurt. As her left foot came down to the ground, she turned a backflip, and faced him again, on the defensive once more.

Gabran Darkysa
Oct 3rd, 2002, 05:48:35 AM
Gabran had his defenses infiltriated again by his Master. The kick numbed his arm and would likely bruise. Concentrating on the Darkside, the blow became nothing but a mere annoyance like an itch that needed scratching. He paced slowly closing on Lilaena, wary of her combat wiles.

Faced with a fighter of superior experience and knowledge forced Gabran to approach apprehensively. Twirling his weapon, the apprentice recalled the Force, slashing his weapon crossbody at the master's upperarm. Her weaker arm. Hoping to imbalance her relexes and guard. Sabers locked and pressing. His previous training was responding instinctively. Without 'parley', his leg flashed forward with a hard snap sidekick, striking her right beneath the rib cage on her open defenseless side. A very debilitating blow. Immediately he spun his lightsaber for a upperwards slash across her chest and strong shoulder, then followed an well executed spinning straight kick at the her centerwaist. Landing a second blow as he retreated, saber dancing. Gabran resumed a proper defensive posture, eyes wide with wariness.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 9th, 2002, 02:13:12 AM
ooc: now, lets practice how a real fight would go: a reaction to their last move, a move of your own, and an open ended move for your opponent to react to. 'kay? You can simply do a reaction and an open ended move as well, doesn't have to be all that involved. As I'm sure you know. But. Anyway. :D Gonna modify your move a little to accomodate. /ic:

De'Ville grunted from the first kick to her left arm, and then again as her apprentice scored on her side under her ribcage.

When he kicked at her waist, she was ready, catching his foot with her free hand, and shoving it down. He landed off balance, and then returned to a defensive position, his eyes wide. "Very good, Darkysa." She twirled her saber, and then advanced once more, using the Force to pull Gabran closer to her blade as she struck at him.

Gabran Darkysa
Jan 27th, 2003, 09:30:39 PM
Gabran felt his Master's power irresistabley pull him towards herself, quickening much like had he stepped onto unforseen sandpit in the dunes of the Junland Wastes on Tatooine. The imperceivable hold felt solid and the pull constant, he was unable to break it using the Darkside only delay by seconds the innevitable. Her lightsaber whipped into striking position as she seemingly prepared to strike him down. Gabran's feet kept slipping on the stone floor of the keep. He raised his lightsaber but could not take a proper defensive stance on the account of his lack of balance.

Offered mere seconds, a new tact flashed through his mind. Deciding rather than resist De'Ville's dominant Darkside prowess, he used it's momentum to his advantage and executed a high flip over his Master. Upon landing, he whipped around and slashed upwards across the De'Ville's torso.

(OOC- Sorry for the delay! My new MSN is Stormcrow01@webtv.net BTW)

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 29th, 2003, 11:59:21 PM
De'Ville's reflexes screamed at her as Darkysa leapt over her head, and she dropped face first to the ground, his saber passing over empty air as she caught herself on her hands and toes. She grunted slightly and pushed herself backwards, locking her feet around his ankles and knocking him to the ground.

Now, both on the stone floor, she flipped her body around and swept her saber at him, as though she would scrape him off the stonework with it.

ooc: no problem - good to see you back! /ic:

Gabran Darkysa
Jan 30th, 2003, 03:37:51 AM
Gabran tumbled to the ground by Lilaena's swift takedown but was immediately alerted by the buzzing approach of De'Ville's arcing lightsaber. Performing a half-roll flip, the low sweeping blade of his master's saber passed harmless beneath as he landed atop of her.

Effectively pinning her beneath his weight with lightsaber gripped in both closed fists positioned in threatening downward thrusting gesture. The tip of it's orange blade held keenly close to Lilaena's throat. Gabran smiled proudly at his sparring genuis.

(OOC- Great!)

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 1st, 2003, 12:43:17 AM
With a grunt she lifted her saber arm and knocked his blade to the side, and then punched up with the same hand, smacking his face with her fist and saber hilt. The apprentice reeled backwards, and she used his shift in balance to free her other arm and shove him to the side.

"You are doing well." She nodded to him as they both regained their feet. "Your lightsaber skills are formiddable. Yet there is more to a lightsaber than being able to swing it around. You must also learn when not to use it." De'Ville brought her saber up in a half salute, and then switched it off, signalling the end of their spar.

Gabran Darkysa
Feb 1st, 2003, 07:29:27 AM
The apprentice shut down his orange bladed lightsaber and returned the curt bow. A smile crossed his lips expressing his deepest admiration and respect for his master. Her words were very encouraging and essential to his growth in the darkside. Clipping the lightsaber to the belt beneath the folds of his black cloak, Gabran inquired, "Will this be my next lesson, Master?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 2nd, 2003, 11:04:37 AM
She didn't reply directly, but turned and walked for the door. "Come with me."

Gabran Darkysa
Feb 2nd, 2003, 05:56:14 PM
Gabran massaged his neck, face masked with uncertainty. His master's actions and words could be so difficult to read at times. Following he whispered, "Yes Master."

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 16th, 2003, 01:28:35 AM
[continued here (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=27430) ]