View Full Version : Seeking peace...[Open Challenge]

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 30th, 2002, 10:20:29 PM
:: A very calm and serene Lance Stormrider was sitting at the top of a cliff on naboo...observing the marvelous waterfalls and rivers...the trees...listening to the whistle of the birds...the Knight..wrapped his left leg with his arms and sat back enjoying this peacefull spot....at last he had found a bit of peace.::

".....Hmm...I wonder...what should I do next" Lance whispered to him-self...the title of Knight...was a great honor for him...but he wasn't too sure....of what to do.. now.

"Maybe...maybe I should take an apprentice...or maybe not...I'm scared he might be a failure...I'm a bad instructor.." Lance still said to him-self....he wasn't very focused on the force at the moment of completly off guard....knowing that on this damned planet he could be attacked at any time....the knight continued to think and think ....his thought all swizzled up into a single turmoil.

Xenodoros Stormrider
Aug 30th, 2002, 11:56:52 PM
"Hey kid, what'd you do to your hair again?", a low voice was heard behind Lance.

It seemed that the voice was warmer than usual; more of the welcoming type. Xenodoros was never like this, but Xeno wanted something. The emptiness inside tried to push its way out. With his spherical, blue eyes, he observed Lance turn around. Xeno smiled; again very odd to give such a warm sentiment to anyone.

"So what limbs do you wanna lose first? Your arms? Or your legs? - I'm being nice, I'm letting you choose", a laughter broke inside of him.

Reaching for his Light Saber on his buckle, he kept looking at Lance. Xeno ignited the Light Saber. It seemed that Lance wanted a fight so badly; then again, so did Xeno. It ran in the family, the urge to fight. Their passion was similar, but their thoughts were different. Firm on the floor, he held the Light Saber with both hands.

"Let's get this party started."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 31st, 2002, 02:36:57 PM
"Huh!?" Lance said tilting his head to the side...then smiling lightly letting a chuckle escape.

"hehe....sounds good to me" he said throwing his lightsaber up and kicking it to make it flip in the air he rose to his feet and caught the lightsaber pressing the ingition button.


:: The sky blue blade bursted out of the hilt...Lance narrowed his eyes and spun Matrix around, today he had a few weapons along with him some throwing weapons, Ragnarok and his fangs...he paced around Xeno on his fighting stand Saber high, he didn't want to make the first move he wasn't in that much of urge.::

"Why not my arms if you can...haha."

Xenodoros Stormrider
Sep 1st, 2002, 11:25:55 AM
"If I can? You're kidding right?", Xeno laughed at this, knowing that anything was possible.

Xenodoros walked around Lance, trying to find a perfect opening. His hair waving from the winds soft blow, Xeno observed Lance from head to toe. Observing Lance's light saber, Xeno approached him slowly. The wind was blowing softly, and nothing could be heard.

Xeno's concentration was fixed. The Dark Side aided him to concentrate. As the anger, rage, hate, and suffering flowed through his mind, Xeno thought only about his past. The Darkness increased and held captive of his soul. But Xeno had now gained control of this. His fists were firm, and his blood was dark. Shadowed by the mysteries of life, Xeno closed his eyes, and attempted Force Speed.

Everything seemed to stop at one moment, where Xeno was moving increasingly rapid. Making his way behind Lance, Xeno let go of his Force Speed. Once behind Lance, Xeno reacted quickly and attempted a downward slice using the Force.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 1st, 2002, 06:39:31 PM
:: Lance was focued on the force as always the force was telling him the futur...it had told him the dark intentions of his brother.. as Xeno force speeded behind him, Lance gathered a pure force energy all around him swirling like a tornado as suddenly it solidified and grew strong as the slash came towards him it collapsed against his force shell causing Xeno to be blasted away falling on his back, Lance then broke the force shell and launched him-self towards him right even before he hit the floor he had already kicked his back from under sending him upwards Lance then flipped away, he didn't want to show all of his strenght right now.::

Xenodoros Stormrider
Sep 1st, 2002, 08:33:15 PM
Falling to the floor roughly, Xeno swept the dust off his clothes. Observing the tree behind Lance, Xeno extended his arm. He let darkness take over his body. His heart was black and cold as a piece of coal. With his strenght, the tree began to move slowly. A slight cracking noise was heard as Xeno concentrated more on his suffering.

He was performing a Force Pull to hit Lance in the back. As the tree approached, Xeno moved away, so he wouldn't get caught in the current of the tree. In a blink of an eye, the tree went zooming and picked up Lance slamming him a few feet away from his position.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 1st, 2002, 09:45:08 PM
:: As Lance was slammed he focused some of the force through his body to make the hit softer on him and was knocked a few feets away he sent his two hands in front of him and flipped over back to his feet.::

"Controling objects I see you have been training" Lance said then lifting rocks without even focusing a lot, throwing objects were pretty easy to go for Lance, as he threw severals rocks towards Xeno the time he took to dodge them Lance advanced further now at 4 meters from him, he launched him-self towards him and lifted up his foot.

"Now for some martial arts madness try to keep up with this old man" He said grinning then his foot started to launch it's self rapidly towards Xeno the blinding speed of the foot was too hard to keep up with and he started hitting Xeno severals time on his legs to then send the real thing for what he had kicked him so much, his fist glew bright as his aura blazed around him, his aura then started sneering off towards his fist, just like on a dynamite when it's lighten up, he then sent the fist extremely fast after sending Xeno off balance with his numberous kicks, the flaming punch going to Xeno's chest like a rocket.::

Xenodoros Stormrider
Sep 1st, 2002, 10:14:32 PM
"Old man? Geez, I didn't know 4 years made that much difference", Xeno's voice said as he talked to Lance.

Observing the kicks getting thrown at him, Xeno crossed his arms attempting to stop the furious kicks. Getting pushed back, he felt Lance's fist collide with Xeno's chest.

Xeno landed on the floor in a sitting position. His chest ache for a few seconds. His arms were scratched from the kicks. Xeno looked at Lance and said

"You babble too much."

Xeno returned the favor by sliding down while sweeping Lance's legs to try to tip him over. Once Lance fell, Xeno levitated the rocks that had been thrown at him while looking at Lance, and threw them back at him. Lance was on the floor, trying to move away from the rocks.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 3rd, 2002, 03:14:25 PM
:: Lance watched the rocks coming at him and it really didn't impress him much, he raised his hand and a force field was sent to each rock as quickly as Lance could the rocks fell on the ground and 2 of them hit Lance's arms causin some pain and leaving a scar on them but it wasn't enough to diminush his fighting capabilities, he rolled away and spun his heal to rise to his feet again.::

"Pretty good....but you might want to learn this" Lance said with a wide grin frming on his lips as he raised his hand in front of him he called through the force to form some energy summoning thunder, the thunder energized it's self in front of his hand as he relased the energy to shock Xeno a few feets away, the energy was so fast he barely eeven got the time to see it.

Xenodoros Stormrider
Sep 4th, 2002, 10:36:29 PM
Getting blasted away by the lightning, Xeno's body shook and trembled as every spark of the lightning tingled his body. He landed near a tree, and shook his head after the tingle was gone. His eyes both closed, he opened one eye forcefully and said:

"Force Lightning? Heard of it, nothing new there."

Xeno got up, his head was aching after the shock. He let this pain come to his advantage and set one hand in front of him in a swift move and a Force Push moved a few plants away and Lance was pushed by the Force towards the trunk of a tree.

"Please, I don't like it when you give me headaches."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 6th, 2002, 08:22:53 PM
:: It's at that instant that precise moment that Xeno understood something...he unerstood that a Jedi Knight's defenses were not to be underestimated, the force blast sent towards him Lance summoned the force through his body to immune it without any roblem.::

"Heh witness the majestic defense of a Knight" Lance said sticking his tongue out.

:: He rose a hand and focused a great amount of force into the palm of it. As he opened his hand the energy slammed a big rock on the floor lifting it towards a tree breaking a hole through it the tree fell in direction of Xeno.::