View Full Version : Rare Oppurtunitys ( Xazor )

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 30th, 2002, 03:27:25 PM
It was yet another night at the Greater Jedi Order, continuing constantly from the labor of the hard day. Most of the Jedi were getting ready to call it a night, their tiresome bodies needed a good night's rest. However Ki Adi Kindo had arranged different plans, some of which were of the rare. Not every day did the Jedi get to sit down and carry on enjoyable conversations with fellow Jedi, but tonight would be an exception. The Jedi Padawan made his way through the tranquil halls of the Living Quarters, heading for the residence of Xazor Leo Dawnstrider. He was quite excited to say the least, for she held such a special place in his heart. She had been the first Jedi he had ever conversed with, for it was her who welcomed him into the Greater Jedi Order. It had been long since Kindo made the life long commitiment to join the keepers of peace and justice, dedicating his life to the cause. Often he would sit down and think of how much he had grown and learned since when he first endevoured into the life of a Jedi. Ki would see Xazor strolling through the Temple or at the Bar and Grill, but rarely did they have the chance to have an interesting conversation or two. Living the life of a Jedi required sacrifice, much time between friends and family was layed down so that the innocent could be saved or the evil would cease. Tonight however, the oppurtunity to have a nice chat with a friend would present itself. Finally approaching the door of Xazor's home, he knocked quietly, but enough for the Knight to hear.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 30th, 2002, 04:56:52 PM
The Knight Xazor had been sitting upon her bed, reading up on the heritage of her people. It was the same book she had been reading for the last few weeks and now she was nearly finished when a knock came at her door. Shutting the black leather book with old and worn bindings, she gently placed it upon the table beside her bed. A lift of dust rose into the air as she set it down...relaying the message that she had forgotten to clean up the little nightstand earlier when she fixed up the rest of the home which she shared with Dasquian and her two children.

Her heart skipped a beat at the thought of who could possibly be visiting her....perhaps a friend whom she had not spoken with in a very long while...but alas, she could only guess and proceeded to the door. Using the Force, she waved her hand and unlocked it...then it hissed open revealing...Ki Adi Kindo...a very dear friend whom she had not spoken with in some time. Smiling, she bowed as far as her buldging stomach holding the unborn would allow her to...then rose to upright position to eye him once again.

"Greetings dear friend! It has been too long..."

She said softly, her voice holding the motherly gentleness to it that she had always possessed. The Knight moved over and allowed him to come inside...wondering what brought him to her quarters this eve...

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 30th, 2002, 05:56:05 PM
" I was wondering if you would like to just have a nice conversation. I haven't seen you in quite a while, been so busy with training. I have missed you, and just want to have a nice chat with you, if you are up for it? "

From an outsider's view, the man's request was of little worth, but time was a comfort that the Jedi could not delight in. With what little time Kindo did have, he enjoyed spending it with loved ones. He looked back at Xazor, awaiting her answer.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 30th, 2002, 06:14:35 PM
Xazor smiled gently and nodded, glowling from the inside out. It was a noble request...and one that she would take up in a heartbeat.

"Of course I'll join you for conversation...it is good to be with those close to you in the short amount of time you do have. I have found this to be true in my time spent here in the Order..."

She said softly, thinking of this truth she had spoken. Indeed....in times when she had a bit of off time, she would be with those she loved....and it was good....

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 30th, 2002, 08:37:24 PM
A bright smile radiated off the Jedi’s face, one that seemed to light up the room. He strolled over to a seat, resting down in the chair. He kept glancing around the room, admiring the humble abode.

" This is a very lovely place you have here. "

Turning his attention back to the Jedi Knight, his face reflected a look of intrigue and interest.

" So what has been going on in the life of Xazor lately? “

Xazor Elessar
Sep 1st, 2002, 08:23:41 AM
Xazor smiled gently at his compliment and looked around the room for a moment. Her eyes came to rest upon his face and she nodded.

"Indeed it is very lovely, thank you. Nothing much has been happening in my life except for preparations with the baby of course. I have been training my students and getting another ready for promotion after Chance....as well as learning a new language."

She smiled gently once again and kept her gaze fixed upon the Padawan. He had a good heart and it was nice of him to come visit her like this.

"How about you dear friend? Is training going well?"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 1st, 2002, 04:18:57 PM
" Your father has agreed to assist me in further in my training. I knew it would be a valuble asset if he would help tone my abilities and knowledge of the living Force. Your father is an excellant teacher and a great person. "

His thoughts shifted from the Verse Dawnstrider to the agonizing memories of his own father. He immediatly cleared his mind of the late tragedy, focusing upon his good friend Xazor who stood directly before him.

" How has Dasquain been? "