View Full Version : Do you think the Yoda fight was executed well?
Aug 29th, 2002, 10:47:47 AM
Let me get something straght from the off. I loved the Yoda fight.
However, in all three showings of EP2 I saw, people were laughing as he appeared, doing his poses and then fighting. More laughs than during MRs eyeball scene, and all but one or two scenes in Goldmember.
Now to me, that shouldn't be happening. An 878 year old jedi Master should be watched fighting without half of the cinema cracking up, surely.
Part of me now thinks that I might have been cracking up too, had it not been for Lucas gushing about it at every moment (Which also managed to take something from the scene for me)
So basically, my question is this. Do you think anything could have been changed to avoid this?
Aug 29th, 2002, 11:43:58 AM
The one thing I would personally have changed is the pose he strikes after Dooku tries to bring the cieling down on him. I thought that was a little too "Bruce Lee" for me. Other than that, I think it was extremely well done.
And don't get me wrong, I think that the entire thing was done well, but that was the one thing that got me a little bit...
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 29th, 2002, 12:34:50 PM
I thought it was well done, and like Mcbain said that one pose is the only thing I laughed at, still though I wouldn't even change that. I don't find it any different than the comical stuff in TESB.
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 29th, 2002, 12:35:00 PM
I agree with McBain. The Yoda pose was a little wierd. Everything else was cool. Yoda's fighiting style reminded me of a hyper frog with all the jumping around. But that was cool. The Dooku fight could have lasted a little bit longer, too. I thought it was way to short to have gotten serious.
Aug 29th, 2002, 12:45:47 PM
I think that the scene is victim to the order the movies are shown in. If Episode 2 was truly the second movie we saw, we wouldn't have thought it so hilarious. But the fact
is, for the past 20+ years, we've been used to Yoda sitting still and being playful.
Seeing him pull the "Bruce Lee pose" made me crack up too because it was so odd to see.
I agree with most of you in that that could have been altered somewhat to seem a little less hokey. In all, I thought the fight was very well done, but I did find it a little too quick, like the asteroid field chase.
Aug 29th, 2002, 12:50:48 PM
Suppose the length could have been the reason.
Admiral Lebron
Aug 29th, 2002, 12:57:13 PM
I believe the fight is longer. Dooku gets frustrated and yanks Anakins saber and goes after him.
Aug 29th, 2002, 01:05:14 PM
It is, I've seen them filming it on TV
Aug 29th, 2002, 01:27:07 PM
Originally posted by Admiral Lebron
I believe the fight is longer. Dooku gets frustrated and yanks Anakins saber and goes after him.
Now that would be awesome. I hope they have that on the DVD. I remember seeing or hearing something about Dooku using two sabers and still getting his @ss handed to him by Yoda, but I didn't know if it was filmed or not.
Aug 29th, 2002, 01:41:31 PM
It was. I've seen them filming it :)
Aug 29th, 2002, 06:04:55 PM
Pictures of Dooku with both the sabers have been around for months. That's why the action figure shipped with two sabers so people have seen storyboards or descriptions of that part of the fight for close to 2 years.
Aug 29th, 2002, 06:37:32 PM
Oops, I didn't mean that the scenes were short length wise, I meant the action within the scene was a little too quick for me, like the way in which Obi Wan's ship moves through the asteroids. You can't even move a ship with that much jerkiness in a video game! :D
Aug 29th, 2002, 07:45:15 PM
I thought it was great. And it was sort of funny to see Yoda like that, but I think that's the point. He was having so much trouble walking, but he was a monster with a saber. It was intentionally comical.
Starquest aka AndyR
Aug 30th, 2002, 09:29:05 AM
now that I reflect back on the fight, I dont see his ready stance as comical. When I remember my feelings when I saw that it was more of an anticipation laugh, and not a "he looks funny" laugh. I remember my thoughts were along the line of "Holy 5h!t! the master is about to bust some a55!", and laughing out my excitement.
Master Yoghurt
Aug 30th, 2002, 12:30:07 PM
I thought the fight was very well done, and for me, it was the definite highlight of the movie. Yes, I did laugh, but, it was more due to anticipation like the previous poster mentioned. Count Doku had up to that point skillfully manipulated the Jedi Order to the point of allmost getting everyone killed. The power of this villain is nothing less than astonishing, only second to his arrogance. Just when Doku is about finishing Obi & Anakin off, the real MASTER appears, defeating him in a way that makes the mighty Sith Lord look like a little boy sent into the corner after doing a prank. LOL!
So funny, yes, but in a bad way? No. More than anything, the sequence shows why one should never judge upon appearance ("size matters not"). Despite being a small 800 years old little alien using a walking cane for support, he really could fight with a lightsabre better than anyone else. And no one seemed to be taken more off guard by that fact than Doku himself..
Now, as for what could have been better. I felt they could have made the fight last a bit longer, adding some more sequences perhaps. Some of those I hope to see on the DVD. :)
Sene Unty
Aug 30th, 2002, 12:36:48 PM
I think I laughed more out of anticipation than anything else. I would also like to see the fight longer and Dooku fighting with two sabers. They need that on the DVD!!!!!
Aug 30th, 2002, 05:48:08 PM
I agree with those who said they laughed out of anticipation and for me, even joy. My laughter wasn't an unintentional laugh at an embarrasing scene. (Like I heard at a ROTJ SE screening in which people laughed at certain lines of dialogue that had aged badly.) I laughed because it was it looked GREAT. It was the incongruence of seeing such a pose come from such a frail and familiar character. But it was really cool. I'll tell you this, I took my then 3 year old son to see AOTC twice. Each time he saw Yoda stike his pose he laughed and squeled in DELIGHT. Not because he was seeing something that was unintentionally funny, but because he was seeing something that he really loved. I think most people had similiar reactions.
For me, it was the highlight of the movie. It was certainly the most talked about. Hell, when they showed the famous Yoda clip at the SWC2 in Indy the audience went insane. Simply, freakin' AWESOME!
Aug 30th, 2002, 05:55:48 PM
But the thing is STAR WARS fans went insane. Were the non-SW fans laughing out of anticipation? I dont think so.
Levi Argon
Aug 30th, 2002, 06:08:15 PM
I agree there's two different kinds of people who found it funny in completely different ways: Star Wars fans and casual viewers. Most casual viewers were laughing because they thought it was daft - I've not heard a non-fan say otherwise. And Star Wars fans loved it, it was funny in a joyous sense to see Yoda finally live up to his reputation.
But I have to counter ReaperFett's innitial point/question and ask: "What would Lucas see as more important - delivering what the loyal and dedictaed fans of Star Wars have been wanting to see for twenty years or do what I would call "sell-out" by toning it down to please the average movie-goer?"
If I were him: Fans come first. And they did. :)
Aug 30th, 2002, 06:09:59 PM
But my question wasnt so much REMOVE, more modify :)
I do think fans should go first, yes.
Levi Argon
Aug 30th, 2002, 06:12:02 PM
But it still would be modifying to suit the masses instead of the fans. So I think Lucas made the right choice to make that scene big and bold and a real treat for the fans.
Aug 30th, 2002, 06:16:21 PM
But one way to look at it is that he was lucky. He couldn't have known how fans would have reacted. Jar Jar was, on the whole, negatively looked at. Why risk making a mockery of the wisest character SW has seen?
Loki Ahmrah
Aug 30th, 2002, 06:19:35 PM
Because I think if that was happening he would be stopped in his madness by his team and secondly I do believe they've learned from Jar-Jar. There's much more respect for Master Yoda's character and I am quite certain they were aware it was a risk but equally knew what they were doing - the proof is in the movie. :)
Aug 30th, 2002, 06:26:01 PM
AH! He changed! ;)
His team didnt stop JJ, who many hate. They seem to have failed him before :)
And IMO, had they so much respect for Yoda, they wouldnt have been telling everyone at EVERY chance that he is going to fight in EP2, like some cheap little merchandising ploy.
Loki Ahmrah
Aug 30th, 2002, 06:32:51 PM
Well personally speaking, I didn't hear that Yoda fights so I wouldn't know to be honest.
His team didnt stop JJ, who many hate. They seem to have failed him before :)
I will restate:
and secondly I do believe they've learned from Jar-Jar.
Aug 30th, 2002, 06:38:22 PM
I disagree :)
And you are VERY lucky to avoid knowing of Yoda. I knew he fought from back when I registered "We'll see why hes a Jedi Master, hmm, wonder how:)). So many interviews brought it up, and mainly when McCallum was there. I mean, I like the guy, but he has two major flaws. First, he goes from being nice about fans to plain insulting from interview to interview. Then, its the way how he gushes at times. Surely he should know something about being cryptic, maybe a bit vague?
Aug 30th, 2002, 07:12:41 PM
You're dead on about McCallum. I never have liked him that much. He just talks too much. Part of me wishes he would start smoking again so that he would have something else to do with his mouth other than speak!
Aug 30th, 2002, 07:21:29 PM
lol :)
When I watched the TPM Documentary I started to like him, but that's when he isnt publicly speaking :)
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