View Full Version : Saurcy Jack and The Ripper (Semi-Open)

Aug 30th, 2002, 08:57:56 AM
It all began one late summer,a joyful time as everyone comes together for the end of summer festival. Children playing and wife cooking, the very smell of baked cakes in the old city was in the air, the men worked of course, there only day off would be the festival monday. It was August 28th by the time it all started the very fog and smog of the late night witching hour told a tale of its own as the next few months ahead would prove to be a very gruesome time for the Victorian type London town it would be a time that would dazaldthe city and would remain in the record books of history un till forgotten years ahead...this is a tale of something they call......From Hell.

Luthrel a city of few wonders, it was set back into the old Victorian days much like some of the other planets that existence, untouched by heavy politics and imperial torture it simply was just a planet that hated new technologies and ships, flying taxis and landing pads. It liked its traditional ways as it were and had stayed like that for a few hundred years. The two well dressed gentlemen nearly exactly the same crossed a narrow street paved with cobbles and the like, the towering bent up old rooftops of white church road was dirty and Victorian style. It was no place for the faint hearted or indeed the rich of the town...to many it was just a dirty old slum, to the to black cloaked gentlemen it would end up as there home for the next few months as they had business to attend to right now however the local tavern would be a great place to sort out the unsuspecting....."friends".

The Ripper
Aug 30th, 2002, 09:12:57 AM
As the two walked, they came upon a stone-built bridge, that arched over a sluggish stream. The taller of the two cast a glance downwards, head barely moving to catch a glance of the water and a brief image of the two silohuettes the pair created. His heels clicked loudly against the cobbles under foot as he walked with an almost leisurely swagger, giving a slight cough as he watched a man pass by.

Leaving the bridge brought them back down into the trodden mud that was mixed in with the paving of the main streets. The corpses of rats littered some areas, whilst their live relatives scurried about from place to place, apparently unnoticed by the civilians. No doubt they were accustomed to the rodents now, and perhaps even as disease-riddened as the pests.

Under the brim of his hat, the taller man's eyes wandered to the sign of the tavern. The "Brigandiers Retreat" - a private joke was shared within his mind at the named before he stepped up across the threshold of the pub, into the dull light within. Merryment filled the place as tankards were clanged together and drunks jeered their friendly songs, drinking away their nights in the squallid setting.

Eyes rose at the sight of the two well dressed men, almost identical. The only distinguishing feature the patrons would notice would be the difference in hair colour. One had ice white hair, whilst the other bore a mop of dirty blonde.

"A drink perhaps, to start the evening?" the tall one questionned to his aqquaintance.

Aug 30th, 2002, 09:43:03 AM
'Wisky if you will...' The shorter man said with a posh voice leaning his cane against the bar. It was a dimly lit pub full of drunken louts and peasants, women flaunting there upper assets and offering there "services",a place he would hardly ever come. The shorter man nodded to the taller and he took a quick glance around and viewed the bars interior and then turned back to the bar. 'Corner table...dark over there...' He muttered to the taller man to his left.

He collected his whisky and his cane and set off towards the empty table looking at all those that looked at him, probably wodering what a well dressed man was doing in the slums of the city, as he walked he address them only with a nod, the brim of his had concealing his face with shadow showing little of his face. Eventually he made it to the dark corner of the tavern where little light covered the table and sat. Only his monocle shining in the light save for his glass.

The Ripper
Aug 30th, 2002, 09:51:18 AM
The second opted for a less bitter drink, tending towards a liquor of some kind instead, cream in colour with a faintly fruity scent. His eyes two scanned the bar to survey what was available within, and must certainly that was on display was enough to make any man vomit. The women looked to be in their late twenties, and bore heavy sags under their eyes and other areas as a show of their hard working lives. One in particular - younger than the others - caught his eye, though he practically ignored her for the moment, instead taking a seat back by his good friend.

"I think perhaps I should like to converse with one of the young women," he remarked into the brim of his cup as he took a sip before setting the glass down.

As he placed it down, he cleared his throat and inhaled deeply the aroma of the room; a mix of smoke, sweat, ale and blood. It was nauseating, though he could bare it for the purpose of the evening.

"I know which I would like, Jack," he whispered, his mind brushing into that of his choice.

"I think I shall go talk to her," he added with a slight smile, rising up from the table as he paced towards the woman.

Aug 30th, 2002, 10:38:11 AM
'Of course dear fellow....' Jack said with a hidden smile. he brought the Wiskyto his lips and sipped watching as his partner paced towards the young girl with his own shadowed smile. Once again the dark figure looked across the bar viewing the pub goers return back to there high tone chatter accepting the dark figure walking across the bar, thinking of course he was here for what the bar was well known for.

"Jack" reclined back into his seat and sipped the Wisky again an evil smile spread across his lips as he watched his friend go to work. It had been a long time since he had been the character named Jack...first time in a long while. The chracter just did not fit the bill for the modern society, thats exactly why the two preyed on the more "Traditional" type of community. This type of community you could strike fear into and make the whole town turn into gossip central, that was Jacks favorite part of all this type of work they did....it would be long rememberd in time...in essence they were shaping history.

The Ripper
Aug 31st, 2002, 03:28:59 AM
I had chosen her for a reason, though it was not purely asthetical. Granted, of all of the women present she was undoubtably the most youthful and beautiful, but her purity spanded into her mind also. Unlike the others, she was virtually free of sin.

He approached the woman, who stood in the corner of the room, with a jaunty swagger. She had retreated from the rabble in the hopes of escaping patronage, though it seemed she would have no such luck this evening. But then, the man moving towards her looked like a respectable gent', and no doubt had a few thousand spare credits.

Her eyes lit up, as did her thoughts, as I lowered my hat to her. It was amazing what a little charm could do to these women. I imagine that in all her life she had never been treated nicely - always ordered to do things by customers. To find someone such as I being kindly to her would be a shock to her system ... If only she knew.

Though the hat had be lifted for the woman to gain a quick glance at his face, his features remained vague. Blonde hair, light eyes, a well shaped jaw, and nothing more. The woman on the other hand had her features in full view; hair in ringlets, cherry red lips, doe brown eyes and a soft expression, full of innocence.

"Good evening," the tall man said, his voice a thickly accentuated husky growl, obviously not from around these parts.

"Would you care to join me for a quick drink?" he added, allowing a thin smile to press over his hidden lips.

Aug 31st, 2002, 04:34:48 AM
The night was slowly drawing in along with the fog, the men with stilts patrolled the city slum streets in search any oil lamp posts that had not been lit. The streets by now were fogy and smog covered, the only movement save for the few people walking around was the horse and carriages passing by every so often....it was a night that would spark of the start the terror, and no one...not even the birds were ready for it. However on the other side of the small slums area sat a man half drunk and dirty as sin, unknown to the two very well dressed men of course...and that man alone... a bum of the streets would be a very valuable asset to the law indeed...

Jack watched from the other side of the tavern the goings on with his friend, a small smile growing across his lips at the same time as his friends did....Jack adjusted his monocle and once again sipped the Wisky until his glass was drunk dry. He was waiting for the signal, a signal that only the two black clad gentlemen knew and had practiced time and time again, the moment had to be right, the persuading had to be perfect...and then the jaw of the monster would SNAP!.

Jack raised the brim of his hat for a moment careful not to show the full texture of his fa and took what he thought to be one last look at the bar, scooping the women and the men that could maybe be a problem to the two mens objective...however looking, the men were just farmers and peasants...hardly worth worrying about. The brim of his hat lowered and just then when all was going to plan, it all happend to fall again as the door opened sending a cold draft of the night in along with 3 off duty police officers...Jacks brim lowered more.