View Full Version : The TSO Constitution

Live Wire
Aug 29th, 2002, 11:28:35 PM
The TSO Constitution is here to serve as guidelines for conduct and management of TSO. The first and foremost thing is to remember to use common sense in your role playing and in your treatment of others. Due to past events however it was decided that for stability and clarity something be put into writing. The consitution was drawn up and revised over a period of time and then voted on by the council members who were there during that period of time. (if anyone wants to know who they were feel free to ask me or LV or Vader or Gav) If anyone has any questions of concerns please feel free to address the council in a different thread.

Note - The section on alliances has been kept in the constitution should such a situation arise in the future to prevent problems that have arisen in the past.

Note - Banishment is an IC action. example: what was done to the character of Lady DeVille. Banning is an OOC action. example: what was done to Itala Marzullo.

The TSO Consitution

General Rules of Conduct:
1. You will respect the rights of all members. Flaming is unacceptable!
2. You will attempt to resolve conflicts between yourselves. If a conflict can not be resolved the council will step in to mediate.
3. The good of the group comes before personal ambitions.
4. Three violations and you can be banished(IC) from TSO. The council will vote on if a second chance is merited. Violation of a second chance is automatic banishment and no other chances will be given.
5. Treason is an automatic banishment.
6. Hacking is an automatic banning (OOC).
7. You will NOT use OOC information to benefit yourself IC.
8. Admission in to locked forums will be granted only after the person has proven himself or herself loyal and deserving. Ask and you will AUTOMATICALLY be refused and not be reconsidered for a period of time.
9. TSO is a family and everyone in the group will uphold that atmosphere.
10. Accusations brought upon any member must be backed with proof or they are summarily rejected.
11. Accusations against another TSO member will be brought before the council and NOT in a public forum.
13. Violation of the rules results in demotion.

Admission to the Order:
1. Admission shall be granted to all reasonable requests.
2. The council will discuss admission to “controversial” people (i.e. people known to cause problems either IC or OOC on the boards) before entrance is granted.
3. The council must be informed of anyone having a second active character in TSO.
4. Those who have been banned (OOC) from TSO and create a separate character that desires to be admitted into the Order must have a ¾ majority vote in the council before admitted.
5. Participation or having a second character in another group can not be a sole reason for dismissing a request.
6. Permission may be denied to someone who is deemed by the council to be an extremely substandard role player. Quality over Quantity. This does not mean someone who is there to learn how to RP it means someone who refuses to learn how to improve themselves.

Apprentice Training:
1. Everyone who is deemed qualified by the council MUST take on an apprentice.
2. If at all possible the limit to the number of apprentices is three.
3. Before an apprentice can be promoted they must have been on at least two RP’s with their master at the swfan forums.
4. Training may take place on the boards, in a chat room, or an instant message medium. If the training takes place somewhere other then the boards the transcript must be posted in the appropriate forum for documentation.
5. A petition for promotion must be brought before the council by the apprentice’s master and the council will vote upon it.
6. Every apprentice will be made to feel welcome at TSO to ensure a long career in the group.

1. The decision to ally with any group or person must have a ¾ majority vote in the council.
2. The alliance must not conflict in any way with current alliances
3. Temporary alliances may be made with a simple majority vote.
4. If an ally turns against another ally the council must have a unanimous vote on whether or not to stay out of the conflict or side with one group or another.
5. Alliances can be broken with a week’s notice from the party severing the alliance. No reason need be given.
6. Even though a group is allied with us the council must approve the sharing of “Sensitive” information.
7. Information obtained from one ally will not be shared with another ally.

Governmental Structure:
1. The council will consist of 7 members whenever possible.
2. Simple majority will decide all votes unless otherwise stated in the guidelines.
3. The council is not above the laws stated in the TSO constitution.
4. Replacement council members will be nominated by the existing council members and then voted on by every member in TSO.
5. Violation of any of the rules can result in your removal from the council. Council members set the example!
6. Once the constitution is finalized a 3/4 vote in the council is needed to amend it in any way.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Aug 30th, 2002, 04:29:59 AM
Sorry to be a party pooper but, there are reasons that portions of this will not work. I think we need some amendments.

When we did have a council before, we found it nearly impossible just to remember there names. A 7 person council is way to large for a group which just went through a month of having only 1, and I repeat 1, master.

I see the training missions as the same thing as the RP's with master, but then, not being tied to one master allows more freedom. When 1 apprentice is tied to 1 master, then it limits our growth, we form rivial ships between each other. Also, when the 1 master is gone, I.E. how LV and LW went MIA, then you block the progess of the one person. I worked hard to keep this Order living during your absents. And I have worked out a system through trial and error. 2 Training Missions, and a Test from any master to see if you pass.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 30th, 2002, 07:03:04 AM
This is one of the reasons I quit the council. The council isn't half as active as it should be.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 30th, 2002, 10:24:43 AM
Maybe a Council isn't the thing for TSO. Could work on a similar to system to TBH.

Lady Vader
Aug 30th, 2002, 11:58:48 AM
Having a Council is somewhat of a tradition here at TSO, and was started way back when TSC was still in power. I don't think we'll be giving that up anytime soon.

I do like the idea of training missions, allowing apprentices to learn from different Masters, if that is what they choose. But we must also think of those apprentices that ask to have a Master and not shun them. And, yes Dyzm, you have been a tremendous help in this department, and I can't thank you enough. :)

Jehova Eaven
Aug 30th, 2002, 01:19:21 PM
I have absolutely no comment on this, just felt an urge to post. Maybe one day I'll have an opinion and edit this post.

Levi Argon
Aug 30th, 2002, 05:53:39 PM
I'm irritated about this and I'll point out why:

Originally posted by Lady Vader
Having a Council is somewhat of a tradition here at TSO, and was started way back when TSC was still in power. I don't think we'll be giving that up anytime soon.

Who is this "we"?

I don't intend to be nasty or disrespectful but I have to raise my honest opinion. As far as I am concerned, the only "we" at TSO seems to be a council that is more or less dead; we should be all the members of TSO who have a right to voice what they want and vote how they/we feel TSO should be run. Because as far as I'm concerned, the council system hasn't worked for a looong time now. We haven't even had a council revote in God-knows how long. Dyzm alone has done more for TSO over the last few months than myself, LV, LW, Vader and whoever else who is supposedly on the council - which is none others - currently our seven person council consists of three people now that Gav's left.

Dyzm and Jehova deserve to be on that council more than Vader and Live Wire do, LV has been active with regards to TSO but not as active as a council member SHOULD be. Now I know people are going to start about real life hinderances but this has gone on for too long and our inactivity here at TSO is a roleplaying hinderance to those who want to make TSO more than it is and it can be a lot more. With this new character I promise to help us get there. But we need to:

a. Establish what TSO's future goals are to be.
b. Decide whether or not a council is the best way to keep this place running.
c. And if it is the best way, then we definately need a revote as to who will be on the council.

That's my two cents. TSO can be an increadible group and I want it to be but I will not stand idly by whilst senior members aren't doing enough and pretending the current system and everything is alright. I pulled out of the council because I wasn't going to fool myself or the rest of TSO anymore and as such I leave it up to the rest of our members to decide what they want for our group.

Edit: Just an after-thought after re-reading the "TSO Constitution":

Council members set the example!

What example has the council members been setting for the rest of this group, I wonder.

Live Wire
Aug 31st, 2002, 12:41:33 AM
oh good grief I dont have time to make a long post but I do take offence at the fact that people are insinuating that I dont do anything cause I was gone for a couple of months. You guys act like I abandoned you and just showed up missing one day. I did give notice and let everyone know where I was and I did try to read as much as I could when I was away. And I dont think seven is an unreasonable number to strive for. Notice it says whenever possible.

Im too tired and its to late for me to think of more but believe me I have more to say on this matter later.

Im not opposed to adding or subtracting to anything on the constitution. As I pointed at that was done awhile back to fit the needs of the group at the time! Obviously as things change the consitution can be changed.

Please dont start bickering cause that wont accomplish anything. The council system is stable which is why it was implemented a long time ago. Having one person in power doesnt work. And As I have said many many times the council is there as a stabilizing force. The members SHOULD be able to take care of themselves for the most part. If a group is running as it should then the council shouldn't have much to do. THe council is like police, they keep order help resolve problems that arise they're not there to say explictly do this and do that all of the time. If the council is doing that then the group isnt very good cause it means no thinking is going on among the members. Thats why I was glad to see others take the lead while I was on vacation. Now I dont know other peoples excuses for being away but its good to see that the group functions while Im out of the country or out of town or out sick or whatever reason Im gone. That means the group is actually functioning as it should.

I dont like being in groups where the council or a person has to tell everyone what to do or organize EVERYTHING. It shouldnt be that way. Its efficient for lazy people but no one person should have that responsibility. That means the group is weak.

Now Im repeating myself so I need to head to bed. I'll try to pop in tomorrow night and see whats up.

LV post the names that were discussed for council positions.

If people have suggestions for how to change the constitiution (reasonable suggestions, nothing stupid) please state them in a NON CONFRTONTATIONAL manner! Thanks.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 31st, 2002, 03:50:14 AM
I'm not supris this is being reacted to like so, no wonder everyone in this group is too afraid to raise their opinions. I wasn't confrontational. I was honest. You are acting exactly how I said you would: "pretending the current system and everything is alright."

Your inactivity - and my own - was an issue long before your trip to Japan. This has been a growing problem and I am not going to restrain this group or it's members anymore.

Please dont start bickering cause that wont accomplish anything.

I'm not bickering, whether or not you were talking to me I am unsure but I'm going to defend myself.

The council system is stable which is why it was implemented a long time ago. Having one person in power doesnt work. And As I have said many many times the council is there as a stabilizing force. The members SHOULD be able to take care of themselves for the most part. If a group is running as it should then the council shouldn't have much to do.

The council system is not stable. It isn't working. What have the council done in the last three months for this group? Secondly, I am not proposing we have one person in power. A stabilizing force? One, it does nothing. Two, council members are never active around here to stabilize anything anyway. The members have been taking care of themselves without us if that hasn't been noticed. They've had no choice. The council hasn't been hear to lead this group. Dyzm has been it's leader over the last few months, not us. Although our members should be independent, at the same time this group needs order and an active number of members who will pull their thumb out for this group.

I dont like being in groups where the council or a person has to tell everyone what to do or organize EVERYTHING.

How can you possibly say that? The council doesn't organize ANYTHING.

LV post the names that were discussed for council positions.

No names were discussed in the council room. You proposed we discuss them, it never happened.

Garrett Blade
Aug 31st, 2002, 03:37:36 PM
I don't think we'll be giving that up anytime soon

Council? That sounds like a dictatorship!

Bette Davis
Aug 31st, 2002, 08:44:51 PM
I don't want to stick my nose where it doesn't belong, but the inactivity of the council is why LD went bananas and revolted.

Wouldn't want Dzym to do that too, now would you? I felt like my character had to do everything, because there was never anyone else around in POWER to do it. Yes *I* was a council member. Is Dzym? I don't remember.

Those who do not learn from the past are destined to repeat it. Not a threat, just the truth.

Oh yeah, I am still sorry for upsetting so many people with my actions a year and a half ago.

Gouyen Chee
Aug 31st, 2002, 09:35:03 PM
Do we really need a council? Things have been running fine in the short time I've been a member here. I wonder if it might be time for TSO to give up on having a council if it's not doing anything. Just a thought.

Live Wire
Aug 31st, 2002, 11:27:13 PM
actually I think its dangerous to not have a council. But I wont go into it at this time. But I honestly feel that its a bad idea to not have some kind of stabilizing force. Its asking for trouble. And just to clear things up Im not saying this as some kind of bid for power. If people want me off the council I wont complain. The council should be there for the people. If people want me on the council I'll try to do my best. Its up to everyone else where they want me. As long as TSO functions I dont care what my position is. I do like keeping the position as diplomat/spokesperson as I think Im good at it. But you dont have to be a council member to do that job.

Anyway Gav I wasnt calling you confrontational. I actually was talking to LV when I said that. But I talked to her about that already okay? Please dont get upset with me.

I basically agree with a lot thats being said. While our council is more or less inactive at the moment I believe the system can work. If we get a group of people who can reinforce each other and inspire each other to keep the system going. Whether or not Im on that council is unimportant. I believe the system can work and can work well! But I may have a different definition of what the council system should be like. If you want we can all sit down( so to speak) and decide what the function of a council should be for TSO. If you want to do that Im open to it.

I hate to think that anyone here sees me as controling or anything like that. I have an idea of what I think can work for tso and that may not mesh with everyone else but Im willing to discuss it to get this place running smoothly. TSO is my main concern thats all.

Jehova Eaven
Sep 1st, 2002, 06:06:15 AM
Post your ideas in SSC or here... maybe we can have some sort of chatroom open when an odd twist happens and we're all online at the same time to discuss it.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 1st, 2002, 07:41:39 AM
The Council would work if this was a real thing and RL wouldn't get in the way. Sadly, it does. Why don't we just keep the entire order open? Like Loki/Gav/New Charachter said, let everyone have a voice. The masters are the ultimate commanders, and the council won't just be a select group of people, but all the masters. And the Master's speak for the apprentices etc. etc.

I have not slept in 38 hours, so if my replys seem choppy, pay no attention. I going to bed... Now if only that blasted sun dosne't keep me awake.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 1st, 2002, 08:01:28 AM
My simple proposal is that we rid ourselves of the council system and make the hierarchy as follows:

Masters at the top. Knighhts in the middle. Apprentices at the bottom.

It's simple and that way we wont need to rely on any singular body that consists of people who mightn't be able to dedictae all their time to this group. I mean let's be honest, it's not like the groups unmanageable. We don't have half the members GJO has and we should have. We can get there but we just need to move on from our old ways. Maybe when the group gets considerably bigger then we might reinstate a council. But for now I feel it is unneeded and restraining.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 1st, 2002, 08:10:49 AM
I'd just like to distinguish between two things here: I am not saying that a council system cannot work, it certainly can, but at the moment I just feel that for the size of this group and it's current situation, a change - even if only temporary - has to be made.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 2nd, 2002, 01:20:36 AM
I agree. The Council System is for larger groups. We are a small group, and instead of investing time and effort into something that has, in my opinion, never worked, is crazy. I don't see us pulling in as many people as other sith groups, but I have always seen us as the elite force. Lets strive for this, and become unmatched in skill.

Jehova Eaven
Sep 2nd, 2002, 05:08:25 AM
Hmm, I agree with Gav. The council system is for larger groups.

I think the ranking system should work well enough until we get enough members, if and when that happens then changing back to the council system would probably be a better choice.

Now then, whos got some caffeine? I could use it right about now. BTW Dyzm, I need to speak to you on aim. IM me when you rest up.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Sep 7th, 2002, 11:09:05 PM
*agrees with the fact that councils are for bigger groups* honestly in experience of watching TSE's council, they had problems simply because of the whole power struggle within them of who had more power within the council over the other....I watched the same thing happen over and over again, two council members would fight, the group would split into who they agreed with then ppl would get into big OOC fights and ppl would leave or give up their position.....I know that I haven't been around much yet for this place due to other rping I've been doing but a personal experience is good for two cents on the matter......

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 8th, 2002, 09:43:50 PM
So, until we pound out some new details and rules, lets continue with the group training.