View Full Version : Brothers reunite....(Attn: Rithraldor)

Vanair Sharkan
Aug 29th, 2002, 09:38:04 PM
Vanair walked to one of the training fields and engaged his dual phased light saber. He warmed up with the basic maneuvers that he had learned a long time ago. When he was done he looked up and saw his brother standing there. Vanair had not seen his brother in a long time. Vanair looked at his brother's dual phased saber and said. "Feel like a spar?"

Aug 29th, 2002, 10:02:33 PM
Rithraldor looked at his brother impassivly. He had seen his brother in the recruitment center. There was something different about him. He had attained a certian peace and Rithraldor wanted to know what it was and to test it. "Ok then. You asked for it." Rithraldor sent a crackle of Force lightning at Vanair and engaged his light sabers and attacked.