View Full Version : You know what it feels like to have your arms torn off? He does. (open)

Odin Murk
Aug 29th, 2002, 08:09:50 PM
:: Odin and Wraith walkd in, Odin had a person undeneath his arms. They entered and Odin tossed the human on the table. The person was hardly recognizable. But Odin knew the weaklings name. Ansatsu, a foolish mammal who had enough nerve to bother him. Ansatsu was missing both arms, Odin had eaten both in an earlier battle. But the wounds had been cauterized because Odin had wanted Ansatsu to know weakness to a full extent. Odin looked about for a moment then nodded to Wraith. It was done, the fool was returned, time to go home. The giant lizard turned and began to walk to the exit.::

Aug 31st, 2002, 12:52:21 AM
Ansatsu started to come around and saw he was in the order. After Odin left Ansatsu started to feel the pain again. He quickly yelled out, "Bring me my family! I need a medic and Xazor! Bring me someone please! I am in an amazing amount of pain!" Ansatsu passed out again and a little blood spilled from his lips.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 31st, 2002, 09:59:51 AM
Wei came in from being on the mountain and loked at his cousin.

"Those sick people..." Wei was also injured and fatigued, frosbitten from the snows of the mountain.

Jak Brennagenn
Aug 31st, 2002, 10:50:45 AM
Jak walked towards the Bar cheerily. He was having a great day! Excellent, none better!

Until he stepped into the B&G and saw the man on the table, crying for help.

"Uh...Uh...Woh! Woh...okay..."

He glanced at the man that stood beside the other. He looked in no condition to be doing anything. They both needed some help. Still slightly "freaked", Jak pointed at them.

"Just...stay there, uh...I'll get some help! I'll be right back!"

Jak spun around and ran back out the door. He had to find Xaxor, that's who the man had asked for and Jak didn't know his family.

Okay....okay...okay...Oh my God...

Well this was interesting.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 31st, 2002, 06:40:25 PM
Wei turned, one eye welded shut to keep the stinging sweat out of his eye. Before he had the chance to even say "thank you," the man was out the door.

"Such wonderful, kind people at the GJO."

Sep 3rd, 2002, 06:51:16 PM
Amsatsu connected with Wei through the force, "Take me to the council. They can help. DO IT!" Ansatsu began to lose his message. He was starting to fade. He needed help.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 3rd, 2002, 07:06:13 PM
Wei would have, but his frostbites threatened. Wei could only hope that guy came back soon.

Jak Brennagenn
Sep 12th, 2002, 07:19:23 PM
Being new to the area, Jak had no clue where he was going. After running aimlessly for a few minutes, he let an exasperated growl escape and ran back to the bar. Skidding to a halt at the table again, he took a few breaths.

"Can't... Find her. Is there anything else I can do?"

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 12th, 2002, 08:40:56 PM
Wei paused to think. "You know where th eJedi Living Quarters are, yes? Go there. There is a medical facility there. Follow the signs once you reach the main entrance and head there. Tell them that 2 people are seriously injured and are at the bar and Grill. They will send some people to get us. You are a good person. I am grateful to your help. Now hurry. I can wait, but my cousin can't."

Wei turned to look at his cousin who was now pale from lack of blood. "Hurry!"

Kaytor Surna
Sep 12th, 2002, 10:38:16 PM
Kaytor watched from a corner the goings on of the Bar & Grill. She saw the two jedi come in, one severly injured. One she didn't know. She smirked slightly at this. For now she would just lean back and watch. Xazor might be here soon. That would get interesting.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 13th, 2002, 05:05:09 AM
:: The doors slammed open as Lance ran in like a lightning to strike the unto the place where his apprentice was.::

"My young padawan!? What happend!?...." Lance said lifting his body up.

"We'll need to bring him to the a healer...his wounds are far passed my capabilities...I am not a healer..I'm a fighter...let us bring him to a more appropriate healer.." He said walking towards the exit of the bar&grill

Sep 13th, 2002, 02:52:39 PM
Ansatsu looked up and smiled at Lance. He was beggining to hallucinate and instead of Lance Ansatsu saw.....his father. He smiled and began crying, "Father save me!" He then passed out again. He only had a few more moments.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 13th, 2002, 03:33:02 PM
Wei frowned. "Lance, my cousin needs a bacta bath, and a miracle. We got to get him to a hospital or something."

Wei began to feel himself lose consciousness. The cold was getting to him. "I don;t feel to well myself. Frostbites and such as that...you know how it is."

Rinoa Heartilly
Sep 14th, 2002, 09:46:36 PM
Rinoa burst through the doors, following Lance, and skidded to a stop on the bloody floor when she spotted two men lying on the tables, bleeding and bruised...she recognized one of them as Wei Wu Wei.

"What the hell happened?" she asked, anxious, a slight quaver in her voice...

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 14th, 2002, 09:50:25 PM
"Whoa, dude!" Lion yelled, spotting Wei on a table...and the mutilated body next to him...

"Sh**!" he thought, trying to figure a way out of this mess...

"Alright...do you think they can stand a ride on a speeder bike?" he asked, not sure what to do...they both looked so hurt.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 14th, 2002, 10:28:38 PM
Wei looked at Lion through his open eye. He had stopped sweating, but his other eye still stung from the beads of sweat that had gotten into his eye before.

"Lion. Good to have seen you. It's been a while. Gosh, but it's cold in here, isn't it?" Wei began to shiver and he clenched his jaw to keep his teeth from chattering.

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 15th, 2002, 01:43:51 AM
"Aw, man...what happened to you?" Lion asked, trying to figure out what to do...Wei looked like he was going into shock...

"Hold on!" Lion yelled, and he took his Dark Green cloak off and put it over Wei. "We gotta get you outta here...Lance has Ansatsu..." he said, trying to figure out how to move him...

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 15th, 2002, 07:21:22 AM
Kindo rapidly arose from the comforts of his seat to investigate what events were taking place, only to discover that one of his fellow Padawans had been terribly assaulted by a Sith Apprentice.

It always brought great sorrow to Ki Adi whenever a Jedi was brutally attacked, for they were his dearest family, those he cared for most. It reminded him of how he had lost his own beloved father to a darksider's lethal charge, agonizing memories that haunted him often in his worst dreams.

He would not lose another beloved family member, not on that day, not on any day. He turned towards the other Jedi adjacent to him, a look of determination flashing across his face.

" Who did this!? "

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 15th, 2002, 01:03:49 PM
"A liz-z-z-ard m-man by the n-n-name of-f-f-f Odin M-murk." Wei's speach was imapried as his teeth began to chatter. "S-s-s-so c-c-c-c-cold."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 15th, 2002, 02:16:59 PM
Upon hearing those words, Kindo removed a silverish handgrip from it's clip, placing it within the tight clasp of his right hand. He then strormed out of the bustling restaurant, searching for the lofty reptile he himself had fought with before, a ruthless being.

With his steel hilt clenched within his palm, he began making his way outwards to encounter the large lizard. He strived to contain his sudden aggression, but he would not allow this thing to inflict any agony upon any Jedi.

The Jedi glanced about the vast perimeter for several minutes, at last locating the scalled beast who was not far away. He made his way over before the potent reptilian, stopped directly ahead of the it's path, halting his tracks to wherever he was going.

Samanosuke Akechi
Sep 15th, 2002, 05:33:44 PM
Samanosuke came running in, "Brother! What happened?! Please do not die on me!" Samanosuke grabbed his brother from the arms of Lance and threw him over his shoulder, "Guys I have ship in the bay we can get them to a hospital, COME ON! I am not gonna let my only family members die on me! Let's go!" Samanosuke turned and ran out the door with Ansatsu. He hoped Lion and Lance would follow with Wei.