View Full Version : Throwing this one out for a WTF to do

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 29th, 2002, 05:15:18 PM
selkiroeda wrote on 08.28.02 20:04:59:
hello this is a friend of a Jedi you spoke with named davka volaw he told me of you and it is really important that you and i talk


I'm trying to find where the hell I put a previous message from Xazor, but it appears there is a guy who goes by the name of Davka Volaw, trying to get RL names and contact details for some sort of Jedi religious thing. I cant really desribe it, but it like they are recruiting foor a serious Jedi religion.

Sorry I cant be more specific, it's too early in the morning and the caffine has not kicked in.

Anyway, One person trying to get personal contact details is one thing - when someone else does it at the behest of someone else, this is where I think others should be made aware something is going on.

Not precisely sure whats going on or how to handle it, or even if I made sense.

I'll also try to get the original PM.

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 29th, 2002, 05:18:19 PM
Original PM follows ->

Re: Training....(I thought you should see this...)


Marcus Q'Dunn wrote on 08.24.02 19:01:48:


Xazor Leo Dawnstrider wrote on 08-25-02 11:00 AM:


Marcus Q'Dunn wrote on 08.24.02 06:29:28:

Xazor Leo Dawnstrider wrote on 08-24-02 03:43 PM:

Shadow Jedi Davka Volaw wrote on 08.23.02 23:26:41:

Master Xazor Leo Dawnstrider,

Dear Master Xazor, as you have found out, I am a Shadow Jedi and I am also the second Senior member of The Jedi Order on Earth. Since I am limited on my internet you must contact the Senior member of the Order, Master Sel Ki Roeda @ selkiroeda@earthlink.com, or selkiroeda@hotmail.com. He can explain our outfit in detail, and he has more access to the internet than myself. But one thing. No matter where you got your jedi name, that is your true name. That is all I have to say, refer to yourself as Xazor, that is who you truly are...If you wish, you can give me/ Sel Ki, your phone number for voice contact, also maybe your mailing address so if you are accepted into the council, we can mail you the rules, regulations, and codes of conduct. We are a multi-belief organization so if you know any people in the Trade Fedaration, Banking Clan, Techno Union Armies, and above all the Empire/Republic, Jedi, or Sith, please let them know about us, and give Master Sel-Ki's e-mail out for a true organization, NOT A RPG/Role Playing Game...

From Master to Master,
Shadow Jedi Master Davka Volaw
Senior Council Member of the Jedi Order on Earth

This is the same Padawan that was freaking me out earlier this summer whom I wrote about in the Temple. I originally wrote to him about Training.....asking him if he was going to be around and if so, should I start a thread or will it be wasting my time. Well, I write everything in an OOC sense because it is, OOC. He always replies IC.....and I never understood why until recently. He asked me if I RP because I believed in Jedism or if I did it for fun. I told him that I did it for fun but the standards by which we do this are good to keep OOC anyway.....it's good not to judge others and to be kind to all etc....(like our Christian beliefs ) So anyway....he asked me if I wanted to know more about his little Jedi Organization....I was like, sure, whatever....thinking he would tell me in an OOC form what he liked to do for fun.....but no, he wrote me this creepy message asking for my personal information which he did earlier this year and I told him I was uncomfortable giving that out to people I didn't know. I did not know if this was something that should be addressed....so because I am so unsure and genuinly freaked out by this guy, I figured I would send you this.....I hope I am not doing something wrong or whatever....but it is seriously creeping me out, Marcus. *sigh* Anywayz.....here ya go.......

Thanks for your time,

You did the right thing in forwarding this.... ye gods and little fishes, what a whack job if he's serious.

Do you mind if I pass this on for discussion on a what to do with a few others I trust? Could be just a fruit loop, - do not give any of your details.


Thank you so much Mark, I really appreciate it. Yes, please pass this on to others you trust for discussion....he really freaked me out. Thanks again.....it means a lot.



We get some fruit loops by SWFans, but that takes the cake big time

Yeah, you're telling me......I told you he gave me a weird vibe.....but no one believed me..... I guess this only proves my theory: He's insane! It really scared me so I figured I would send it to you. Honestly, I was worried really badly after I

Darth Viscera
Aug 29th, 2002, 06:14:37 PM

Yeah, Telan acts like that as well. One-way tickets to the funny farm for all of them.

Aug 29th, 2002, 07:01:05 PM
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwacko :)

Aug 29th, 2002, 08:16:08 PM
The only thing coming to mind as for what to do is to have Xazor add this person to her ignore list and not even bother opening PMs from him any more. -_-

Xazor Elessar
Aug 29th, 2002, 08:35:05 PM
I could do that if you think that's the best thing to do. Davka gave me a weird feeling from the beginning. Honestly, I choose to train him at the GJO because he was a great writer.....but then when he started talking to me I got a little weirded out. He has another character who he claimed was his OOC girlfriend (ic, his wife). I couldn't believe that because the writing styles were identical. I checked the PMs and they were the same. He finally cracked after my questioning him and said it was he playing the same people and not to tell anyone because it was some book he was writing. I was like, "Okay...but everyone is going to figure it out so don't blame it on me when they do."

It was quiet for a while....he wasn't on, then he started bugging me for personal info OOC.....name, where I live, etc. I only tell that to the few people I trust on here....and even then, I'm not specific at all. I posted something in Avalon at GJO and got reprimanded from everyone for posting how I truly felt about the matter. So then Marcus and I talked in the Mod/Admin forum there....but he wasn't looking for what I told him.

So it was quiet again....and he was gone. Then he wrote to me about this and I figured it was really time to tell someone because he was getting really freaky now. Then he had his other friend PM me (gah) so I sent that to Marcus as well.

That's the whole story and in the end.....I guess I'll just put him on my ignore list and be done with it because I can't deal with wakos like that.....I mean, he is EXTREME! Thanks for the help guys.....I really appreciate it. :)

Aug 29th, 2002, 08:39:40 PM
Ouch, bunny boiler :)

I think that is the best thing to to Xaz

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 30th, 2002, 01:24:47 AM
Yes I'd ignore him completely. I've never heard of him, but then, I don't hang around GJO all that much.

*shudder* That is what the deep end looks like, folks. Word from the wise (no, not me ;))...remember your RL? LEARN TO LOVE IT! Don't lose yourself in fiction!

This may be my escape from reality, but I always know that reality is right around the corner, waiting for me to come back. And I don't want to NOT go back.

If I start acting whacko like that, hit me.

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 30th, 2002, 01:34:12 AM
Don't worry, we will. I'm still staggered that people take a Jedi religion seriously.

Aug 30th, 2002, 06:50:05 AM
RL sucks, but I know that this isnt real. Im not that bad :)

Darth Viscera
Aug 30th, 2002, 02:15:56 PM
I try to make RL fictitious as often as I can by transforming RL stuff into stories, most of which revolve around an extended mutilation of Saddam Hussein, then finally slicing his head off. Having worked in a scientific laboratory, I know my way around surgical razor blades, and I've decided that a #15 blade, being curved and less sharp than the #11 (aka Exact-O-Knife-ish) would be perfect for severing Saddam.

It's a nice fantasy anyhow, especially when I read about Saddam's army corps moving into Shiite territory and slaughtering villagers. Gotta vent somewhere, and (IMHO) I'm a good writer.