View Full Version : OOC: TSO Training: Shot in the Dark

Dark Lord Dyzm
Aug 29th, 2002, 03:03:15 AM
Well, its come to my attention that many people are confused. Which is my plan exactly! I remember quoting to others as I planned these mission:

What a Tangled Web I weave

Not very awe inspiring, but perfect for my plans. As the RP progresses, I will release more infomation.

Rough Shakedown, TSO Raid Mission was created to pull the Jedi to one planet, allowing, a Shot in the Darkness to operate without major Jedi interference. There are other weaves going on here which will become apperent in time.

These are some of my following posts in the order in which where created.

"Prepare both ships for hyperspace exist vector 23.95, I want this ship in hyperspace the moment we return."
The first step was to link the first couple posts with a quick escape planned latter on.

"Send out a message to our imperial friends to send in some ships, I want this planet razed to the sea-bed! Also, contact Jehova, its time his mission starts, these jedi are fools to come here."
That Post was mid-battling, I noted that the Jedi had arrived, So I sent out a message to Jehova, telling him to start his mission. If you look at the time the post was made, and Jehova's mission start, you will find just a slight lag time.

"Stage one is finished! All ships, head for Mission B's Strike Target! Shadow Rose, enter hyper space as soon as we touch down, inform the Soul Binder to follow us out. Remember, time is short! Contact the SSD Stormcloud, I will be transfering my flag to her as soon as we drop out of hyperspace."
That just tells me that we are leaving the planet, note: The Hyperspace reference.

The instant the Shuttle lands, the Star Destroyer lurches forward and begains its run up to lightspeed.**
There we go... INTO lightspeed.

OOC: This mission continues HERE But its on the same time period, make sure you post you going there.
And I thought people would understand this, its pretty much laid out correctly. You just need to read the lines, and not read between the lines trying to find a reason. Its not your mission, its ours, so we don't really want to try to explain the reasons for an attack. The Entire Raid was a lie, and it served its purpose. Even the apprentices at TSO where not told. A security risk. Niether Jehova or I had Mod Powers, and we where the only 2 at TSO. I would of told them in a hidden, private, room, what the plans where, but I could note create one. So I just figured it really didn't matter what was going on, they had the skill to complete anything I threw at them.

Diego Van Derveld
Aug 29th, 2002, 07:38:39 AM
Well I hope your intention was to confuse those participating into apathy and non-posting...because you have effectively done just that :\

Jehova Eaven
Aug 29th, 2002, 11:26:43 AM
apathy... not cool. I am apathy man, with all the powers of superman but without any desire to use them.

Gouyen Chee
Aug 29th, 2002, 12:43:38 PM
Thanks for the explanation, Dyzm. :) So I suppose the Mantis pops out of hyperspace with the rest of the fleet.

As for not posting -- I wouldn't be surprised that there's a fair amount of RL issues going on that are preventing/postponing people's posting, such as summer' coming to an end and a lot of folks heading back to school. In my case it's been a spate of rather nasty migranes. It's hard to post when you feel :headache :headbash :x.

Dios Kane
Aug 29th, 2002, 02:58:33 PM
I'm glad that was all cleared up, I figured out what was goin on a bit back, that's why Dios didn't post with the rest of the guys... on a totally different planet. I couldn't figure how these guys had gotten there so fast until I realised they thought they were still on the same planet. I cracked up. but anyways, on to the mission! That is... as Odin Murk