View Full Version : Cloaked in black…

Ogre Mal Pannis
Aug 28th, 2002, 09:48:15 PM
…with face completely hidden from sight, hands gloved and feet, oddly enough, covered by boots, a being entered Yog’s B&G. Under the dark folds of his cloak, also unseen sat a talisman of great power and mysterious origins. He wore around his neck a Force Mask talisman, forged by Sith of ancient times. It completely covered his Force signature, hiding it from even the most seasoned of Force users, be they Light or Dark in nature.

He had not entered this place since before its sudden move to this new location on Arcan, a move that he himself had more than just a little to do with forcing to occur. Upon entering he had been checked for weapons, but had actually come with none other than those he possessed naturally, his strength, tusks, claws, and formidable abilities in wielding the Darkside of the Force. He did not bring any other weapons, not wishing to attract attention to himself by having to turn over a Sithly saber to the guards of the place.

He strode to the bar and sat upon a stool, keeping his face covered by the absence of light provided by the hood of his cloak. He kept his voice low and so that only the bar tender could hear, for if there were any Jedi about who were long time veterans of the order, they would certainly recognize his voice.

“Rum…in a large glass, no ice….or water.”

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 28th, 2002, 10:09:34 PM
Cloaked within shadows, not with an actual garment, Dalethria hid in the back of the bar hoping to find Leia. She had been absent as of late ever since the New Republic was more active.

She stifled a yawn and switched positions of her feet on the table.

Knew she couldn't be a goody goody Jedi all the time. Politics are in her blood. Hey ...

A rather large being entered the establishment that caught her attention immediately. It wasn't the size that made her pause but by the gait he walked. And yes it was a he. He was someone quite dear to her but circumstances had caused them to be apart for too long.

Why is it I can find you here but where I want you to be? hmm..

Through their shared link, Dalethria knew it was her husband. He was hiding his abilities well. Even she couldn't ascertain who he was but the link didn't require the Force at all ...

Ogre could hear the amusing laughter in his wife's voice as she touched his mind. He got a clear picture of where she wanted him.

In bed.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Aug 28th, 2002, 10:31:23 PM
The mental link they had went way beyond the Force. It was purely telepathic and very personal, something that only the two of them shared and not able to be discerned or picked up by any other being. It was a product of the Dark union of lust, desire, love, and want for shared power and supremacy. They were one in more ways than the mind could fathom, and this little trait of theirs was a product of that.

In the darkness provided by the cloak’s hood Ogre grinned and pictured the last time they were in the situation that she desired to be in with him now. Letting her share the vivid memory of their raw animalistic passion. It was one so wild and reckless that no inhibitions or morals stood as a barrier to the acts they were a part of. The vision would be sure to please her at least for the moment. The time to make those visions reality would come later, but for now he was up to something…

…exactly what would have to wait to be seen.

Daanarri Raurrssaatta
Aug 28th, 2002, 10:45:09 PM
Daani hopped throughout the bar, and was up to one hundred and fourty-five consecutive hops when she tripped. Foot catching on a pulled out barstool, the little Cizerack female went sprawling, the stool toppling on top of her.

"Ow!" She kicked at the stool and it rolled away, resting against another one. Daani looked up...up...up at the forrrda sitting on that one. He would be a banquet! The size of the being was incredible to the small girl, and she gaped at it from the floor.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Aug 28th, 2002, 10:51:12 PM
His drink arrived and a credit chit dropped from his gloved hand onto the bar surface. He lifted the glass and drew it under his hood to sip. He would not let his face or identity be known yet. Just as the motion of his hand moving towards his face occurred, it caused a waft of air to flow up to his highly attuned olfactory glands.

There was a familiar scent on the air. It was very familiar and accompanied by several other scents he recognized immediately, but the one that caught his attention was not that of his wife. Another of Kashirian blood had been in this bar in the past few days. This was puzzling indeed.

His disguise was not a product of fear or caution. Ogre had powers that could tear the NR security agents as well as the majority of the new Jedi recruits to shreds before they could even draw their weapons. His guise was intentional and all a part of what he wished to learn this eve. And what he wished to learn had just grown with the addition this Kashirian scent provided.

He glanced down at the small felinoid, his face still bathed in the blackness.

”A little something to play with.” The sentence ran immediately through his mind. And even before the thought was entirely complete he forced thoughts into the small Cizerack’s mind. Thoughts a little girl of any species would not want to even ponder for the briefest of moments. Her worst fears and most frightening dreams all settled into one place and that horror sat looming over her. The pictures, sounds, and scents in her mind were clearer than any reality, and sure to leave her mentally scared.

Daanarri Raurrssaatta
Aug 29th, 2002, 12:13:42 AM
Daani clutched at the sides of her head and shrieked, her cry echoing though the bar and silencing the murmers of conversations. She scrambled backwards away from the creature on the bar stool, and stumbled to her feet, running away with all her might.

Aug 29th, 2002, 08:44:23 AM
Zeke entered the bar, his usual happy smile in place, shining with sweat from just having completed the course in the jungle he affectionately called "The Toughest Run". He did a little dance, making up a theme music for himself as he often did when wandering, and was nearly bowled over by Daani. He caught her by the collar as she came past and scooped her up.

"What's wrong, Daani? The Mutant Cockroach bothering you again?"

He gave her a happy, reassuring smile.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 29th, 2002, 09:01:22 AM
:: Lance from his dark corner...suddenly felt a surge in the force...a power...something evil...of the most pure dark power had entered the bar....Lance suddenly felt his head going in circles...what could it be..::

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 29th, 2002, 08:53:31 PM
Her arosal forced Dalethria to close her eyes and fend of the sudden chill that prickled her skin ... all with a grin on her face. She was thankful the shadows covered her moreso now but it was worth knowing that Ogre and her were going to play later.

Now his curiosity intrigued her. Another of Kashirian blood was here? It was impossible since Asaloth's home was only on Meras. The creature would never stray from the planet.

That left a perplexing unanswered question to who it was. If it were Tirsa or Sorsha, Ogre would have ascertained that immediately.

Something to ask later. Right now the entertainment started. A Cizerack child was screaming in terror. Unlike Dalethria, Ogre had sent the girl horrid images and memories forth to break the child.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Aug 29th, 2002, 09:28:15 PM
It was difficult to keep from laughing at the reaction the small felinoid gave from his little parlor trick but he could tell by the tone of her voice and the look on her face she would not be the same again, but he remained silent audibly. Inaudibly, he spoke through the telepathic link he and his wife shared.

”Such easy prey these being are. The wickedness excites me. What about you my precious gem?”

The Force Mask talisman he wore, worked both ways, he could not be sensed through the Force but neither could he sense others through it. As such, he couldn’t sense the presence of the other Jedi, nor did he know many of their new recruits, some of which may have even reached Knight status by now. But not being able to sense them didn’t make it any less obvious who they were.

A quick visual scan of the room and the expressions on people’s faces coupled with the type of clothing they wore was enough for him to pick a few of them out immediately, but he said nothing, just sat wondering if perhaps they would question him in regards to the events that had just taken place.

Daanarri Raurrssaatta
Aug 30th, 2002, 03:14:37 AM
Daani shrieked again as Zeke hauled her up by her collar and kicked and scratched at him before she recognized him. She opened her mouth, but all she could think about were the images in her mind. They had faded, but the memory of them hadn't...and wouldn't for some time.

The little Cizerack's mouth worked, but no words came out. Her eyes still wide with terror, she pointed back towards the bar, and then buried her face in Zeke's shoulder.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 30th, 2002, 09:12:17 AM
Wei noticed Zeke and Daani and was immediately worried.

"Daani-chan? What's the matter?" He said, walking over and placing a comforting hand on her head.

Aug 30th, 2002, 10:32:57 AM
Zeke held Daani tight, ignoring the stinging pain in his face and shoulders where she'd scratched him.

"It's ok...it's ok, I promise. Something happened at the bar, did it?"

He spotted the cloaked Ogre.

"You there! What happened to this child?"

Pierce Tondry
Aug 30th, 2002, 07:45:17 PM
"Leave off."

The voice came from a table in the middle of the room, oddly enough. The place everyone seemed to overlook in this bar- booths and corner tables were all the rage, apparently.

The speaker was completely nondescript in every way, except one. Beneath the table, an ysalamiri could be made out, and ysalamiri did not just grow on trees. Not on Arcan IV, anyway.

The speaker had interacted with the tall, dark, cloaked figure on more than one occaision in the past, and was well acquainted with versions of identity concealment, and the detection of those concealed. Voice, tone, posture, clothing- all of those factors added up to one person that Pierce knew of and several he probably didn't.

But in a Jedi bar, the options were limited.

"You don't want to mess with this one," he stated, by way of cautioning Zeke. "I wouldn't," he added. "And I know who he is."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 30th, 2002, 08:20:56 PM
:: Lance's eyes widened as he heard the words of Pierce from his dark corner...::

"Wait a minute....that's...." Lance said gulping a bit.

Daanarri Raurrssaatta
Aug 30th, 2002, 11:32:51 PM
Daani felt the hand on her head, and felt a strange peace come over her. She whimpered anyway, fighting the sensation of sleepiness that was overtaking her from the Jedi's touch.

She still said nothing, and leaned her head on Zeke's shoulder, letting her eyes close with sudden exhaustion.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 31st, 2002, 10:02:58 AM
Wei smiled at Daani. "Fear is an ehausting thing. There are some rooms upstairs. Find one that is empty and tuck her in, Zeke."

Wei turned to find a place to call Daani's guardian. "I'll call one of her guardians to come get her."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Sep 4th, 2002, 12:58:46 PM
Anything you do excites me ...

He felt her pause and found what had caught her attention. Pierce Tondry.

Now this is interesting. Sniper Dude giving advice to the Jedi and acting like he belongs here.

She folded her arms in thought. Something finally happened around here that had given the Mistress a mystery to work out. And as how things change, more they stay the same. Tondry still had that wretched shriveled creature close by.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Sep 4th, 2002, 01:15:11 PM
Dalethria heard her husband in her mind again.

”Lets sow even more seeds of mistrust and doubt.”

He didn’t even need to turn around and see the source of the voice to know exactly who it was speaking. His eyes, still hidden in the shadows of the hood of his cloak remained focused on the Jedi. Lance could still not see who he was, nor would he have any way to sense him through the force. Lance had never met Ogre face to face and any holos he may have been shown only taught a person so much about mannerisms.

“And you are to trust the words of a man responsible for helping to destroy this establishment and much more Jedi property back when it was on Dagobah.?”

Ogre had spent a great deal of time while in seclusion fine tuning his skills in the force and the use of the artifacts he had collected like the talisman he wore now that masked his presence in the force. He had new skills that could kill a being without his even having to lift a single claw in combat.

Pierce would have felt such skills in action had he not brought along his replacement pet for the one lost in the TSE council room so long ago.

“And tell me Jedi, why is someone allowed here with such a creature?”

Ogre’s head nodded in Pierce’s direction.

“A ysalamari is what some of you Force users may consider a weapon, even though defensive it puts people like you at a disadvantage does it not? I thought weapons were forbidden here except to Jedi.”

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 4th, 2002, 01:37:11 PM
"A weapon against a Jedi perhaps, but defense against the Dark-Siders if anything, too." Loki commented, raising his voice so that he could be heard from the alcove in which he sat. "Nevertheless, the Jedi cannot justify taking away the liberty of every free man, especially to the point where he isn't allowed to bring his own pet into the bar, sir."

Edit: D'oh!

Ogre Mal Pannis
Sep 4th, 2002, 01:48:25 PM
“But some beings consider their weapons even more precious to them then a pet. And you would have to admit, this particular pet makes it rather easy for him to take advantage of those like yourself if he so chooses.”

He had to laugh to himself, but no one could hear or see save a single individual…..his wife.

“These Jedi are getting more pathetic by the day in their prowess of both mind and stature. Now they have children parading around in public wearing padawan robes.”

His comment was not only in regards to Loki, but in reference to the others he had seen so far today. They were hardly what he would consider wise and powerful Jedi, by any stretch of the word.

He spoke aloud again. “Such a creature allows him free reign to hide many a thing from those like yourself. He destroyed this very facility once. Who is to say he will not do it again and is in that very process even as we speak? Best to be cautious than careless and without a home is it not?”

OOC: BTW Just a note: Ogre and Dale did not enter together (its stated clearly early in the thread) nor are they even sitting together and technically Ogre and Eldrak only really resemble each other in size, skin color, and race, (Kashirian cloning is not so precise as normal cloning due to Ogre's inherent regeneration abilities) though you can’t really see that since Ogre is completely covered head to toe.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 4th, 2002, 02:03:09 PM
"True. But as much a Jedi should be mindful they must give each and every individual the respect they deserve and if you what you are saying about this gentleman is true then as is the way of the Force; a man's ways can change in the blink of an eye." He said briefly in reply but he disliked being philosophical from across great distances. So standing he moved over to the bar and sat on a stool next to the mammoth-sized individual and ordered a glass of water.

"I appologise for not introducing myself earlier. Loki Ahmrah." He said politely, holding out a hand to greet Ogre.

"On top of that," He continued, giving the bar-tender money for the water. "Why should Jedi receive any special treatment on top of being allowed to carry our own weapons. If we wanted the lighting dimmed are we entitled to that too? Or free food?" He made the comment about the weapon then remembered he would have to ask his master about how he should go about constructing his own.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Sep 4th, 2002, 02:13:03 PM
Ogre had to keep up his disguise, so as much as he disliked this “warm” greeting of shaking hands, he did so, restraining his strength so as not to render Loki’s hand to shattered bones.

“But you see; in your own words lie a paradox. He says implicates to not trust me and I say not to trust him, yet you say a person can change in the blink of an eye. So who is to be believed here?”

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Sep 4th, 2002, 02:24:13 PM
Aww Ogies.... You've been tainted. Haveta make sure to wash that up later.

Being the mischievous devil that she can be, Dalethria projected a nice warm bath. His wife joining him and applying the foamy soap all ... over. Making sure no part of his body was missed.

She focused on a certain area :D Hopefully that wouldn't arouse suspision. :D

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 4th, 2002, 06:56:53 PM
OOC: :x


"Sir, I do not know exactly what yourself and the gentleman over there are referring to, if it concerns the Jedi then I haven't read up on it yet I'm afraid, I've only been with this order for some eighteen months." He took another sip of water, had he witnessed the spectacle with the young Cizerack moments ago his reaction to this ominous figure would've been different but for now his manners were getting the better of him.

"Your a big fellow, you remind me of one of my fellow padawans. Your about the same height and everythin'!" He observed wide-eyed. The he momentarily looked over the man who had an ysalamiri under his table. Loki shuddered at the memory of his last field mission involving those creatures and the dreaded Laenos Lith. What a hellacious experience.

"So like I was saying, I cannot pass judgement on either of you, it is not my place and secondly there are Jedi here far better skilled than I; knights and apprentices. I will leave such musings to their better judgement before I make an ill one." He paused for a moment and hoped to up the tone of the conversation a little, to something a bit more casual. "So like I was saying, Eldrak is the only other I've seen your size and I haven't seen you before, sir. Is this your first visit to Arcan IV?"

Ogre Mal Pannis
Sep 4th, 2002, 07:11:31 PM
”Indeed we will gem. Thankfully I am wearing these heavy gloves, lest I be further tainted by his putrid scent.” The images she shared were enough to ditract him from his purpose, but he was able to maintain his composure and concentrate on that and what he was here for.

He then listened to what Loki said, his interest certainly growing quickly with each and every word. It was almost as if Loki was answering Ogre’s questions without them having to be posed. Children were so easy to bleed information from even without having to be tortured.

Then he heard the name of this large comrade of the small Padawan’s……If Loki could have seen Ogre’s face he would have been taken by surprise. Ogre’s eyes would have had to look as if they had just witnessed the ghost of his long dead father standing in the room in front of him. He was dumbstruck, but managed to get beyond it relatively quickly and just had to clarify what he had heard.

“What was that name again?”

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 4th, 2002, 07:16:10 PM
"Eldrack Gruul is his name. Do you know him? I wouldn't be suprised if you were in some sort of wrestling tag-team or something!" The boy declared with a laugh, his openness getting the better of him once more just like it had done with Dalethria once. He'd promised himself he wouldn't make that mistake again but he was young, naive and promises were easily broken.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Sep 4th, 2002, 07:34:50 PM
This time Ogre was silent even longer. Loki has said the entire name of the individual whom he thought resembled Ogre is size and basic build. This had to be the Kashirian scent Ogre smelt when he arrived. It explained the familiarity with it. One of the clones had survived the destruction of the ROS headquarters and had somehow managed to get here, and to top it off was using a name he had not been given…….to be precise the name already belonged to someone, someone who had forgotten it after the trauma of watching the slaughter of his kinsman and the near genocide of his race. Ogre’s true name was in fact Eldrak Gruuhl, but he had not remembered that until now and it was causing his blood to boil.

He quickly slammed down the remainder of the drink he was holding, still saying nothing in response. He was so agitated that in the motion to do so, the hood fell from atop his head and his green face, tusks, and long blond hair could be quite easily seen.

As Ogre turned to face Loki again, the boy could see the Sith Master’s green eyes burning with rage and surging with power. Ogre’s voice was loud and all present could easily hear it over the ambient noise.


The volume of his voice caused glasses to shake and people to turn and stare.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Sep 4th, 2002, 07:38:56 PM
Before he even let loose his temper, Dalethria felt his rage, his confusion and then complete astonishment that he finally remembered who he was.

Eldrak ...

This wasn't the time to get all contemplative sentimental crap. Ogre was about to go ballistic on these Jedi and Dalethria stood up quickly ....

... just to sit back down again. If he needed help, she be there. Right now ... this was his situation to deal as fit best. Later they would talk.

Besides, considering how powerful his anger was, not even Dalethria could calm him down.

Sep 4th, 2002, 08:07:32 PM
Zeke watched the exchange between Pierce, Loki, and the 2 strangers. They could handle themselves, Loki had more experience than Zeke in the Jedi arts. He trudged upstairs with Daani, casting one, final glance over his shoulder, then went upstairs with the child.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 4th, 2002, 08:13:45 PM
The stool fell back as Loki jumped back on it, his quick reaction allowed him to land on his feet but the chair fell away behind him with a clang. This massive creature looked very similar to Eldrak; green skin, similar teeth and ears. fear overcome him immediatly when the hulking, towering beast bellowed out his question.

"No, you're not doing this to me." He told himself and almost instantaneously his fear dissipated to nothingness and he became calm. This rowdy, devilished monster wouldn't get the pleasure of seeing the ten-year-old afraid. Looking up at Ogre, the boy was quiet for a moment and a polite smile came over him, a sincere, warm gesture. "Yes. He is a padawan of the Jedi Order."

Since his fall, Loki had gained some distance between himself and the large, green individual which was fortunate as he had no intention of getting a sore neck from looking up so steeply. In one of his closed fists he held a small gem of sorts that he had taken out from a pouch on his utility belt in case the situation became worse and he needed some defense. He held back the realisation that he had made the same mistake as the one with Dalethria, to think negatively could be costly in such a scenario.

"Are you familar with him, sir?"

Ogre Mal Pannis
Sep 4th, 2002, 08:29:29 PM
It was blasphemy in the greatest sense of the word. A product of Ogre’s own genes that was originally intended to be used as a tool against the Jedi was now one of them, and sickeningly enough using the name that did not belong to him. Ogre’s true name.

Outside the establishment something was definitely amiss and had been building from the very first moment Ogre had heard the name Eldrak uttered. The sky was clouding in a specific area, getting darker and darker with rapidity unheard of for Arcan’s normal weather patterns.

Inside the bar Ogre was now standing glaring down at the boy backing away from him. It was plainly obvious he was doing all he could to keep his fear at bay, but Ogre cared little, rage was consuming him and was now at the point of eruption.

In all the time it would take a human’s heart to beat once after Loki uttered the last word of his sentence..”Order”, the explosion came, both from the skies above Yog’s and from the epicenter of the Force Storm, Ogre himself. Lightening leapt forth in all directions its tendrils lapping at everything around, even Zeke and Daani as they were about halfway up the stairs.

The entire building shook as it was stuck repeatedly from the ravaging clouds outside. All inside except for three were consumed by the raging inferno of Dark power biting, stinging, and searing their skin. Pierce sat untouched in his Force free bubble, while her Force shield protected Dalethria, and Ogre stood at the center screaming at the top of his lungs.

<font size=7>“BLASPHEMY!!!”</font>

Yog’s Bar and Grill would be needing some serious renovations soon, just as a great many people would soon need medical attention in a very desperate way.

Sep 4th, 2002, 08:40:49 PM
Zeke curled into a ball, summoning Force to protect little Daani as best he could. Who was this man, that he could do such things? What power...Zeke squinted against the pain, looking at Ogre, the devil himself...

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 4th, 2002, 08:53:48 PM
The moment the boy had finished his question a streak of lightning danced about the room in an instant flash and upon impacting with him, wrapped it's dazzling, cracking tendrils about him and launched him about ten feet through the air. He crashed down through a table and was rendered immediatly unconcious, trying to cope with such pain he didn't even have the capacity to cry out from it.

GNN Probe Droid
Sep 4th, 2002, 08:58:05 PM
Whilst scanning it's local vicinity, the droid had been ordered to observe the odd climate fluctuations in the denser regions of Arcan City. Arriving just in the nick of time the droid was lucky enough to catch the entire spectacle of lightning from outside. With a few blips it commenced transmitting the data to an overjoyed managing director.

Sep 4th, 2002, 09:01:10 PM
Zeke saw Loki fall, and realized he wasn't far from that himself. Daani hadn't uttered a word; the sheer force of Ogre's power had probably k.o.'ed her.

"How...can this be...?"

All went black.

Daanarri Raurrssaatta
Sep 4th, 2002, 11:31:55 PM
Daani opened her eyes, and shrieked as Zeke fell on top of her. They tumbled down the stairs, and something burned her. She cried out in fear and pain, the nightmares of the previous minutes seemingly coming to life before her eyes.

Zeke mumbled something, and passed out, his body partially shielding her, and partially pinning her to the ground. She saw the huge forrrda, now uncloaked, and shrieked again, her tiny voice barely heard in the aftermath of Ogre's outburst.

Daani tried to scramble away again, but the Jedi's body was positioned in an awkward way, so she couldn't twist around and push him off.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Sep 4th, 2002, 11:48:44 PM
Outside the storm waged harder and fiercer with each passing second. Torrential rain and wailing winds beat down on the building as it was struck repeatedly with bolts of thunderous lightening, its volume so loud it stunned those not struck directly by Force lightening inside.

Inside all was dark as the lights had all been rendered useless pieces of equipment, every circuit in all of the Bar & Grill melted and smoldering. The Darkness didn’t last long as Ogre looked around and still saw some beings moving besides the two unaffected. He turned and gazed directly at Pierce with a wicked and hateful glare just as the lightening once again leapt from his body and splintered off in every direction.

The pale blue light of the lightening caused a strobe light effect accompanying the sizzling sound and the smell of electrical fires that were fueled to spring to life yet again. All would know he had been here, it would be a day not soon forgotten.

With the surge of power came another yell at maximum decibel level, his deep voice penetrating the doors upstairs and almost being loud enough to hear over the crashing thunder.

<font size=10 color=red>”HE WILL DIE”</font>

Once the damage and injury had been dealt sufficiently for his taste, Ogre looked to Dale, but not with his eyes which remained fixated on the smug man with his pet sitting some distance away, instead he looked to her with his thoughts and mind.

”The damage is done, the message sent, and information gained, I shall now take my leave so that we can continue our more personal plans at home.”

Just as the lightening inside died down and all were bathed only in the half light provided by the fires, a tremendous gust of wind kicked up from the raging Force storm outside, tearing the roof from the building. Ogre laughed and started to head toward the door.

Anbira Hicchoru
Sep 4th, 2002, 11:55:37 PM
:: A solitary dark figure descended from the chaos of the storm above, slowly placing himself between the Kashirian and the exit. ::

This revelation...disappoints you?

:: He arched an eyebrow, looking from Ogre, to Dalethria, and back again. Once, they had been close comrades...but it might as well have been lifetimes ago to Anbira. All he had were the distant recollections. Their evil was disdainful and alien to him now. ::

He is my pupil. Under my charge, rest assured, he will not be harmed.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Sep 5th, 2002, 12:04:19 AM
“An old fool who has abandoned his true power does not concern me and the deeds I shall bring to reality.”

Ogre tossed off his cloak and stood with his more traditional battle attire openly visable.

“You have not the ferocity you once did and would be torn limb from limb if you remain as a hindrance to my progress. The Light will not serve you so well considering all the lives you have given to the Darkness. You would be better served to go meditate and atone your sins than to trifle with the likes of me.”

Red claws glistened in the flicking light of the fires and flashing lightening from the sky. His smile grew wider and he reached up to a tusk.

“I have yet to taste your blood. Will this be that day Anbira?”

He turned and looked over his shoulder very briefly before turning back again.

“The injured need your help more than I need to be stopped. Or perhaps I should make you watch them die instead of doing battle with you? What shall it be Jedi?”

The last word was spat from his mouth as if a taboo had been spoken.

Anbira Hicchoru
Sep 5th, 2002, 12:14:38 AM
You can ill afford to let your guard down for such a luxury.

:: He smiled ::

You would judge me by my age, and it would be a catastrophic error on your behalf.

I shall not hinder your departure. Take it as a small consolation, and begone from here.

:: His eyes turned to Dalethria ::

And your companion as well. She will not serve you against me. I made her, and I can unmake her in a whim.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Sep 5th, 2002, 12:31:50 AM
At the port not too far from the Bar & Grill a shuttle was just making its landing. It was one that traveled at regular intervals between Arcan and Yavin. On this particular fare was another large green being but not nearly so fierce or boisterous.

He sat calmly in his seat with his eyes closed, landing in the middle of this storm coupled with his fear of flying because of his misfortunate past had him doubly worried, but he did all he could to not appear afraid except for the fact he was not watching the landing.

His sigh of relief as he felt the craft make contact with the surface of the planet wasn’t very easy to hear but it was there and it was soon followed by the opening of his eyes. He gazed out a window as he waited for the all clear to disembark the craft.

<font face=courier>”All passengers please remain seated. While we taxi to a covered and insulated area. We are taking this precaution to stay clear of the lightening.”</font>

Looking at the raging weather outside caused Eldrak to nod and think to himself.

”Wise choice.”

He hadn’t the slightest inkling what was occurring at his final destination….Yog’s Bar & Grill.

Daanarri Raurrssaatta
Sep 5th, 2002, 12:42:38 AM
Daani screamed again, her voice getting louder. Fear gripped her tiny body, and she felt trapped and claustrophobic. Besides the two beings standing by the door, and the man at the table, she was the only other being conscious at the moment.

Her wails continued, diminishing into a choking sob as she struggled again to get out from underneath Zeke. She thought he was dead...that they were all dead! Daani cried and wailed, and tugged at the Jedi robes Zeke was wearing.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 5th, 2002, 06:35:51 AM
Now that the torrents of lightning had ceased within the humble and now ruined establishment. The young padawan's body commenced moving involuntary. Occasionally his limbs would jerk and his body shudder. He'd wake up for a split second, his vision dark and blurry, he had no idea how long it had been but the one thought that kept running through his mind was: "I have to warn Eldrak!" Then he would slip once again into unconciousness.

Sep 5th, 2002, 10:34:35 AM
Zeke floated, it felt like, floated in a quiet sea. He felt a quiet rocking...

"How peaceful..."

He let his mind wander, feeling a desire to escape a memory...but no, that was wrong. The rocking ceased, and Zeke found himself able to focus.

"Daani...oh no, DAANI!"

Zeke sprang awake and tried to lift himself to a squat, but managed only to roll on his side.

"Duh...Daani!" he gasped. Zeke struggled against unconciousness, against the pain. He had to find Daani, to protect her...

Pierce Tondry
Sep 5th, 2002, 04:09:37 PM
Using the act of pulling his ysalamiri nutrient frame from underneath the table as a disguise, Pierce gave his wrist commlink a surreptitious double click beneath the table. It was a quiet code that he'd worked out with the monitors on the other end- two clicks for an emergency medical unit to his location, three for a squadron of police, and four for the mobilization of the local reaction force.

Shouldering the pack, Pierce turned to Dalethria and chuckled. "I come for a drink and get a light show. Big Green certainly knows how to make things interesting, doesn't he?"

With a smile that had been practiced a hundred times or more, Pierce belied his worry for the bar's occupants and his own fear of the Sith Master's power. And, not for the first time, he wondered if he hadn't gotten in over his head in joining the Jedi.

Then, he strode casually over to where Loki lay and lifted the young boy up, throwing him across the shoulder unoccupied by the nutrient frame. With a knowing wink to Dalethria, Pierce began to pick his way through the debris between himself and the bar's back door.

Daanarri Raurrssaatta
Sep 5th, 2002, 07:34:07 PM
Daani managed to push Zeke off of her, and scrambled to her feet. For a second she didn't know where to run, and stood still, mouth open, and just looking around.

The scary green monster was occupied at the front door, and there was another man walking towards a boy she had seen around the bar often. Daanarri saw the man pick up the boy and started carrying him toward the back door. Toward her.

She screamed in fear, not knowing what was going on, and turned to run, tripping over Zeke and sprawling to the ground again.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 5th, 2002, 07:40:31 PM
Wei was just outside the Bar and Grill when there was an ear-shattering sound and the whole place cmae apart. Wei braced himself against the mighty power, then realized that had happend.

"Zeke and Daani...."

Wei ran back to try to find them.

Sep 5th, 2002, 07:41:07 PM
Zeke propped himself up on one elbow and squinted at Daani.

"Are...you ok? Don't worry, I thin that guy's a good guy."

He managed to stand, leaning on the wall, pushing himself up it by friction. He managed to stand, and squinted at Pierce through one eye.

"I can't move...Daani, come here..."

Zeke leaned heavily on the wall, and drew a deep breath.

"Dude, who IS that guy over there? What is going on?"

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Sep 6th, 2002, 10:56:52 AM
She oddly enough, threw him a wink back. Now that it was apparent that he was here for the Jedi, Dalethria had him now as an enemy. Maybe, it was unclear if he was ally or actual student because of that horrid creature.

Either way, she respected him. They had an interesting past that was just as complicated as her own.

And he wasn't a real source of interest.

"Really now Old Man?"

She slide out of her seat and sauntered up to where her former Master and Husband were having words.

"You can unmake me?"

Dalethria had to laugh.

"Memory serves I almost killed you and the only reason you survived is because Ogre saved you."

One of her hands came to rest against the tri-cep of Ogre's; she was too small to actually reached his shoulder, and began to teasingly stroke his arm.

Her attention was still on Anbira, a glaring smile returning his rather boring stare.

"Far as I'm concerned, Ogre owns your sorry Jedi Ass."

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 6th, 2002, 06:37:46 PM
Wei re-entered the Bar and Grill and noticed Master Anbira handling the Sith couple. Wei shook his head, and ran in a round about path over to where Zeke and Daani stood so as not to disturb Master Anbira.

"Are you two ok? Zeke you need a doctor. Can you walk?"

Sep 6th, 2002, 06:41:34 PM
Zeke grimaced.

"Worry about Daani first. I'll live."

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 6th, 2002, 06:47:40 PM
"Ok, then." Wei turned ttoward Daani.

"Daani, how are you? How about we get out of here?" Wei knelt down and held his arms open to give her a hug.

The Narrator
Sep 6th, 2002, 06:53:42 PM
As Wei and Zeke conversed, suddenly and with no warning whatsoever the stairwell they stood in front of collapsed and the ceiling above them came crashing down on top of theie heads. The debris and dust completely enveloped the two Jedi and the young Cizerack as tons of steel and other building materials weakened by the raging weather came crashing down.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Sep 6th, 2002, 07:04:22 PM
The shuttle was now indoors and its passengers given the all clear to disembark. as he stepped off the shuttle and out into the open his stomach seemed to cramp up and begin to toss and turn, but it was far from being anything typical of post flight nausea. Something was warning him of impending danger. But he wasn’t aware that was the case, only that in the direction of Yog’s Bar & Grill, the weather looked even worse.

He started his foot borne journey towards the establishment, not really paying too much mind to the storm, but he was trying to understand why he felt so unusual.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Sep 6th, 2002, 07:27:40 PM
“Like she said Anbira; If not for me, you would not even be drawing breath here before us, much less serving the Light. I own your entire existence and will come to collect one day, rest assured.”

The collapse of the ceiling in the back portion of the bar caused Ogre to turn and glance back there for a second. No doubt checking on the results of his own handiwork. He looked back to Anbira and then motioned behind him with his head.

“It seems your new flock in is desperate need, best not disappoint them old man. You will need every live body on your side you can get when the Jedi’s day of judgment comes, I guarantee it.”

With a laugh he strode out of the bar, his wife following him arm in arm, also pleased by the happenings. They vanished into the surrounding city and with them, the storm began to dissipate, the rain and wind ending just as suddenly as it had begun.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 6th, 2002, 08:12:50 PM
Behind Pierce's back, Loki's arms hung lifelessly, swinging in time with his steps. With the movement, the boys eyelids opened slightly and his eyes rolled as he fought against the unconciousness. Weary eyes looked down at the floor as saw that he was being carried, fearing the worst, fearing that the monstrous and wicked individual had him.

Despite what was a prolonged period of consciousness in comparison to the others, he still found himself unable to move, his entire body was numb and limp. "Help." He managed to squeeze out one word almost inaudibly through his lips, burnt and blackened from the attack. Then after that last breath, fell unconscious once again.

Sep 7th, 2002, 12:26:28 AM
Beneath the rubble, Zeke lay unconcious. He'd managed to protect Daani from the rubble with his own body, and she lay unhurt beneath him.

Daanarri Raurrssaatta
Sep 7th, 2002, 03:24:49 AM
Daani shrieked and was smashed by Zeke again, her body pushed into the hard wooden floor. "Ow!" There was confusion...she didn't know what was going on. The noises in her ears were deafening, and she breathed in a big cloud of dust.

Thrown into a coughing fit, the small, but strong, girl wriggled around underneath Zeke. She couldn't go anywhere...they appeared to be covered with duracrete and wooden beams. Rrrafterrrsss she had heard them called. Whatever they were they were heavy and they were crushing them! She tried to call out, but her mouth was dry and full of thick dust, and Daani only started in with another coughing fit.

Estelle Russard
Sep 7th, 2002, 02:32:28 PM
Estelle had rushed out into the streets as the violent shift in the balance of the force was unleashed. She hoped her Padawans were safe and did not catch the brunt of the disturbance.

She didnt know which way to go first - confusion and worry had frozen her momentarily to the spot.


She heard Loki's call as if he was right next to her. She was attuned to her "little brother" much more than she realised, and as she spun around, she saw the young boy slung limply over the shoulder of a stranger.

Gasping with fright and concern, the Jedi Knight pulled her lightsaber from its clip and ran toward where the man was carrying Loki, not knowing if he were friend of foe.

"Stop! Stop!"

Her heart pounded twice as fast as her feet along the pavement until she caught up to them.

Pierce Tondry
Sep 8th, 2002, 09:12:16 PM
Estelle suddenly found herself on the business end of a blaster, quick drawn from somewhere inside Pierce's clothing despite the encumberences he was carrying. "I don't know who you are, or what you plan to do with that," he said, gesturing towards the lightsaber. "But I'd advise stowing that thing somewhere before you provoke somebody."

The two of them stood, facing off against each other for several fateful seconds. Then, the back of the bar collapsed.

"Oh, hell," Pierce said to himself.

With the blaster still trained on this unknown woman, Pierce worked his way back around to the rear wall of the bar. Beneath the duracrete chunks, he could see some people buried, and he had no idea how badly they were injured.

Unfortunately, saving them would require Pierce to turn his attention away from his potential attacker.

So be it.

With his mind set, Pierce continued to back towards the collapsed wall. Then, he set down the Padawan Loki and his ysalamiri pack a few feet away from the wall where they wouldn't obstruct his progress, stashing his blaster inside his vest.

And then he deliberately turned his back to Estelle.

There was a single beam, buried under a few large duracrete chunks and some other support beams, that had some people trapped. Bending down, Pierce set both hands on the beam.

"Hrungaaarrrrrraaaaawwwww!" he shouted, and heaved upward with all his strength. Slowly, the beam rose with more chunks falling off of it as it lifted. His body was trembling with the effort it took to maintain his grip and hold the beam steady at its' current high, a few mere feet above where it had fallen.

But maybe it was enough to get the victims out, if the woman didn't attack him and if they weren't pinned down by something else.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Sep 8th, 2002, 09:32:53 PM
The Bar & Grill wasn’t far ahead of him now, but as he passed a pathway that led to the back of the bar he noticed something. One of the Jedi he had met was standing with her saber in hand facing towards the back of the bar and grill. It puzzled Eldrak until his nostrils filled with the acrid scent on the air.

Fires were burning nearby and tilting his head upwards revealed that they were also coming from the area he saw Estelle with her saber drawn. Eldrak broke into a run, which for his size was amazing to see. It was hard to imagine something so large could move so fast.

He saw the man struggling to lift the beam and without asking or inquiring because of the sense of urgency in the air, he moved in beside Pierce and offered his strength to help move the beam. The heavy burden on Pierce’s arms vanished and Eldrak looked at him after seeing parts of bodies protruding from beneath the rubble.

“Go, help them. I can hold this.”

The beam lifted a little higher but some of the debris laying across it started to shift, Edlrak ceased raising it any more.

The large green Padawan turned to Estelle, looking over his shoulder.

Can you steady the shifting rubble while I lift more?"

Estelle Russard
Sep 8th, 2002, 09:43:14 PM
The blaster in her face wasnt what raised her hackles up - it was the fact that Loki hung so helplessly from this man arms and it was obvious, now, that she was going to have to fight to free him.

But the crashing of the wall pre-empted the activation of her lightsaber and she jumped in knee-jerk reaction to the horrible sound of the metal and duracreet frame of the Bar and Grill crashing in a twisted mess.

To her surprise, the agressive man placed Loki gently on the ground, his pack beside him and rushed to aide those who may be trapped beneath the mounds of rubble and debris.

Estelle replaced her saber to its clip then bent quickly to check Loki's pulse, and relief swarmed over her - it was faint, but it was steady. "Hang on Loki, you are going to be ok. Just hang on.."

She then ran over to where the man had lifted up some heavy beams. The Jedi Padawan known to her as Eldrak was there beside him now, and lending his great strength to help. How Estelle had not noticed his arrival, she could only put down to her frantic worry for her little brother.

Eldrak bid her help steady the rubble, but the stranger seemed to be have beaten her to it. Instead she beganto seek for those hurt and wounded amongst the ruin.

She reached in amongst the rocks and dust, her hand clutched onto a warm arm.

"Gently" advised the man who had only moments before shoved a gun in her face.

Estelle cleared away some of the larger rocks using the force and lifted the small frame of ...(judging from the tail, the striped skin being hidden by a thick coating of dust)...a young Cizerack child.

Anbira Hicchoru
Sep 8th, 2002, 10:46:01 PM
:: The conflict of wills subsiding, Anbira turned back to the more immediate task at hand. Feeble in base physical form, the old Jedi nevertheless committed his considerable telekinetic power to the recovery process. Around the bar, a myriad of wreckage bits rose into the air, scattering away from those who were trapped within, and others who now dug through the rubble. ::

Pierce Tondry
Sep 9th, 2002, 09:47:28 AM
"I've got it," Pierce replied, even though Eldrak's query was meant for the woman with the jumpy lightsaber. In the military, you put the right person on the job or it didn't get done when you needed it done, and even though this large green alien (who bore, in some ways, a resemblance to Ogre) had applied a greater strength than Pierce's to the task of holding the beams up, that didn't mean Pierce was not capable of doing further lifting.

Doing so on top of his previous lift would probably tax him greatly, maybe to the point where he would collapse. But there was no one else to do the job.

Pebbles and chunks skittered out of his way as Pierce stepped carefully over to one of the other beams that had fallen across the main one. He eyeballed the beam's center, then knelt down, waiting until the woman had pulled the cat-girl clear. "Get ready for the adjustment," Pierce told Eldrak

With other construction detritus falling around him, Pierce forced himself up to a standing position with the beam set atop his shoulder. His first few steps were staggers, but he regained his balance enough to carry the beam a few more feet in an unoccupied direction and drop it to the ground.

Several quick breaths later, Pierce was back at the pile. He had just begun repeating the procedure when he noticed a head of hair poking out from beneath the support strut he was about to lift.

"I think we have another live one," he said, and once again pushed his body upright with the strut steady on his shoulder.

Daanarri Raurrssaatta
Sep 10th, 2002, 01:10:44 AM
Daani clung to the woman who had pulled her out from the rubble and then squeaked, "Zeke! He jisss jin therrre too!" She was bruised, but otherwise unhurt from her traumatic experience. The little girl burst into tears as Estelle put her down to help pull others from the debris, and crawled over to the little hyuu-mann boy.

She sniffled, and lay on the floor next to him, her nose almost touching his, and just watched him. She hoped he was going to be all right, and a few fat tears rolled out of her eyes again.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 10th, 2002, 07:26:54 AM
Wei laid in a crumpled heap underneath all the rocks and rubble. He would get up soon enough, but for now, he did not feel like it. But alas, he knew he had to get up, so he decided to get up now.

"Ow, that smarts," he muttered as he shook off the dust and debris.

Estelle Russard
Sep 13th, 2002, 12:35:12 AM
Med-Evacs were beginning to arrive. News of the violence had reached the proper channels and now help and medical aide was beginning to pour into the area.

Searchers moved carefully into the Bar & Grill, directed in their efforts by Master Anibra. Others were putting out fires and giving on-the-spot medical aid to many. Survivors where put on hover stretchers and into the Evac vehicles to be taken to the Main Medical facility.

Estelle was relieved to see the little Cizerack child pipe up in concern for her friend Zeke. He had been uncovered by the rough stranger and emergency workers rushed over to him. Their curt nod indicating that he was atleast alive. She smiled up at Eldrak and Tondry for their success, the latter causing it to wane again as she remembered their breif encounter. As the rescue effort continued and her help was needed less where she was at the moment, she returned to see how Loki was. His little body was still motionless, but he started to moan as he slowly fought to return to consciousness.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Sep 13th, 2002, 12:53:04 AM
The fires were now all out and the med crews removing the last of the injured. Standing there amongst the wreckage of what had been Yog’s Bar & Grill. Eldrak’s normal skin and clothing color was difficult to distinguish. He was covered with soot and ash from head to toe, only the areas right around the outsides of his mouth eyes and nose still showed green skin.

He and Tondry had worked together clearing the debris into a more orderly pile, so that those underneath it could receive the aid needed, and now that part was over. As Estelle looked up into his eyes thankfully, she could see them filled with sadness over all that had taken place today.

Eldrak was not aware of how this had happened yet, but just the shear destruction, pain, and suffering was enough to emotionally drain any so empathetic to the hardships and feelings of others. He looked almost as pained as those being carried off to the med center. And then as the air began to clear of smoke his nose twitched, something on the wind caught his attention. His olfactory glands sent a signal of memory and recognition to his mind.

Just as that happened, he doubled over and dropped to his knees. He was in real pain now. He could sense the other that had been here, by sense of smell, sense of empathy for the victims, and through the Force. It caused an effect that made all of his muscles tighten and then go completely slack.

He rolled into a fetal position on the ground and bit back the moans of pain that he wanted to voice audibly, remaining silent.

Daanarri Raurrssaatta
Sep 13th, 2002, 11:54:54 AM
Daani turned her head and saw the huge green forrda fall over. She shrieked in fear, memories that the dark cloaked being had implanted in her mind springing to the forefront.

She leapt to her feet and ran out into the rainstorm, a natural one, as the Force induced storm had ceased.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 13th, 2002, 01:08:25 PM
Wei had no clue what was going on as he finished dusting off his bruised and battered body. He heard Daani scream and the sound of little feet leaving the bar and grill.

"Daani, you must not go out alone!" Wei doubled overwith pain. The effort to shout had been to great. Wei's breathing became ragged and laboured as a sharp pain was felt in his side.

"Broken a rib. At least one."