View Full Version : Honor (Open Spar)

Aug 28th, 2002, 04:27:15 PM
Ansatsu stepped in the room and tested out his new arms. The bionics were all in place. He had just had them attached. He picked one up and tensed it and it launched several darts and laser stars at the wall. They cut straight through them. He lifted up his other hand and stuck out his fingers. He tensed them up and they fired five bullets in diffrent directions. He put up his palm and tensed it. A large barrel came out and he tensed again, this time a large laser shot forth from his hand. He closed his hands and put them to his sides. Two more tests. He tensed up both of his hands. Two long lightsabers emerged from his wrists and he lossened his grip. The sabers stayed the same. He threw them around a few times. They were excellent. They were blue with red streaks through them. The colors of his old school. He had one test left. It was time to test them in a spar. The question was who was first.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 28th, 2002, 04:59:57 PM
:: Lance saw this ninja in a sparring room and quickly walked in::

"A NINJA!? At last!" Lance said with a wide grin on his face

Aug 31st, 2002, 12:58:06 AM
Ansatsu looked at Lance. "Lance Stormrider, our new night. Go easy on me I do not even have a master. So you come to fight. These blades attached to my arms make me a lot more versatile. So what do you say? Ready?" Ansatsu put up his arms and let his sabers block him. His first spar. It was time to make his cousin Wei proud.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 31st, 2002, 03:18:48 PM
"Tsk tsk" He said grinning

"I'm going to go without using the force...I'm a strider pretty similar to you ninjas...now let's go for some blade martial arts madness" He said launching towards the ninja almost as if he was flying he sent his cunching punch to grab his chest and then bended his left leg to release his foot to his stomach quickly and powerfully sending him backwards, he then put him-self in a defensive position pulling his finger and index together motioning him to attack.

Sep 3rd, 2002, 06:56:02 PM
Ansatsu grinned, "Fine, if you want to lose." He turned quickly and came with a punch to Lance's stomach. He then picked up his leg and came in with a kick to his side. After it landed he jumped back and got in a defensive position.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 4th, 2002, 02:45:02 PM
:: Lance bounced his kicked leg to the right and then slipped his other to put some kind of support he came back to his feet and summoned the force through his legs, as he force speeded towards the ninja not even letting him a sec to breath Lance sent a force blast to his chest and right before he even moved a foot kicked his stomach sending him flying a few meters away.::

"Lose?...Hehe I don't think so...this is not even practice time yet"

Sep 6th, 2002, 10:43:49 PM
Ansatsu stood up,"Ha, then I guess you need to break a sweat! Try and find me!" Ansatsu clicked his wrists together and vanished. His cloaking device blended him in with the walls. "Ready Lance......FUMA!" Screaming the name of his school he came in withm a quick hit with both sabers and then backflipped over Lance's head and threw five stars and shoot one bullet toward Lance. They were plastic so they would not hurt. He came out of cloaking and watched as Lance began to get up, "Your good, but what do you think of me. There are plenty of new tricks I could learn. I need a master you know. What do you say? I would be honored." Ansatsu smiled and helped Lance up, and then shot back and got in a defensive position. "Well you can think about it while we spar, eh?" He put up his sabers and got ready to fight.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 7th, 2002, 04:23:44 PM
:: Lance got up and backflipped to his back then sending a force blast to it to send him flying a few feets away.::

"Hmm a ninja might be interesting...I might learn from you a thing or two I never did review the cloaking passage...in return I will teach you hwo to control the force" He said straighting up and passing a hand under his chin.

Sep 7th, 2002, 05:06:38 PM
Ansatsu grinned and removed his mask, "Well are you going to stand there or fight? Well?" Ansatsu got back in a defensive stance. He pulled his sabers from each other in an X formation, "Ready?"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 7th, 2002, 05:11:07 PM
"Heh you didn't answer my question" He said passing a hand through his hair.

Sep 7th, 2002, 05:26:08 PM
"I suppose so. You teach me some tricks and I will teach you the art of my ancient school. Do we have a deal?" Ansatsu turned his sabers off and stood up.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 7th, 2002, 05:30:48 PM
"We heck of a hell do I neeed those techniques to perfect my art" He said grinning

Sep 7th, 2002, 08:37:38 PM
Ansatsu smiled, "Stealth. It is something the Sith do not posses. You could benefit from the Fuma art. When you are using it not even the force can find you. At that point you are nothing. It is not you attacking, but your soul. It is very helpful if done correctly. However their is one draw-back. I am the only one who mastered it. I created this style. You could be my first student in the Fuma school of Martial Arts. With the proper training you too could be a Fuma ninja. What do you say?" Ansatsu walked up and stuck his hand out for a shake, "You agree to train me, and in return I will train you in the Fuma style. Well, do we have an agreement?"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 7th, 2002, 08:43:56 PM
" We got a deal" He said slapping his hand against Ansatsu'sr

"Well let's start right away" he said cracking his neck.

Sep 7th, 2002, 08:57:09 PM
"So would you like to teach me or would you like me to teach you?" Ansatsu smiled. It was time to fulfill his destiny.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 7th, 2002, 09:42:38 PM
"I'll teach you first I guess" He said sitting down on the floor in an indiant style position.

"Please follow my lead my young apprentice"

Sep 13th, 2002, 02:38:11 PM
Ansatsu sat down, "So what do I do now Master?" Ansatsu smiled and took his mask off. His long blonde hair fell down past his back and onto the floor. "Well?"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 13th, 2002, 04:13:47 PM
"Tell me my newest padawan...tell me your story...tell me your past...your life...the events that have occured..what brought you here at the GJO" Lance said calmly.

Sep 14th, 2002, 02:15:26 AM
Ansatsu looked at his master and told his tale, "Years ago when I was a child my brother and I were split at birth. For years Wei was the only family I had besides my father. Later my father claimed I was a weakling and got rid of me. He wanted me to die in the forest. An old master of a school found me and taught me the ways of the ninja. After years the time came when I was to see if I could beat my master. I not only beat him....I killed him. The Fuma style was not mastered yet and I had no control over it. However I do now. So then I decided to go and get money, so I became an assasin. I killed hundreds of thousands of people. I did it for money. Finally one day I was hired to kill an old man who had not paid his bills shall we say. I went after him, days of tracking him down. When I found him he was old. I pinned him to the wall and removed my mask. I always did this before finishing the job. When I looked at the man closer I noticed he was...my father. I wanted to kill him, but I stopped myself. I knew it was wrong. I turned and sheathed my sword. I decided to go and find my brother Samanoske Akechi. He had been heard of around here. So I thought before I could him I would seek redemption for my acts. That is when I came here, and I have been trying to right my wrongs ever since." Ansatsu began to cry. Not just tears though tears of true sorrow. "I found out when I arrived here that my father had died. Killed by another assasin. He was beheaded after being tortured. I could have taken him somewhere safe, but I did not. I was too self-absorbed. Please Master, I beg of you, help me right my wrongs and become one with the force. Please...." Ansatsu looked Lance dead in the eyes, tears pouring down his face. He placed his hand on the ground and the other on his face. He was lost and needed guidance.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 14th, 2002, 08:21:44 AM
:: Lance listened to his tale his eyes narrowed and somehow he felt the shiver crossing through Ansatsu's body, Lance then shook his head listening to the word "assasin".::

"That is a very sad tale my padawan" He said giving him a tissue to clean his tears.

"Clean those....a strong man drops his blood before his tears..never forget that" Lance said a stern look on his face.

"Well...the important is that you regret and wanna repay your debts.....worry not...if you truly wield the force within you....then I shall show you how to serve it...and unify your powers with it..you will become a great jedi..if you follow suit.." After his words he rose to his feet and stretched a bit.

"Well are you ready to begin?"

Sep 14th, 2002, 09:53:10 AM
He wiped his tears and stood, "Yes I suppose so. Well, there is one problem I can not use the force through my arms. They are mechanical ya know. Not a single living organism in them. So just thought I would let you know Master."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 14th, 2002, 10:14:29 AM
"Hmm....no force blasts?...Then if you can't use your arms..you shall use your legs wisely...follow me my apprentice we are going to the garden" Lance said walking out of the room towards a the garden.

Sep 14th, 2002, 10:54:48 AM
Ansatsu turned and headed out with his master. His legs what was he talking about. Oh well, just do what you are told.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 15th, 2002, 10:13:13 AM
:: As they reached the garden Lance opened his two hands and joined them together to focus the force all around his body.::

"Calm down...and think about the force...feel it through you...throguh your veins...through your flesh...through everything around it..summon it call it...serve it..." Lance sad his eyes closed.

"Once you feel that ...tell me.."

Oct 9th, 2002, 05:53:38 PM
Ansatsu sat down and concentrated. Meditating so many times as a ninja it came pretty easily. He felt for a moment and then felt this warmth within him. Something he had never felt before. This warmth must have been what he was talking about. He began to feel his body float off the ground. He then came back down lightly and opened his eyes. He looked at Lance and said, "Got it."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Oct 22nd, 2002, 06:02:16 PM
"Heh good good, now let's if it's true" Lance rose his fingers and pointed it towards a rock near a tree.

"I hope you guess what I want you to do" Of course Lance wanted his padawan to lift the rock and throw it at the tree.

"Focus the force...feel it around you...gather it in your hand and believe...forget reality, and make that rock float.....afterwards....throw it...not by grabbing it...but with the force throw it towards that tree, now do it my padawan" Lance said stepping backwards his arms folded behind his back.

Oct 27th, 2002, 11:34:58 AM
Ansatsu concentrated and pulled all the energy he could from himself and every living thing around him. He focused on the rock and imagined it lifting. He envisioned it running into the tree. He lifted his hand, and as he did so did the rock. He pulled his arm back and threw it forward like a gun. He yelled as he shot his arm forward and the rock flew towards the tree. It hit the tree, and stuck into it. He stood and realized something was missing. His hand compartments were open. He had shot a star and a dart. He looked back at the tree. There was the star, but where was the dart. He looked back at Lance, "Uh......whoops."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Oct 27th, 2002, 11:38:59 AM
:: Lance had caught the dart with his two fingers and laughed a bit.::

"heh I see you use Dart and Stars just like me, interesting but once you acquire the reflexes for these kind of things they're useless" Lance said throwing the dartt right behind him letting it dart the tree.

"Well now, next excercise, I must admit your quite good young padawan"

:: Lance looked upwards at the highest tree in the garden, summoning the force through his legs he used his agilty and strenght to force jump at the top of the tree.::

"This one's pretty easy too...just summon the force like previously..this time through your legs and jump using the force to aid..you"

Oct 27th, 2002, 11:50:46 AM
Ansatsu stood and looked at the tree. He concentrated alot of energy from everywhere and smiled. He jumped and could not make it. He jumped several times like this. He was getting too boastful. He put all his thoughts into jumping. He concentrated in beneath his legs and let it sit there. He released it and jumped at the same time. He landed on top of the tree quietly and smiled down at Lance, "Better watch yourself Lance. You never know, I might become the most stealthy jedi of all." He smiled down at Lance.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Oct 27th, 2002, 11:55:07 AM
"Heh, you'll never be as good as me I'm the best, boy I got this move on first shot" Lance sticked his tongue out and jumped down using his strider skills he landed without a noise and perfectly.

"I'm kidding, of course you will now get down because the next move will be much harder, if you need rest you can"

Oct 30th, 2002, 08:35:06 PM
Ansatsu smiled, "Me? Rest? I am a Fuma ninja, and we do not rest." He jumped back down and landed quietly. He looked back at Lance, "So gonna teach me somethin, or should I teach you?"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Oct 31st, 2002, 05:37:05 AM
"Heh there's still much to learn...very much...you understand so little for the moment...patience my young padawan"On those words Lance turned around and narowed his eyes lightly.

"Are you sure your ready for the next move, this one is tougher then all the other moves you've learn so far"

Nov 13th, 2002, 07:56:57 PM
Ansatsu laughed, "Yes I am ready. I am a ninja. I am ready for anything." Ansatsu sensed an attack coming on. He readied himself just in case.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 15th, 2002, 05:41:25 AM
:: Lance laughed a bit at his apprentice's guard.::

"No no it will not be an attack" Lance had sensed his Ansatsu's mind what he feared would come.

"Next move will be force speed, this move requires much more concentration and energy then all of the moves that you learnt before" Lance visualized the tree that was 100 meters from the, and through the force he asked it to enhance his running abilities, in a second he ran up to the tree like a tornado.

:: Some smoke emerged from the floor as Lance finished his move.::

"Your turn, to perform this your must first visualize the place where you want to be...you want to go after you have this focus the force all around your body let it guide you...let it boost your abilities and run!" Lance said turning around and nodding

Nov 22nd, 2002, 03:49:26 PM
Ansatsu smiled and readied himself for a run. He looked at the tree and visualized getting there. He concentrate harder than he ever had before. He gathered the force in his body. He continued to visualize the tree. He imagined himself standing beside it. He gathered the force and visualized more. He felt his body jerk with the amount of force in it. A small circle of purple was gathering below him. THE FUMA ART! He thought for a moment. Was it force realted as well? Could he utilize the force in his spirit form. He thought and moved his thoughts back to the tree. The force was at it's max in his body. He sent Lance a force message, "Watch this." He laughed in his mind. He took off, and the force sped his legs up. The tree came closer and closer. He tightened his wrists and the two yellow sabers in his wrists came out. He continued to charge at Lance and in the last moment, in a sort of slow motion, darted from in front of Lance and beside the tree. He extended his sabers and they went straight through the tree. He continued past it and the sabers returned to his wrists. He turned quickly and lifted his hand. The barrell in his hand emerged and a large white beam came from it. The beam went through the tree engulfing it and missing all the innocent bystanders. Before the tree even hit the ground it was completly disentegrated. He stopped and looked at Lance. Ansatsu's eyes were still closed. He laughed, "Well what do you think?" He opened his eyes and his smile dissapeared. Lance looked very angry, and he was stomping toward Ansatsu with a grim look on his face. Ansatsu looked scared and thought to himself, "I have stepped in it bigtime. Stupid idea!"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 23rd, 2002, 11:07:42 PM
:: Lance shook his head before slapping his forehead.::

"Oh my my, master Yoghurt is gonna be mad, oh well it's your fault dork" He said laughing a bit.

"You know you really didn't need to make all this mess" He then passed his hand thorugh his hair and smiled lightly.

"You've succeeded the basic force moves...now time for your first official test"

"You ready?"