View Full Version : All right Rogues...some rules before we get this Squad goin'

Wedge Antilles
Aug 28th, 2002, 10:57:19 AM
As I told Shadow Squadron (as Millard over at Balmorra), I don't expect everyone to participate in every thread. We're all busy, and we've all got real lives to focus on too. But that bein' said...I do want your participation on a lot of the threads (it makes things easier on me both IC and OOC).

Now that being said...we got a lot of people here who have multiple characters...and we also got almost a full squadron. With no one else saying they want in, then we'll keep it where it is- with a few NPCs.

And also, feel free to make the NPC's unique characters. If you're flying with Rogue 9 and he's an NPC- give him a name...make him an alien...I don't care, but don't just call him 'Rogue Nine'...that was the advantage of the Rogue Squadron books was yeah...they didn't focus on all the characters but you knew who Rogues 1-12 were. So let's do it with this Rogue Squadron too...I'll move the roster here too also. That way we knew whose where.

Feel free to use those NPCs to your advantage. They're your wingmates and your fellow Rogues. Don't do everything yourself either...Rogue Squad's a team...let's act like one.

Also remember, X-Wings have R2 or R5 droids. Give 'em names if ya wish. :)

We'll be getting some help from some Marines as well...I know...someone's gotta use 'em (;))

Everyone cool with this?

Any questions?

Lemme know.

Dwayne Hicks
Sep 3rd, 2002, 02:49:01 AM
Hey, what's this crack at us grunts, flyboy?

Sounds good ta me Captain