View Full Version : Regrets: Smuggling Profits (open)

imported_Cyrus Haman
Aug 28th, 2002, 10:41:37 AM
Continued from here (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22081)

Somehow, Cyrus made it to the comm without tripping over the remains of his pants. He still didn't know how...nor did he care. But he was rather annoyed to have been interupted...especially with a hungry Cizerack waiting in the bedroom of his freighter, The Switch.

"Yeah this is the ship Manassass...what can I help you with?"

"This is Bimmisaari Control...what is the nature of your visit to our planet?"

"I'm here for some pleasure," the smuggler glanced back at the bedroom as he lit a thin cigarre, "And some business too. I got some hydrospanners and medical supplies to deliver to Eyrak Nub."

There was a pause, "Ah I see...very well. We'll see you in two hours or so...Bimmisaari Control out."

Haman took a drag off of the cigarre, then popped open a bottle of rough whiskey from the cockpit door. He took a drink, then cringed at the taste.

Ugh...but the stuff's good...

"You can come out now," he said to the figure behind him, "I can smell ya."

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Aug 28th, 2002, 10:11:47 PM
Moving silently up behind him, Nasseeri reaches around and takes the bottle of whiskey out of his hand and places the mouth of the bottle between her lips, taking a long pull from it before handing it back.

"Jyourrr comjing back to bed, arrrnt jyou? Sssurrrlejy jyourrr not fjinjissshed forrr the njight?

If after only four matings and he wanted to quit, then Haman wasnt the male she thought he was. Perhaps with the right persuasion he could be "talked" into another heartpounding, sweat drenched mating session. Dragging her claws lightly up along the curve of his spine, Nass nips playfully at one of his shoulders, her tail curling forward to wrap around the front of one of Haman's thighs.

"We ssstjill have two hourrrsss to kjill beforrre puttjing jin. Come, let me ssshow jyou sssomethjing elssse frrrom mjy planet."

imported_Cyrus Haman
Aug 28th, 2002, 10:18:06 PM
Haman laughed...

"Of course I'm comin' back to bed. You take me for a fool? Just had t'answer the Bimms. They're paranoid what after the attack Thrawn did all those years ago."

He stood up from his chair, and caught Nass' tail in his right hand. His other was wrapped around her waist.

"Some how I get the feelin' it'll be more than just 2 hours," he gave a wolfish smile and the two went back to the bedroom...quite slowly...

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Aug 28th, 2002, 10:58:55 PM
Snapping the towel at his retreating wet backside, Nass finishes combing through her long mane of thick light brown hair. Not too often did she leave it loose but with Haman, she felt that it was an appropriate statement. It wasnt often that Nass had the opportunity to let go and have fun and now that she did, she was going to take advantage of it.

Making her way back into his room, she pulls her pants back on then contemplates on whether or not she should wear her jacket.
A Cizeracks' normal temperature ran higher than a humans, so she stayed warm most of the time, even on the ShadowFaene base. With that in mind, Nasseeri decideds against the jacket and sits down on the side of the bed, pulling her boots on. Hanging crooked from one of the walls is small mirror and she checks her appearence. Pants, tank top and boots were the visible ensemble. From a pocket in her jacket she withdraws a small but razor sharp dagger which she slips into the shaft of her right boot and a small palm-sized blaster which fit neatly into one of her pants' pockets.

Feeling ready for anything that might be thrown thier way, she moves out from the bedroom and joins Haman in the cargo hold. Nass leans against a bulkhead while he runs through the invoice once again.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Aug 28th, 2002, 11:01:14 PM
Haman popped his neck, as he looked over the invoice of the cargo.

Good thing I gottanother pair of pants with me. Nass sure when through the last one quickly, he gave a small smile while he thought of the memory.

Thankfully, most of the bites from Nass weren't visible...even if his neck looked like it had been chewed on.

Yeah he had to admit it...Cizeracks were pretty...inna kinky kinda way. But when it came down to it...Hera signed his paychecks...not Nass.

Why ruin a good thing when ya got the boss? he smirked to himself.

Still don't mean ya can't have fun...

"All right so that's it right?"

The Bimm, wearing yellow with a yellow braid shook his head.

"I'm afraid not Mister...what did you say your name was...Kron? My employer insists you and your...companion," he noticed Nass enter the cargo hold and Haman saw him melt inwardly, "Join him for dinner at his place of residency."

Haman nodded, "Well Nass...you cool with goin' to dinner at our contacts' home?"

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Aug 28th, 2002, 11:22:37 PM
Smiling a greeting at the Bimm, Nasseeri nods an affirmative to "Kron".

"Jyesss, we would love to jojin hjim forrr dinnerrr. Jit would be ourrr pleasssurrre. Pleassse, thank hjim forrr hisss mossst generrrousss offerrr."

Nasseeri wasnt a diplomatic aide for nothing. Even though most of her work had been done with and through the KAR, she still knew how to turn on the charm when it was needed and now was no exception.

"Jis therrre anjythjing ji can do to help jyour emplojyer prrreparrre forrr ourrr visssit? Perrrhapsss brrring a bottle of hjisss favorrrjite drrrjink? Asss a thank jyou forrr hisss patrrronage."

imported_Cyrus Haman
Aug 29th, 2002, 12:07:39 AM
The Bimm nodded, "Alterian Wine. If you have it."

Then backing up, casting his eyes over Nasseeri, he ran away quickly to his bosses.

"Alterian Wine...nice to know I have some," Haman smiled, lighting a cigarre, "Even if I was saving it for something else."

He saw the look on the Ciz's face, "Oh wouldn't you like t'know what I was saving it for."

Then smirking, he headed back towards the bedroom to get some nicer clothes.

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Aug 29th, 2002, 12:33:31 AM
If Cyrus had spoken the name "Hera', she would have popped him one and left his ass laying on the metal decking. At least he was smart enough not to have made that particular mistake. With a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders, Nasseeri wanders down the ramp, her eyes drifting slowly over the Bimmisaari landscape as Haman retrieves the bottle of wine.

Looking down at her informal attire she relunctantly realizes that she might need her jacket after all and calls back to Haman to bring it to her.

"Cjyrrrusss! Would jyou pleassse brrrjing mjy jacket to me? ji thjink ji wjill need jit forrr the djinnerrr, dont jyou? We want to make a good jimprrressssssjion, jyesss?"

imported_Cyrus Haman
Aug 29th, 2002, 01:34:03 AM
Haman picked up the leather jacket on the floor and straightened it a bit. Somehow it wasn't ruined like the rest of Nasseeri's clothes had been during the trip's...activities.

He brushed it off, then came back to where the Ciz waited.

"Yeah, I suppose so. I gotta be respectable and all. Besides...rumor has it Eyrak Nub likes dressed up women," he smirked, not adding the comment about Nub's Twi'lek housemaid.

"C'mon...we're supposed to be there by meal time...let's go."

He crooked his arm, and led Nass down the ramp towards a waiting taxi.

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Aug 29th, 2002, 01:48:45 AM
"Asss opposssed to jyourrr ljikjing undrrressssssed women?"

Arching a brow at him, Nasseeri smiles as she takes the offered arm.

"Jussst what arrre jyou not telljing me, Cjyrrrusss? ji can sssee that jyourrre attemptjing to hjide sssomethjing."

The smirk that spread across his face told her what she needed to know. This Eyrak Nub liked women and liked them a lot. Nass only hoped that she hadnt been made part of the deal.

Diego Van Derveld
Aug 29th, 2002, 07:49:22 AM
Cyrus opened the door of the cab, to see a man and a woman inside. They seemed oblivious and overly relaxed, and Cyrus would likely think nothing of it, save for the snub-nosed blaster resting in the man's lap. He smiled politely at Cyrus.

"Mr. Haman, there's room for one more person inside. By all means, hop in. Don't be shy. I'm sure your ladyfriend can spare you."

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Aug 29th, 2002, 08:18:19 AM
Nasseeri couldnt see inside the cab since she was off to one side of Haman but the quietly spoken words set off an alarm in her mind and the scent that flowed from the backseat of the cab stabbed at her nerves. If she had a coating of fur, it would be bristled up to run along the back of her neck.

Flexing the fingers on her off hand, Nass draws it back, claws ready to slash and tear at the danger lurking inside the cab.

Casting a quick glance at Haman, she waits for any signal from him. If this was something stemming from his past, it was his to deal with alone. She wasnt going to die for him or anything heroic for a male she had just met and was using strictly for her own sexual needs.

But somehow, Nasseeri didnt think that this was what it involved. Her acute senses spoke of the present and of her and Haman's brief time spent together.

Elena Van Derveld
Aug 29th, 2002, 08:24:33 AM
The other figure, the female, watched from inside, an insincere smile on her lips. She regarded the felinoid with some distaste as she reclined in the chair she was sat in, giving a quiet laugh. It was entertaining, their reasoning for being here. She imagined Haman would find it not quite as funny as they did though, of course.

"She looks a little worn out anyway," she remarked after Diego.

"Might need a little time to rest, hmm?" Elena added with a wink.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Aug 29th, 2002, 01:12:03 PM
"Er...sorry wrong cab," Haman slammed the cab door in the man's face. The smuggler was unnarmed, as per custom on Bimmisaari, save for the vibroblade hidden in his boots.

"Move it...it's a trap," he turned and ran quickly back towards The Switch. The Bimm employer would have to wait.

Diego Van Derveld
Aug 29th, 2002, 04:56:30 PM
Diego paused a moment to reflect, literally...staring at himself in the tint of the window. Sighing, he turned to his daughter, a wry smile on his face.

"I think Mr. Haman wants us to chase him."

He placed a hand on her shoulder in reminder.

"Remember, don't kill him. He only needs things explained to him. But we can still be creative in our explanations."

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Aug 29th, 2002, 09:37:03 PM
Not needing to be told twice, she spins and dashes for the ship, her powerful thigh muscles bringing her even with Haman in just a couple of running steps.

Her hand dips into her right pants pocket, curling around the butt of the small blaster and drawing it out, thumbing the safety off as she runs, her head turned at a slight angle as she checks for pursuit.

Haman had already keyed the ramp to open and it was but so very slowly, seeming to take its own sweet time in obeying his command.

A sharp click behind her causes an immediate reaction, one of her ears swiveling back towards her skull as the man and woman step out of the taxi.

Growling with impatience and self presevation, Nasseeri shoves Haman ahead of her and into the ship, slamming her palm on the control to re-draw the ramp up into its resting place.

Nass flattens herself against the closest bulkhead for protection while bringing her blaster up and sighting on the nearest hyuu-mann.

Elena Van Derveld
Aug 30th, 2002, 02:24:55 AM
"You think everyone wants us to chase them," she laughed.

Elena pushed the door open quickly, eyes widening as a blaster rose to be aimed at them, whilst the ship the cat and Haman were entering look like it was preparing to leave.

"Oh. Great."

She cast a glance back in at Diego expectantly.

Diego Van Derveld
Aug 30th, 2002, 10:45:18 AM
Diego smirked, ducking behind the opened cab door to shield himself from any shots from the Cizerack. He took steady aim, and squeezed the trigger. The shot missed both Nasseeri and Cyrus by a wide margin, but neither were the intended target. It neatly perforated one of the pneumatic struts on the Switch's gangplank, essentially jamming the mechanism in place. It would prevent them from closing the door, but more importantly, they weren't going airborne...and that was sufficient for Diego. Now, they could consider the options. Stopping in their tracks, a firefight, or running away. He smiled, tossing his blaster to the ground. It had more symbolic use than anything practical...and that time had apparently passed. He looked to Elena with a coy expression, and slid his shirt off his back.

"If they didn't want us to chase, they wouldn't run!"

imported_Cyrus Haman
Aug 30th, 2002, 01:31:14 PM
Haman stopped as the gangplank groaned to a halt.

Son of a bitch...

"I just got this ship ya know!" he shot at the two attackers.

Turning around, the smuggler raised his hands in surrender as he tried to put an innocent look on his face.

"Okay who ya with? Gorgja the Hutt? Kimiiki Crei? Last I heard that albino was still in an Imperial Prison."

Haman suddenly heard it. The sound of approaching sirens. He'd almost forgotten about the Bimm's law about no weapons allowed on the planet's surface. But it appeared his attackers had forgotten comepletely.

The security cars pulled up, blocking the taxi's exit. As the Bimms got out of the car, Haman had to keep himself from doubling over in laughter.

The Bimms looked like over-grown rabbits, wearing yellow uniforms ('parently their favorite color), each clutching a blaster as big as their head. They'd avoided helmets, mainly because helmets would be too big for their heads, but the stun baton were made to fit their hands.

"That blaster of yours," Haman muttered to Nass, "Keep it hidden."

The captain of the guard, who looked rough...for a Bimm, strolled up- followed by a smaller junior officer. The captain twittered in his own language at Diego, pointing an accusing finger at him.

The smaller officer waited until he was done then...in very halted Basic said,

"He...vishez...tooo....knowwwwhyyou....hhhhavvvve.. .bro-kin...Bimmisaari's rool...ov...n-n-n-oowah...veaponssss...onn...Bimmisaari."

The captain chittered again, causing the junior officer to blush a bit.

"Yuu..." he chittered as if he did not know the appropriate Basic word for the curse, "musssstah...c-c-come...vit...usss...Nowwww."

Then all twelve guards raised their blasters.

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Aug 30th, 2002, 10:04:52 PM
Lowering her blaster, she lets it hang at her hip, ready to slip it back into her pocket at a moments notice. But until the male and female hyuu-mann were in custody, she would keep it handy, thank you very much.

The male was the more dangerous of the two but Nasseeri knew that he wouldnt have brought the female along to help unless she too could administer some damage.

Haman's laughter rings out but it isnt at all reassuring to her. Situations such as this often got out of hand and the hyuu-mann male looked like he wanted to get his hands on someone, for all of his calmness. Her nose twitching lightly, Nass could smell the confident intent of harm oozing from his very pores.

Diego Van Derveld
Aug 31st, 2002, 08:09:13 PM
Diego shrugged in a defeatist fashion, allowing the Bimms to manipulate his hands into a set of binders. Once that was done, he and Elena were tucked away into the back of a squad speeder. As they pressed him in, Cyrus could almost see a smile on his face. Then the door closed, and slowly, the squad car began to pull away.

Elena Van Derveld
Sep 1st, 2002, 01:59:26 AM
Elena was cuffed, though strained to sit forward and get another look at the pair. She smirked, looking a little more displeased than her counterpart.

"Plan. What is it?" she murmured, half masking her speech with a yawn.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 2nd, 2002, 01:01:09 AM
"Seems weapons aren't allowed on Bimmisaari."

Diego kept the smile on his face, raising his shackled hands where Elena could see."

"But that aside...same plan."

As he changed the binders slid off his ever-thinning wrists. The two security people in the front were too involved in a discussion to be any wiser to the fact.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Sep 2nd, 2002, 06:24:28 AM
"You got any idea who that is?" Haman asked as he looked over the damage to his ship.

Mostly superficial, but The Switch wasn't going to be closing her door for about an hour.

The smuggler grabbed a hydrospanner, beginning to work on the door. Whatever the Bimm who'd invited them wanted, he'd have to wait. Right now, he had trouble.

Cyrus kept working on the door, discovering the problem. The gangplank was fused. He cursed to himself and grabbed a blowtorch.

Time for some heavy work.

"I said again, ya know who those guys were?"

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Sep 2nd, 2002, 09:27:46 AM
Pocketing her small handgun, Nasseeri turns a heated, angry look onto her campanion.

"ji?? Jit wasss jyou thejy werrre afterrr! Ssshall ji rrremjind jyou that jit wasss jyou thejy wanted to take and not me?!"

Nass's blue eyes narrow dangerously as she takes a long stride towards him, her claws flexed and more than ready to do some damage.

"Thjisss jisss jyourrr dojing, Cjyrrrusss!! ji onljy came along forrr the sssex, not to get mjy head blown off!"

Nasseeri throws her jacket down in disgust as she squats down beside Haman and pries up a section of the flooring for him, exposing some of the hydraulic hosing.

"Now, what elsss can ji do to help? The sssoonerrr we can get thjisss fixed, the betterrr!"

Elena Van Derveld
Sep 4th, 2002, 10:41:19 AM
She watched and pouted. Another dress completely ruined and lost, another day ending up naked on some god forsaken planet - yay. Sighing, she followed suit and changed with a barely audible whine. Lowering down her head out of view, she looked over at Diego before looking out of the window. It looked look like there was a very crude locking system keeping them in place, and all she would need to do would be yank a lever up with her teeth to open out the door. Of course then the matter of jumping out of a speeding car was presented, but that was nothing compared to flinging herself off of a four storey building; as she had done a few weeks ago.

A quick tug, and the lock broke off. Now it was just waiting for Diego's nod before they made their hasty get away, leaving behind their shedded clothes as a parting gift.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 4th, 2002, 01:31:50 PM
Diego tensed, then suddenly leapt forward, smashing through the security screen of the car. The Bimms hadn't a chance. With a snarl, the wolf was upon the passenger, tearing his throat out in a vicious snap. The creature gagged on its own ichor, convulsing as its head slipped forward to thud on the dashboard. With fresh blood dripping from his muzzle, the wolf growled at the driver...seemingly speaking.

"rrrssstop thrrr carrrr"

A mouthful of blood-stained daggers showed a clear alternative if the Bimm wished to refuse.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Sep 5th, 2002, 11:37:35 PM
"Ya wanna help," Haman was busy looking at the door, attempting to get the two wires that controlled the locking mechanism to work, "Go get up in the cockpit and get the weapons system online. I gotta swivel blaster that oughta help up if we run into trouble."

This wasn't good at all. The wires were melted, without any power getting through to the wires themselves.

Haman swore, then checked the power supply. It had short-circuited and destroyed the inner workings.

"I frellin' hate this...

"Nass! Get ready, we're gonna take off and go elsewhere on planet. Get ready to take off!"

This wasn't good at all.

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Sep 6th, 2002, 12:27:47 AM
Giving the ships' controls a quick once over, Nass flips a couple of switches, bringing the belly turret online and ready for use. Restarting the engines, she slips behind Haman's chair as he thuds into the cockpit, his fingers darting over the controls and his eyes scanning the tarmac for more trouble.

The still open ramp bothered her more than she liked and Nass glanced back uneasily to it. Someone could still get onboard if they wanted and she had the gut that thier problems werent over yet.

Nasseeri turns, drawing the small blaster from her pocket as she strides back towards the open ramp.

"ji thjink ji'll keep a watch gojing back herrre, Cjyrrrusss. We'rrre not out of the woodsss yet. Thejy'll be back. ji can feel jit."

Hooking her left hand over a thick overhead cable, Nass stands with one foot in the ship and the other resting on the ramp. Her felonoid sense of balance keeps her in place as the ships' engines gather power and lifts off the ground.

Lifting her nose, she sniffs the air as her blue eyes scan the tarmac below, waiting and watching, her blaster in hand.

Elena Van Derveld
Sep 10th, 2002, 10:52:24 AM
The door flung open as the transport ground to a hault, with the driver making a desperate attempt to get out and arm himself, to deal with the sudden appearance of the wolf. The effort was in vain, however, as the two beasts leapt up, the smaller of the two knocking him to the floor - so hard that his head cracked across the ground, knocking him out.

Muzzle raising into the air, she inhaled the scents around her then looked off back towards where she could trace the scent of the Cizerack to. Turning hard, she set off at a sprint from a static start.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 10th, 2002, 10:57:03 AM
Licking his muzzle clean, Diego watched Elena catch the trail, pursuing after her in that unlying, inexorable path to their targets.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Sep 10th, 2002, 11:20:31 PM
Haman fired the engines, smiling as they began to gain power. He began brining The Switch up into the sky...then groaned as the engines shut off and the ship settled back onto the ground.

"SON OF A BITH!" he cursed, racing back towards the engine room.

"This is why I got rid of the first god damned ship in the first place!"

He flung the engine room door open and let out a stream of expletives and curses that could be heard all the way to where Nass stood.

"Hey cat-girl!" he called quickly, and he started striding back towards the cabin, "We're gettin' a new ship. Frackin' piece of poodoo ship's broken.

"Get that bag from the weaponry and start layin' it 'round the door. If anyone tries anything they're gettin' a headful of explosives.

"If we get outta this...I dunno how I'm gonna be able t'stand when I go back to Hera...we're gonna have a whole helluva lot of fun...."

Then he grinned and licked his lower lip.

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Sep 11th, 2002, 12:48:09 AM
Ear tips drooped as the engines sputtered in protest, whined to life then abruptly gave up the ghost. A low growl builds deep in her throat as Haman's words reached thier target and her lips pull back in a snarl as he strides through the cabin.

Tearing herself away from the gapeing opening of the ramp, Nass hurries to the back of the ship, heaving up the heavy bag as if it were nothing and rushing back to the cabin area, dumping the contents onto the floor without ceremony. Quickly, she begins spreading them out then drops down, freezing in a low crouch.

Lifting her head to catch the soft breeze, the scents flow strong and clean to her flaring nostrils. They were back! Flinging herself out onto the ramp, her eyes rake across the tarmac finally coming to focus on two large dogs running hellbent for leather right in thier direction. A quick frown creases her forehead as she tests the air again, but no, the scent was the same as the male and female from the taxi.

Nasseeri didnt fully comprehend this strange turn--understanding could come later once any danger was past. Taking two large strides backwards, she re-enters the ship, her tail lashing angrily at the situation that she and Haman now find themselves in. Crouching low, Nass prepares to meet the attack head on as her lips draw back, exposing her own set of lethal weapons and she flexes her fingers, curving them slightly inward, ready to deliver a vicious slash to anyone foolish enough to mess with her.

"Cjyrrrusss!! Lock and load! We've got companjy!"


Elena Van Derveld
Sep 20th, 2002, 12:07:56 PM
She skidded to a halt, seeing no one but the feline present. Evidently, it appeared she was armed with nothing but her natural aids - those being her claws and teeth - which the two wolves possed also, and in greater number, much to their advantage.

Elena gave a quick look to Diego, nodding very faintly, before pacing out sideways. As a predator, there were two techniques to catching prey - the first was a head on tackle, throwing all forces straight into the enemy, and the second was pouncing in from both sides; the latter of which Elena had opted for in this situation.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 20th, 2002, 12:29:38 PM
Diego stalked, padding at the periphery of Nasseeri's view. His greyish-silver form was massive, and his fur seemed to bristle at anticipation. Around his muzzle, the fur darkened, then glistened with crimson, catching the same light reflected in the vornskr's yellow eyes. He growled in a bass-filled sound that seemed to shake the ground. Following Elena's lead, he flanked the felinoid in a subtle manner. She radiated her aggression in her unique, feline smell, that seemed to radiate off her form in an aura of bright blue, if one could smell in shades of color. The olfactory fingerprint superimposed in Diego's mind over the plain image of her physical form, seen in monochrome. The unfortunate nature of this plan was that there was no real way to negotiate, while in such a quadripedal state, unless she could speak Bark, Bark, Woof, Growl. Speech with such a mouth was at best, nearly impossible. The limited vocabulary Diego could use was thick and slurred, and multiple syllables were no-no's. Therefore, he'd have to hope the cat woman had a brain in her head. If not, it was either fight or flight. Either way, Nasseeri would wind up torn to pieces.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Sep 21st, 2002, 03:46:30 AM
Haman's blaster was up and prepared to fire as he heard Nass' warning about company.

Dammit...all I needed was another hour and we could be outta here.

Not really sure what he was doing, could he possibly be liking the Cizerack for a little bit more than sex, the smuggler slammed into female knocking her out of the way.

"C'mon ya furry bastard...eat blaster bolt."

His blaster spat fire towards the lupine.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 21st, 2002, 08:27:26 AM
Deft reflexes sent Diego around the shot trajectory, searing ozone of the blaster bolts missing by the smallest of margins. Little headway was gained, but it was enough that Cyrus was unloading the barrage in his direction.

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Sep 21st, 2002, 07:31:44 PM
The leap from the opposite direction was coming and Nasseeri expected it, welcomed it, even. At ShadowFaene and back at the Pride headquarters she had to be patient and respectful while business partners and higher ranking Cizeracks had thier way. Weeks and months of pent up frustration at pampering human associates had grated on her nerves long enough and now they were screaming for a release.

Her nostrils flared, capturing the scent of the two canines now attempting to flank herself and Haman. It wasnt adding up but she had to believe it. Nass's eyes could be tricked, her hearing lead off in a different direction but she had never doubted her sense of smell. The scent of the two hairy mongrels prowling alongside the ship was identical to the scents of the male and female who had appeared in the taxi minutes earlier.

Nasseeri stumbled as Haman shouldered her aside but quickly regained her balance and moved behind him to cover his unguarded side.

"Therrre arrre two of them, Cjyrrrusss! ji wjill take carrre of the otherrr--jyou keep jyourrr ejyesss on that one!"

Elena Van Derveld
Sep 22nd, 2002, 01:26:03 PM
Seeing Diego had busied the male, Elena was free to concentrate on the woman and did so first by snarling, setting herself up ready to attack. After gaining Nass' full attention, the wolf bound forward and leapt up into the air, paws spread as she dove for the Cizerack.

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Sep 22nd, 2002, 01:53:13 PM
Powerful leg muscles drive her forward to meet the wolf's leap. The canine had the advantage when it came to teeth but Nasseeri had the upper hand in hands, plus her own teeth were nothing to sneer at.

Feinting with her left hand in a false grab at the wolf's throat, Nass waits until the last second, making sure that the canine's open snarl is turned in that direction. Nasseeri's right hand snakes out, latching firmly onto female's gullet as the two meet in mid-air and roll head over heels down the extended ramp.

Elena Van Derveld
Sep 23rd, 2002, 10:21:00 AM
As they tumbled, Elena pushed her hind legs up against the woman's gut, driving long sharp claws into her body. She strained under the pressure on her throat, but the fact that Nasseeri had to busy herself with the wolves teeth meant that she could get in a good few swipes at her face with both paws, eager to draw blood.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 23rd, 2002, 10:37:45 AM
Meanwhile, Diego maneuvered close quarters with Cyrus, bounding up toward the ramp...his paws skidding across pavement as he juked from side to side, to avoid the mercenary's shots. As he leapt up, a blaster bolt grazed across his side, searing away a line of fur, and cauterizing skin. Diego yelped, but continued his trajectory, slamming into Cyrus, and causing him to lose his grasp on the weapon...which was a happy stroke of luck. After all, Cyrus only needed an education, not a dirt nap...and the less lethal this was to Diego and Elena, the better the bald human's chances for survival were...

imported_Cyrus Haman
Oct 6th, 2002, 12:39:00 AM
Haman watched the blaster fly from his hand, but still hadn't lost his nerve...yet.

He smacked the vornskr on the nose, then pulled a vibroblade.

"C'mon wolfie...why don't ya go after someone of ya own kind."

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Oct 7th, 2002, 01:19:50 AM
Tumbling to a stop, Nasseeri growls as the wolf's claws tear through her clothing, ripping at her flesh. As one paw comes dangerously close to her face, she jerks her head aside, then lunges after it with mouth wide open, her own sharp canines sinking into the wolf's leg.

Nass tightens her grip on the females' throat with her right hand and uses her left to push the wolf's body away from her, trying to pin the female onto her side and keep her own skin safely attached to her body.

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 7th, 2002, 07:59:26 AM
Diego's muzzle was rapped, causing the vornskr to yelp from being hit in a tender spot. He recovered in time to see a blade swinging up at him. He turned his head sideways, catching the incoming wrist in his mouth. He held the hand there...the pressure of his jaws was firm but not painful, but there was the promise that if necessary, the pressure could be increased exponentially. Diego whined a bit, golden eyes looking into Cyrus's.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Oct 7th, 2002, 09:16:44 AM
Haman yelped at the pain on his wrist. He considered giving up the fight and surrendering.

This ain't even worth it....ah what the hell...I gotta look good infront of th'chicks.

He kicked the vornskr in the most private of places.

Elena Van Derveld
Oct 13th, 2002, 07:11:45 AM
A yelp escaped her lips as the teeth sunk into her flesh. As she was pushed backwards, throat gripped, she snarled and rocked her body forward – to no avail. Never the less, she continued to squirm under the Cizeracks grasp, and eventually managed to cut against skin with one back paw, deep enough to cause the grip to lessen for a moment. This moment was just long enough, however, for Elena to wiggle her way free. She dropped to the ground, and snapped at Nass’ leg instantly.

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 13th, 2002, 01:29:42 PM
Diego yowled with pain, rolling away from the dreadful ringing sensation in his loins. Recovering with an agonizing falter, Diego sprung again, knocking Cyrus to the ground. The human's first instinct was to rise...until a familiar warm, wet pressure was at his throat. The tips of Diego's teeth pressed lightly against the sides of the bald man's neck...as his jaws fit comfortably and easily around the ventral half of the neck's circumference. Diego panted, breath hot against Cyrus's face and neck. He whined, eyes glancing from Cyrus's face, to the blade still in his hand. He tentatively put a paw on the man's chest, but made no aggressive move. The unspoken message was a primal checkmate. Cyrus could perforate Diego with his blade till his heart was content, but Diego could cease his vitals with little more than a facial tick. He hadn't done so...why? A simple killing and assassination was no longer to be assumed. The animal apparently had a more sentient MO at stake. Golden eyes glanced up to Nasseeri and Elena as they scrapped, and he let out a muffled "woof" to get the felinoid's attention. He was being rational, though the smell of sweat and adrenaline, as well as the greyish color of blood smell would start to put other things on his mind. There was no taming the vornskr, only a temporary chance at controlling. The longer he remained quadriped, the less "reasonable" he was apt to be.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Oct 14th, 2002, 12:15:09 AM
Haman dropped the knife and raised his hands above his head.

"I know when I'm beat," he breathed heavily, "Just let 'er go."

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Oct 14th, 2002, 02:33:39 AM
Nass snarls then yelps as the wolf's teeth find thier mark, large canines sinking into the muscle of her calf. With her teeth bared, Nasseeri steels her resolve to take the bite in exchange for a death grip around the wolf's neck.

As her hands lunge to wrap tightly around the female's neck,a deep 'woof' followed by Haman's words of surrender reach Nasseeri's ears and they swivel, her eyes keeping suit.


The word was spoken quietly. Haman had lost his battle and it would be his death if he foolishly continued the fight. Angry eyes cut back to the wolf who now had her leg in its mouth and with a final teeth-bared hiss, Nass conceeds as well, straightening up to stand as best she can.

Elena Van Derveld
Oct 15th, 2002, 11:08:10 AM
Elena eased backwards and swivelled her head back and forth to release the tension that had been created in the head-lock the Cizerack had administered upon her. If it was possible, it looked like she was giving a mocking grin, as her teeth were bared but in a way that seemed to show happiness. Slowly rocking back to sit, she raises a paw and licks it attentively.

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 16th, 2002, 09:38:06 PM
Diego's barbed tail snapped out, but not at Cyrus. Instead, it knocked the knife away, clattering out of reach. Releasing the smuggler, the vornskr rocked back on his haunches and changed, appearing ghastly amorphous for but a second or two. Back in his human form, the Lupine crossed a leg in front of his torso as he kneeled, shielding certain parts of his nude anatomy from sight.

"Mister Haman, I represent an investor and colleague of your employer, and I'm frankly concerned at the warmth of the reception we've had here."

imported_Cyrus Haman
Oct 21st, 2002, 06:15:28 PM
"Sure no problem," Haman said keeping his hands raised.

"Hope you're not too tender," he smirked at what Diego was covering.

"All right...I'll go. Lead the way."

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 21st, 2002, 07:18:30 PM
Diego rose, decorum no longer a practical option, and gestured to the gangplank of Cyrus's ship.

"I would appreciate a moment of your time, Mr. Haman. Alone."

His fierce eyes glanced sidelong at Elena and Nasseeri.

"Elena, keep the Cizerack company...but play nice. I'm sure we can all be civil"

He smiled faintly, gesturing for Cyrus to lead the way.

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Oct 21st, 2002, 11:07:10 PM
Despite the situation that Haman and Nasseeri found themselves in, a Cizerack female could always appreciate a nude male form and Diego was no exception.

Her eyes flicker down then back up to his face before sliding over to her companion.

"Cjyrrrusss, jif jyou get jinto trrrouble, jyell and ji wjill be therrre."

Moving to the back of the ship for a more private discussion, the two males walk away, leaving Elena and Nass to eye one another warily.

Elena Van Derveld
Oct 22nd, 2002, 06:55:50 AM
Once her father and Haman had departed from sight, Elena glanced up at the Cizerack. Just as her father had done moments ago, Elena began to change. It wasn’t as smooth and fluid as Diego’s had been, but painless none the less. The transformation left her standing rather unsteady, stark naked, staring at Nasseeri. She quirked an eyebrow.

“… I don’t suppose I could borrow your jacket?”

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Oct 22nd, 2002, 07:07:54 AM
This was as damn strange with the female changing form as it had been when the male did it moments before. What form of hyuu-manns were they?

Elena looked hyuu-mann enough standing naked before her, as the other had. Could they be hyuu-mannoid instead of hyuu-mann?

Turning her back slowly to Elena, Nasseeri mounts the ramp and snags her jacket from the floor of the ship, tossing it back down to the female.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Nov 7th, 2002, 11:46:26 PM
"No..please," the smuggler nodded, "You lead the way yourself."

When wolfman only growled, Haman nodded then got into the cab. He'd pissed off plenty of people in his life. But a guy who could turn into a wolf-like creature...uh uh...he'd be damned if he got bitten by him.

"All right...so whatta ya want, wolfman...why'd ya mess with my meeting?"

Diego Van Derveld
Nov 11th, 2002, 02:25:49 AM
"Because its not in the interests of my employer."

Finding a spare overcoat in the back seat, Diego made use of it, covering himself as he sat. He brushed back locks of tangled hair, eyes fixed on Cyrus.

"I work for a Mr. Barnaby Wednesdaydale...a close business colleague of your employer, Miss Hera DrenKast. Mr. Wednesdaydale is a major supplier of...confections, of which Cizerack involvement does not prove profitable."

Elena Van Derveld
Nov 11th, 2002, 01:17:54 PM
She pulled on the coat and folded her arms behind her back. No doubt as she had heightened sense of hearing from her Lupine genes, the Cizerack had similar attributes, and thus whilst Elena listened to Diego speaking to Cyrus she imagined Nasseeri was doing exactly the same thing. All the while, however, she watched the felinoid, with a barely noticeable smile on her face.

“Uh oh, looks like someone’s in trouble,” she whispered, before poking her tongue out.

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Nov 11th, 2002, 01:33:04 PM
The small hairs on the back of Nasseeri's neck bristled and rose as if on cue at Elena's mocking words. Her eyes narrow sharply as she stares at the other female.

"Be warrrned, dog. ji do not forrrgjive and forrrget ssso easssjiljy asss do otherrrsss. Jyou and jyourrr frrrjiend had bessst watch jyour backsss."

The warning was delivered through clenched jaws and was not meant to be taken lightly. Even while uttering the threat, Nasseeri kept her ears swiveled towards the car where both men sat. Should Cyrus be in any danger, Nass would be at the taxi in a heartbeat.