View Full Version : Leap of Faith (The Preacha and Open)

Diego Van Derveld
Aug 28th, 2002, 09:26:04 AM
After the events at the B&G unfolded, Diego quietly took the Preacher's unconcious body, and spirited him away. Besides, the only thing he would find in that place was ridicule. For what it was worth, he seemed quite religious. It seemed appropriate to Diego that such devout association in his belief should be affirmed.

With the lights of the B&G the faintest glow in the distance, Diego stopped, easing the Preacher's unconcious form to the ground. For now, he stood in the night air, staring at the sky...

Elena Van Derveld
Aug 28th, 2002, 10:15:07 AM
She strode up towards the two, smirking. Giving a glance down at the body - which was evidently out cold - she quirked an eyebrow at her father.

"Was there a reason for this, or were you just 'playing a game'?" she questionned with a slight chuckle.

Diego Van Derveld
Aug 28th, 2002, 10:34:59 AM
"Can't there be both?"

He mused with a humorous glance at his daughter.

"He's somewhat of a religious fellow. Who's to say we're not simply giving him a profound moment?"

He laughed, gently rousing the man from his unconciousness.

The Preacha
Aug 29th, 2002, 02:30:53 PM
*Seems as though the fat lady sang for the ol' Preacha alright. 'Cept when she got finished with her sangin' she decided to tap dance on my head ta boot.

I opened my eyes to see what all the chucklin' wuz about when I saw six very messed up folks. I knowed they wuz messed up 'cause they was all blurry like and four of 'em seemed to foller the movements of the other two.

There wuz only one way to explain such goin' ons*

"Am I dead?"

Diego Van Derveld
Aug 29th, 2002, 04:11:29 PM
"Not at all."

Diego smiled, helping the man to his feet.

"Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life. Do you remember what we were discussing earlier?"

The Preacha
Aug 29th, 2002, 09:30:14 PM
*Suddenly, the six messed up folks got unblurrified and meshed into just two peoples. One of them I 'membered from the bar....HAIRY MAN!!

Then he asked a question bout my memory of the sermonizin' I done at the den of heeeeeathens*

"I recall I wuz fixin' ta commense my vocalizin' on the eeeeevils 'em folks wuz trapped in. I went ta rrrrrraise my preachin' sign when....."

*My hand wandered about alookin' fo my preachin' sign, but it tweren't there.*

"AHHHHH! I been victamized! Someone done stoled my preachin' sign! The deeeemons and eeeeevils are gonna run a muck ifin I can't find my preachin' sign!"

Elena Van Derveld
Aug 30th, 2002, 02:26:39 AM
"Oh god..." she breathed under her breath.

She could barely understand the man - what was it with her and peopel who had ridiculous accents or speech impediments? Still, there must have been a reason for him being here. Her father wouldn't have cornered him for nothing.

Diego Van Derveld
Aug 30th, 2002, 10:57:57 AM
"Nevermind the sign...there are more pressing matters of faith for you to concentrate on."

Diego pointed in the distance.

"The bar is back over in that direction...about five miles away. Its a good steady run. Do you like running?"

The Preacha
Aug 30th, 2002, 12:20:05 PM
*Now he asked about exercisin'. I hopped ta my feets.*

"Sir, I tell ya I could run a thousand of 'em miles ifin the...."

*Put my hand over my heart outta respect.*

"...the Golden Tuna was 'er ta help me."

*Dropped my hand.*


*My hand hit a briar patch.*

"But as fer reli....relig.....religio.....questions o' the faith. Ask away."

Diego Van Derveld
Aug 30th, 2002, 12:32:42 PM
"Yes, back to the faith...

I want you to run. Run back to the Bar and Grill.

If you don't run, you'll die.

If you run as fast as you can, you'll die.

If you hide, you'll die.

I want you to draw every ounce of faith you have...and ask for the swiftness of foot necessary to deliver you from evil. Because thirty minutes after you start, you will be hunted. If you make it back, you will be safe. But you can't do it alone.

To live, you will need a miracle."

Diego smiled.

"Now...thats quite a leap of faith, wouldn't you say?"

Aiden Rennure
Aug 30th, 2002, 01:11:37 PM
Aiden was finally getting back to the Bar and Grill. He had managed to slip out alone and had gone to his apartment, in the hopes of finding his favorite blanket. But it was locked up tight, no way in.

As he grew closer to his destination, he saw two rather tall (from his point of view) people, bent over a third. A man and a woman. Something made him duck to the side, behind some trash and old boxes. He could hear quite clearly what they were saying. As he listened, the child's eyes grew larger.


Did the tall man just say something about dying?

"Holy smokes! This is just like a movie!"

Aiden whispered. Dropping to his belly, the boy started to slither on the ground, an action he had seen in an old war holo.

"Ksssk...Alpha leader this is Red Hawk...Ksssk...We need emergency troops, pronto...Ksssk...Situation is hos-hos-, very bad...Ksssk..."

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 30th, 2002, 02:54:50 PM
"Ksssk...What are you doing out here alone at this time of night?"

Wei whispered from over the boy's shoulder. Wei had a blanket tied over his head, like a commando and was on his belly next to Aiden.

"Ksssk...attention, Red Hawk, I have your blanket, over."

Aiden Rennure
Aug 30th, 2002, 07:02:27 PM
Aiden had been sure he wasn't followed! Oh well. At least he had his blanket. Smiling at Wei, he scooted further.

"Ksssk...stay here, gaurd the perimeter. I'm gonna take emergency action...Ksssk..."

Quickly moving closer to the unfolding scene, Aiden crouched and then lunged forward, shouting.

"Raaaaaaargh! You'll never get away with this!"

Leaping at the tall man, who he was closest too, Aiden imagined the whole scene to be much more dramatic. HE would tackle this villain and single-handedly capture both him and the woman, leaving the other free to go! Yes, his plan was flawless.

Diego Van Derveld
Aug 30th, 2002, 09:17:04 PM
With reflexes to spare, Diego whirled about, scooping the boy up and holding him high. For a moment, he regarded him with his wild blue eyes, but the look soon softened.

"Hey there, Junior."

Diego's nostrils flared.

"Why don't you go back to your friend over there and go back home. Its getting dark out."

He winked at the boy, glancing back at Elena and the preacher.

Aiden Rennure
Aug 30th, 2002, 09:23:45 PM
"Silence, evil doer!"

Aiden shouted, trying to kick the man. He wiggled about, shaking his fists around in the hopes of socking Diego.

"I am Red Hawk...an' you'll never get away with this!"

Turning his head to look at Elena briefly, he narrowed his eyes.

"An' you're next!"

The Preacha
Aug 30th, 2002, 10:46:05 PM
*I saw the little boy jump outta the woods and then hairy man grabbed 'im.*

"He's right boy, all goods chillren should be in bed by now. Don't want 'em DEEEMONS ta find ya.*

*I looked back at hairy man.*

"I acc....accce.....accep....I'll do it. Your test don't scare me none."

*Clampin' my hands together I preformed the sacred fin swim, waving my arms back and forth and puffin' out my cheeks. I jogged out into the woods. Feet don't fail me now!*

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 30th, 2002, 10:48:53 PM
:: A force blast suddenly collapsed against Diego's ribs sending him to the floor and letting the boy fall down, a figure suddenly ran to the boy lifting him back to his feet.::

"It's way past your bedtime boy...." He said taking the boy into his arms and moving to a position in which he wouldn't be surrounded.

OOC: Edited part about the Preacha thingy, it's just that I don't understand shiznit bout what he writes, oh and btw o_O I never said we were in B&G not like I'm stupid enough to fight in there. Lol

Diego Van Derveld
Aug 30th, 2002, 11:19:33 PM
Diego rose to his feet and in the same breath, spun Lance on his heels with a nasty backhand. As the Jedi faltered and fell back, Diego reached forward, preventing the Jedi from falling by grasping the collar of his shirt.

"Never do that again! For all they may teach you in the Force, Jedi...they have neglected in common sense."

With a sneer, Diego righted Lance. and let go of his collar. His head pivoted on his thick neck, the sound of popping joints greeting Lance's ears.

Aug 30th, 2002, 11:26:17 PM
Meanwhile, at the Bar and Grill, ivory flecks of light slit the inky depths of a corner table. Nemesis had viewed the comical disturbance with apathy, that is until the garou removed a rather inept religious man's unconscious body.

The ebony assassin could not be certain of what would transpire outside these protected walls, but instinct drove him from his seat and toward the door.

If Diego sought conflict there were many worthy opponents he could have chosen. Instead, it would appear, he proposed to make a quick meal of an obviously insane preacher.

Then, the scent of roses and decay filled his nose. It was the perfume of death, a fragrance the hunter had smelled only once before. His head snapped to the right and gleaming white eyes peered at the smell's origin.

Aiden Rennure
Aug 30th, 2002, 11:56:42 PM
Aiden took advantage of the chance and freed himself from Lance's grasp, charging once again for Diego. He had a mission!

"You're not gettin' away that easily!"

Pulling his arm back, Aiden smacked the man on the leg, the only spot he could reach at the moment, with his tiny fist.


Lord Soth
Aug 31st, 2002, 12:24:01 AM
At a darkened corner of the tavern, a set of crimson eye's seemed to float in the inky blackness of the air as they locked with Nemesis's own. It was the accursed Death Knight...Soth Nuevole! Nemesis had encountered the dreaded Knight on Naboo month's ago, but what was he doing here, especially in a jedi bar of all places? Strangely, the lethal assassin had not detected the mysterious man prior to his entrance. Perhaps it was only then when Nemesis choose to depart did the Knight of old allow him to feel and sense him. Nevertheless...There was a for a reason for it.

"It's been awhile...Assassin." Soth word's were low and deliberate as he stood and walked slowly towards Nemesis.

"I do believe we have a slight problem that need's our attention. You might say,...I too have a special interest in what is now taking place outside as we speak." The Death Knight paused as he came within feet of the dark Ranger.

"Let us see what fate hold's for us this night my friend..."Soth motioned to the door of the establishment with a talon hand.

There was an understanding in that very moment between the two men that needed no word's...Soon after, the blackness of their inky vestures blended in harmony with that of the night...Death was now ever so close to them, and they knew it not...

Alana Stormcloud
Aug 31st, 2002, 12:56:50 AM
Leaning against a tree Alana listened to the soft rustle of the leaves and the harsh voices the interrupted the stillness of the night. She had come this night to the Jedi homes to hunt with her blood brother Soth. His tastes varied but on nights such as this she found it a pleasure to join him. Looking in the direction where she felt Soth's familiar presence she smiled. It seemed he had a guest with him.

There was also a scent of Lupine in the air. One that was not familiar and another that stirred a slight memory. Alana shrugged her shoulders slightly. She had never had cause to despise Lupine as some Vampires did. They had never given her a reason. There was also a sweet scent of Jedi blood close by, now that intrigued her. Her brother had plans this eve smiling she waited for the fun to begin...

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 31st, 2002, 09:52:34 AM
Wei had had enough of "guarding the perimeter." He went out and grabbed Aiden's hand.

"Aiden, I think this is no longer just a game. Let's go back home and we can play there, ok?" Wei said cheerily.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 31st, 2002, 02:43:29 PM
:: Lance was released and cracked his neck the man's strenght was pretty impressive but Lance hadn't been intimidated by his attack.::

"Pretty good for an old man.." Lance said chuckling he then watched as Aiden charged at him he quickly ran towards him and kicked the child on the stomach..the kick as absolutely not painfull but sent him flying backwards.

"Wei take the kid now!" Lance said then spunning on his heal, he then charged on the floor and with his right hand he lifted all his weight and sent 6 foot smacks against Diego's left leg extremely quickly to make him fall, Diego hadn't even completed fell when another foot his his face to send him flipping away on his back, Lance then got up as if he was a feather.

"Alright then...non force battle like that? " He said cracking his joints together.

Aug 31st, 2002, 03:16:55 PM
Boisterous footsteps, then the oddly clad minister of faith emerged from a thicket just in front of the two ebony travelers. The Preacha continued past the pair of men without a word being spoken. Nemesis cocked his head right, looking to his companion. One eye dimmed as the other brightened, denoting a raised eyebrow from beneath the dark mask.

"I wonder what he is running from."

Faint sounds of battle trickled into the assassin's ear.

"Well whatever it is....it's just beyond those trees."

His arms hovered loosely by the side, anticipating a conflict to come.

The Preacha
Aug 31st, 2002, 03:23:53 PM
*WOOOAAA, almost knocked over two big black peoples. Didn't seem 'em in the dark. I wonder if they are.....DEMONS!!! Doesn't matter now. Gotta keep running for (placin' hand over heart) the glory of the Bronze Tuna. (Back to sacred fin swim.)*

Diego Van Derveld
Aug 31st, 2002, 03:41:21 PM
Diego took his time getting to his feet, thumbing at his nose. For a so-called protector of peace and justice, this Jedi sure did get his kicks from unprovocated attacks on innocent people.

"My first strike was a warning, boy."

His eyes bored through Lance.

"I don't let anybody run roughshod over me, Force user or not. You may think this is fun and games, but if you touch me again, I'll tear you apart!"

Diego almost snarled.

"Now leave us be, you wet-nosed child! You've long since overstayed your welcome."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 31st, 2002, 03:48:10 PM
"Heh good you don't wanna continue fighting" Lance said tapping his forehead.

"Since the kid is gone I got no more business here, good evening now!" He said darting away from them.

Lord Soth
Aug 31st, 2002, 07:39:04 PM
Like silent wisp's of fog that made it's way through the dense thicket, the two silhouetted figure's pressed forward unheard, unseen. Their obsidian form's barely noticeable as the moon lite spilled through the canopy high above them, casting a sickly blue outline that gave only subtle hint's to their presence.

The clamor of agitated voice's in the distance could be heard on the crisp night air. The Dark Knight folded his pale hand's together then paused in his footstep's. Moment's later a lone figure tore past the Assassin and the Death Knight, mumbling something indiscernible as he continued his hastened trajectory. Slowly the two stalker's looked at one another, Soth shot Nemesis an awkward glance as he too looked back to see the Preacher disappear amongst the thick underbrush.

Day's prior however, the Creature of the Damned had followed the odd man through darkened city street's undetected, paying close attention to the raving's of the seemingly insane man. This wayward prophet of doom and despair spoke of the evil's that were soon to befall the surrounding community...Countless soul's would blindly walk on by the man as he stood on the corner avenue's preaching and giving firm warning to the wickedness that ensued...They just brushed him off as any other common popper, paying no heed to his cryptic message to them...Indeed, the Preacher was closer to the truth then he even knew himself...The demon's were now in the midst's of them,...Under their very own nose's to be exact.

"Himself,...And the demon's of the mind my dark friend..." Soth word's were low but smooth as he trailed his attention back in the direction of the voice's only yard's from them both. Soth then glanced back over to Nemesis as he motioned with a silent hand for them to split off in different directions...On the opposite side Alana awaited her que, and it wasn't long before the small arguing group was surrounded by those who crept up on them silently,...Death was near...Ever so near!

Aiden Rennure
Aug 31st, 2002, 08:33:31 PM
Aiden gave a cry as he was kicked back. It hadn't hurt but it sure was a shock! Pouting, Aiden let Wei lead him away from the scene, casting, what he thought to be, another menacing glare at Diego. There would be other chances. Oh yes, there certainly would be other chances.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 31st, 2002, 10:01:46 PM
"Come on you. This is nothing we want to get involved in."

Wei picked Aiden up and started walking toward the Living Quarters.

"And tonight you are going to bed at your beditme. No more staying up late for you."

Aiden Rennure
Aug 31st, 2002, 10:14:55 PM
"I don't want ta go ta bed!"

Aiden wiggled until Wei put him down and then stomped off into the dark. He was mad. He hadn't stopped the bad guys!

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 31st, 2002, 10:33:24 PM
Wei sighed and turned to walk after him. "But iof you don;t get any sleep, then you'll miss breakfast in the morning cause you will have slept for too long!"

Wei knew he had to come up with something better than that.

"Aiden! You come back here! You don;t konw what you're dealing with!" Wei knew, and that;s why he wanted to go home. He was just a padawan after all.

Aiden Rennure
Aug 31st, 2002, 10:57:40 PM
"No! I wanna stop the bad guy!"

With that, Aiden broke into a run, increasing the distance between Wei and himself.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 1st, 2002, 04:16:11 PM
Wei channeled the Force into his legs, making him run faster and soon over took the child.

"No, you are not. And that is final."

Wei stopped in front of Aiden and scooped him up again, this time keeping a tighter grip on the squirming kid. Wei was determined that Aiden would not get involved in the large mess going on.

Lord Soth
Sep 1st, 2002, 06:56:29 PM
However, it was far to late for that now. As Wei took hold of the small boy from behind, an overwhelming sense of evil washed over him in that very moment. The fragrant scent of rose's lofted on the night air, filling Wei nostril's as he glanced up to see a black armored Knight glaring back at him with burning red eye's. The surprised jedi had no time to react as he held on to the struggling boy that threatened to break free from his lingering grasp.

Without warning, the back of Soth's metal gauntlet smashed into Wei's face, sending him reeling backwards from the tremendous blow. The Death Knight quickly snatched the wide eye'd child by the collar as he stood starring up at Soth in utter fear. Adin's little body was torn from the ground from where he stood as the Dark Master hurled him into the arm's of Nemesis.

A sinister laugh echoed throughout the forest as the Death Knight took a defensive stance. His crimson eye's narrowed on the small group as they turned to see the shadowy figure's emerge from the tree line some distance away. There was a sudden snapping hiss as Soth's twin blade's ignited simultaneously from their metallic hilt. Their sickly green light bathed the Black Knight in a serial glow as he held the deadly saber's in one hand while his left hand was extended in front of him. The duel blade's hummed in defiance, begging for the flesh of any who opposed their master.

Alana relieved the Assassin of the boy that remained paralyzed with fear...A lethal Sith dagger quickly appeared in front of the child's throat as Alana backed into the inky shadow's, a devilish smile playing on her ruby lip's as she did so...

Aiden Rennure
Sep 1st, 2002, 11:57:32 PM
At first, he had been too shocked to do anything. Actually, scared was a better word. But it didn't take long for him to react in his own natural way.

Aiden screamed as loud as he could as he went flying through the air. The volume increased, if it were possible, when he saw who had caught him.

Thankfully, he was passed to another. Hoping against hope that it was someone to help him, and knowing that it wasn't, Aiden stopped. The blade against his throat confirmed his fears but he didn't scream again. He tried to kick his captor but that only made his skin brush against the blade and so the boy quickly put an end to that endeavor. Tears streamed down Aiden's face as he was carried into the darkness.

OOC: this is all planned btw:)

Sep 2nd, 2002, 12:55:33 AM
The Darkside, hard to see it is. Yet it could see many things. Death, fear, enemies, and even prophets of the light. Yes the dark dared look into the light, if for only a blinding moment...

The Precha,
every world had one... or two. Foretelling the days of dread in which monsters would attack in the dark of shadow. The taking of children in the night. No one would be safe.

Saurron laughed to himself as he could even now smell the drifts of the old mans scent on the evenings wind as he fled.

He was a seer, a human that could see farther than their own demise. To outright kill him would be rather ludicrous being that it would just raise question to what he was preaching. To ignore him would be like ignoring a small spark that could turn into a fire. No Saurron thought... the Vampyre would take care of him the same way as the others who dared profess what they saw...they would become their own visions. Not literally, but...in most cases perception was reality, and if perceived to be a killer himself then the stories he told would have their ending as well. The demons would be him, and would die with him in time...

The boy...
The Darkside drew them to him. In all his innocence their of course was that which could be molded into other things. The young man flew past Saurron landing in the killers strong grasp. Without a glance backward the master Vampyre strode forward until the sickly green glow from Lord Soth's saber began to crawl up his colorless robes.

Alana Stormcloud
Sep 2nd, 2002, 02:05:26 AM
Alana held the small trembling boy in her arms. She would at one time in her life perhaps felt a maternal pull for the scared child but she had lost what little humanity she had clung to when she had faced the Mother of the Damned.

Alana backed into the shadows. Her eyes searching for any interference in there well laid plans. She could feel the Shrine guardians moving in a tight circle around her. The women of the Shrine were protected by them whether they liked it or not.

Alana glowered at them. She could take care of herself. They pulled back slightly bowing to her but did not move from there protective ring.

"They will not harm you child, they are here to watch over me, one of the beloved of the Mother." She hissed softly. Her voice laced with bitter sarcasm.

When she had reached the full darkness of the trees, with only the soft glow of the moon playing about her features, did she stop. She turned the boy in her arms and looked at him closely. "Such a small thing to warrant such a venture." She whispered softly. What he looked on was a visage of beauty. Soft and captivating with eyes totally devoid of life.

Sep 2nd, 2002, 09:24:34 AM
OOC: Sorry about the delay.

In every person's life a crossroad is met. Each side beckoning his accompaniment, demanding a choice of left or right. Decisions made at these junctures forever shaped the life of its traveler. For Nemesis, that time was now.

Memories long since locked away, stirred with new vigor. The reapperance of his mysterious friend from Naboo awakened dormit forces within the assassin, urging him to kill. Instincts of old saturated the mind and body, yet his soul fought on.

"The boy, what about the boy?!" it lashed out in defense.

"Every man has a price." was the resounding answer. That price had been paid in full: release.

His bone white eyes dilated, then retracted to normal proportions, fastening to the Jedi. The hunter's battle had ended. Anger brought him beyond the confines of the Bar and Grill, but now that anger had matured into profound hate. Hate for the man that sought to harm a simple lunatic. Hate for the smug Jedi that dwell in their ivory towers of self-importance. Yes, even hate for those that created him. Hate so intense it blurred all other pruposes.

Twin blades burst from their sheaths, sending a metallic hiss through the dense wood. Nemesis' cloak fell off his shoulders, covering the immediate area like an obsidian curtain. With weapons drawn and enemy sited, the warrior longed to commit himself to battle but remained stationary; swords by the sides. Subconsciously he awaited.....the command.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 2nd, 2002, 09:26:42 AM
Diego and Elena had already left the scene behind when the Alpha stopped in mid-stride. His head turned back immediately to the point where they were. There was a ghost of a scent on the air, pun unintended. Diego's eyes glowered in the darkness.


His eyes turned a 180 in the direction of the fleeing preacher. He had not anticipated this raising of the stakes. The Vampyres were mortal enemies by tradition. It presented Diego with several options. They could continue the chase, which now seemed rather pointless in light of more serious matters. They could flee...which was pragmatic. Or, they could take advantage of the Jedi distraction, and have a pre-emptive strike.

Diego glanced to Elena, noticing she had detected the same.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 2nd, 2002, 10:44:45 AM
Wei looked around, rubbing his jaw. It would be swollen, but no teeth were loose or missing. But there was something missing....Aiden.

"AIDEN!" Wei shouted, looking around. "Where are you?"

Wei got up and tried to focus. Focusing was hard. Soth's backhand had made Wei a little dizzy. Wei shook the cobwebs out of his head, and focused on the Force. He had to find Aiden as soon as possible. This was no place fo a little kid.

Aiden Rennure
Sep 2nd, 2002, 04:58:08 PM
Aiden stared at the woman with large eyes, frightened out of his mind. The tears slipped down his face silently, and he was shaking violently. He opened his mouth to cry out again but only a strained whimper escaped.

For a moment, he considered trying to hurt her, a kick in the gut perhaps, and then run away but the child was paralized. What did they want with him? Why was this happening?

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 2nd, 2002, 06:13:57 PM
"Aiden!" Wei shouted, looking around. Wei concentrated on the Force, steeling himself and using every bit of his training. Both his Master's training and his Grandpa's. Wei finally began to recieve small life force signatures. Wei focused on finding the one that felt the most like Aiden.

Lord Soth
Sep 2nd, 2002, 06:33:00 PM
The slow and methodical movement's of the Death Knight were deceptive to the speed in which he was capable of. With smooth and calculated grace the Death Master paced in a wide arch around the small group in front of him. Time seemed to stand painfully still as every combatant took their place. Thin purple tendril's of lighting emerged from the extended left hand of Death Knight, licking their way up and down his forearm begging for release from the power that stilled it.

The thick canopy around the small clearing swayed as the Dark One neared. The tree's, the wind the very element's them self's seemed to obey his command as he stepped forth from the shadowy recess's of the forest. The Death Knight knew the scent of the one he called Master without a subtle glance in his direction. The wave's of the Dark-side permeated from his awesome form...Indeed, Saurron Lestat's name demanded respect...It was simply unavoidable!

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 2nd, 2002, 06:59:39 PM
Wei searched, looking over each life force at a time. Several had already been ignored, and Wei was getting ever closer to Aiden. Finally, Wei found a presence that was like Aiden;s but this presence was frightened.

"Aiden!" Wei ran in the direction of Aiden's life force. He had warned the kid, but he didn;t listen. "I hope this teaches him to stay out of things that don;t concern him..."

Sep 2nd, 2002, 10:07:57 PM
Scanning the open area, Nemesis could not locate the man responsible for the Preacha's journey into these woods.

"Where is he?" his solemn voice was hushed yet audible enough to bring warning to Soth's ear.

The warrior's eyes fell upon the split twig of a bush, abiding just outside the opening. Kneeling beside this broken plant, the assassin discovered prints embedded into the soft, dank soil. The impressions produced a long steady trail leading away, toward warm glowing lights on the horizon and an escaping minister.

Standing once more, the hunter's vigil left the Jedi and peered into the lush recesses of surrounding flora. His findings troubled him. For there was not a single set of tracks, but two intimately paired. The farmer had a companion.

Vampyre Dalamar
Sep 2nd, 2002, 11:04:16 PM
A black shadow came out of the woods taking form and shape as the Warlord appeared. Quite and deadly, the Warlord did not announce his presence. Standing to the back of the Lupine's the Vampyre Lord flanked Soth's position.

The soft hiss of his blade could barely be heard as he unsheathed his Katana. The Darkness in his heart was now complete, and killing was becoming second nature to this warlord of Midnight. Like Alana he had no reason to really hate the Lupine's. Nevertheless this male Lupine smelled bad. Like wet dog hair it was unpleasant. Dalamar felt sorry for the Lupines, they weren't the only one's that hunted in packs. The Warlord started humming a tune something he always did before the killing was to start.

The Preacha
Sep 3rd, 2002, 10:41:48 AM
"Hah, hah, hah....

Breathin' kinda heavy now. Been runnin' fer awhile. 'Em lights from the Bar and Grill are still a far piece from here.

But why am I in such a hurry fo'. The Bronze Tuna will protect me. I aint afeared o' hairy man."

*A bone chilling howl came from the woods behind me*

"Then again maybe runnin aint such a bad idea. I think I'll continue to run."

*My feet picked up da pace again.*

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 3rd, 2002, 10:48:13 PM
OOC: Just to note, neither myself nor Elena have changed or begun our pursuit at present.

Elena Van Derveld
Sep 4th, 2002, 10:24:07 AM
She felt the presence of familiar figures, Jedi and Vampyre alike. Saurron and Soth, both of whom Vega had encountered, were near ... as were some Jedi he had tangled with. It was the undead that concerned her most though, as it seemed they oftened had a heightened combat ability naturally and seemed to attack and kill at break-neck speed.

She looked to Diego, somewhat confused as to what was going on, and gave a shrug.

"This is getting far too complicated for my liking. I wanted a chase, not a political battle," Elena added with a slight whine in her tone.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 4th, 2002, 10:32:16 AM
"Maybe we can have our cake and eat it too! There's a ridge to the north of here. It would be well out of our way, but if we leave now, it should still be a fair chase. And we'll be well away from all of this unwanted trouble."

Not wasting a moment, Diego slid his shirt off, tossing it aside as the change began in earnest.

Sep 4th, 2002, 12:36:40 PM
Shimmering metal blades slid into midnight envelops affixed to Nemesis' back. Keen flecks of snow dissected the remnant left by fleeing authors of twin tracks. Seemingly neither held interest in battling the newly arrived warriors, however they did desire to prey upon a helpless lunatic.

Given both certainties, the assassin darted northward into a veritable maze of undergrowth and timber. The frigid night breeze intensified becoming a chilling gust as he ran with unnatural speed. Voices of those behind lessened to a dull whisper, then faded completely; as the Ranger's figure merged with its twilight backdrop.

Sep 5th, 2002, 10:19:20 PM
Saurron's head turned at exactly the same time Deigo's did if in slow motion. If it weren't for the foliage in-between the two they could probably almost see each other. One thing was for sure...the night air had betrayed them both.


The Vampyre's demeanor changed altogether. These beasts were born from chaos and were indeed the sworn enemies of the Vampyre. Many battles had been fought over time between the two. Saurron thought he had seen the end of the race for only a few were still living, but he should have known better. He drew no weapons just listened to them in the distance as he could hear the change...

Aiden Rennure
Sep 8th, 2002, 11:03:48 AM
Aiden had had enough. He wanted to go now. Not caring anymore, the child starting screaming, struggling to get free.

"Wei!! Wei, I'm over here! Wei help me!"

He grunted, trying to kick his captor, anything so that he could get away.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 8th, 2002, 07:13:13 PM
Wei heard Aiden's shouts and came bounding across the field, Landing a flying kick to the Guardian's face. once obstacle cleared, Wei finally reached the woman that held Aiden.

"Release him!" Wei landed, grabbed hold of Aiden and tried to pry him free of the vampires arms.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 8th, 2002, 07:57:57 PM
Turning his nose to the wind, Diego could tell the situation had gotten dire. There were many more vampyres than he felt comfortable around.

"I'm tired of games, Elena. Lets get out of here."

Taking her by the hand, Diego rounded over a ridge, heading down toward a thin creek, which lead back toward the town.

Alana Stormcloud
Sep 12th, 2002, 03:40:41 PM
Alana held the child with the knife to his throat a small smile flitted across her face. "Do you wish him dead Jedi? If so please keep yup your foolish antics please." She said softly. Her voice barely raising above the soft rustle of the leaves. The Jedi heard her clearly.

"This is no business of yours, you meddle in things best left alone. He is wanted by someone and I will see him delivered. You have the stink of someone familiar. Someone who battled me. How is his war with the darkside?" She laughed softly her tone mocking. She knew Dios was fighting for his soul.

Looking to Soth she held the child up. "Come my brother take this small burden, so I can play with the Jedi. He looks determined to die." She kept her eye's fixed of Wei's and the knife she held still to the child's neck....

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 12th, 2002, 05:40:48 PM
Wei stopped in his tracks. "Don;t touch him. You will leave him here. And whoever wants to see him can come see me. No need to frighten him."

Wei was too busy focusing on the knife that was on Aiden's neck to notice her comment about the Darkside.

"You let him go!"

Lord Soth
Sep 12th, 2002, 11:57:50 PM
Wei had not quite finished his sentence when he felt his body ripped from the very ground on which he once stood. It was if an unseen hand grabbed him up and cast him to the side only to stop once he slammed into a near by tree trunk. Wei fought for consciousness as the darkness of his mind threatened to over him.

Long moment's seemed to pass as the tree's canopy over Wei's head gently swayed back and fourth...Upon opening his eye's, the young jedi found nothing but the surrounding tree's that cluttered the forest floor about him...The cool night air carried no sound's, no muffled cry's for help from the small boy that had just been abducted... Nor were there any traces of evidence left behind that would indicate the awful Creature of the Damned had been there at all on this ill fated night...Aiden was now gone!

The jedi could only hope and pray now that the young boy's life was not in peril at the hands of the Vampyre's...What would become of him now?...Why had they gone to so much trouble in seeking him out, snatching him from the one's that loved him so dearly? ...Why?... Theses were the unanswered question's that flooded Wei's tormented mind...

Only time would tell...

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 13th, 2002, 09:06:48 AM
Wei shook his head and looked about him. It must have been some sort of Sith. A very powerful Sith to have slammed him into the tree and knock him out. Wei checked himself for injuries, but found none other than a slight ringing in his ears.

"Where did they go?" Wei looked about him, well aware of the urgency of his situation, bt in his current condition, he still did not have the strength to panic. "I guess I should try to hunt them down. They were vampires. Maybe Dios would know how to find them."

Aiden Rennure
Sep 18th, 2002, 09:28:46 PM
At Alana's words, Aiden screamed.

"No! Don't hurt Wei! Don't hurt him!"

The words had no sooner left his mouth when Wei flew backwards.

"Wei! Wei!"

Aiden called, squirming to look back at his 'bestest friend' as he was taken away.

Sep 23rd, 2002, 11:17:23 AM
The charging assassin skidded along the dank mud ridden forest floor, as he struggled to halt. Sounds of a desperate cry then silence lingered in his ear.

"The boy." Remorse whispered upon his lips. "What have I done?"

Without hesitation the Ranger took flight, arriving within the clearing's reach only seconds later. Nemesis' gaze found a shaken green clad Jedi rising from the base of a tree.

"Where did they go?" Ardent tones stressed his urgency.