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imported_Cyrus Haman
Aug 27th, 2002, 10:04:46 PM
It's never good when th'boss wants t'speak with you... the bald man thought as he walked down the halls of ShadowFaene Fortress. He passed by one of the guards as he turned down a corridor. The guard smirked at him, as if saying, "You're in trouble"...then turned back towards his duty.

Cyrus Haman cursed to himself. He figured his boss, the Sith Master Hera DrenKast, wouldn't have minded him taking The Switch out for a spin...hell even taking the Cizerack, Nasseeri Haalleerraa, with him. Even if he did have to change clothes more than a few times during the trip.

A few times? he smirked to himself, Try fourteen. And that doesn't count those 'upper class' outfits those damn Bimms gave me.

The smuggler turned one more corner then entered in Hera's office. Another guard, smirking like the last one, let him in.

"Mistress DrenKast will see you now, Haman. Good luck..."

Haman shook his head, "Thanks for your kind regard, Yawart...I'll remember it later."

"I jist call 'em like I see 'em," Yawart retorted, then opened the door.

Haman walked in Hera's office, a part of him hoping it wasn't the last time he was going in.1

Aug 27th, 2002, 10:09:39 PM
Looking at him down her tanned legs and over the tops of her heavy black boots as they set heavily atop her desk, Hera leaned back in her chair and raised an impressed eyebrow.

"Im surprised you can still walk, Cyrus"

imported_Cyrus Haman
Aug 27th, 2002, 10:11:52 PM
"I got strong legs, Hera," Haman was a bit taken aback, "When ya spend four years in a Duros prison...you learn to work on your legs."

He walked the distance of the office to where his boss sat.

"All right, so what did you call me in for? Can I get you a drink or som'thing?"

Aug 27th, 2002, 10:16:18 PM
She smiled, "It wasnt your legs that concerned me."

Gesturing to the opened bottle already set within arms reach on the desk "Im good. But please, help yourself to the bar behind you"

imported_Cyrus Haman
Aug 27th, 2002, 10:19:00 PM
Haman poured himself a glass of rum and soda (going liberal on the rum) and sat down on a chair in front of Hera.

"I bet ya weren't concerned 'bout my legs. I got th'job done too, by the way. Bimm's got their supplies," he took a sip and smiled.

Needs more rum.

"All right so...ya got any concerns? That I went onna job with a Ciz and did more than just complete the job? Or do ya even give a flyin' mynock?"

Aug 27th, 2002, 10:27:10 PM

She lifted the bottle, raising it to her lips, "Im just glad you found time to mix a little business with your pleasure" and drew a long satisfied draw of the smooth warm rum.

"Did you find anything of interest to us while on Bimmisaari in your...um..spare time?"

imported_Cyrus Haman
Aug 27th, 2002, 10:31:39 PM
"Well Nass feels like she's hated by all the crew here at ShadowFaene. That and she likes biting...a lot," the smuggler smirked, then quickly stifled it at the look Hera gave him.

Biting and a few other things...

Haman hoped Hera didn't sense where his mind went. He never thought he'd done that with anyone,

"Umm...yeah actually," he tried to get back on track, "One of the Imp factions put up a blockade on TDK...they need some supplies 'n stuff. Figured we could runna blockade soon."

Aug 27th, 2002, 10:48:21 PM
Her eyes did harden. Hearing about his paramour irritated her - more than she had expected, to be sure -and it wasnt a pleasant feeling. But, Hera would not hear Haman crying the Cizeracks woes to her. Nasseerri was a lackey - a spy if truth be told. A necessary price to pay to keep the Cizeracks in a pliable state of mind. Hera would snuff her out in an instant should the felinoid give her a reason enough to do so.

"Dont play the violin for Nasseerri, Cyrus. I wont tolerate it."

Her tone was harsh. Surely it was only Nasseerri that angered her, and not the fact she had impressed Haman so much with her "night of passions" that he still wore an idiotic grin..

Suddenly she was busines and her face darkened in a scowl.

"Blockade? That might be worth our while.."

imported_Cyrus Haman
Aug 27th, 2002, 10:52:57 PM
"Yeah thought it would," Cyrus took a drink from his glass, "They say they need medical supplies that sort of thing. It's a big calling too. Lotta people have interest in this run..."

He popped his neck, hoping Hera didn't see the multiple bite marks on it, "So do I detect a hint of jealousy in your tone? C'mon, I ain't fallin' for her. All Ciz's want is the next conquest."

He took another drink then let his eyes glitter a bit, "I seem to remember you were quite happy when we spent a little 'free time' together...how many times did you call out my name...three times...maybe six?"

Aug 27th, 2002, 11:01:37 PM
One instant he was in his chair, sitting smugly, enjoying himself immensely - the next he was up close and personal, practically nose to nose with the SithMistress and sprawled halfway across the desk as she clutched him and yanked him forward by his shirt front in a steely grasp.

Her eyes bruned into his and her voice was a low menace.

"Dont over-estimate your importance, Haman, or my patience."

Truth of the matter, it had been atleast six times. He knew it. She knew it.

It took him a moment for Haman to register the small tremor in her hand as she held him.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Aug 27th, 2002, 11:07:00 PM
"Relax boss, I ain't leavin' ya for the Ciz."

Though I plan on enjoying my time with the both of you.

His shifty eyes caught her hand trembling, then he put his hands over them. Or one of them atleast. The other was on Hera's neck, lightly massaging.

"And for the record...the Ciz yelled twenty times."

Then he smiled again and kissed her.

Aug 27th, 2002, 11:13:08 PM
She threw him back into his chair, biting her lips as if to remove the feel of his kiss, though it was not possible.

"Tell me why I dont kill you right now"

imported_Cyrus Haman
Aug 27th, 2002, 11:17:34 PM
Haman was inwardly dying of laughter. In his day he'd never thought he'd have two women fighting over him (even if they weren't admitting it). Now he did...and he kinda liked it.

"Cause I'ma good pilot," he tried to choose his words carefully, "Cause I'm loyal. 'Cause I get the job done."

"And," he added taking another sip of his drink, "I made you yell six times and we both know I can make it more."

Aug 27th, 2002, 11:28:29 PM
She glared at him.

Cyrus began to feel a heavy pressure weighing on his chest, like a steel anvil sitting on top of him.

Hera hadnt moved, but there was a very weird glint in her eye. Cyrus shifted in his chair.

The pressure increased, so much so Haman's ribcage felt as if it would crack under the weight and peirce his lungs. But he could now hardly move. As Hera brought the force to bear on the object of her anger, she got a delicious satisfaction from it.

She'd like to crush him. Watch his his eyes as the life faded from him. And just as he passed into darkness....she'd scream his name for him.

And as suddenly as the pressure had been applied, it had vanished, and Hera composed herself.

She sat herself in Hamans lap and cupped his face in her hands. Leaning forward, she ran her tongue along his lips lightly.

Her breath was warm and damp at the same time as she spoke.

"You wont ever hear me scream again"

imported_Cyrus Haman
Aug 27th, 2002, 11:35:34 PM
"Is that a fact?" Haman was breathing a little heavier from the ribs being crushed.

Well she does like to be rough..

He ran a hand on her leg.

"Let's try it shall we...see who can keep up better. Me...or your voice."

Aug 27th, 2002, 11:44:42 PM
His hand moving steadily up her leg made her smile.

He sure thought highly of himself. She wondered he even had the energy to think of going a few rounds after his recent activities, let alone challenging to outdo himself.

"You are ambitious, Cyrus, Ill grant you that. But you're not much use to me a broken shell of a man. You need to pace yourself."

imported_Cyrus Haman
Aug 27th, 2002, 11:47:08 PM
"Hey...I've been inna Duros prison for four years...ya think there were any gorgeous women 'round there?" Haman smirked.

"I ain't a broken shell...unless ya want to try and break me. The Ciz couldn't...can you?"

Then he winked and started massaging Hera's back with the tips of his fingers.

Aug 27th, 2002, 11:55:53 PM
"You should be careful what you wish for.."

The motion of his fingers against her skin was taking effect. One would never guess the man had been locked away from female contact for 4 years by the smooth ease he plied his magic.

Still, she resisted. He deserved a knife in his gullett for all his jibes.

Why didnt she just slice him?

Haman increased the circular pressure of his touch, and she had her answer.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Aug 28th, 2002, 12:00:24 AM
Haman smirked, then began massaging her leg too.

"I learned to accept what I wished for years ago," the tips of his fingers were now lightly stroking the leg.

"Break me...I dare you."

Aug 31st, 2002, 02:56:37 AM
"Oh - A dare. Yes, that will get me where you want me." Her tone lent no truth to her words.

She grabbed both his hands as they made their way over her body and pushed them back behind him, pinning his arms in place around the back of his chair, making his chest push awkwardly forward.

A cruel smirk twisted her lips.

"You're gonna have to do better than that, Haman."

imported_Cyrus Haman
Aug 31st, 2002, 03:08:15 AM
Haman, ignoring and almost relishing some of the pain in his arms, flipped the chair backwards with his feet taking Hera with him.

The Sith Mistress released his arms as she fell, somehow getting herself comepletely flipped over but still landing on her back.

The horny smuggler was on the crime lordess in an instance, pinning her own arms as he stared into the pools of her blue eyes.

"Now whose gonna have to do better...mm?" a smirk came to Haman's face.

He leaned his face down only inches from Hera's and smiled a wolfish smile.

Then he kissed her snarlling face on the lips again.

Aug 31st, 2002, 03:34:28 AM
The move was unexpected, reflected by the fact that Hera landed with a hard jolt to her back on her office floor.

Haman's grinning face inches from her own made her laugh behind her snarl, and she wondered how she could want to kill a man and possess him both at the same instant.

He kissed her then, and she decided she'd done enough thinking for one night. Time to let her other abilities take over and teach Haman a lesson or two.

Cyrus saw the decision in her eyes and his grin broadened.

"Dont say I didnt warn you Cyrus."