View Full Version : Peaceful Progeny (Completed)

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 27th, 2002, 08:19:04 PM
Inside the room of Dalethria Mal Pannis, the Dark Jedi rested comfortably on the couch. She was laying down with her eyes closed, focusing on relaxing this night.

And to the little child that was sound asleep upon her chest, rising and fallen in time with her Mother's breath.

The room was dark and serene. Even the voices that haunted the Keep knew best to stay away at times like this. For they, in their own way, enjoyed the company of the babe. It was something new to them. Having one so young within the walls of Bast.

Zasz Grimm
Aug 28th, 2002, 03:12:13 PM
Zasz had been in his quarters the entire day, and going into the night looking over some things. He had been studying books that were in the Library of Bast. Looking over various technique's, and things along the lines of that. He had finally finished his new lightsaber, the curved hilt lay on the durasteel desk.

He looked up and into the mirror as he stood up from the desk, looking at himself in the reflection. He turned lightly and moved to grab a shirt to cover over his bare chest. He saw the black marks of the tattoo on his back as the shirt covered it. It was a baggy shirt, and had a nice feel to it. Silk was a rather nice piece of material, though he didn't have much of it. He grabbed the saber hilt and placed it on his belt, just incase he felt the need for it.

He needed to wander around Bast, and mayhaps he could find someone or something to quench his thirst for knowledge, or maybe even give peace to himself. He left his room and into the Halls of Bast. His boots echoed with each step he took. The never stopping voices greeted him as he entered certain areas of the Castle, until he came to some place where they seemed to....stop?

He arched his brow as he turned the corner, and looked in a room to a couch to see Dalethra. With a child?

He remained silent and leaned against the wall to watch her breathe in and out. He looked to the child and smiled. He had once thought they would have a child, but that was alas shattered with the past. She had one now, and it was a peaceful sight, mother and daughter cuddled together in warmth.

His red pupils studied the girl as she moved up and down on her mothers chest. Not only did they study the girl, but Dale as well. He was looking for the changes in her..

Aliandra Mal Pannis
Aug 28th, 2002, 07:58:33 PM
:: smacking her lips after yawning, Ali lifted her head and blinked. Mommy was sleeping and keeping a good hold on her back as she found out.

Mommy person was so nice :D


There was someone in the doorway. Someone she didn't know. He was studying her so Ali returned the favor and stared back at him ::


Kineas Grimm
Aug 29th, 2002, 06:50:02 AM
He stepped into view beside Zasz. Kineas was hidden in shadow before, watching Dalethria, but now Zasz was blocking his view, so he had to move next to him to see. He turned to look at Zasz, then the small child who was staring at him, he couldn't help but smile as he whispered, Dale was still sleeping...

"Quite peaceful isn't it? I've been here for a bit just watching"..

His green pupils turned and looked back to Dale, he chest rising and falling with each breath, the child moving with the heaving. He couldn't help but smile..

"Peace...Something not always found."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 29th, 2002, 08:59:18 PM
Her daughter's movement awoke Dalethria instantly. Her senses were always on alert when Aliandra was concerned. And right now she was just as confused as her child.

She reached out to those lurkers and sighed mentally. Zasz and Kineas were there watching her. Usually her first instinct would be to stalk right up to them and beat them senseless.

Now ... Dalethria feigned sleep and kept her mind aware of those two.

Her hearing became twice as good so she could eaves drop on the two while cooing Aliandra back to sleep through their link.

Zasz Grimm
Aug 29th, 2002, 09:46:43 PM
Zasz turned to look at Kineas, sighing as he did so. He knew he had been there, not just for a bit, but no doubt, as long as Dale had been there. He narrowed his eyes as he started to speak to him in a whisper..

"Why do you openly show your emotions? You know she sees it. Being with her now, is impossible, no matter how much you want it."

He watched him as he continued to stare at her, his gaze not wavering with any of his words. His red pupils watched the clone. He wasn't really a clone, he was a person, just taken differently..

"Do you love her as you used to?"

Well, you was meant more as like. I. It was Zasz who first loved her, held her in such high regard. So how can he love her....?

Aliandra Mal Pannis
Sep 3rd, 2002, 04:46:19 PM
:: everything was so warm (yawn) and fuzzy (yawn) that Ali closed her eyes and snuggled up against mommy; falling asleep very quickly.

She knew it was her mother's doing but exactly how, the little child had no idea, nor cared. Her sleeping was interrupted in the first place and now she had returned to her blissful nap ::

Kineas Grimm
Sep 4th, 2002, 11:21:52 AM
Zasz knew how, just didn't know how much.

Kineas stared at Dalethria's somewhat sleeping form before he turned back to look at Zasz, hesitating before looking once again back at Dalethria, beginning to answer his question as he looked on.

"Why? Maybe a little bit of hope here and there. You say impossible? And probably if you had to give it odds, it would be 99.9 percent that It would never happen, yes?"

He looked at Zasz, he nodded downwards to Kineas, acknowledging what he had said. He looked once more back to Dalethria to begining talking...

"I believe, that the .01 percentile gives me somewhat a bit of a driving force, or hope if you choose to use it."

He thought a bit on his last question, looking to Dalethria. Each time he blinked, it was the past coming back to hit him in flashback waves. One blink was them in a field, another in the chambers, another...She was nuzzling his neck...

"Yes, I do...Maybe more so..."

Zasz Grimm
Sep 15th, 2002, 08:56:14 PM
Zasz moved forward to Kineas, grabbing him, having a look of anger, rather, unbelieveability.

"More so? You know how much I....we....actually loved her, then!?"

He tried to keep his voice to a whisper, and he succeeded, but he yelled no mater how you look at it. He let him go as he turned to look at Dalethria, then back to Kineas.

"What do you plan to do about it? Hm..? I am telling you, it will never happen, Kineas."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Sep 16th, 2002, 09:49:28 AM
The temptation of breaking up this little argument by waking up was so delicious in intent. But Dalethria was learning a lot about these two by eavesdropping. She knew nothing about Kineas but now, the poor soul was deeply in love with her. Much fun could be had with that knowledge. Zasz on the other hand seemed stupefied to his green clone and his emotions, emotions that he had for Dalethria so long ago.

Then of course there was that anger which emanated from her old lover. He was angry at how things turned out between them but what was Dalethria suppose to do? Curl up into a ball and wallow in her own sorrow and pain that Zasz was dead? Because that was what she knew. Zasz had died and wasn't coming back and so she moved on. He would have to learn to accept that since it was obvious by his violent behavior, and the way he was around her, that he had not completely moved on.

Quite the irony. Zasz was still angry at their relationship and Kineas was still in love with her. Both of them were not able to move on. Interesting little similarity between them though the source of that denial was different.

Kineas Grimm
Sep 26th, 2002, 11:23:29 AM
"I plan on asking her to be my Master, regardless of anything else."

He looked to Zasz, his face filled with anger. He hated him saying it would never happen. It could. It's Possible! He violently pushed Zasz's hand off his own as he looked to him, and started to calm down.

"She knows me better than anyone else. And you said for me to pick a master, you said it would be a good thing to do to benefit from. Besides, Cyriam has already asked Milivikal, so what's the difference?"

Kineas knew the difference. He had been with Dalethria in the most intimate way. He looked to Zasz then back to Dalethria.

"Whether she says no or not, that's up to her, you can't stop me from asking."

Zasz Grimm
Oct 1st, 2002, 07:45:16 PM
"Your right, I can't, but remember, I did try and stop you. Fool"

Zasz looked at Kineas as he was speaking. There was a difference between Milivikal and Dalethria. Cyriam isn't madly in love with her for number one, and doesn't have a rather large history with her for another. He would learn.

"I will see you later. Enjoy your view."

He somewhat stomped off as he left Kineas behind, thinking of how foolish that this was.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Oct 1st, 2002, 09:36:36 PM
"So, you wanted me to be your Master, huh?"

Kineas was too consumed with Zasz that he didn't realize that Dalethria had come up behind him. Apparently, she was awake long enough to hear the end of the conversation, but he really didn't know ...

When he turned around, he saw that Dalethria was holding Aliandra, letting her daughter rest upon her right shoulder. Kineas couldn't really get any kind of emotion from her face. She was quite stoic in expression and stance.

Kineas Grimm
Oct 3rd, 2002, 05:18:05 PM
He was startled as he turned around to look at Dalethria. He hadn't heard, nor seen her wake and stand up and walk over to him. He must have been too deep in thought about what Zasz had said. He looked to the small child and smiled somewhat before he answered her emotionless face...


Nothing came out, she hadn't really talked to him alot before, and he closed his mouth, but opened it again to speak to her.

"Yes, I do want you to be my master, of course, if that is ok with you."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Oct 3rd, 2002, 10:00:25 PM
Not the first words that Kineas wanted to speak, that was certain by the lengthy pause and choosing his words carefully.

"Well, why me? There are plenty of others in the Hand that could train you."

She grinned and stepped forward slowly, exaggerated the sway in her hips on purpose.

"What makes me so ... special? Hmm."

Kineas Grimm
Oct 9th, 2002, 11:23:41 AM
He saw the exaggeration of her hips. And he enjoyed it quite well as he looked to her. She raised a good point, be he had the best answer to her question.

"You are right, anyone else here at The Hand could train me. But, you know me better than anyone else here.."

He watched her.

"You almost know everything about me, well, since we last left off."

That was years ago. He had to stop thinking in that perspective that it was merely weeks...

"Those years ago..I mean."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Oct 9th, 2002, 04:36:39 PM
"Right. Those years ago ... you mean."

She repeated.

"Are you sure there isn't another reason to why you want me to be your Master?"

Of course there was but Dalethria wanted to gauge how truthful Kineas was going to be with her. An Apprentice that lied to her face was worthless to her.

Kineas Grimm
Nov 6th, 2002, 07:58:29 PM
He stammered for a second.

Merely a second.

He looked at her and he sighed as he managed to spurt out his answer, even though it was completely obvious as a reason.

"It's quite obvious that I still have...feelings for you, Dale. Things have changed since 3 years ago, lots of things. You moved on, I am still where I was when I died... "

He wanted to be her apprentice. There was so much he could learn from her. There was so much that he could do with her, make up for lost time.

But she would never take him back, or so that's what Zasz said. But there is a possibility, however slim.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Nov 12th, 2002, 10:17:56 PM
"All right."

She answered quickly, taking a step back and leaning down to make sure Aliandra was fast asleep.

Kineas Grimm
Nov 16th, 2002, 11:12:37 PM
His heart leapt upwards for a split second. Was she saying yes? Or just saying alright?

His green pupils watched over her as she looked at her daughter. Oh how she looked the small child - her child - he just watched her for a second and then brought himself back. She was his master, and even though he felt these strong feelings....for her, he had to realize that. And she knows that he likes her, and she will no doubt utilize it in training.

"Is that a yes?"

He didn't really want to push it, so he looked to the small girl; Aliandra, her daughter, to avert his attention. He arched his brow as he looked at them both.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Nov 16th, 2002, 11:38:41 PM
She noted Kineas' fascination with her daughter. Was it just simply to take his attention off her or wondering about 'what if's'?

"You know the answer to that question, my Apprentice."

Dalethria replied with a sincere smile.

"Is there anything else you wished to talk about, Kineas?"

Kineas Grimm
Dec 2nd, 2002, 04:43:43 PM
His eyes went back to her slowly as he heard her words. He was now her Apprentice. He grinned inwardly, and show some emotion on his face.

"Yes, actually, I do have another question."

He looked over her again, then back to her daughter, and then brought his attention back to her, his Master...

"When do we begin?"

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Dec 3rd, 2002, 03:35:08 PM
"Whenever you wish. 'Long as it's not today."

Dalethria looked down at her daughter who was in a peaceful slumber. It was something that she could instinctively feel that Aliandra's dreams weren't trouble. A by product of Master Havok's 'test'.

"We both need our rest."

Kineas Grimm
Dec 4th, 2002, 06:08:35 PM
He had wanted to train at the soonest possible time. But whenever she was feeling up to it, was probably better, and it was for the best. He looked to her and nodded as he let his eyes fall on her face...

"Tomorrow, if that is fine with you."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Dec 6th, 2002, 11:14:06 AM
"Tomorrow then. At dawn. Meet me in the lower chambers that had been abadoned. "

She gave Kineas a half-smile.

"You can't miss them. Cobwebs and dust are all you can find."

An odd thought struck Dalethria while staring at Kineas, obviously by the way her brows closed together. Did Zasz make one of his clones green on purpose because of Ogre? She knew that when Zasz came back he was quite jealous that she was married to him ...

Kineas Grimm
Dec 16th, 2002, 07:03:33 PM
He was caught by her face. She was staring at him. He looked back right at her and then realized he was staring back and not saying anything, tore his gaze from his face to look away as he turned his back to her....

..."Till tomorrow...Master."

He walked away heading up to the quarters that were provided to him...

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Dec 16th, 2002, 07:38:04 PM
She said nothing. Only continued to keep her penetrating gaze on Kineas until he rounded the stairs and was out of view. Was Zasz playing games with her or not. Either way, all would be revealed in that usual manner of time.

Dalethria turned towards her quarters. She would have to rise early for a change and did not want to be late ... But an evil smile came to her lips .... It would be fun making him wait, causing him to squirm....

It was quite the delightful thought.