View Full Version : Bored on a Rainy Day.

Pheonix Planesrender
Aug 27th, 2002, 07:56:21 PM
Pheonix steped into the bar and grill with her hood down. It was a bit rainy outside so she was a bit wet. Once inside, she walked over to her normal booth and sat down in the slight shadows.

Her clothes soon dried but her silver hair remained wet. She glanced around the B&G and a serving droid came over. She placed a few credits down and ordered some water only.

The small droid rolled away and Pheonix sat back. The people in the room were talking in their normal common, that which she can not understand. So she only sat back and listened to the odd language.

Oishii Sakana
Aug 27th, 2002, 08:00:45 PM
Oishii noticed a woman walk in and pay for water. his nose wrinkled. You had to pay for water here?

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 27th, 2002, 08:15:38 PM
Wei noticed Phoenix and remembered her from the time he had helpe dher find a room. He smiled and walked over to her.

"Sure is rainy out. I'm glad it is raining. Storms are always calming to me."

Aug 27th, 2002, 08:37:03 PM
A lone figure steeped into the bar. He was clad in a loose cloak and cowl. The cloak was drawn tight about him and was stained with much dirt and dust and fresh blood gave it slight sheen in some areas. The cowl was drawn, and shadow masked his face. All that could be told was that the cloak held a tall and strong figure.

He very quickly walked up to Pheonix and knelt before here. He spoke with his native dark elvish and it seemed to echo thourgh the room, "At last Lady Pheonix, I have found you."

Pheonix Planesrender
Aug 27th, 2002, 08:42:15 PM
Pheonix smiles slightly at Wei and reminds him that she cant not understand him. She stand up and prepares to open a telepathic link between the two again when the figure stalks in. She looks at him, something about him seemed familer. She looked at him closer as he walked over. Then he spoke. That voice that was still in her mind even now. A voice she could never forget.

"Ne.. Nexziro?"

Pheonix stares at him for a long time. She sits down in her seat slowly as she stares up at him.

"Nexziro? Is... Is it really you?"

The dark elvish slips out of her mouth. Smooth yet stong and hidden. She just stares at him, as if she had seen a ghost.

Aug 27th, 2002, 08:59:33 PM
The dark elf stood, and drew back his cloak revealing his face.

"Yes, it is I. I know I seem like a shadow from the past, but I am very real. Long have a scryed and many worlds have I crossed to find you my lady."

Pheonix Planesrender
Aug 27th, 2002, 09:06:45 PM
Pheonix sat there, stunned that her friend from long ago was here. She just sat there, looking at him. His face had changed little over the years. Every thing was the same about it, or so it seemed. She finaly shook herself out of amazement. She blinked a few times before speeking again.

"But how did you... why are you here? And how? When I left Neriak, everyone was just about ready to kill the two of us. How did you get out? What is going on in Neriak?"

Pheonix just had to many questions to ask them all now. Her dark skinned hand was shakeing slightly from seeing him again.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 27th, 2002, 09:15:23 PM
Wei saw Phoenix's reaction to the hooded guy that had just walked in. Wei decided to watch. Wei wasn;t going to let Phoenix get in over her head.

Aug 27th, 2002, 09:27:26 PM
Nexziro took a seat.

"All will be explained in time Lady Pheonix. For now I must give you a short version. After your exile I was forced into slavery. As I slaved in the mines my mind was bent one thing, to find you. After a few years I managed to escape, the details of how I do not have the time to reacount. I left Neriak and wandered the underdark. I knew that i was in now condition to find you so I had to wait and hone what skills I had. As soon as I felt prepared for the rode ahead and began my search, but much to my dismay I discovered you had left that world.

"I knew to search for you blindly would have been folly, so I returned to hidding and discovered the tower to a very powerful but now dead necromancer Kel'dedal. Many months I studdied his vast number of tomes. Finaly I found what I searched for, a scrying spell that would find you. So here I am, yours to command my Lady."

Pheonix Planesrender
Aug 27th, 2002, 09:41:29 PM
Pheonix just looked across the table at him. She was suprised at him calling her "My Lady" and him saying that he was hers to comand. Last time she had seen him, they were being scolded harshly by her mother and their teachers. Both of them had been bleading from the lashes. She still had scars from it. But back then, they had been best friends, not master and servent.

"Why do you keep calling me your lady? I am not above you. In dark elvish standards, I am far below a servent even. Merely dog food or worse. When we last saw each other, we were comrades and friends. Please do not call me your lady, Nexziro."

She still watched him. She tried to figure out what he was thinking through the force. But she was still to weak in the force to use it that well.

Aug 27th, 2002, 09:51:58 PM
"And I am nothing more than an escaped slave. If you remeber you were to rule Neriak, and you still coulc. We could return to Neriak and you could reclaim your rightful thrown and make them pay for our pain."

At this point Pheonix could see Nexziro's face was baddly scared and his left eye did not open.

"You also saved my life all those years ago. For that, I will gladly follow you to the ends of this world and all others."

Pheonix Planesrender
Aug 27th, 2002, 09:57:55 PM
Pheonix got an odd look on her face. She hadn't thought about going back to Neriak in years. She thought that she was unable to do so because she might be killed for it. Then she noted that Nexziro stated that she could take her thrown back. A thought sprung into her mind.

"How could I take the thrown? Isn't my mother still alive? Nex, what happened to my family?"

She pleaded with him to tell her. She glanced about the bar at the others. A few of them were giving the two dark elfs an odd look. Others were trying to figure out what we were saying. But almost everyone in the room was looking at them. Pheonix moved a little more into the shadows around her to hide herself from view. She didnt like to be watched by people she did not know.

Aug 27th, 2002, 10:06:23 PM
Nexziro continued to talk, knowing fully well that others were watching and listening, but carring little.

"I am afraid that your mother is nothing more than a puppet when I left, who is the master I was not able to determine, nor did I care. When I left Neriak my thought was bent on finding you and know that I have found you I cannot help but ask myself, what next?

"This world is strang to me. The have a vast numbers of Golems, but I detect no magic from them. The wave, the essence of magic, grows very weak here, yet I can detech another power."

Pheonix Planesrender
Aug 27th, 2002, 10:15:49 PM
Pheonix was at first worried of her mother. Then she heard what else Nexziro had to say and practicly busted up laughing. It was one of those times that her dark elvish came back to her and she didn't care what happened to others, even her own mother.

"The other power you are senseing is the force. In this dimention, the force is like the living sorce of everything, or so I have heard. People who are strong in the force and have training, are able to move things with the force, make people belive what they wish and to sense people with it.

As for the golums, they are robots. Sort of like what the Gnomes make. Machines made of metal and other objects and matter. They can move, think and speek on their own. Though most work for a master. Like a slave I guess."

She was still laughing a bit while saying this. She had also found it odd when she first came to this dimention. But it had been a year or so sense then so she had gotten used to it for the most part. There was still alot that she needed to get used to though. These worlds were alot different than their old home.

Aug 27th, 2002, 10:29:58 PM
"I sense you have taped some of this "Force". I find it very interesting. It so similar to our own Wave, yet so different. But anyways, I owe you my life and as such I will travel with you no matter where your road leads you."

Pheonix Planesrender
Aug 27th, 2002, 10:39:04 PM
"Why exactly have you come here, Nexziro? Just to find me? Or is there something else? It doesn't make sense that you would travel through dimentions just to try and find me. What happened while I was away that made you come after me and try to get me to come back with you?"

Pheonix's expresion had changed again to a bit of suspision. Dark elfs usualy wouldn't care if its twin sister was dieing, let alone just another comrade or a friend. Why had he come out here to try and find her?

Aug 27th, 2002, 10:59:47 PM
"What did I leave? I left a world where slavery was my destiny. I came to find you, you saved my life and I am bound to you by my honor, no mater how dark some may think it is. It is still my honor. As for my reasons to wish your return it is vengence. Long was I under the slave masters cat-o-nine-tails. I had assumed the same need for vengence would have instilled itself in you."

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 28th, 2002, 08:41:12 AM
Wei watche dthe conversation for a while. Literally watched. He couldn;t understand their words, so he watched their expressions. Phoenix appeared to be confused, while the other one was calm.

Wei shrugged and decided no harm was being done. Confusion was not something to be enjoyed, but it wasn;t a threat to Phoenix's life.

Pheonix Planesrender
Aug 29th, 2002, 09:07:30 PM
Pheonix heard his words and stood up quickly. Her eyes were wide at the thought of vengence. It is true that she disliked many but had accepted the fact that it is useless to hate people and the vengence is even more useless. It was the way of the jedi.

"Nex I have found a place here where I dont have to deal with the pressure of people looking to me to answer them on what to do and the pressure of my mother and family. Lolth has no power here. I can get away from them and I have no need for vengence. They are evil. No better then the sith here. The jedi are my family now.

You could stay here too, Nex. But I wont be going back. I am no longer evil and I no longer have the thirst for vengence. You have to accept that. Please, join me. One day, once we are strong enough, we can go back and free the slaves and the others that are being used as sacrifices."

The only words that anyone in the bar and grill could understand from her mouth where the words Jedi and Sith. Several people jumped at this, not understanding what the rest of it was.

Aug 29th, 2002, 09:23:37 PM
"Very well, I myself have nothing to return to and I would like to learn more of this worlld. Its so very different from our old. I will stay for now."

Nexziro looks around the room and then turns back to Pheonix. "But I think I should try to learn some of thier language first."

Pheonix Planesrender
Aug 29th, 2002, 09:33:09 PM
Pheonix smiles and hugs Nexziro. She was excited that he had decided to stay here with her. After a moment, she let go of him and laughed at his comment about the languages.

"You are not the only one that is in need of learning their languages right now. But I think that we should get you to the recruitment center if you wish to join the jedi."

Pheonix glanced at Wei then back to Nex.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 29th, 2002, 09:36:59 PM
Wei saw Phoenix look at him. He smiled warmly at her. He was glad things wre going well for her.

Aug 29th, 2002, 09:38:35 PM
"I said that I would stay, but I said nothing of becoming a Jedi. This world is still new to me and I wish to learn all I can before I swear allegiance to anyone but you."

Pheonix Planesrender
Aug 29th, 2002, 09:49:52 PM
Pheonix nodded a bit dissapointed.

"I understand, Nex. But I am still glad you are staying.

Oh my, I almost forgot to introduce you. Nex, this is Wei Wu Wei, another jedi at this order. I fear he cant understand much in Dark Elvish or in any language we speek.

Wei, Nexziro."

She figured the last part was simple enough. She pointed to Nexziro when she said his name.