View Full Version : Table for two.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 27th, 2002, 03:01:32 AM
It was becomign habit. Sejah was once more sitting alone in the B&G nursing a bottle of Grape Nehi to kill the time. The Nehantite had little else to do. He had allready studied in the Archives, done his excercises, and all his chores as well. Life as a Jedi sure wasn't as exciting as he thought it would be.

Venting a deep sigh, he sank lower in his seat and leaned his head back against the wall of the booth. At least he had gotten a booth, the wooden chairs grew uncofortable after a while, but the padded booth benches were much better.

Azhure Darkstone
Aug 27th, 2002, 03:17:00 AM
::Azhure walked into the bar, it was fairly quiet and there werent many people around. She still had not known many of them, as training she did away from public, but there was one person here she did recognise. Feeling the need for conversation she walked up to him and smiled softly, unsure of what to say. Not many people made her feel not uneasy, but as if they knew more than most, and she felt that was confronting in some odd way. But at the same time he seemed like a nice guy and he seemed to have an aura that made her relax a little than not many had either.
Well her aim tonight was to try and practise people skills and get to know people more, why not Sejah?::

This seat taken?

Sejah Haversh
Aug 27th, 2002, 03:27:58 AM
His head snapped to attention as Azhure approached. Slightly nervous, he straightened his posture and smiled weakly back at her.

"Uhh, no, go ahead and sit down if you want," he said, gesturing with his paw to the other bench, deciding that she probably wouldn't want to sit right next to him on his own. They had sparred once, but didn't know each other that well yet.

"Nice to see you again, Miss Darkstone. Can I get you something to drink?" He added, his nervous smile slowly becoming more relaxed.

Azhure Darkstone
Aug 27th, 2002, 03:39:01 AM
::Azhure's smile relaxed a little more, and she sat down to where he gestured.::

Just a water thanks, I don't go for alcohol. It is good to see you again too Sejah. How has your training been going?

Sejah Haversh
Aug 27th, 2002, 03:42:53 AM
As a serving droid scurreid off to fetch Azhure's water, Sejah settled comfortably in his seat.

"Well, um, it's not really been much, lately. Master Q'Dunn has been a bit busy, so, I have sort of been trying to learn what I can myself in the meantime. But that hasn't been much. Oh well, I'm sure I'll do fine in any case. How about you?" He asked, glad for some conversation.

Azhure Darkstone
Aug 27th, 2002, 03:52:15 AM
It's been productive in different ways than I thought it would be. My training has more been looking at myself and the peace within than fighting. I do persoanl trainign outside which is endurance exercises for the most part, but other than that there is much to learn. But then in life, there is always much to learn..

::She laughed at that, maybe a bit softly. There was logn hurdles to get across before her time was done, but they would come in time, and everyone had thier personal hurdles.::

Sejah Haversh
Aug 27th, 2002, 04:00:29 AM
Pulling a swig from his Nehi, the mongoose nodded as he listened and as he set the bottle down, he replied, "I hear you on that one. Even with the little I have learned so far, if I were to go back home I would ne nearly unstoppable in the fencing ring. They would have to notice me then."

Suddenly he realized how selfish he was sounding, and so he paused for a moment before going on. "Still, here I'm pretty green, and I know it. But, hopefully that'll change. Your water's here." He pointed to the droid that had returned with Azhure's glass of water.

Azhure Darkstone
Aug 28th, 2002, 03:57:27 AM
::Azhure allowed a smile on her face, and shook her head softly as she got the glass::

There is nothing wrong with being proud of your skills if you are truthtelling, and not overstepping the mark of boasting, which you were not. Never underestimate yourself good warrior.

::Sipping some water from the glass, she then set it down::

Sejah Haversh
Aug 28th, 2002, 10:24:51 PM
"Good warrior?" Sejah echoed in question, looking down to the bottle of Nehi on the table. "I'm no warrior, not sure if I could be, either. I don't want to hurt anybody, even bad people. I just want... I just..., oh, nevermind." He trailed off, then changed subject, "So, have you had any other good fencing partners lately?: It wasn't much, but it was how they had first met.

Azhure Darkstone
Aug 28th, 2002, 10:48:26 PM
::Azhure did not say anything about the change of topic, he obviously wanted to avoid saying somethign and that was within his own right. Shaking her head she laughed softly::

I have not had time. I spend most of my time at training with masters or with myself on various planets. You would be surprised what planets are out there if you wander aimlessly for a new enviroment. I have not sparred in a while but perhaps another time. And you?

::She smiled at the memory fo the last planet, she had nearly klilled herself there, and Azhure's humour, although a jedi, still found death funny thought if it came about in the most senseless of ways. She woudl not make that senseless mistake again.::

Sejah Haversh
Aug 29th, 2002, 12:14:46 AM
"I got a master, Marcus Q'Dunn, since we last talked. He's been good, but, I haven't gotten to do much yet. I don't have my own ship, and I don't like space travel all that much, so, I've prettymuch stayed here and tried my best to learn what I can. Not that exciting really, but it suits me." The mongoose replied, then finishing off his bottle of soda.

Sejah enjoyed being ordinary. Not stickign out for anything, not being ridiculed, or praised either. Attention often led to embarassment, and in his heart, he was afraid of being embarassed. Even with Azhure he guarded his words unconsciously, careful not to let out too much, or draw undue attention to himself. Every time he had gone seekign fame or glory, bad things had happened to him. The Nehantite had played the middle road since then, but what he didn't know was that on his path to Knighthood, he would be forced to take a stand and hold fast to it.

But that seemed a logn way off, and the table was so small and comfortable. Lookign across it to Azhure, he smiled and said, "Got beat by Loki in a spar the other day. If you ever go up agaisnt him, watch for some tricky moves."

Azhure Darkstone
Sep 3rd, 2002, 12:48:17 AM
:;Azhure smiled, relaxing a little more::

I will remember that sound advice. If you ever need or want to go to another planet, my ship is always ready.
What has Jedi master Marcus been teaching you? I have heard he has a good reputation for training and is not easy on his students.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 3rd, 2002, 02:53:06 AM
"Well, Master Q'Dunn has been a bit busy lately, so, I really haven't eben able to do much. But I understand I am not his only Padawan and that as a master, he has other obligations as well." Sejah replied, though it seemed a bit textbook.

Azhure Darkstone
Sep 3rd, 2002, 03:12:21 AM
::Azhure nodded, it sounds a similar story.::

Tell me of your family, if you wish to talk about it, it interests me. You are a good warrior and yet are humble about it, unusually humble. If I touch on a subject you wish not to talk about just tell me so. There are many things in my past I wish too not to talk about.

::Azhure laughed softly at herself, usually this was not her attitude towards people and the words from her mouth sounded alien to her as she supposed it would him if he knew her usual behavior. Why she was speaking a little more openly could do with the fact that she felt a little mroe comfortable around him than most, he did not pretend to be what he wasnt or made himself grander than others. ::

Sejah Haversh
Sep 15th, 2002, 02:50:38 AM
It was a tough subject for Sejah to talk about; his family. Taking a drink from his Nehi, the mongoose pursed his lips and paused, starign at the edge of the table on Azhure's side for a moment before finally speaking. "I was born normally enough, and into a normal enough family. My father was an engineering mechanic on a spacefarign freighter, and wasn't hope much because of it. My mother worked as a secretary in a government office nearby, and watched my brother and I well for she only had to work part time. Ajurn, my brother, was six years older than me, but I remember him little. When I was nearly three years old, the...."

He trailed off for a moment, sipping his soda as if nursing a beer, "The freighter my father worked on had a systems malfunction, and while he was working on balancing the reactor core, it blew, killing everyone on board. They never recovered even one piece of pyhsical remains, but, we had a funeral for him anyhow. I don't remember my father, I was too young. But I remember the sorrow my mother felt, and I remember standing at his grave as an empty coffin was placed in the ground. It was raining that day. Perhaps that's what makes me remember it. It only rains perhaps eleven days out of the year in the city where I lived," he broke form his story to explain, again sipping on his grape flavored drink. It was an uncosious action, but it relaxed him enough to continue.

"The funeral was expensive, from what I understand; my father's union only paying for a portion of it. So money was tight as my mother had creditors to pay off as well as keeping her two sons fed, clothed, and my brother in school. About eight months later, my brother was hit by a driunk driver on his way home from school. The car skipped up onto the sidewalk and hit him at nearly fifty miles per hour. He was killed instantly, the doctors said. I remember his funeral more vividly than my father's, but was not yet able to understand my lot in life. My mother was still in debt from my father's funeral, and that of my brother only made things worse. My mother had to work full time at her secretary job, and took on another part-time job as well. Public school is not free where I come from, and when I was old enough, we still couldn't afford for me to go to school, so I was found light employment as a shop boy in a textile factory. From then on, I bounced from one job to the next, always hopign it would eb enough to help pay for my dinner. Now, my mother has since paid off the funerals, and is back down to one job. She is the last real family I have left. Certainly, I have cousins, but, I do not know them well,a nd they hardly know me. They are distant relations, really."

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 9th, 2002, 02:51:08 AM
::Azhure nodded, staying silent for a few moments for him to collect his thoughts.::

Your family sounded like it had a lot of love.
I have one brother. He did join GJO but is recently on business. Business always came first. With me and him, we were never close, well maybe once. When we were two or three, but since then. Strangers we were for so many years until three years ago. We are still not close but we do value each other. The only person who could understand me slightly. In more ways than a hundred I am still a puzzle. To myself as much as him, but as for the word family, there has been none. For father and mother I never knew them, nor do I know what race I am...

::She looked at Sejah for a moment, remembering him. Shaking her head she kicked herself. He was making her too comfortable, she was slipping in things of the past. But it felt good to talk. Talking can be dangerous young one. How dangerous? Sejah didnt seem dangerous. Azhure felt uncomfortable for a moment and hid her face in the glass of water as she sipped from it.::

I'm sorry, you didnt ask for that so I should not have said it. In this world your alone, Thats how it is.

::Her words came out strong, stony. Words that had been repeated to her for years and years. They were not of self pity but of what she had lived for a long time. Pride had always run strong.::

Sejah Haversh
Oct 9th, 2002, 03:14:49 AM
They cought Sejah off-guard, and in a comrotable tone, he replied, "But, that's not true. We can have friends, and others to care for us. Don't be so guarded of your past. If you can't face it, then you won't be able to get beyond it. I'm sure it couldn't have been that bad. I mean, you weren't- " he suddenly cut himself off, wishign for all the universe he could remove the last five seconds from history.

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 9th, 2002, 03:21:22 AM
::His last words took her attention but she said nothing of it, it obviously seemed somethign he wished not to speak about::

It is something that has no word. It has given gifts and many many scarres. Your right, I am tackling my past now, the theres always one door I cannot pass. One door I truly fear to see. Fear, fear is something I find distasteful, something that makes you weak. Fear is something I wish to conquer but shamefully cannot find the strength to. It is something that has to be done. I was designed as a perfect weapon but I have found nothing is perfect, and everything is flawed.

Sejah Haversh
Oct 9th, 2002, 03:25:38 AM
Sejah too a swing from his bottle of soda and then replied, "To quote an old master where I come from, 'Hone your flaws.' It means, know what they are and then exploit them. Don't hide form your faults, but use them."

He hoped that wouldn't backfire on him, but he was very grateful that she had let his blunder pass.

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 9th, 2002, 03:47:30 AM
::Azhure smiled softly, coldly at the thought of using it at her advantage. She had used it a few times to survive but that had been no choice in it. It made her shiver::

It depends on the fault. Some are not ones to use, or ones to give value.
Your drink is finsihed, you wish another one? How has the adjustment to being in the GJO been like?

:;She tried to think up a a topic, not used to talkign to people, or making conversation. She had been getting better but there was a lot of practise needed, and not only that but another stage of confidence was needed. That came with practise. A lot saw her as tough and intimidating when she didnt speak but it was really the other way around::

Sejah Haversh
Oct 12th, 2002, 02:09:13 AM
"Oh, the GJO has been fine, the move to Coruscant was a bit odd at first, but, Corin and I have a new roomie now; Dasquain Belargic, if you know him. Kind of an odd duck, but, eh, he's cool." Sejah replied, twiddling with his empty soda bottle in his paw. Thinking back to Azhure's comment about it being empty, he waved over a server droid and ordered a glass of pale ale, one of the few alcoholic drinks he had ever ordered in the Jedi bar.

Waiting for it to come, he tried to think of other news he had to tell. "Yeah, um, I've also been asked to teach Ki-Adi Kindo and Krieger some saber stuff by Lady Tharrinn, and, well, not too much else going on, really." As his ale arived, he thanked the droid and said he would pay for it on the way out. He hadn't filched on a debt yet, so, they trusted him. Taking a sip, he then wiped the foam from his muzzle with a napkin and looked back to Azhure.

"What about you? What have you been up to?"

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 13th, 2002, 04:36:58 AM
I have trained at night and day, often by myself. I participated in a few missions to gain experience, though as yet much socializing needs to be done. But I will get to that, my main goal is to become a worthy warrior. Navaria has been teaching me instead of Sage, as he has been away for quite a while but I am learning well, and getting somewhere. Im afraid I have not been quite as exciting as many here.

::She laughed, an odd sound to her, as she remembered a certain jedi who liked to have a lot of fun. IN odd ways she seemed very boring and businesslike, but each to their own.
Grabbing her water she sipped it, and wondered what it would be like to let go. A little voice reminded her letting go meant losing control and she put the glass down consideringly.::

What kind of jedi do you wish to be? A scholar? warrior? A bit of both?

Sejah Haversh
Oct 23rd, 2002, 02:28:59 PM
Thinking a moment, the mongoose shook his head and replied, "I, I don't know, really. I can fight, but, I don't like doing it. But I'm not much of a scholar, that's for sure."

Lifting his glass to his lips, Sejah took a drink and then thought further. "You know, for all the training we do here, I would think that we ought to get a vacation every now and then. After all, we do need time to let our hair down, so to speak."

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 27th, 2002, 06:02:42 PM
:;Azhure laughed in agreement::

Yes, I suppose we do. Practise makes perfect but one should not forget how to relax.
A jedi is someone that helps, and that does not neccessarily mean fighting all the time. Perhaps you will be one of those jedi.

::She wasnt sure either, did she want to be a complete warrior. lately she had been looking at healing, and had felt some kind of pull towards it, like it was more important than battle. Like it was a harder battle to fight...the jedi had many roles and one never knew which one they would end in. Which reminded her...::

Are you any good at machinery?

Sejah Haversh
Oct 30th, 2002, 03:08:37 AM
Setting his ale down, the mongoose echoed, "Machinery? A little, but not much. Why, what do you need?"

Azhure Darkstone
Nov 5th, 2002, 03:20:32 AM
::Azhure sipped her drink before answering::

Not much. I need a new hyperdrive and wondered if you knew any good places. There are other good places but they know who I am. Right now that doesnt suit my purposes.
It's also about time we proceeded itno another spar...

::She grinned as she put the glass down, one that reflected a friendly challenge::

Sejah Haversh
Nov 5th, 2002, 02:38:55 PM
"Well, I know a couple guys who could probably help you, I'll get you their number later on, seeing as you know what kind of ship you have and all that technical stuff," Sejah offered in response to her question before taking another drink form his ale. A smile turned up the edges of his mouth as he wiped a bit of foam from his upper lip with a thumb.

"Yes, it has been a while, hasn't it? I suppose that could eb arranged."

Azhure Darkstone
Nov 6th, 2002, 01:37:20 AM
::Azhure smiled wider in response and sipped her drink::

It could be arranged. Thank-you for the offer, I will take it up gladly. They just might have a better hyperdrive than I have in mind.

Sejah Haversh
Nov 9th, 2002, 03:00:55 AM
"Sure thing, anything for a friend, y'know," Sejah shrugged before draining the last of his ale, then setting the glass aside.

"So, about the rematch, steel again?"

Azhure Darkstone
Nov 10th, 2002, 03:57:30 PM
:;Azhure nodded, yes steel would do just fine. She was not considered strong in muscle but she was good at being swift. it may end up being a match between stealth and strength, and any could win.::

Steel is always an honour to fight with.