View Full Version : Balancing Out (Q'Dunn Padawans)
Sejah Haversh
Aug 27th, 2002, 02:37:05 AM
Armed with a pad of paper, pen, his lightsaber, and a few other training weapons of his own, Sejah Haversh sat down on a side bench in one of the Training Rooms. He had requested a block of time in it for the day, and sertting his other things down, the brown mongoose looked at his notepad.
Though he coudln't read quite yet, or write for that matter, Sejah did know how to take notes that he would understand. With his black felt tip pen, he had written his versions of the names of his fellow Padawans under the Q'Dunns.
A flared cross signifed Kelt, an arrow with points at both ends represented Oriadin, for he foten called him Or for short. Corin was a bunk bed because he was Sejah's roomate, and Neo had a sparkle put his name on the page. Kemille Eldervine was granted a picture of a vine with leaves on it, and he coudln't think of anything to put down for Aliana Eldric, so he just remembered her name. It was the list of those he had invited to the trainign room that day. Since Marcus had told him of the new way he was to be trained, Sejah decided that he ought to start as soon as possible and who better to lean from and with than those also in his shoes?
Other little note-drawings lined his pad; pictures of rocks floating, a lightsaber, a medical cross, and a head wih lines eminating form it as well. They represented the things Sejah wanted to cover, or alt least start with. Hopefully the others would recieve the message he had dictated to a messengar droid and meet him there soon, Sejah had a desire to learn.
Aug 27th, 2002, 06:54:34 AM
Oriadin had gotten the messge from his friend, Sejah. It was an excellent idea to form a small group of padawans to learn from each other. Given the fact they shared the same family of Masters there would be a good chance they would be swinging in the same direction
He made his way to the acadamy and entered the trining room where they were all told to meet. He was wearing his bage Jedi robes with his cloak over the top. He unhooded and bowed before Sejah. He carried only a small data pad but no weapons, as he had no weapons of his own yet.
--No one else here yet I see.--
imported_Corin Zetith
Sep 4th, 2002, 05:03:00 PM
Corin wlaked into the room looking tired and worn. he bowed to the two of them and said "hello". he had stayed up almost the whole night trying to lift a small pebble but to no avail. he had come to the understanding that he had no force sense to Telekinesis whatsoever, and he wasnt comfortable with this fact yet.
OOC: Comp is workin again! yeah!
Sep 5th, 2002, 02:33:35 AM
Oriadin had never met Corin before but had seen him about a couple of times. He walked over to him to greet him.
--Hi, my names Oriadin. Im padawan to Helenias. Ive seen you about a few times but I dont think we've actually met. Nice to meet you.--
He extended his hand so he could shake Corin's.
Sejah Haversh
Sep 5th, 2002, 01:54:11 PM
"Hi, Oriadin," he called out and waved as his friend entered the room, "I see at least one person got my message. Have a seat, some of the others ought to show up soon."
As if on cue, Corin walked through the door, and Sejah watched as Oriadin went to greet him. "Hey, Corin, how's it going. Oriadin, that's my roommate, Corin Zetith."
Standign up, the mongoose cricked his back and walked towards them. "Well, it seems that we're the only ones showeing up, so, this'll be rather interesting," he explained, "I called you here because of the announcement our masters made--that we are to try and train ourselves. Well, sue me if I tookt hat a bit too literally, but, whatsay we try to teach each other what all we've learned. Sadly, I don't have much to offer but maybe fencing skill."
imported_Corin Zetith
Sep 5th, 2002, 08:37:40 PM
Corin smiled at the man he had not met Oriadin either, he only knew him from seeing him about the GJO. he took the offered hand and shook it warmly.
"How do you do? my name is Corin Zetith. likewise ive seen you around, but never had the priveledge until know. the pleasure is all mine im sure. im padawan to Master Q'Dunn."
Then Sejah adressed the two of them and Corin nodded
"i could use some fencing, and i can add to the hand to hand areas, and could use a lot of help, to maybe find out if i have the powers for telekinesis."
Sep 6th, 2002, 02:26:50 AM
Oriadin was impressed with Corins handshake. Very strong and firm. You could usually tell a lot by somone by a simple handshake. The padawan seemed very friendly and genuinly pleased to meet someone new. Oriadin liked him from the start.
He listened to what both padawans had to offer. Oriadin seemed to be ahead of both of them in terms of training even though he hadnt done a great deal himself.
--Ive been practising deflecting laser blasts recently, I can move small objects using the force and I learnt force glow. Its not much I know. Ive also been studying hard in the jedi archives and so feel im quite well clued up on the theory behind the Jedi. My weakest ability is probably my saber skills at the moment as I have to say, ive pretty much neglected that side of my training since coming here.
I will be glad to help both of you in any way I can. I think we can learn a lot from each other.--
Oriadin smiled at both Coring and his old friend Sejah.
Sejah Haversh
Sep 10th, 2002, 12:16:31 AM
Takign the role of the teacher, a role he was not unfamilair with, Sejah nodded after Oriadin spoke, and then he said, "Well, it's my hope we can learn from each other. Oriadin, I know you can lift objects with the Force, telekenesis, as it might be. I can whip a saber about, and Corin, perhaps you can enlighten us in other subjects, like connecting to the Force or whatever."
Stepping back, Sejah picked up his saber and then tossed a training one to Oriadin, seeing that Corin had his with him. "So, I guess I can start us off today with saber techniqe and form, if that's okay. If I get too overbearing, let me know, I'm used to being a fencing teacher, so, you know how it goes." Igniting his blue blade, the mongoose adopted an offensive stance. His blade was set to its lowest power, so it would not injure if it hit, only sting and burn a bit. The one Oriadin had was only a training saber, so it would do the same. Hopefully Corin's also posessed such a setting.
Sejah cricked his neck, and then said, "Nothing like a little test to see where I can help you. One of you come at me, do whatever you can to get me with your saber. But, no groin or face shots please. I'll return that favor." He smirked, twirlign hsi saber in his paw once to show he was ready.
Sep 10th, 2002, 02:18:37 AM
Oriadin caught the saber thrown to him in his right hand. Rotating the saber backwards until it resumed its original position, he ignited the blade. A golden yellow blade appeared with a soft hum. Oriadin held out the weapon in front of him with two hands. Since he was ready, he thought he would make the first attack on Sejah.
--I asmume there is no pulling of tails either!--
He said with a smile. Remembering back to thier last spar. Oriadin didnt wait for Sejah to answer. Instead coming in from the front with a powerfull strike to Sejah's head.
Sejah Haversh
Sep 11th, 2002, 12:49:25 AM
With practiced grace, Sejah threw his saber up crosswise to block the incoming attack near the hilt of both sabers. But, seeing as he had gone a rounf with Oriadin before, the mongoose decided to take it a bit further than simple block.
Steppign to his right, Sejah pushed over and down on Oriadin's blade, and then reached out and clapped a frim grip onto his blade wrist, yankign back on it, pullign Oriadin forward. With a smirk lighting up his face, the former fencing instructor reached out a leg and hooked it under Oriadin's ankle, tripping him as he pulled him forward. Heeping ahold of his wrist, Sejah directed the yellow blade away from himself ans spun to follow Oriaidn to the ground, droppign to a kneel over him ont eh ground with his saber set to stab straight into Oriadin's throat if it had eben a real fight.
"Good show, but you need to work on your left hand. If you had been watching mine with yours, you could ahve prevented it. Often, the empty hand is the more dangerous of the two." Sejah said as he pulled back his blade and got off of his friend, givign him a hand back up. "But you're definitely not the worst fencer I've seen, trust me. that tielt belongs to a yellow-furred boy by the name of Kerjithal Aranjaar. Care to give me a shot, Corin?"
Sep 11th, 2002, 02:45:07 AM
Oriadin smiled as he lay on the ground. He knocked the back of his head on the floor as he realised he'd been beaten. Sejah had improved since thier last spar. Sejah was far better than Oriadin at sparing but this was a good thing. Oriadin wouldnt learn anything by fighting weaker opposition. You always learn a lot more from your defeats than you do a win. He would learn and improve.
Oriadin held Sejahs forarm as his friend helped pull him up. He regained his breath as he awaited to see if Corin would make the next move. He would also learn from watching a spar, not just fighting in one.
imported_Corin Zetith
Sep 11th, 2002, 11:43:15 AM
[I]Corin nodded and set Elise to the lowest setting, he ignited the deep blue blade and stepped into the fencing area while Oriadin stood back to give him a shot at Sejah. Corin crouched and set his blade parallel to the ground as his father had shown him so many years ago. his right hand firmly gripping the hilt of the saber his other hand holding the bottom for extra stability. he could easily free the left if he needed to. he pushed off the ground and came in towards his target in a high spinning arc towards Sejah's middle.[I/]
Sejah Haversh
Sep 11th, 2002, 12:34:11 PM
Corin obviously had more training and practice with his saber than Oriadin had, so he was goign to be a bit more of a challenge to Sejah. But, still his style had visible flaws from the start. Sejah had his own flaws, but they were often smaller, and much harder to recognize.
His light blue blade hummed through the air as he cross-stepped sideways and put up his blade as a shield to block his attack. He could ahve floored him then and there, but Oriadin had learned his own mistake, and Sejah wanted to have him watch how Corin dealt with a different one, though he did control his left hand fairly well. Corin's problem was different, and Sejah studied it as he blocked two more swings, and threw a slash of his own for Corin to block.
Stepping back and to the side again as his roomate swung in fast and hard with both hands on his saber, Sejah blocked it low and then swept out a footpaw and kicked his heel straight into Corin's shin, knockign his foot form under him. Planting that kicking footpaw, he spun and grabbed behind his opponent's neck while still hoting his blade down. Pulling back on his neck, Sejah overbalanced him and let him fall to teh floor, though pullung his saber along Corin's balde and whippign what would ahve been a gutting strike across his middle.
"Oriadin, you need work on your hands, and Corin, yor footwork needs concentration. Your balance is what threw you. I can help with both, I think we all have the time," he said, helping Corin up as well. "Sorry to be so hard on you both like that, but, that's the same way I treated my other students, and I did have soem go on to become notable fencers later on down the line."
imported_Corin Zetith
Sep 11th, 2002, 05:35:09 PM
Corin smiled, footwork with just his hands was something he prided himself in. it was then for the first real time he came to the full realization that fencing wasnt going to be easy. Sejah's comment about the footwork stung a little but Corin brushed it aside, besides fencing required a different sort of style than hand to hand, and he was learning.
"thank you Sejah, you'll have to teach me how to properly plant and use my whole body. the form i tried i realize you have probably never seen it before. it was my father's own personal style, if perfected it can be extremely deadly, with a lot less flaws then a produced with it here today."
Sep 12th, 2002, 03:21:35 AM
Oriadin didnt really have a fighting style. Since he lost his memory before coming to the order he has had to re-learn everything. Considering this though he seemed to have a natural instinct for a good base for fighting. He felt confident in his ability to learn and adapt, especially with suck skilled people around him to learn from. Oriadin was glad Sejah didnt take it easy on his student. Doesnt give them false hopes of how good they are. If there was something Oriadin loved, it was a challenge.
He nodded towards Sejah as he gave him instructions on what he needs to work on. It was good to be getting some tips at last.
Darth Uhlen
Sep 13th, 2002, 04:46:16 PM
"well, what next Sejah? more fencing for now or shall we switch off to the other categories to train with?"
Sejah Haversh
Sep 13th, 2002, 08:36:40 PM
OOC- Heh, I think you used the wrong account there, Corin...
Sejah didn't even have to think about his answer before replying, "A bit more fencing for now. Who not get ourselves a little tired out before moving into the mental part, huh?"
For the next hour, Sejah tought them how to balance themselves, how to wield a saber in a defensive postiotn, and then a few basic attacks he had adapted from his own style. Still, both of them ended up on the floor more than once during it, and he scored a few light hits on them as well, though he made sure not to hit too hard and make the hits burn.
Finally, Sejah could see that Corin and Oriadin were getting a little frustrated, so he shut down his saber and smiled, "Good work, guys. Oriadin, you want to take the lead for a bit?"
Sep 16th, 2002, 02:39:24 AM
Oriadin panted a little bit. Sejah had worked them hard today but already Oriadin was feeling better for it. Even if he did have a few burn marks. They werent bad though and shouldnt take too long to clear up he thought to himself.
He had brought a bottle of water with him and took a swig of that before replying to Sejah's question.
--Yeah, sure. I suggest we move on to telekenesis.--
He looked around the room for a few items they could use. Sejah was carrying a pen and a pad of paper. Some old fashiond writing materials but perfect for this excersise he thought to himself.
--Sejah, would you mind if we use your Pen and pad to use during this excersise. Unless you can think of anything better to use?--
Sejah Haversh
Sep 16th, 2002, 02:53:31 AM
Shrugging his shoulders as he put his lightsaber back in his belt and pulled his leather gloves off, Sejah replied, "Sure, that's fine. Not like any of us are using them at the moment, anyhow."
It had felt good to be teachign again; he hadn't realized how much he had missed it. In a way, Sejah just wanted to go back home and return to his old life. But, looking at his new friends, he realized where he was supposed to bem and so he let Oriadin take the lead and waited to see what he could learn.
Sep 16th, 2002, 03:09:56 AM
Oriadin smiled as Sejah allowed him to use his items. Oriadin, as far as he could remember anyway, had no experience of teaching before. Being a teacher was a way of explaining things he thought. Its easy to know yourself what you mean, but to explain it so others know what you mean is a different matter altogther. He got Sejah and Coring to sit on the floor in front of him.
Remembering back to the force class that he and sejah were in together, he remembered the last time Sejah tried to lift something using the force. It ended in a small stone shattering into hundreds of pieces. Perhaps it would be best for Sejah to try and lift the pad. He lay the pad in front of Sejah, and the pen in front of Corin.
--Now, I want you both to calm yourselves. Almost as if you were about to meditate. Slow breathing. In and out, in and out. Feel the force. Feel the things around you. Close your eyes if you have to. Reach out with the force. Sense the item in front of you and hone in your senses on that object. Feel it, around it and the energy within it. Tell me when you can both sense your object.--
Sejah Haversh
Sep 16th, 2002, 03:22:13 AM
The last time Sejah was told to focus and get in touch with the Force, he and Loki got a shower of plaster and carpentry as the mongoose accidently blew up the wall behind them.
But, he had learned from that experience, and was ready to try again, even though a set of the walls were glass, this time. Closign his pink eyes, the mongoose tried to clear his mind, but again found it impossible. Movements and logorythms still spun in his brain, but he managed to mostly quiet them and focus on the Force flowing through all the objects and life forms around him. As soon as he felt Corin and Oriadin, he shut them out, not wishing to harm them by accident. It took a short while for him to find the pad before him, and it had lingering energy in it from the pictoral notes he had taken on it.
What was it Oriadin had said? Feel the object and the energy within it? Well, he felt as if he could do that, so, Sejah quietly said, "I think I feel it, Oriadin."
Sep 16th, 2002, 03:46:13 AM
Oriadin kept a close eye on the two of them. Particularaly Sejah as Oriaidn knew Sejah had struggled with this in the past. Now, did Sejah actually feel the pad. We walked up close to the padawan and crouched down. He spoke to him quietly as not to desterb Corin.
--Open your eyes a second Sejah. When you fight somone, when you spar with someone, you are focused. Sometimes you can figure out what your opponants next move will be but sometimes you cant. Your reflexes can be crucial in whether or not you can deflect the attack. your focused on the attack. You can just feel whats coming. Your not sure how, you just do.
Its the same here. You have to get a feeling of what around you. Then you need to focus on it. Clear your mind and concentrate. You cant think, only feel. Reach out and you will be able to tell for definate when you are there. If you think youve got it, you havent. If you know youve got it, then your there. Its all a question of using what you know, and then changing it slightly. Dont think about moving it for now, just get a feel of it in your mind. Now, try again--
He stood up and took a few steps back.
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