View Full Version : The Lines You Amend (Jeran){Finished}

Dae Jinn
Aug 26th, 2002, 07:35:35 PM
*Daetana Jinn was in one of her favorite places - a bar. It seemed she could find a bar on whatever planet she happened to be on at any given time. She cupped her glass between her hands, gazing down at the clear alcohol inside. Something hit her, a familar scent. She lifted her gaze, looking into the mirror behind the bar. She could see the whole of the bar, and wondered which particular parton she was sensing.*

Jeran Conrad
Aug 27th, 2002, 01:51:42 PM
Jeran sat in the back of the bar. As soon as the battle on the small village on Gias was over, he had thought alot about the warrior he came to find out was known as Dae Jinn. Somehow, for some reason, she intrigued him greatly. He sought her out, by tracking and by word of mouth. He thought it to be quite dangerous. But something told him it would be ok and that something could be accomplished here.

He let himself be felt fully. She would have already picked up on his scent. Now, she could touch him with the Force if she tried. He would let her come to him. He sat, his hood shadowing his face. She knew who he was, he had a feeling. He did not let out a threatening aura. He was peaceful. Quiet. Concerned. Now it was up to her--the ball was in her court.

Dae Jinn
Aug 27th, 2002, 11:52:10 PM
*She noticed the source sitting in a dark corner, squinting into the mirror, trying to make out who it was exactly. She smiled as she realised it was the man who she had fought on Gias. Jeran? She wasn't quite sure of his name, but she could tell it was him by his smell. She got up from her seat, drink in hand and walked to where he sat. Smirked down at him*
Are you following me?

Jeran Conrad
Aug 28th, 2002, 08:54:07 AM
Jeran was quite suprised that she approached him. Afterall, they had tried to kill each other less than a week ago. He didn't trust these situations. But, he didn't fell imminent danger coming from Dae at this point.

"Maybe..." He wasn't sure what to say. He had never been much of a conversationalist. His outward instincts told him that, at this moment, he should lash out with his saber and end this dark side presence. But he couldn't. Something inside of him prevented movement--told him he was in no danger. Something told him that he should act different with her...

"I...had a question." He struggled for words. He couldn't tell her the truth. He was compelled to visit her again. Was it love? He didn't think so. Curiosity? No, he was past that stage. What was it then? He couldn't figure it out. "Why didn't you finish me off back there? You could've had my head on yer wall by now." He looked at her, letting his eyes come through from underneath his hood.

Dae Jinn
Aug 28th, 2002, 11:49:42 AM
*She smirked, it was nearly a smile.*

That wouldn't have been very nice of me, taking your head. I don't like heads for trophies anyways, too heavy to lug around. An eye, a nice ear, tongue. Never a head. Anyways, it'd be too much trouble, with all those others there. Didn't want to show-off too much *She winked and pulled out a chair, sitting across from him.* I don't know why I didn't finish you off, it just wasn't the right thing to do....

Jeran Conrad
Aug 29th, 2002, 08:41:06 AM
Perplexed by the statement she made, Jeran looked back at her. He thought that the Sith were never intereseted in the right thing to do. He thought they lived for chaos and bred destruction. Dae was different...

"A Sith with a conscious...that's a first, I gotta say." He said this half jokingly and half truthfully. He did think the statement was odd. In another way, though, it was very reassuring.

Dae Jinn
Aug 29th, 2002, 10:00:37 PM
Feh....it has nothing to do with Sith...It has to do with Saiya-jinns. We have "honor", and that was not a fair fight by any means...As much I love killing innocents, when it's an actual fight, I prefer it to be one on one. Much more fun.....*she sighed, running a hand through her hair.* Am not that sithy anyways....I just wouldn't make much of a Jedi...*She flashed him a quick smile before finishing off the last of her drink*

Jeran Conrad
Aug 30th, 2002, 12:26:26 AM
"Well, I've been to the academy, and believe me, you drink like some-of-em do." He smiled a bit. He made a joke. Hopefully she caught it. He turned away, thinking how stupid he was. He was never much of a conversationalist. He shouldn't have come.

"Look, I don't really know why I came. I mean, I know why, but not the reasons behind that. What I'm sayin is, I don't understand why I came because I did--" he was getting confused. "Forget it."

Dae Jinn
Aug 30th, 2002, 12:32:10 AM
*she laughed softly and listened to him ramble on for a bit*

You don't know why you came...but you do know...but you don't know the reason for coming....? Huh? Just spit it out, please. There had to be a reason for you following me here...

Jeran Conrad
Aug 30th, 2002, 03:18:31 PM
"You know what? This was a friggin stupid idea." He got up from the table and headed outside the door. He thought about why he had come. He was drawn to her. Sadly enough, he was attracted to her. In many ways. There was a little problem though: She was Sith and he pledged his life to hunt the dark side. He called it a difference in interest.

As he made his way out of the bar, he stopped at where he had left his horse. He patted the mount and adjusted some of the saddlebags.

Dae Jinn
Aug 30th, 2002, 08:00:49 PM
*She stood in the doorway of the bar, a small frown on her face.*

Did I do something wrong?
*she walked over to him slowly, reaching up and stroking the horses mane.*
If I did, I'm sorry....

Jeran Conrad
Aug 30th, 2002, 09:32:32 PM
You didn't do a thing wrong...you do everything right... he thought, silently. He wasn't comfortable here. He didn't know how to deal with a situation like this. He was nervous.

"No, you didn't...it's just that...well..." He chose his words carefully. He wanted this to come out right. He wanted it to make sense and be intelligent. "I just don't know why, but I wanna be where you are." He wasn't sure if that came out right. Or for that matter, he wasn't sure of himself.

Dae Jinn
Aug 30th, 2002, 09:49:03 PM
*she patted the horses long nose softly and smiled*

Then come with me....

*she smiled past the horse at him, stroking it's soft velvety nose.*
You want to be with me, then stay. You want to be where I am, then come with me. I'd appreciate the company....

Jeran Conrad
Aug 30th, 2002, 10:02:29 PM
Come with her! Travel with her! Consort with a SITH? This was blowing all of his principles out of the water. He couldn't understand himself. He was a man of control. He was one of intelligence. This was not intelligent.

"Well...I...You know, that may have come out wrong..." He honestly couldn't think of anything to say.

Dae Jinn
Aug 30th, 2002, 10:10:20 PM
*her smile faded and reappeared quickly. She moved away from the horse and walked past him, walking away.*

Fine. Goodbye then.

*She kept walking, down the road towards the village, not looking back. As much as she wanted to talk more to him, she wouldn't force him to come with her. She just offered. She didn't think it was such a big deal*

Jeran Conrad
Aug 31st, 2002, 12:46:07 AM
"Wait a second. That's it?" He found himself feeling cheated outta something. He jogged up next to her. Man, he was acting pathetic.

"Look, I don't know what's goin on here. I guess I'm confused." Then he realized that it was he, in fact, who had initiated contact between the two. Afterall, it was he that he sought her out and found her here. "I...think I will accompany you at least to the next spaceport." He called his horse as they began to hit the road. "You gotta speeder or something? Need a lift?" He said this as he mounted his horse.

Dae Jinn
Aug 31st, 2002, 12:56:36 AM

*She continued walking, head tilted upward slightly, not looking at him but still smiling. She picked up the pace a little.*

Why would I have one of those? I don't know how to use it. And walking has never hurt anyone. The village isn't that far away.

Jeran Conrad
Aug 31st, 2002, 08:16:15 PM
"Ok...if you want..." He thought it funny, but guessed it wasn't a big deal. He looked down the road.

"So where we headin, anyway? Lead the way, Pocahontas."

Dae Jinn
Aug 31st, 2002, 09:44:07 PM
I have absolutely no idea *she grinned back at him* Where-ever the fates take us.

*she laughed and kept walking.*

Maybe I'll find a nice little family to torment......

Jeran Conrad
Aug 31st, 2002, 10:37:53 PM
He cringed...torment a family?

"Aw, come on. You're kidding, right?" He looked at her from atop his horse, which clopped besider her. "A joke?" He hoped it was. But then again, he expected it wasn't.

Dae Jinn
Aug 31st, 2002, 10:42:45 PM

And if it isn't? Nothing better than butchering a poor innocent family on a bright sunny day .

*she turned and looked up at him and burst out laughing*

I'm kidding...silly....sheesh....Too early to kill people *winks*

Jeran Conrad
Sep 1st, 2002, 02:18:36 AM
Jeran felt both stupid and confused. On the one hand, he had thought she was truly serious. That was his first mistake. On the other, he had no idea how a Sith lived. Truly, he had never tasted the dark side. He had a gift of being immune to its temptations. So it was no suprise that he could not rationalize her thinking.

As he rode next to her, he kept sneaking glances at her. He was truly perplexed by her. She was a puzzle--a puzzle whose exit would constantly elude him. It was odd.

"Well...I will say that you are one hellofa unique woman."

Dae Jinn
Sep 1st, 2002, 03:25:44 PM
Er, thanks?
*She laughed again, not knowing exactly how to respond to that. She didn't really feel like killing anyone today, it was stale, boring. She had her afternoon drink and had planned a relatively peaceful day before she had run into him, now she thought about what they could do as she walked beside him.*

Jeran Conrad
Sep 1st, 2002, 07:16:34 PM
He wanted to break the silence.

"Are you hungry?" He fingered the pack behind him. He had plenty of dried meats and some vegetables he had purchased at the market. He thought that maybe they could stop for a short meal. He was hungry.

Dae Jinn
Sep 1st, 2002, 08:42:35 PM
*She stopped and looked at him.*

I guess so.
*She walked over to a grass patch under a nearby tree and sat down, waiting for him to follow. She had already eaten, but she was always up for more food (being a Saiya-jinn, she had a large appetite for everything) She smiled up at him.*
We can sit and eat and talk if you want.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 2nd, 2002, 01:16:21 AM
"I would like that." He sat next to her and broke out some food. The dried meat was good. He cut up some of the onionettes and they ate a nice afternoon meal.

"Tell me something," he asked. "How'd you end up like this? I don't mean to offend, I mean, what's yer story?"

Dae Jinn
Sep 2nd, 2002, 01:35:02 AM
*She leaned back on her arms and sighed*

I guess it's my nature. Saiya-jinns have been killing each other and other races for centuries. It's normal to kill on my homeplanet.
I took my first life at age 14. I took many more when I became leader of my clan....I have seen death and destruction for so long, why not become a Sith and spread more around the galaxy?
Force users aren't very popular on my planet anyways..Most end up dead, regardless of what group they are in. I joined Sith cos I didn't think I'd make much of a Jedi. Honestly.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 4th, 2002, 09:44:52 AM
"I understand...I tried...and failed." He thought about his past. It brought too much emotion to his face. He threw out the thoughts. "But you can beat history and nature and all that...I mean, you don't think you are just a killer cuz it's in yer blood, do ya?" He looked at her again.

"You can beat it. You can beat anything. I belive that."

Dae Jinn
Sep 4th, 2002, 01:09:06 PM
No, I think that I am a killer because I kill people...
*She laid back on the grass and sighed*

You can't just change at the drop of a hat, you know? You get used to living one way and it's hard. It is in my blood, I live for the kill. It gets boring sometimes, but I don't see how I'd live with-out it.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 4th, 2002, 02:06:03 PM
Jeran was slightly dissapointed by her response. Afterall, she was giving up. She wasn't even gonna give it a second thought. He guessed it was fate and the will of the Force--he didn't have a say in it.

"Sometimes you can beat the trend, Dae. Haven't you ever thought about it?" He didn't consider this a redeeming mission. He was doen with the Redeemer life. He was just being honest and true with her--something he hadn't been in awhile.

Dae Jinn
Sep 4th, 2002, 02:23:04 PM
Honestly. No.

*She looked up at him*

I have never lived with-out killing, with-out death. I can't imagine what it's like not having that there.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 4th, 2002, 02:53:56 PM
Jeran thought about it. He could understand somewhat. He understood the trend, not the specific behavior.

"I guess I get it. At least, I kind of get it." He thought about his life and how he had trends of his own. Trends that maybe he wasn't proud of. It all evened out, he guessed.

Dae Jinn
Sep 4th, 2002, 03:01:27 PM
Anyways..........*she sat up quickly, almost pouncing on him, pushing him back onto his back as she leaned over him. Grinning*

I know nothing about you. Tell me about yourself.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 4th, 2002, 10:05:50 PM
He thought about the question. Who was he? What was his past? Of course, he knew what it was. But he was hesitant to share.

"Well...I'm pretty boring, I guess...I mean." He thought about his old life. It wasn't. He was lying. But he was scared to open up.

Dae Jinn
Sep 4th, 2002, 10:11:32 PM

*She leaned over him, looking him straight in the eye*

Somehow I doubt that....Why don't you just tell me? I'm sure it isn't that boring...

Jeran Conrad
Sep 5th, 2002, 01:27:57 PM
"Ok, ok. I guess if you can stay awake." He paused for a second to organize his thoughts. "I was once a Jedi Redeemer. Redeemers are a lost order of the GJO. They were cut from funding, I bet. Anyway, we ran around the universe saving dark siders." He thought about how that was ironic while her he was underneath one who could probably wasily kill him at this moment. He figured she wouldn't. "But somthing happened and I changed my mind about things. So, I left the academy. Now I'm on my own...a loner, I guess."

Dae Jinn
Sep 5th, 2002, 07:41:43 PM
Oh....That's odd.
*she got up and laughed a little*

Why would Jedi save Darksiders? Arent they supposed to kill each other?
*She smirked* But then I would have to try and kill you...and it wouldn't be very nice of me, would it? *She laughed again*
I wouldn't think many darksiders could be saved.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 7th, 2002, 01:09:39 PM
"Well, ya know, that's what got me thinkin. I decided it wasn't worth it." He felt weird telling her all this. Afterall, she was darkside herself, and here he was--droning on about how much he hated the dark side and all. Ah well. She asked for it.

"I changed my mind. I decided there was no redemption for those kind of people. The only way to make a point to the dark side was to destroy its followers--not save them." The words came out of his mouth, in hopes that she would understand that he wasn't gonna kill her.

Dae Jinn
Sep 7th, 2002, 11:05:58 PM
Heh....Well. If that's the only way to stop them, I guess you were only doing what you think is right. Just like they are doing.

*She sighed and laid on her back, shielding her eyes from the sun with hand. Maybe she shouldn't have asked him at all.*

Did you wanna get going?

Jeran Conrad
Sep 11th, 2002, 05:36:30 PM
Something was wrong. He could feel it.

"I'm sorry...did you want me to go?" He looked at her and thought for a moment that maybe she did. It was hard to say--she was difficult to read.

"I'm sorry if I offended you. I didn't mean to. I just..." He didn't finish.

Dae Jinn
Sep 11th, 2002, 11:05:22 PM
Er...I meant, did you wanna get going...with me?

*Now she was confused. She hadn't meant anything with what she said - she was just stating fact.*

You haven't offended me...I told you before, I don't care much about Sith or Jedi business.
*She stood, brushing herself off* Lets go!

Jeran Conrad
Sep 13th, 2002, 12:22:00 AM
"Ah--my mistake. Yeah, we should get going. Lead the way." He said with a careful eye. He didn't distrust her--in fact, he trusted her more than he had trusted anyone else for quite a while. He was always--always, always--careful about things. He would never put himself in a situation he didn't want to be in.

He reached down to his side and felt for his saber--it was there. Good. Good.

"So do you have any idea where we are?" He questioned jokingly. It really didn't matter considering that he lived outdoors in the wilderness. They would be fine no matter what.

Dae Jinn
Sep 13th, 2002, 12:44:52 AM
*She noticed out of the corner of her eye as he touched his saber. She raised an eyebrow.*

Er...Not really. Can I ask you something...? How do you use that?
*She pointed to his saber*
I have one, but I don't know how to use it. Show me.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 13th, 2002, 09:13:16 AM
"Whaddya mean? You don't know how to use it. It's like a sword without weight on the blade..." He thought about the statement. Hard to explain what a saber felt like. It just was a saber--you used it with the Force. It was one with you.

"Have you ever held one?" He asked her cautiously. This vision of her holding his saber and then cutting his head off flashed through his mind. Briefly, but enough to worry him a bit.

Dae Jinn
Sep 13th, 2002, 10:06:18 AM
I have one silly...
*She reached under her dark cloak and pulled out the saber she had "borrowed" from the Jedi she took to her Master. She held it in her hand, pressed the button and shook it hard.*
See? It must be broken. I can't get it to work. The only thing I can do with it is throw it at the Jedi and hope they laugh themselves to death.
*She frowned, and sighed*

Jeran Conrad
Sep 15th, 2002, 12:49:37 PM
Jeran smiled and laughed as well.

"I guess it wouldn't do much to em," he commented. He brought out his own saber, ingiting the blade in front of him. The blue glow lighted the air around it and, even in the light of day, it was brilliant. The idle hum was a familiar sound to the Hunter, as it probably was to Dae. He imagined she had been around them enough.

He swung it lightly in his hand, letting the blade handle slide around in his hand gingerly. He held it up and swiped it down effortlessly. Now that she had mentioned it, he hadn't really thought about the weapon and its beauty for quite awhile.

"It's amazing, the saber. It's got me outta alot of situations."

Dae Jinn
Sep 16th, 2002, 01:18:55 PM
Well, it's caused me nothing but trouble! Teach me how you do that!

*She held up her own saber, pressing the button repeatedly.*

How do you get the blade to come out?
*Dae looked at him, watching him swing the saber with ease, getting more frustrated that she couldn't do the same.*

Jeran Conrad
Sep 17th, 2002, 10:32:22 PM
"Lemme see it," Jeran said watching her desperately try to turn the thing on. She finally handed the saber to him. He examined the hilt--very well made. Locating the power switch, he turned the blade on, extending it to full length. It's orange light illuminated his face. Nice weapon, he thought.

"Dae..." He looked at her with a grin on his face. "You have to turn it on!" He laughed widly. He didn't realise that she couldn't find the switch. He found this hilarious, turing the blade off before falling on his back laughing.

Dae Jinn
Sep 17th, 2002, 10:44:42 PM
*She stood over him, glaring.*


*She kicked him in the shin and snatched the saber from him.*

We don't have fancy weapons where I come from...Just good old fashioned ones.
*She found the button he had pressed and turned it on. A grin spread across her face as she twirled the saber in her hand, bringing the tip of the blade down at Jeran, stopping right above his face.*

Scared yet?
*She burst out laughing, turning off the saber and reclipping it to her belt.*

Jeran Conrad
Sep 19th, 2002, 01:36:09 AM
Jeran found himself--oddly--for the first time not worried that she would hurt him. It was seemingly impossible that it would become so. But it had...mabye he had softened a bit.

"Well, now that ya know how to turn on the flashlight, we can get movin, eh?" He packed up the stuff and began to put it away on his horse. His mind wandered.

"You know, I was thinkin. Do you have any real mean allies that wouldn't take kindly to our current...interaction? Cuz, the last thing I need is trouble."

Dae Jinn
Sep 19th, 2002, 06:25:51 PM
*She was standing above him and frowned. She hadn't even thought about that.*

I hadn't even thought about it....Sorsha maybe. What she doesn't know won't hurt her....This isn't a business trip anyways...
*She started back out to the road.*
If it was, we wouldn't be walking, we'd be fighting.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 20th, 2002, 09:26:47 AM
He thought about what she said.

"True...for both of us." He looked back at her. In this light, she was so different. It was like he hadn't considered the fact that she was human when they had fought before. But now, here with her, she felt more like a person. He could sense humanity and caring in her. Maybe an illusion, his conscience would say. He kept his guard--he was ALWAYS careful.

"So I guess we better keep moving. Looks like it's gettin close to evening," he said judging by the sun's declining light. He could see the dual moons of the planet begin to emerge from the horizon slightly.

Dae Jinn
Sep 20th, 2002, 07:07:20 PM
Heh, afraid of the dark are you?

*She laughed.*

Yeah, I guess we better. Do you have a room somewhere?

Jeran Conrad
Sep 21st, 2002, 01:08:46 PM
"No, but I have a tent and a few of the local coins. I think we could get something with these--" he showed a small handful of local currency "if we need to. Worst case, you can have the tent and I will stay outside."

Leading his horse, he walked alongside Dae. He never thought a situation like this would ever occur. But here he was--the Force was truly amazing.

Dae Jinn
Sep 21st, 2002, 01:54:46 PM
She laughed.

"I do NOT sleep out doors unless I absolutely have to...I can get us a room. We'd better hurry though."

Jeran Conrad
Sep 21st, 2002, 02:25:04 PM
"Well then, princess, we should," he mocked her, laughing at her unwillingness to brave the outdoors. He jumped up onto his horse. With a thought, the horse jumped forward and he began to ride away from her. He looked back and smiled a sly grin. He wondered if she could run fast.

Dae Jinn
Sep 21st, 2002, 07:12:46 PM
*she shook her head and ran after him, catching up to him a few minutes later. She grabbed part of the saddle and jumped, hitting him hard in the back as she tried to get on the moving animal.*


*She settled down on the back of the horse, holding onto him tightly, her head on his shoulder.*
And I'm not a princess, I'm a lady..So nyah!
*Dae stuck her tongue out at him and laughed.*

Jeran Conrad
Sep 23rd, 2002, 09:36:22 AM
Jeran smiled as they rode--he enjoyed the moment greatly. He felt close to something special, someone important. It seemed as though he could stay on this horse with her forever, riding. He felt her head on his shoulder and thought things would be ok.

They rode down the old dirt road quickly. They were making great time--even though they had no real schedule. The time they made was only on their own.

"Is this the town up ahead?"

Dae Jinn
Sep 23rd, 2002, 11:39:50 AM

She grinned.

"You know, I've never riden one of these before, it's nice. I'll have to get one now!" Dae laughed as they rode into town, pass the few people left in the streets and to a small inn.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 24th, 2002, 12:17:07 AM
"One of these! Dae, this isn't a speeder! This is my friend--I serve her just as she serves me. I care for her, feed her, respect her, and excersise her. She gives me returns, mainly in gettin me around." He laughed at her. One of these...hahaha...which model? he thought.

"Her name is Faith. She represents all the faith I have. In her I trust. Always."

Dae Jinn
Sep 24th, 2002, 06:52:03 PM
"Well...I still want one."

She rolled her eyes then laughed.
" That's a very pretty name. Animals are much more trust-worthy than humans will ever be. They aren't selfish like we can be sometimes."

Jeran Conrad
Sep 24th, 2002, 07:03:09 PM
"It's true..." He transmitted a thought to Faith which made the horse only happier. They had a special bond and, no matter what would happen to either, the two were inseperable.

"Where should we stay? Someplace with a place for Faith--she'll be fine on her own. The least I can offer her is some kind of hitching post, though."

Dae Jinn
Sep 25th, 2002, 08:38:03 PM
"Alright, an inn with a horse house..."

She giggled, her head still resting on his shoulder and gave him a little squeeze.
"You pick, but hurry up."

Jeran Conrad
Sep 25th, 2002, 10:14:17 PM
"Hmmmm...." He scanned the main road. "What about this one?" He pointed to an old rundown inn. It looked pretty common and lacked in major services, but he didn't mind so much. It did have a crossbar which could serve as a great hitching post.

Dae Jinn
Sep 26th, 2002, 05:16:47 PM
*She shrugged.*

*She wrinkled her nose slightly at the sight of it, it was a run down inn, not a place she would normally chose to stay. But he had picked it, so they would stay there whether she liked it or not.*

Jeran Conrad
Sep 27th, 2002, 09:11:51 AM
"It'll be cheap. Come on," he came to the crossbar and dismounted from Faith. Taking Dae's hand, he helped her down from the horse. He kept his hand around her own for a moment longer than was needed, and looked away embarrasingly. "Uh, let's go inside."

They entered the main office--an old, run-down city hall of some sort. He approached the clerk slowly and addressed him.

"Two rooms please--as cheap as they come."

Dae Jinn
Sep 28th, 2002, 10:23:34 PM
*The clerk turned to check on the room situtation and Dae gave Jeran a look.*

What's with holding my hand out there? Strange boy. *She laughed and turned back as the clerk returned.*

Clerk - I'm sorry, we only have a single left, would that be alright?

*Dae turned to Jeran and raised a brow* Well?

Jeran Conrad
Sep 29th, 2002, 02:09:48 AM
"It was...nothing. Just wanted to keep you from falling." He heard the clerk say that there was only one single room left. He turned to Dae and looked at her. "Well?" she asked. He saw the smile on her face--she loved this kind of tension. He thought maybe she was enjoying it thoroughly. He, on the other hand, was finding himself in quite an uncharacteristic position for one of his type. But, he guessed , Dae wasn't actually a 'type' he was used to.

"I guess, if-f-f it's ok with her it's o-o-o-k-k with me." He said, stuttering. Stuttering? Was he ok? He would go seek some herbs tonight to make sure he wasn't sick.

Taking the key from the clerk, he followed Dae up the stairs to the room. Looking inside, he noticed that the bed was rather small. The room in itself, wasn't too bad of a size. The bed, however, was lacking.

"Luckily I've got some blankets and a sleeping bag. I can take the floor." He threw down his things and began to think about what he would do next.

Dae Jinn
Sep 29th, 2002, 06:14:08 PM
If you want...

*She went over and sat on the bed, bouncing on it then patted the matress beside her with both hands*
*She grinned at him, she could barely contain her laughter when she heard him stutter. She guessed he wasn't used to female traveling companions.*
Are you sure you wanna sleep on the floor? It doesn't look too comfy, and the bed is nice.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 30th, 2002, 03:13:14 PM
"Ummm...y-y-yes. I'll be-be-be fine." He found himself a bit unerved by her...frendliness. Not that he didn't want to be around her, he was never really in this kind of a position before. He had never really been around women that much. Jedi women, yes, but not a woman like Dae.

He began to unpack his things.

Dae Jinn
Sep 30th, 2002, 07:11:35 PM
Okay, you're gonna be sore in the morning though.

*Dae laid back on the bed, crossing her hands over her stomach and sighed.*
So...why are you on this planet? Business? Pleasure?
*She giggled, she couldn't picture Jeran going anywhere with-out an agenda.*

Jeran Conrad
Oct 2nd, 2002, 09:23:32 AM
Jeran paused and thought for a moment. There was little pleasure in his life--he mostly pursued the dark that shadowed this galaxy. However, he had come her to pursue an...interest of his. That interest was Dae. She intrigued him.

"I'd say mostly business," he stated, truthfully. He had a lead on his latest target--Wraith Frostmourne--outside of one of the spaceports. However, it turned up blank and he was left with nothing to do. Did it really turn up false? Or did he just quit to find Dae? He couldn't remember. "How 'bout yourself?"

Dae Jinn
Oct 2nd, 2002, 07:39:18 PM
Boredom. It's the most deadly adversary known to me....I can't sit still for too long, always going from planet to planet...Looking for fun.
*She grinned widely as she spoke the last line, and licked her lips. She crawled on the bed, and layed on her stomach, head on her hands, propped up on her elbows. Dae enjoyed Jeran immensely, he was different from another person she had met since she left her homeworld. Plus he embarassed easily, she found that funny as hell.*

Jeran Conrad
Oct 2nd, 2002, 09:06:36 PM
"Yeah, I guess boredom can do it to you," he replied. He thought about what kind of boredom she meant. When he was bored, he trained. Traveling was expensive unless you owned your own ship. She seemed to travel too lightly to have her own ship. Who knew? Not he.

She looked sexy...now sprawled out on the bed. A desire took hold of him. A thought. But it was fleeting, as logic came back into play.

"Well, maybe I should look into some dinner for us. The picnic was good and all, but the meal is wearing off. Hunger is takin over." He smiled, standing next to the bed.

Dae Jinn
Oct 2nd, 2002, 09:21:46 PM
*She rolled onto her back, letting her robes slip down. She wore a small top, her midrif exposed, and tight leather pants, all black.*

Alright, I'm kinda tired...I think I'll just stay here.

Jeran Conrad
Oct 2nd, 2002, 09:39:37 PM
Jeran caught himself staring at her newly exposed skin. She was absolutely astonishing, her tight abdominals seemed to grab the attention of his eyes. Quickly, he turned away, embarassed.

"I should-should-should go check on the f-f-f-f-food, I guess, huh," he said after a second.

Dae Jinn
Oct 2nd, 2002, 09:43:28 PM
*Dae reached up and grabbed his hand, stroking his palm softly with a finger nail*

Hurry back ;)

Jeran Conrad
Oct 3rd, 2002, 06:34:35 PM
Jeran's arm tingled as she stroked his palm. Her touch made his quiver--he had never been in this position. He wanted to stay now. He thought...he thought maybe...

Good time not to think. Break contact. Get outta there.

"I w-w-will." He stuttered, stepping away. he let his hand stay in hers for quite some time as he took slow steps away. Turning his back, he set out for the door. Making his way to Faith, he took hold of her reigns. They rode into the shallow woods, where he was able to find some berries. He picked the best ones--maybe subconciously, maybe not--to present to Dae. He also killed a small boar. Dressing it and cooking the meat, he would bring her a fresh meal. Stopping at the well to fill up his canteen, he headed back inside.

"Dinner is served. It ain't quite room service, but it's fresh." He smiled and presented to her a pot filled with freshly cooked meat. He also presented a satchel with fresh berries and some water.

Dae Jinn
Oct 3rd, 2002, 06:57:42 PM
*Dae grinned. He was an resourceful man, able to survive out in the wilds. One day she would have to take him "home", he'd love the wilds of the Saiya-jinn homeworld. She took the pot from him.*
Smells good.
*She set it on the nightstand, opening the satchel and grinning even more.*
You even got dessert! Wow, you're amazing Jeran!
*She reached into her cloak, which was now laying on the bed beside where she sat. Taking out a small knife, she stirred the meat around and picked up a piece, giving a quick sniff before eating.*
Mmm, yummy. Are you gonna have some?
*Again she patted a spot on the bed beside her and winked*

Jeran Conrad
Oct 3rd, 2002, 07:07:53 PM
Jeran paused, but decided it would be ok. He sat beside her, taking some of the meat and enjoying the meal with her. It was kind of a messy affair--they didn't have any formal silverware or cups. Jeran normally would have ignored this fact, but in the presence of Dae, he was self conscious of his appearance.

He finished his share of the meat--quite a bit, actually. He hoped she wouldn't think he was a pig. But the meal had been so good, and he was proud of himself. He thought maybe his deed would impress her.

He decided it best to wipe off his hands. His satchel lay on the other side of Dae. He leaned his body over her lap to grab his. He could feel her breathing and her body heat as he was close to her in that moment. He stayed there for a momen, intoxicated by being close to her. Drawing out a cloth, he quickly returned to his seat and wiped his hands and face clean.

"W-would you like to use this?" He said, quickly breaking the odd silence he had created. "I can rinse it off if you need--it might be a bit soiled."

Dae Jinn
Oct 3rd, 2002, 07:22:45 PM
*She raised an eyebrow as he leaned over her, but smiled softly. She took the cloth from him, her hand touching his again. She took his hand in hers as she took the cloth, soft fingers feeling the rough callouses on his hands. Taking the cloth, and letting go of his hand, she wiped her face and hands.*
Thank you, Jeran, that was excellent, best dinner I have had in a long time.
*She smiled at him and held up the cloth.* Here you go.

Jeran Conrad
Oct 3rd, 2002, 07:37:56 PM
He felt her fingers probe his own hand. They were soft, and he enjoyed their touch immensley. He felt bad becuase his own hands were tattered--calloused and rough. It was as if she could feel his pain when she touched them--could understand why he had kept so far away from others. The hands belonged to someone who had lived a hard life--tough hands.

"Thank you," he spoke in return, taking the cloth. He stood up, cleaning the mess up. Taking his pots to the sink provided and returning the clean things to his satchel, he decided he could wash them all up tomorrow.

As the sun was going down, he was running out of excuses to make to leave the room. He liked Dae--maybe too much for his sake. But he was nervous. He didn't know how to act around her.

He sat back beside her. He looked at her eyes--she was looking very pretty. And, of course, with her midriff...tempting.

"So...uh...what's next? Almost bed time, eh?" It was barely 8 o'clock.

Dae Jinn
Oct 3rd, 2002, 07:49:41 PM
*A sly grin flashed across her lips. She leaned towards him, still smiling, as he leaned back against the bed, her body just barely touching his. She placed a hand on the headboard and leaned closer still.*

Hmmm, almost...
*Her other hand touched his face, fingers caressing his cheek, her lips almost touching his, Dae could feel his breath quicken. She let her lips barely graze his, her fingers running down his neck, touching his chest lightly then moving away.*
Do you still want to sleep on the floor?

Jeran Conrad
Oct 3rd, 2002, 07:57:39 PM
Jeran's lips quivered as they felt Dae's graze his own. He was sure now that he didn't need any more convincing.

He pulled her close and kissed her, letting his hand rest on the back of her head, caressing her soft hair. He kissed her deeply and for a few seconds. Drawing away, he looked into her eyes, examining her for a reaction. His nose brushed her own as their faces were close, her hot breath against his skin.

Letting his hand come around from her hair to her cheek, he brused her skin softly. She was so soft, so fair. He was drawn in by her beauty. But most of all, by her scent. He was a man of smells, and hers was as intoxicating as any he had smelled.

"Not exactly," he spoke softly, kissing her once again.

Dae Jinn
Oct 3rd, 2002, 08:05:35 PM
*Her arms went around him as he pulled away, closing her eyes as he brushed a hand over her cheek, kissing it softly. He pulled her in for another kiss. It was so soft, tender and a bit unsure of it's self. She heard his reply "Not exactly," and smiled as she pulled back.*
Than stay with me...Stay in my bed...*She kissed him again, just as soft as before, her lips slowly parting, letting her tongue slip into his mouth. Her arms around him, holding him losely, her body just resting on his.*

Jeran Conrad
Oct 3rd, 2002, 08:17:12 PM
There would be no more resisting. He felt her tongue and met it with his own, a deeper kiss than before. He brought his arms to meet her chest, bringing around her, behind her back, and pulling her tightly to him. Pressed against him, he could feel her heartbeat as they kissed, longer.

As he felt her breathing, he broke for a breath of his own. He looked into her eyes again, this time trying to read her thoughts. He wanted her--he wanted her bad. He felt it was too much to let his passion go unnoticed.

He kissed her cheeks--both of them--and let her breathing lead him. It was soft and warm, and he could feel she was happy here. He kissed her neck, a few kisses, following down. He kissed her shoulder, stopping before he went any further, letting his lips rest in the soft pit where her neck and shoulder came together.

"This is..." he tried to tell her how wonderful it was to be with her, but he could not get the words out. "Wonderful...you..."

Dae Jinn
Oct 3rd, 2002, 08:25:53 PM
*She pressed a finger to his lips, nuzzling into him. Her head on his chest, her body tight against him. She sighed happily into him, wondering if he could feel her lips curling into a smile, if he could sense her feelings through the force. He felt a warmness and then heard her voice whisper softly in his mind.*
"Shush now...It is wonderful...You're an incredible man, my dear Jeran..."
*She closed her eyes and kissed his neck now, one soft kiss before resting her head on his shoulder once more.*

Jeran Conrad
Oct 3rd, 2002, 08:34:12 PM
Jeran felt content here.

"Thank you. I'm gettin better, you know. I mean, even an hour ago I wouldn't of toldya that." He loved to have her against him. It was all he could do not to kiss every part of her--to shower her with the passion he felt. But he would wait on her moves, as he had no idea where to go with any of this.

Dae Jinn
Oct 3rd, 2002, 08:51:05 PM
*She smiled and kissed his cheek. She was surprised at him, surprised at herself. Normally, she would have him, but this was different. She wouldn't rush this.
Ever since they first met, she had felt something there. She had helped him, even though she knew if Sorsha had seen, she would be punished. There was something about him that she was attracted to; he was a warrior, a "hunter" of the darkside. And here he was, with her, in her arms. She a fling with a Jedi before, but Jeran was not like any lightsider she had ever met. He was something special. She leaned up, kissing him deeply, her hands running down his arms.*

Jeran Conrad
Oct 4th, 2002, 07:37:29 AM
Jeran was pleased to be in the presence of such company. He was enjoying his time with Dae more than he could express. How was he to express it He decided it was best to keep quiet.

As she kissed him, he thought about what was to happen next. He knew. He had some doubts, but his reservations in this exact moment were far away from his mind.

"I'm tired--I think it's time for some rest." He whispered into her ear. He eased her next to him, laying down in the soft bed. Drawing some blankets up around them, he laid his head on the pillow, seeing if she would follow his lead.

Dae Jinn
Oct 4th, 2002, 08:12:08 AM
*She replied softly, returning her head to his chest, putting her arms around him. She could hear his heart beating quietly, it made her smile as she closed her eyes and started to drift off to sleep. It had been an "eventful" day to say the least, her mind going back to the events that happened earlier, and she fell asleep thinking about what was to come.*

Jeran Conrad
Oct 4th, 2002, 12:17:19 PM
With Dae Jinn close to him, the hunter felt complete.

It was a feeling he hadn't felt for a very long time. He lay there--silently thinking of what was to come. As she lay against his chest, he let her own breathing guide his. He was a light sleeper and, as one, he drifted off into snooze mode for most. This was his deep sleep.

As he slept, his mind ran free. His dreams were free, and they were peaceful...at first. Thoughts entered his brain--shadows. The darkside creeped into his inner being. He found himself climbing a neverending ladder of darkness. It seemed he could not find solice--the threats of Wraith, The Black Rider, the Sith...Dae? Was Dae in the shadows? No--no way. Couldn't be...no way.

Run...run away...this isn't right Something spoke to him. He didn't know what it was, but it was something.

Don't question why--run away. You know you cannot stay. What will happen when it comes time?

"Maybe it won't come time!" He protested, a man in love who was being told to deny his emotions.

It will. And when it does, it will be no easier than now...

He woke in a cold sweat. Through the course of sleep Dae had managed to nudge away from him and was sleeping directly next to him--her backside pressed against him. He looked at her...he wanted to stay. He almost wanted to cry. But he could not ignore his dream.

Silently--something he was good at--he departed from the bed, not waking the woman beside him. He gathered his things silently. Looking over her as she sleep, he felt compelled to drop the satchel and stay. But he couldn't--he knew he could not. He leaned down, letting his lips come close to her. Kissing her gently on the cheek, he could feel her almost smile in her sleep.

"I'm sorry." He whispered it more softly than the shadows themselves. With that, he was gone.

Riding all night, Faith and he stopped to camp near a small spaceport. They were out of here the next day--as soon as Jeran could get some proper sleep. He lay in the brush, secluded and hidden. His eyes were hot and red with tears that were unshed.

"I'm sorry." This time he said it to himself.

Dae Jinn
Oct 4th, 2002, 11:58:28 PM
*The next morning, as the sun came streaming in through the windows, Dae sleepily reached for him. Her hand hit the bed, and she wrinkled her nose. Patting where Jeran should lay, she opened her eyes, still not fully awake.*

*She sat up, looking around the room, rubbing her eyes. She called out his name softly.*
*She could see all of his things were gone. He was gone. Her lower lip started to quiver as her eyes teared up. Her mind raced as she tried to think of why he would just leave, just up and go in the middle of the night with-out saying good-bye. She rested her head on her knees, tears falling from her eyes now. She knew she would probably never see him again, even after all that had happened, even though she wanted him with her. It was all up to him now, he had found her before, maybe he would want to find her again...*