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Khendon Sevon
Aug 26th, 2002, 06:56:32 PM
Wash Ray Shield

The Wash Ray shield uses fairly simple technologies to absorb and disperse energies that collide with it.

The advanced shield generators, which have backup power-cells along with shock absorption fields and droid-0based micro-management quantum processors, project a field of ion energy known as an ion lace. This lace absorbs the normally penetrating and disabling weapon discharge produced through ionization by simply making the attacking beam null, caused by the equal amounts of energy colliding and ripping each other apart.

The next field, the containment field, is projected directly after the ion lace and a second is projected, with space-in-between the two, behind it, generating a pocket. These fields contain the main field the shield generates.

The final field to be projected is the energy destabilization and reorganization field. This field breaks up the energy and disperses it along the entire field until its charge is lost or it has been broken down far enough that it poses no threat and simply slides off the shields,

Cling-class QuadIon Shield

This shield uses standard technologies in an advanced way, allowing the stopping of all projectile, beam, particle, or otherwise weapons or dangerous matter.

The shield uses the UIT licensed Cling technology to allow superior shielding operations but uses a Maverick Labs QuadIon shield technology. The QuadIon shield functions much like a normal shield but has added technological advancements.

Rather than using a dual phase technology, the shies uses four phases for defense. The first phase is a Maverick Labs’ Wash Ray shield used to stop energy discharges of all types that make contact with the shield.

After the Wash Ray comes the Particle shield. This shield is a lace of energized particles that are used to destroy projectiles that collide with the shield, either fully stopping their forward motion or utterly vaporizing the weapon or, in some rare instances, causing the projectile to explode.

Next comes the Destab or Destabilization shield. This simple device is a projection of destabilizing waves generated through quantum inclusion, reduction, and mass destabilization which causes particle adhesion to be impossible, in effect causing projectiles to shatter into their most basic parts. This shield also has an added effect against energy-based technology by ripping the particles apart. If those particles are energized or the projectile in avertedly explodes, the next step protects the craft.

The next protection method is yet another Wash Ray with a backup Wash Ray directly behind it, generating a virtually impenetrable field that absorbs the releases from the forward fields.

The final field that is projected is the stabilizer field, which is totally unrelated to the destab field. This field simply absorbs shocks that would otherwise riddle the ship from explosions and discharges.