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Khendon Sevon
Aug 26th, 2002, 06:55:35 PM
Ask me over AIM or MSN if you want it in word format.
Guild-class Bridge
The Guild-class Bridge is a step up from the old style Imperial bridges. The bridge runs the most modern systems and has escape pods located in the aft section along with emergency stairs and a turbolift.

Class A Hyperdrive
Runs .5 in hyperspace and lines the area around it with negative matter so that it can’t be pulled from hyperspace.

Class B Hyperdrive
Smaller than a class A and runs using less negative matter with the same effect.

Defensive Fighter (DEF)
Manufacturer: Guild/Tarot Labs
Length: 1 Meter
Class: Swarming Defensive Fighter
Crew: One computer AI linked to launch ship
Engines: One Quasar Assault Engine (50 MGLT) and Four Thrusters (5MGLT x4)(Switched between pushing and maneuvering)
Shields: One Class A Ion Shield ranked at 10 SBD
Armor/Hull: 15 RU
Weapons: One gattling with ion option and laser option (ion feed from Ion Generator)
Special: Shield Compensator, Encrypted Command Link, AI is linked to a battle computer onboard the launch ship. The craft can be used to increase sensor range by switching most of their power over to sensors and linking them with the launch ship. Each craft has four optical sensors capable of seeing in all spectrums, each has an Active scanner and Passive scanner. For every standard squadron a craft can hold it can hold six squadrons of DEFs.

TIE Mine Clearer/Layer
Manufacturer: Guild/Tarot Lab
Length: 2 Meters
Class: Mine Laying and Clearing Droid
Crew: One computer AI linked to launch ship controlled by a pilot in a simulator
Engines: Two Quasar Assault Engines (100 MGLT)
Shields: One Class A Ion Shield ranked at 100 SBD
Armor/Hull: 60 RU Double Hull
Weapons: One heavy laser cannon and one tractor beam projector, a hold of up to 10 mines or 50 thermal detonators.
Special: Shield Compensator, AI is linked to a simulator onboard launch vessel, The TIE/MCL is equipped with high power Active/Passive scanners and has optical sensors positioned around the entire craft, giving the pilot in the simulator a view of the entire mine field in every spectrum.

Planetary Mass Cannon
Manufacturer: Guild/Tarot Labs
Barrel Length: 200 meters
Barrels: 4
Rate of Fire: 1 shot per 5 seconds
Shields: 1000 SBD
Weapons: 2 Defensive Banks
Generators: Two Ion Generators

Planet Savior
Manufacturer: Guild/Tarot Labs
Length: 5 meters
Onboard craft: 1,000 mini oxygen to carbon dioxide generators
Drop radius: 1,000 KM
Generator radius: 1KM
Missiles needed to convert a planet to carbon dioxide: 10
Days needed for 100% conversion: 14 (2 weeks)
Days needed to convert planet to unlivable conditions for humans: 7 (1 week)

Planet Waker
Manufacturer: Guild/Tarot Labs
Length: 5 meters
Onboard craft: 1,000 mini carbon dioxide to oxygen generators
Drop radius: 1,000KM
Generator radius: 1KM
Missiles needed to convert a planet to human livable conditions: 10
Days needed to convert planet to human livable conditions: 14 (2 weeks)

Planet Modifier Station
Manufacturer: Guild/Tarot Labs
Length: 500 Meters
Shields: 1000 SBD
Hull: 1000 RU
Weapons: 2 Defensive Banks
Generators: 2 Ion Generators
Special: Ability to release chemicals into the atmosphere for the editing of the planet’s atmosphere’s element content.
Days to modify a planet: 30 divided by amount of stations
Special: The PM Station provides the ability to defend a planet from chemical assault as well as editing a planet to better serve the empire, such as forcing rain on a desert planet.

Ploxal Station
Location: Unexplored space near the Kyrin Sector
Length: 10KM in diameter
Crew: 50,000 ; Troopers: 10,000 ; 2,000 Zero-g troopers
Hull: 100,000 RU Double Hull (Stealth Armor)
Shields: 100,000 Class A Ion Shield ; Backup: 20,000 Class A Ion Shield
Generators: Four Ion Generators
Onboard Craft: 12 Squadrons (4 Squads of TIE Executioner MK2s, 15 Squads of TIE Swarmers, 12 Squads of DEFs, 3 Squads of TIE MCLs), assorted other craft
Weapons: 50 Heavy Turbolasers, 50 Quad Turbolasers, 20 Dual Mass Cannons, 50 Dual Plasma Cannons, 200 Ion Cannons, 20 Ion Torpedo Launchers (10 Torpedoes a piece), 20 Tractor Beam Projectors, 100 Defensive Banks
Hyperdrive: Beta Class Hyperdrive
Special: 4 Gravity Well Generators, 2 Cloak Generators, 8 Sensor Jamming Towers, Raised Weapons Platforms, Shield Compensator, Phantom Projector, Wormhole Jump Gate, All Comm. Channels Encrypted w/ Varying Codes

Main Combat Mecha (Hellbringer)
Manufacturer: Tarot Labs
Specification: Single Person Heavy Ground Assault Unit
Height: 5 meters
Length: 2 meters
Crew: 1 Pilot
Shields: 100 SBD (Class A Ion Shield)
Generators: 1 Ion Generator
Armor: 1/12 of a meter (on weapons); 1/3 of a meter on rear, 1 2/3 of a meter on front chest plate/overhead and below and on repulser lifts.
Speed: Treds - 420KMPH; Repulsers - 840KMPH (& max height of 100 meters above surface)
HUD: Eye Laser
Comm. Type: Tarot Labs Encrypted
Weapons: SRC Medium Repeating Cannon, SRC Anti-air Missiles, SRC Super Heavy Anti-tank Cannon, SRC Anti-personnel Light Cannon, SRC Charger Armor Piercing Missiles, SRC Compression Flame Thrower, SRC Shrapnel Launcher

Heavy Combat Suit (Hell Cat)
Manufactuerer: Tarot Labs
Specification: Heavy Trooper Armor
Height: 3 meters
Crew: 1 Pilot
Shields: 50 SBD (Class A Ion Shields)
Generators: 1 Ion Generator
Armor: 1/6 of a meter (on main parts), 1/8 of a meter (on weapons)
Speed: Treds - 520KMPH; Repulsers - 920KMPH (& max height of 100 meters above surface, with jet pack engaged)
HUD: Eye Laser
Comm. Type: Tarot Labs Encrypted
Weapons: SRC Combat Bayonet (Right Hand), SRC Shrapnel Launcher (Left Hand), SRC Quad Combat Bayonets (Left Hand), SRC Anti-air Missile Launcher (Left Shoulder), SRC Anti-tank Missile Launcher (Right Shoulder), SRC Medium Repeating Cannon (Right Arm)
Special: Jet Pack for vertical lift

SRC Combat Bayonet
Manufacturer: Sevon Rifle, Co.
Specification: Vibro Bayonet
Length: 1/3-2 Meter

SRC Shrapnel Launcher
Manufacturer: Sevon Rifle, Co.
Specification: Shrapnel Launcher
Info: Launches several capsules containing shrapnel that explode, releasing the shrapnel, when a hostile approaches.

SRC Anti-air Missile Launcher
Manufacturer: Sevon Rifle, Co.
Specification: Anti-air weapon
Info: Launches a proximity high explosive missile that tracks down and destroys air targets.

SRC Anti-Tank Missile Launcher
Manufacturer: Sevon Rifle, Co.
Specification: Anti-tank Missile
Info: An armor piercing precision missile designed to destroy tanks, once past armor it explodes releasing shrapnel and an explosion from shape charges..

SRC Medium Repeating Cannon
Manufacturer: Sevon Rifle, Co.
Specification: Light Weight Medium Anti-Personnel/Light Vehicle Cannon
Info: A medium cannon with rapid precision fire

SRC Super heavy Anti-tank Cannon
Manufacturer: Sevon Rifle, Co.
Specification: Anti-tank cannon
Info: Fires a high-power blast designed to destroy tanks

SRC Charger Armor Piercing Missile Launcher
Manufacturer: Sevon Rifle, Co.
Specification: Armor Piercing Missile Launcher
Info: Launches an armor piercing missile that, after having penetrated the armor, explodes releasing shrapnel.

SRC Compression Flamethrower
Manufacturer: Sevon Rifle, Co.
Specification: Flamethrower
Info: A compressed tank of a highly explosive gas is stored in a non volatile state, liquid. When released, it decompresses into quick moving gas and is set ablaze. The gas sticks to organicc matter and draws more of the gas towards the flame. The flames are super hot, due to the gas’s composition, and do not need oxygen to burn, but when oxygen is present they become even hotter and destructive, as well as transferring most of the oxygen to give it even more energy.

SRC GSA-CC (Big Bertha)
Manufacturer: Sevon Rifle, Co.
Specification: Ground-to-space anti-craft cannon.
Length: 15 meters (9m barrel)
Shields: 1000 SBD (Class A Ion Shield, generator located underground)
Backup Shields: 200 SBD (Class A Ion Shield, generator located ungerground)
Generator: Ion Generator (located underground)
Armor: Bunker - 3m; Turret - 2m; Cannon - 2/3m
Defenses: 1 Defensive Bank
Info: The Big Bertha is a gun designed to take out craft entering the atmosphere or in orbit of the planet the weapon is located on. The gun fires a 3m long missile, guided by sensors on the ground and satellites in space. The missile uses a one second A.L.F. burst to penetrate the target’s shields and collide with it, penetrating it, and exploding, releasing a wave of energy, incinerating almost everything it touches. The turret and gun, along with the defensive bank, are all that are located aboveground; other than that, everything else is underground. The Big Bertha station runs 24/7 and is equipped with high power scanners that can scan off planet and into space. The projectile is assisted by both a high-output engine and magnetic accelerators

Defensive Bank
a small hole that opens and a turret moves up and out. The turret is a defensive one, with four laser gattlings. The turret can target small, fast moving objects and uses super fast laser micro-information transfer to send/receive information from the main computer, giving it instant target acquisition. The weapons turns on a platform, the platform is controlled by high powered turbines and by a gravity system that pushes it, moving it more quickly then a quad laser cannon. The weapon has sophisticated targeting systems that interact with the main computer to generate a defensive perimeter, interacting with all other defensive banks in the area to provide 100% cover. The defensive banks have AIs and use friend or foe targeting systems, built into the main computer of the ship. The banks are fully auto-matted and compensate for distances and even drag (if applicable). The weapons run off separate small generators under them and have an option to go from laser to ion from the flick of a switch, due to the fact that an ion engine powers it.

Mining Bomb
10 meters in diameter (including wing span)
Digs to near center of planet, leaving a 10x10 meter tunnel in its wake.
Uses its sharp wings to dig and or its laser/plasma cutters.

Mining Droid
8 meters in diameter (Including leg length)
Uses plasma cutter and laser cutter to mine the tunnel.

Mining Container (droid)
8 meters in diameter
Uses repulser lifts to transport ore.

Quasar Assault Engine
Uses vectoring for increased speed and maneuverability. Cools its exhaust and disperses the particles giving it stealth. (ion engine)

Stealth Armor
Basically edited to have patterns that repel sensors, also soaked in sensor absorbing paint.

Phantom Projector
Projects over lapping images, slightly staggered, of the ship.

Ion Generator
Standard Ion Generator with more sophisticated energy collection units.
(once completed all ships will be refitted w/ these, all new ships will be built w/ them.)

Class A Ion Shield
Increased defense, 10% more effective then average Ion Shield.

Firestorm (anti-personnel)
Uses a friction generator to create a firestorm in its direct 1km impact zone, the shape charge design focuses the blast into a wave. May be launched by ships, stationary launchers, or shoulder mounts.

Artificial intelligence resource collector. This device builds droids in its area with resources it collects unit the preset amount of droids have been build. It then builds transports and delivers the resources to Guild held areas, preset zones. The AIRC may be set to produce another AIRC which will expant the main AIRC’s territory. May build its own storage yard, as well. The engineers monitor it and make the final decisions.

Crew: 289 (100 engineers)
Troops: 1,000
MGLT: 10
SBD: 2,000 bu: 500
Length: 800m
Hyperdrive: 2
Craft: 2 Squads of Tie series craft
Weps: 20 quad laser cannons, 10 ion cannons, 10 dual plasma cannons.
Consumables: infinitive if in a resource rich area, otherwise 3 yrs

The OAPU is a long range outpost/planetary defense unit. The OAPU is designed w/ high powered sensors and equipment. Also has the ability to repair craft. May be easily modified for other purposes, such as medical station.

Length: 6km
Crew: 10,000
Troops: 10,000
Craft: 8 TIE Squads
SBD: 50,000 bu: 50,000
Hspace: 2
Weps: 40 quad laser cannons, 20 quad plasma cannons, 40 ion cannons, 100 proton torpedo tubes (1 torpedo each), 20 concussion missile launchers (2 missiles each).

Mobile Hangar
Length: 2km
Crew: 2,000
Troops: 200
Craft: 12 squads of tie series
Weps: 5 dual plasma cannons, 10 ion cannons, 10 quad laser cannons
SBD: 3,000 bu: 200
Hspace: 2

Berillum Corvette
Length: 500m
MGLT: 20 (Quasar Assault Engine)
RU: 2,100 (Stealth Armor)
H-speed: .5-.1 (Class A Hyperdrive)
SBD: 2,400 (Class A Ion Shield)
Backup SBD: 1,200 (Class A Ion Shield)
Troops: 500
Crew: 1,500
Consumables: 2 years
Weps: 10 Dual Plasma Cannons, 10 Ion Cannons, 10 Quad Laser Cannons, 2 Ion Torpedo Tubes (6 shots each), 1 Firestorm Launcher (4 shots)
Craft: 1 TIE/E Squadron, 2 Shadow Droid Squadrons, 1 Prophet Craft (3 squadrons total),
6 Scimitar Assault Bomber Craft
Special: Shield Compensator, Dual Ion Generators, Phantom Projector
Easy Remove Pod for quick reload of supplies and/or troops/ground assault vehicles.

Erebus v2
Class: Heavy Battleship (Command Unit)
Manufacturer: Tarot Labs
Crew: 1,200,000 (2000 Gunners)
Troops: 300,000
Length: 20,000 meters (20km)
Speed: 8MGLT
Shield Rating: 102,080 SBD
Backup Shield: 23,278 SBD
Hull Rating:78,678 RU
Fighter Complement:
20 Squadrons of Tie Class Fighters
2 Squadrons of Erebus Defenders
Assorted Other Craft (shuttles)
400 Heavy Turbolasers, 400 Dual Plasma Cannons, 600 Ion Cannons, 600 Quad Laser Cannons, 50 Ion Torpedo Tubes (6 shots each), 10 Firestorm Tubes (4 each), and 5 Enigma Weapons.
Special: Shield Compensator, Quasar Assault Engines, Class A Hyperdrive, Phantom Projector (Final has a cloaking screen)

Dreadnaught MK2
Manufacturer: Tarot Labs
Crew: 2,000
Troops: 10,000
Length: 600m
Speed: 18 MGLT (Quasar Assault Engines)
Shield Rating: 3,100 SBD (Class A Ion Shield)
Hull Rating: 1,900 RU (Double Hull)
Fighter Complement: 12 TIE Executioners MK2
Hyperdrive: Class A Hyperdrive
Generators: 2 Ion Generators
Weapons: 10 Defensive Banks
10 Dual Plasma Cannons
10 Ion Cannons
5 Dual Mass Cannons
4 Tractor Beam Projectors
1 Ion Torpedo Tube (5 torpedoes)
1 Firestorm Launcher (5 missiles)

TIE Swarmer
Class: superiority Fighter
Manufacturer: Tarot
Crew: 1 Pilot (or 1 AI)
Length: 2m
Speed: 200 MGLT (250 w/ booster) Quasar Assault Engines
Shield Rating: Class A Ion Shield (40 SBD) (80 SBD in pilot flown version)
Hull Rating: Cockpit: 20 RU Wings: 60 RU
Weapons: 1 Gattling w/ Ion or Laser setting (using same theory as the defensive banks or TIE/E) 1 multi-purpose launcher
Hyperdrive: (only in AI equipped craft) Class A Hyperdrive
Special: Shield Compensator

Gattling Mine
RU: 10
M: 2
SBD: 20
WEPS: 1 Laser Gattling, 1 Ion Gattling

Cluster Mine
RU: 5 (Stealth Armor)
M: 3
SBD: 5
MGLT: 18 (Quasar Assault Engines)
WEPS: Cluster charge that scatters anti-ship explosives that home in on the target and receive targeting data from an ejected onboard computer/targeting unit.

Cling-on Mine
RU: 20 (Stealth Armor)
M: 2
SBD: 10 (Class A Ion Shield)
MGLT: 8 (Quasar Assault Engines)
WEPS: 1 Hull Cutting Laser, 1 Heavy Repeating Blaster
Special: Clings onto a ship and cuts through its hull, releasing mini spiders that each have one laser, they attack the personnel and computers. The main unit hunts down the weapons store room, killing all in its way, and detonates any and all explosives on the ship or weapon systems, usually crippling the ship or destroying it.

Target Mine
RU: 100 (Stealth Armor)
M: 10
SBD: 230 (Class A Ion Shield)
MGLT: 16 (Quasar Assault Engines)
Weps: 1 Laser Gattling, 1 Ion Torpedo Launcher (2 Missiles)
Special: Provides guidance for all assigned mines, provides information via encrypted link to control ship.

Guild Class Star Destroyer
Class: Battle ship
Manufacturer: Tarot Labs
Crew: 30,000, 320 Gunners, 12,000 Storm troopers, 500 zero-g suits
Length: 1,700
Speed: 11 MGLT (Quasar Assault Engines)
Shield Rating: 5,200 SBD (Class A Ion Shield)
Backup Shield Rating: 800 SBD (Class A Ion Shield)
ALF Shield: six five second bursts
Hyperdrive: .5Hspace, .1 WH (limit),
Hull Rating: 2,800 RU (Double Hull)
Generator: Dual Ion Generators, located at opposite ends of the crafts
Fighter Complement: 6 Squadrons, Assorted other craft (including two prophet fighters)
Weapons: 20 Dual Plasma Cannons, 10 Dual Mass Cannons, 10 Heavy Turbo Lasers, 20 Dual Turbo Lasers, 5 Quad Turbo Lasers, 25 Turbo Lasers, 20 Ion Cannons, 4 Tractor Beams, 4 Firestorm Tubes (5 torpedoes a piece), Two Ion Torpedo Tubes (8 Torpedoes a piece), 1 Mining Bomb Tube (2 bombs). 6 Defensive Banks.
Special: Shield Compensator, Guild Class Bridge

Schlacht class Fast Attack Frigate
Manufacturer: Guild/GMA
Length: 125m
Crew: (11) 2 Pilots 3 Gunners 1 Navigator 2 Engineers/Technicians 1 Sensors Officer 1 Shield Officer 1 Target Acquisition Officer
Troops: 5
Consumables: 1 year
Average Cargo: 16 ST suits, 16 Multi-role padded armor suits, 16 Ultima Commandos w/ 10 clips a piece, 16 KGs w/ 12 clips a piece, survival equipment, 40 grenade type weapons.
Cargo Capacity: 4 metric tons
Speed: 75 MGLT (Quasar Assault Engines)
Hull: 900 RU (Double Hull) (Stealth Armor)
Shields: 2100 SBD (Class A Ion Shield)
Backup Shields: 400 SBD (Class A Ion Shield)
Hyperdrives: Class A Hyperdrive (.5 Hspace, .1 WH)
Reactors: 3 Ion Generators (2 for weapons, 1 for other systems)
Weapons: 4 Dual Mass Cannons, 8 Dual Plasma Cannons, 2 Quad Turbolasers, 4 Quad Laser Cannons, 1 Ion Torp. Tube (2 torps.), 1 Firestorm Tube (2 missiles).

Illustrious Class Star Destroyer
Class: Heavy Cruiser
Manufacturer: Tarot Labs
Crew: 4,898, 403 Gunners, 2500 Storm Troopers, 50 Zero-g Suits
Length: 1000
Speed: 11MGLT (Quasar Assault Engines)
Shield Rating: 3,500 SBD (Class A Ion Shield)
Backup Shield: 200 SBD (Class A Ion Shield)
ALF Shield: two five second bursts
Hull Rating: 2,000 RU (Double Hull)
Fighter Complement: 2 Squadrons and assorted other craft (including one prophet fighter)
Weapons: 10 Dual Plasma Cannons, 10 Dual Mass Cannons, 10 Dual Turbo Laser Cannons, 10 Ion Cannons, 1 Ion Torpedo Tube (4 torpedoes), 1 Firestorm Tubes (2 Torpedoes), 1 Mining Bomb Tube (1 Mining Bomb)
Special: Shield Compensator, Guild Class Bridge

Anti-tank Tank
Manufacturer: Tarot Labs
Class/Name: Anti-tank Tank
Crew: 1 pilot, 1 navigator, 1 engineer, 2 gunners, 2 troopers
Length: 9 meters
Shielding: 30 SBD (Class A Ion Shield)
Armor: Angled 1 Meter Thick Reinforced, threaded with durasteel wire.
Speed: 490KMPH x1, 880KMPH x2 engines.
Consumables: 1 week
Weapons: 1 heavy anti-tank main gun, 2 firestorm launchers (6 missiles each)

SAEC – Stand Alone Exploration Craft
Class: Deep Space Exploration
Manufacturer: Tarot Labs
Length: 2km
Crew: 10,000
Troopers: 20,000
Passengers: 50,000
Speed: 9 MGLT (Quasar Assault Engines)
Shield Rating: 8,700 SBD
Backup Shield Rating: 1,200 SBD
ALF Shield: ten six second bursts
Hyperdrive: Class B Hyperdrive (experimental)
Hull Rating: 3,200 (Double Hull)
Reinforced Hull Rating: 4,200 (Double Hull)
Hull Type: Stealth Armor
Generator: Triple Ion Generators (one in center of ship, one at each end)
Generator Allocation: One for weapons (center), two for all other systems
Fighter Complement: 5 Squadrons of TIE Executioner MK2s, 1 Squadron of Prophet Recon. Craft, Assorted other craft (shuttles, etc.)
Weapons: 85 Ion Torpedo Tubes (3 Turrets, 82 Fixed)(85 Torpedoes), 34 Defensive Banks, 20 Ion Cannons, 15 Tractor Beams (1 per launch bay), 10 Quad Mass Cannons, 10 Quad Plasma Cannons, 2 Firestorm launchers (Turrets)(2 Missiles each), 1 Mining Bomb Tube (1 Bomb).
Sensors: Enhanced Passive/Active.
Special: High-output Holonet Transmitter/Receiver, Shield Compensator, Weapon Automation Via Central Targeting/Target Acquisition Computer.

Anti-tank Tank
Manufacturer: Tarot Labs
Class/Name: Anti-tank Tank
Crew: 1 pilot, 1 navigator, 1 engineer, 2 gunners, 2 troopers
Length: 9 meters
Shielding: 30 SBD (Class A Ion Shield)
Armor: Angled 1 Meter Thick Reinforced, threaded with durasteel wire.
Speed: 490KMPH x1, 880KMPH x2 engines.
Consumables: 1 week
Weapons: 1 heavy anti-tank main gun, 2 firestorm launchers (6 missiles each)

Mobile Howitzer
Name/Class: Mobile Howitzer
Manufacturer: Tarot Labs
Crew: 2 pilots, 1 navigator, 1 engineer, 6 gunners, 10 troopers
Length: 12 meters
Shielding: 30 SBD (Class A Ion Shield)
Armor: Angled 1 Meter Thick Reinforced, threaded with durasteel wire.
Speed: 420KMPH x1, 810KMPH x2 engines.
Consumables: 2 days
Weapons: 1 rocket assisted howitzer, 1 quad laser cannon, 1 firestorm launcher (8 missiles).

Anti-air Sled
Name: Anti-air Sled
Manufacturer: Tarot Labs
Class: Anti-air tank
Crew: 1 pilot, 1 navigator, 1 engineer, 1 gunner, 20 troopers
Length: 20 meters
Shielding: 200 SBD (Class A Ion Shield)
Armor: Angled 1.5 Meter Thick Reinforced, threaded with durasteel wire.
Speed: 400KMPH x1, 800KMPH x2 engines.
Consumables: 1 week
Weapons: 2 Anti-air Gattling platforms (each w/ 4 gattlings), 2 Firestorm Launchers (8 missiles a piece)

Plasma Lace Module (Energy Weapons)
A module is set in the barrel of the cannon; it basically feeds off the waste emissions of the weapon, lowering the waste heat caused by the cannon, and superheats and magnetizes them. The beam is set with a polar magnetisms which attracts the plasma, which lines the module, as the beam fires, the plasma lines on the head of the energy beam and continues on towards its target.
To cool the system Crystal cooling is used.

Crystal Cooling
Crystals, which are produced by compression of carbon and various other chemicals, are places around an object in need of heat relief. Sensors around the crystal detect when the area set for the crystal to cover is warmed, and an electrical charge is released into the crystal, causing it to generate cold equal to the heat, providing cooling.

Plasma Lace Module (Shielding)
Waste from the shield generators are heated to plasma and projected around the shield, providing superior stopping against projectile weaponry and stopping weapons that usually can pass through an average shield. The plasma is regulated and can be turned on or off.
To cool the system Crystal cooling is used.

Name: Executioner Death Droid
Combat Designation: Anti-force User Droid
Mission Profile: Defensive/Offensive Heavy Combat Droid
Diameter: 1m
Crew: Droid Brain
Troopers: None
Cargo Capacity: 5 Metric Tons (Held in nets of reinforced carbon-fibre)
Sublight Speed: 50 MGLT
Atmospheric Speed: 1,800 KPH
Consumables: 2 year battery
Hull Rating: 10 RU
Shielding: 100 SBD
Backup Shielding: 10 SBD
Hyperdrive: Class A
Reactors: Single Ion
Weapons: 2 Enforcer Cannons
Special: Shield Compensator, VB Force Detector, YB Force Inhibiter, Extendable stun net for transport of prisoners, encrypted comm., carbon-fibre armor, PLM, TS Lining

Once the EDD locates a target, it checks the force user against a list of known force users; it avoids friendly units and calls for reinforcements before engaging enemy targets. If the user is not found in the databank he is classified as an enemy. The droid’s weapons have both stun settings and lethal settings, both automatically adjusted by the onboard computers to fit the type of target. The EDD can travel via space to target worlds and work with many other droids to locate and capture or eradicate force users.

VB Force Detector
Voxyn organs, which are bred individually and contained within large flasks, that are linked to computers which read the emissions from the glands which react to the force, the computers can pinpoint direction as well as direct location.

YB Force Inhibitor
Ysalamiri organs, which are basically used in the same way that the voxyn’s organs are used, but minute electrical stimulations are used.

Taozin Skin Lining
Synthesized Taozin skin lining over or under the armor, protecting it from displaying a force signature.

Enforcer Cannon
Information: The EC is a powerful cannon that fires compressed energy that can be set high enough to cut through thick armor to low enough to be considered just a beam of light. These weapons can only be used by droids or droid modified suits due to their complexity.

Tri-Ion Engine Executioner Mark Three
Combat Designation: Star Fighter
Mission Profile: Superiority Fighter
Manufacturer: Tarot Labs, TGE
Length: 6m
Crew: 1 Pilot or Remote Pilot
Speed: 288MGLT (348 w/ booster) Dreamweaver Ion Assault Engines
Shield Rating: Class A Ion Shield (310 SBD)
A.L.F. Rating: 10x1
Hull Rating: Cockpit: 70 RU, Wings: 60 RU
Hyperdrive: Class A
Weapons: Four Gatlings (Medium – Type Selectable), 2 Rear Swivel Lasers (Medium), 2 Missile Racks (Holds all projectile payloads currently used by the Galactic Empire), 1 AMFS (Belly Mount)
Reactor: Matter/Anti-matter Reactor (Engines and Systems), Miniature Ionization Reactor (Weapons)
Special: Shield Compensator, PM tech, Light SRCI, OCU, Mini-tachyon Detection Grid, Carbon-fibre Armor, Booster Recharge Battery (just like TIE/E2), Mini-keyhole Transmission Receiver (1000 Terabyte Encryption), TS Lining, VB Force Detector, YB Force Inhibiter, Emergency Laser Control H.U.D., MIIC Receiver/Transmitter (1000 Terabyte Encryption), Crystal Cooling, Metabolizer Self Destruct, CTS Control, CTS Control Transmitter and Receiver (1000 Terabyte Encryption), Encrypted Communications (1000 Terabyte Encryption), Quantum Physics Processor, 3 Programmable Hardpoints (top, sides of wings), Power Compensator, Space for Special Mission Systems (such as mini-cloak generators, higher powered scanners and sensors)

Light SRCI
A smaller version of the SRCI with a less affective range. This unit can stop transmissions between enemy fighters.

Mini-tachyon Detection Grid
A smaller version of the popular Tachyon Detection Grid. This unit has less of a range.

Mini-keyhole Transmission Receiver
Receives encrypted bursts of information from the keyhole installations that informs of enemy troops positions.

Emergency Laser Control H.U.D.
Uses the standard TIE Executioner Mk2 control systems as a backup. (Laser in eye to display H.U.D., lasers that follow hands for control.)

MIIC Receiver/Transmitter
Can request an encrypted uplink to the MIIC installations in the Guild sectors which monitor enemy encrypted traffic and display chatter in current sector.

Metabolizing Self Destruction
A small organism is activated after the pilot ejects which quickly turns the ship into nothing but atoms. (can be used on larger ships)

CTS Control
The pilot, who is in a reclining chair, has a chip implanted in his brain, allowing him to use this system. The Consciousness Transfer System, as it is nicknamed, intercepts impulses from the brain and interprets them, disallowing some actions to move to the body, and sending them to the powerful computers of the system instead, enabling control. Information from the ship is transmitted to the chip and the pilot sees what the optical sensors that line the craft see, he controls everything by thought. This system takes an extremely long time to learn, but is the most affective form of control in combat, allowing all weapons to be controlled by the human brain and chipset.

The chipset deactivates before ejection, its own nano-circuitry pathways disintegrating, making it nothing but a lump of synthesized fiber.

If the main computer onboard the fighter/ship fails, or the chip fails, it simply stops working at stops intercepting information and transmitting information, allowing the pilot to control the fighter via the emergency controls.

CTS Control Transmitter and Receiver
Onboard the ship are small simulators, which interact with the pilot, who remains onboard the main craft to control the fighter. This system has limited range and is only used for major fleet combat.

Quantum Physics Processor
The Quantum Physics Processor uses nano-laser pathways to transmit information to the ships systems, it also uses multi-area processing through quantafoam, allowing almost instant, if not instant, processing of any data.

Power Compensator
The PC automatically adjusts power to systems, allowing the pilot to concentrate on piloting.

Dreamweaver Ion Assault Engine
The Dreamweaver takes the Quasar’s technology a step further. This unit has almost no tachyon or waste emissions, making it harder to track this fighter. Vectoring technology has been improved, enabling superior maneuverability, as well as the powerhouse being modified to have higher output. The Dreamweaver comes equipped with higher-output boosters which produce more thrust per unit of energy than the Quasar or any other engine being designed. This unit is extremely small for its power output and handles energy at the most efficient level, using micro-processors to control miniature manipulations all over the engine.

Avian-Class Cruiser
Designer: Vapor Kazuna
Manufacturer: Kyrin Engineering Corps, Tarot Labs
Designation: Starfighter Support Carrier
Length: 1,000 meters
Crew: 1,258 enlisted; 575 mechanics/technicians
Troops: none
Cargo Capacity: 200 metric tons
Consumables: three months
Hyperdrive Multiplier: 1x
Hyperdrive Backup: 12x
Speed: 25 MGLT
Hull: 1,749
Shields: 5,743
- two dual turbolaser cannons
- two laser cannons
- ten tractor beam projectors
Onboard Craft:
- twenty squadrons of TIE Series Fighters
- five squadrons of TIE Bombers (or similar)
- twenty-five light transports
- five lambda-class shuttles
- other assorted craft
The Avian is designed to offer fighter support to larger fleets. It needs support from other ships because it has almost no weapons. The Avian is almost entirely filled with five fighter bays (each is home to four squadrons of TIE Series Fighters and one squadron of TIE Bombers), powerful shield generators, and fast engines.

Erebus Defender
Class: Short Range Defensive Craft
Length: 15 meters
Manufacturer: Tarot Labs
Crew: 2 Pilots, 6 Gunners
Hyperdrive: none
Speed: 210 MGLT
Shield Rating: 200 SBD
Hull Rating: 80 RU
Weapons: 10 Quad Laser Cannons, 1 Heavy Turbolaser, 4 diamond borron missile launchers (10 missiles each)

H.I.M. Trap
HIM Traps are large Grav. Well generators strapped with several large generators and several engines and ion cannons.
Speed: 12 MGLT
Hull: 50 RU
Length: 20 meters
Weapons: 4 Borstel NK-7 Ion Cannons
20 Standuard Ion Cannons, swivel mounted.
Special: Particle Beam Scatter Projector
Cloaking Revver
Crew: AI linked to ship that launched the mine.

The Enigma is an ionization weapon that has the same power as a super weapon but uses almost no energy and is much smaller. The “mini-gun” has several tanks. Each tank has an atom editor, which adds electrons causing ionization. The power from the ionization is sent through tubes into one central tube and finally sent out through the opening. They are guided by strong magnetic fields to the target.
(An enigma of equal size to a super weapon would do more damage, at max setting. Lower settings act as does a ion cannon disabling its pray.)

Shield Compensator
AI imbedded in a ship’s deflector shield generator that links to a ship’s sensors enabling it to automatically angle the shields to oncoming fire or allot shield coverage to areas in need.

Ion Torpedo
The ion torpedo is a basic ionization weapon. The warhead is made of depleted uranium and is designed for penetration. Once this weapon explodes it releases a ionization wave disabling anything it touches.
Targeting Range: 20km
Engine power: 40km

Dreadnaught MK2 Interdictor
Combat Designation: Heavy Cruiser
Mission Profile: Main Combat Unit/Interdiction
Length: 600 meters
Crew: 4,200
Troopers: 3,500
Skeleton Crew: 3,000
Cargo Capacity: 8,500 Metric Tons
Sublight Speed: 20 MGLT
Consumables: 2 Years
Hull Rating: 1800 RU
Shielding: 2,800 SBD
Backup Shielding: 800 SBD
Hyperdrive: Class A
Backup Hyperdrive: 4
Reactors: Dual Ion
Fighter Complement: One Squadron
Weapons: 5 Dual Occult Turbolasers, 10 Occult Turbolasers, 5 Occult Ion Cannons, 4 Defensive Banks (Mounted on Interdiction Field Generators), 1 Ion Torpedo Tube (4 Torpedoes)
Special: Shield Compensator, Carbon Fibre Armor, four Interdiction Field Generators mounted outside of the ship on a rotating system

Subspace/Real space Communication Inhibiter (SRCI)
The SRCI is a rather large and advanced ‘jammer’ capable of jamming all standard forms of communication. The device releases waves that inhibit other waves used by other craft to send signals, disrupting and destroying them. This will affect all ships not equipped with an alternate form of close or long range communications.

Mission Profile: Medium Cruiser
Length: 375m
Crew: 1,300
Troopers: 2,000
Skeleton Crew: 600
Cargo Capacity: 5,312 Metric Tons
Sublight Speed: 35 MGLT
Consumables: 10 Years
Hull Rating: 1125 RU
Shielding: 1,750 SBD
Backup Shielding: 500 SBD
A.L.F. Shielding: 2x10s (2 ten second bursts)
Hyperdrive: Class A
Backup Hyperdrive: 4
Reactors: Dual Ion
Fighter Complement: 6 Fighters
Weapons: 8 Defensive Banks, 4 Antimatter Flak Batteries, 6 Dual Mass Cannons, 8 Occult Turbolasers, 10 Firestorm Launchers (5 missiles per launcher), 2 Mining Bomb Launchers (1 bomb per launcher), 2 Ion Torpedo Tubes (2 torpedoes per launcher)
Special: Shield Compensator, Carbon Fibre Armor, Directional Occultation Shielding

The Whisper has multiple purposes. The most important of the purposes the Whisper was outfitted for is anti-starfighter, due to its housing of flak batteries and Defensive Banks. The Whisper’s other purpose is space bombardment, equipped with precision bombardment weaponry and area clearing explosives. Even with these, it still packs enough power to take on ships of its class at long range or close range.

Mass Cannon
Producer: Tarot Labs/GMA
Research Company: Tarot Labs/GMA
Basically, an advanced mass driver has been combined with a reinforced projectile. The projectile, while being simple looking, is actually a lot more complex. The projectile contains a compression unit which, as it leaves the barrel of the launcher, generates large amounts of mass inside of itself, causing it to generate a large amount of gravity. As the gravity increases, the weapon energizes the molecules, causing them to move quickly and generate large amounts of heat, due to this change, and a release in negative matter. A percentage is sent to the warhead, covering it in a thin layer of plasma, repelled and kept in place by magnets. The plasma allows for maximum penetration. As the weapon approaches its target, mini A.L.F. units repel the enemies shield from the weapon, allowing it to pass through them as if it were moving through butter. A mille-second before contact, the plasma is shot forward, burning a large whole in the armor in front of the weapon, or weakening it severally. The warhead then begins to spin, allowing it to punch through the armor to the inside of the ship, the projectile’s compressor then reverses and collides the molecules it has compressed, generating a high powered blast of energy that cripples or disintegrates all it touches.

Sector Security Ship
Name: ST-1000
Combat Designation: Light Transport
Mission Profile: Sector Security (Counter-espionage, Counter-intelligence, Counter-sabotage)
Length: 25m
Crew: 6 (2 Pilots, 2 Gunners, 2 Engineer)
Troopers: 2 Storm Trooper Squads
Skeleton Crew: 1
Cargo Capacity: 25 Tons
Cost of Craft: 270,000 credits
Sublight Speed: 80 MGLT
Atmospheric Speed: 1,400 KPH
Consumables: 1 Month
Hull Rating: 100 RU
Shielding: 500 SBD
Backup Shielding: 100 SBD
Hyperdrive: Class A
Reactors: Single Ion
Fighter Complement: none
Weapons: 2 Occult Turbolasers, 2 Occult Ion Cannons, 1 Defensive Bank
Special: Shield Compensator, Refocillation Armor, Best Scanners Available, Rotating/Moving Docking Piece w/ Plasma Cutters for Forced Docking.

Carbon Fibre Armor
Designer: Guard Piett
Use: Material
Description: It is possible to make threads of pure carbon. However, it is well known that thread isn't a preferable material for making ships and vehicles, along with almost everything else. However, by mixing the strength for the carbon fibers with the durability of artificial resin and heating it, it is possible to produce a metal lighter and stronger than durasteel.
Proceedure: By passing acrylic threads through stripping machines time and time again, you get spools full of pure carbon thread. Arranging the threads in interlocking patterns, most likely figure-eight knotted, on a sheet woven of carbon threads. Pour resin onto the sheet, and lay another sheet over the mix. Put it in a super-heated oven, and when it comes out, you have a sheet of strong, light, and not so difficult to create metal, preferably thin so it's possible to give it a honeycomb pattern.

Combat Designation: Light Cruiser
Mission Profile: Special Operations Unit/Support Unit
Length: 250m
Crew: 150
Troopers: 108 (3 Platoons)
Skeleton Crew: 130
Cargo Capacity: 700 Metric Tons
Speed: 50 MGLT
Hull Rating: 600 RU
Shielding: 2,800 SBD
Backup Shielding: 600 SBD
Hyperdrive: Class A
Reactors: Dual Ion
Fighter Complement: 6 TIE Class, 1 Prophet Class, 3 Shuttles (capable of holding a platoon each)
Weapons: 6 Dual Occult Turbolasers, 10 Occult Turbolasers, 10 Occult Ion Cannons, 2 Firestorm Tubes (10 missiles each), 1 Ion Torpedo Tube (4 torpedoes), 2 Defensive Banks
Special: Directional Occultation Shield, Shield Compensator, Refocillation Armor

Directional Occultation Shield (DOS)
On notification of scanning the DOS releases a directed static energy burst aimed towards the origin of the scanning. (Shields become unstable during use and flicker on and off)

Occult Weapons
The weapons are hidden within the ships armor and jut out, movement guided and controlled by high-powered magnets and hydraulics, the weapons move out of the armor and fire, moving back in the armor while the weapon recharges, then proceeds to jump out and fire again. The Occult Weapons also have a lower profile, basically they are barrels, due to all systems (targeting, generators, etc) being located beneath the armor. Weapon types: Turbolaser, Ion Cannon

Refocillation Armor
In between two slabs of durasteel is located a cushioning gel, the gel is lined throughout with woven durasteel thread and a conductive thread. Upon impact into the armor, it moves backwards, sinking into the gel, the gel absorbs the actual force of the blow and pushes the armor back into place once pressure has been released. The gel contains a catalyst that is activated when an electrical current is sent through it. Upon breaching of the armor, electricity is pumped into the area, which transforms the gel from the cushioning material into a hard, flexible substance lined with durasteel thread for bolstering.

Anti-matter Flak Batteries (TGE Technology)
Designer: Wolfgang Schreiger
“…antimatter into a massively focused explosion of intense energy…”

Basically it repels fire from a planet by generating the same of what is attacking, IE negativly charged particles are about to collide w/ the shields, it releases negatively charged particles repelling the blast.

Espy Probe
Manufacture: GMA/Tarot
Designation: Information gathering unit
Length: 2 meters
Crew: Droid Brain
Consumables: Indefinite
Hyperdrive: no
Speed: 200 MGLT
Hull: 6 RU
Shields: 18 SBD
Effective Range: 50,000,000 KM
Special: High powered active radar/sonar/scanner, listening ear (picks up engine noise and transmission), visual sensors (all spectrums, zoom, digital photos, live feed), bio scanner, encrypted transmission unit.
Weapons: none

Combat Designation: Light Carrier
Mission Profile: Tactical Carrier
Length: 375m
Crew: 2,100
Troopers: 800
Skeleton Crew: 500
Cargo Capacity: 500 Metric Tons
Sublight Speed: 35 MGLT
Consumables: 5 year
Hull Rating: 800 RU
Shielding: 2,100 SBD
Backup Shielding: 500 SBD
A.L.F. Shielding: 2x10s (2 ten second bursts)
Hyperdrive: Class A
Backup Hyperdrive: 4
Reactors: Dual Ion
Fighter Complement: 4 Squadrons
Weapons: 2 Defensive Banks, 2 Anti-matter Flak Batteries, 4 Dual Occult Turbolasers, 2 Dual Mass Cannons, 2 Ion Torpedo Launchers (4 torpedoes each)
Special: Shield Compensator, Carbon Fibre Armor, Directional Occultation Shielding

The Sait Tactical Carrier was designed to keep up with special operations craft and smaller, more mobile craft. It has a small profile that packs a relatively deadly punch, even for its size and configuration. The craft has several anti-fighter features, such as the anti-matter flak batteries and defensive banks, so that support, in combat, it not needed. The craft is equipped with enough firepower to take on other craft of its size while waiting for help to arrive. The ship carries four full squadrons to complement whatever fleet it travels with.

DHC Droid
Designer: Tarot Labs/Sevon Rifle, Co.
Manufacturer: GMA/Tarot Labs: droid division
Combat Designation: Trooper
Mission Role: Heavy Assault, Special Operations
Model: Divine Heavy Combat Droid (DHC)
Nickname: Divine
Dimensions: 2 meters tall (width varying according to area)
Armor: Trooper Refocillation Armor variant 2
Shielding: Sevon Rifle, Co. HS1 Personal, Directional Occultation Shielding
Main Weapons: 1 Varying Laser Gattling, 2 SRC Energy Combat Bayonets, 1 SRC Varying Sonic Rifle, 1 SRC Compression Flamethrower, 1 Fragmental Grenade Launcher (5 Grenades), 1 Thermal Detonator Launcher (5 Detonators)
Optional Armaments: Merr-Sonn WW-41 CryoBan Grenade Launcher, SRC Ultima Commando, SRC Shrapnel Launcher, SRC Anti-air Missile Launcher, SRC Anti-tank Missile Launcher, SRC Charger Armor Piercing Missile Launcher, SRC Medium Repeating Cannon, Golam Arms RL-41 Stun Net Launcher,
Equipment (Standard): Tarot Labs Encrypted Communications System, Hologram Projector, Stun Cuff (connected to a chain that links into right arm), Bioscan Unit, Holographic Image Disguiser, Fusioncutter, Electronic ReliaCharger, Power Calibrator, Hydrospanner, Advanced Visual Scanning Package, Dual Engine Rocket and Repulsor Pack, Encrypted Digital Storage Harddrive, Universal Dataport Accessor, Friend-or-foe identifier, Standard Out of Body Scanners (radar, audio amplification, etc)
Equipment (Add-ons): 6 couplings for future add-on capabilities
Cargo: 700lbs
Special: Shield Compensator
Extra Programming Features: Slicing Software

Trooper Refocillation Armor variant 2
This new version of the armor runs on the same basic theory, but using fibre armor. The armor, as all refocillation armor, is still ‘self healing’ but has added packs of liquid armor to fill in damaged areas.

Nihilist-class Star Destroyer
Class: Heavy Cruiser
Manufacturer: UIT/TGE
Crew: 3,898, 4000 Troopers, 500 Executioner Death Droids, 100 Zero-G Suits
Length: 1000
Speed: 21MGLT (Dreamweaver Assault Engines)
Shield Rating: 3,800 SBD (Class A Ion Shield)
Backup Shield: 720 SBD (Class A Ion Shield)
ALF Shield: 10x10 second bursts
Hull Rating: 2,200 RU (Double Hull)
Fighter Complement: 3 Squadrons
Hyperspace: Class B
Weapons: 10 Dual Occult Turbolaser v2’s, 10 Occult Ion Cannon v2’s, 6 Defensive Banks v2’s, 4 Anti-matter Flak Batteries, 8 Occult Defiant Ion Torpedo Launchers (6 Torps. A piece), 2 Occult Firestorm Missile Tubes (10 Missiles a piece), 10 Dual Occult Mass Cannons, 4 Quad Occult Plasma Cannon v2’s, 10 AMFS’s, 1 Mining Bomb Tube (2 Bombs), 1 Occult Devastator Missile Launcher (3 Missiles)
Special: Shield Compensator, Power Compensator, Guild-class Bridge, Stealth Armor, Phantom Projector, Carbon Fibre Armor, Directional Occultation Shielding, Cloakskin, Bounce-back Sensor, Optical Communication Unit, Subspace/Real space Communication Inhibitor, Plasma Lace Module (Shields/Weapons), Crystal Cooling, VB Force Detector, YB Force Inhibitor, Metabolizing Self Destruct, CTS Relays, Quantum Physics Processors, Optical Information Transfer Backbone, Techyon Detection Grid, Keyhole Transmission Receiver, MIIC Receiver/Transmitter, Veneration Architecture, OCU, TS Skin Lining

Occult v2 (Mass Cannons, Turbolasers, Ion Cannons, Plasma Cannons, Missile, Torps, Bombs, and more)
More powerful hydraulics linked to gravity generators push and pull the weapon at a faster speed, the linkage of the computers is designed into a fire system allowing complete control from the main computer or firing computer via a optical information linkage set aside from the main backbone. Has backup targeting for slow connection times or disconnects. Secondary link runs from gun-to-gun and can act as backup while main is being restored. The system is redundant.

Turbolaser v2: Increase of 20% in punch by using a superior lens and tighter beam mixed with a new blast gas formula. Increase of 50% in effective range.

Ion v2: Increase of 10% in effective range and 5% in disabling speed using newer generator technologies.

Plasma Cannon v2: The electrical current has been increased by 5%, range by 18%. The overall power is 15% more effective.

Defensive Bank v2
The Defensive Bank v2 runs on faster hydraulics and gravity generators for push and pulling. The fire control is directly linked to the weapons optical linkup but has miniature processors which run sub-routines and can act as backup targeting or check targeting if the main uplink is cut or busy. The system is redundant.

Veneration Architecture
A new working of the SD chasse that can absorb more damage, lock off dead areas, and be easily repaired. (Image to come soon)