View Full Version : And they said, "Thou shalt be eternal Paine!" and I said crap

Isaac Paine
Aug 26th, 2002, 06:35:01 PM
:: I sat aboard my ship, a constant message being sent to the new code Morpheus had given me. It was the transmission code for Nemesis. I liked to know my boss before I got off doing things under his name. Heck, I've been orbiting this planet forever just so I could relay the call to a long distance satellite transmitter, but as I waited the memories had come back. Slowly but surely enough, I figured I had to be dreaming.
I sat before him... the emperor... I was kneeling and saying the normal respectful code that we were supposed to say before speaking. But the trick was that I could already sense the emperor's displeasure. It became a sixth sense after a while, like we were attuned to his emotions. But we all knew he was really the one attuned. He could see into our minds like a book and I could feel him reading mine over and over as a sadistic smile splayed across his face. I looked up after reciting and lifted his hand and spoke, " Speak Paine... my loyal gaurd... who never questions his emperor..." He had known well before I had even approached what I would say, and now he was forcing me to say it with an order. I stayed knealing as I rose my head, staring him through my black visor, feeling the red robes shift along my shoulders, the armor beneath moving slowly.
"I come before you master to speak of Skywalker... I believe that he will bring the fall of you My Lord... I beg that you finish him and think nothing more of him... I beg of you-" I had been cut short as I was lifted off the ground and thrown against the glass behind the emperor, the window of the second death star, high above a planet with the Imperial fleet gaurding the new toy. I heard his rasping voice as my visor cracked against the thick window, he was crushing me into the wall, "You are pathetic... you have no concern for what I do. Questioning your emperor was bad enough but doubting him? Now I shall you the death Skywalker will have if he does not join me!" I heard lightning crackle and then I was knocked out by the pressure.
I awoke strapped to a table, my robes had been removed and I was still in my black armor underneath. The emperor actually stood before me and his yellow eyes reflected the smile benath his aged mind. "Now Paine, you shall be forever named by your former comrades." The rest of the Gaurd came before and just by the way they walked I could tell who was there. Some I actually knew to a point, we had never really talked much as a gaurd. It was taboo. They circled me and then Captain came before and spoke, "Thou shalt be Paine eternal." And then I saw the emperor raise his hand and I won't ever remember what had happened then, other then the fact of extreme and dire pain, that resides in the back of mind forever.
I awoke shortly after that to the sight of being before the emperor once again, but something felt wrong. I looked about and i confusion, I should be dead was the only thing I registered. And then he spoke again, " Yes Paine Eternal, notice something, maybe you're not feeling like like your old self? Let me show you that you will soon." He moved to the side and there on a similar table as the one I strapped to was a charred body, still smoking and with blood seeping from several wounds. And I screamed at realizing it. I'd heard of it but never seen it done but once. I was sentenced to the 100 deaths of the Emperor! He tortured the person until the point before death where he then took the soul and moved it to a clone of the victim, a souless clone. Then he repeated the death 100 times until they were actually released from this physical realm.
I screamed for what seemed a mere second before I felt the lightning hit me. I counted myself dying 97 times before the emperor was called away to more important matters. This was worse then dying now, I had been force to see every body that I had been killed in, all burnt different but dead and in a position of agony. I waited and waited for the emperor to return and finish me off. And then the death star shook... and I awakened out of my daze then, I barely remebered seeing her show up... one of the gaurds, what was her name again? It doesn't matter now other than the fact that she got me out of there, but I don't remeber much of that anymore, I try not too.
I suddenly sat straight up as a red light blinked and a beeping noise told me of an incoming transmission. Hopefully it was Nemesis and not some comm marketer this time... I tried to brush the memories out as I turned the intercomm on::

This is Paine here, aboard the Souless.

:: I kept it short, not too much info to give out to a call that didn't come with identification.::

Aug 26th, 2002, 10:45:32 PM
"I say, are you there? Repeat, are you there Mr. Paine?" A distinctly mechanical voice entered the vessel. Chaotic at first, but; with some adjustment by the pilot; its message was heard loud and clear.

"Oh, there you are. I'm glad to meet you at last Mr. Paine...in a manner of speaking.

Souless? That's a bit morbid for the title of your ship, isn't it?

We were quite worried you know, the Master and I."

The message began to drown in static once more, before rebounding to an audible clarity.

"Dear me, I'm rambling again. Allow me to introduce myself. I am TX, personal droid assistant to Master Nemesis."

Several panels aboard Isaac's craft came to life. Instruments recieved and expelled information at an alarming rate. Lights flashed on then off again, merrily chirping about their business.

"I'm sending you coordinates for the docking area now, and do be good enough to hurry. Master Nemesis is rather eager to meet you. TX signing off...er over and out...er good bye."

The voice faded into empty sounds of space.

Isaac Paine
Aug 27th, 2002, 02:53:29 PM
:: I sat back and wiped the sweat off my forehead as I listened to the robot speak. Whatever, the Souless was my baby and I could call it anything any day of the week that I wanted. The computers had come to life with now downloaded coordinates, and Red had already started to work, she was pretty good at that.::

Red, keep the shields up and the weapons on partial, be sure that the engines stay full and that all counter measures are up and running. Lets try not to waste anytime getting there. I'm glad at least there's one robot in this whole world who knows how to speak.

:: I smiled at my own joke. Red, a female AI who's programming developed at the speed of light. After she had read my brain waves the first time she had learned the best way of speaking to me was not to speak at all, simply do. Red was like my care taker, I'd figured she'd have already over ridden her original programming and killed me by now for being a useless human but we had actually talked about that not too long ago. She had actually spoke not but a month ago, on the topic of love. I had told her to save the files but never mention it again. I guess the comp had developed a sense of compassion for me, if that was even possible. I liked the her, but not that well. I thought about these as the ship started to turn a pin point axis.::

Red, prepare hyperspace jump, whenever you're ready babe, go...

:: The ship found it's point and leapt. I loved the initial jump to hyperspace, this was the place that felt the most welcome to me, I guess because I figured if I was gonna die, seeing a light, hyperspace would be the closest thing to it, that or a laser bolt to the face.
The ship pulled out of hyperspace and before me was a base built into a asteroid. I'd heard of such things but never bothered to find one. I couldn't really tell if it was a waypoint, colony, or military base but I'd soon find out. I put in some fake Id codes and got clearance. Security was lax nowadays and I didn't have a problem with that. I got off my ship and told Red I'd be back soon. I left for the sign pointing to bar and arrived and sat down. Nemesis should be around here, but I wasn't goin to wave a flag around for him either.::

Aug 27th, 2002, 09:30:19 PM
Heavy footfalls neared the seated man, with an even constant stride. Darkness engulfed Paine, as he was swept into the dismal shadow of another.

"Good evening, Mr. Paine." a rich imposing tone welcomed the traveler.

Turning about, Isaac stared into a midnight form, offset by two glinting eyes amid a faceless visage. The ebony warrior directed himself to the open seat, there upon noticing the perplexed expression of Isaac's face.

"What's the matter? Were you not expecting a simple entrance of me? I find theatrics to be quite stale for one in my profession."

Nemesis gestured to a passing waitress. While the pair awaited service, the assassin's gaze centered on his guest. The ivory specks narrowed, seeming to pierce both flesh and bone; reading the very depths of his soul.

"So...what brought you to this place, Mr. Paine? Or would you prefer Isaac?"

Isaac Paine
Aug 28th, 2002, 04:09:01 PM
:: I had expected a man who had robots speak for him actually have a imposing arrival but I was more comfortable to find someone that shared my taste in showmanship. I didn't even know if this really was Nemesis, but seeing how this man's eyes never left me, I figured some servant would at least look about to see if anyone was watching for him. This white against midnight contrasted very well for an assassin I guess. But that was all I knew about Nemesis until now.::

You can call me whatever you want, my preferences are no matter with things that have nothing to do with business. I have talked to Morpheus, and I find your... jobs of interest to my liking. I'm here to say that I'm on board from here on. I only make deals in person.

:: I didn't feel like saying much more so I left it at that. A soft click from inside my glove's wrist told me that Red had a mesage for me but I'd bother with that later. The waitress came with the drinks and served both of us. I took my drink and ignored the waitress from there. I brought the glass to my lips and barely tasted it.
I wasn't paranoid or anything, just cautious. I sampled the drink and found no poison or abnormalty of any kind in the wine. The Emperor had made sure we were all very effiecient in surviving, many advantages had been almost literally written in our minds. Seeing it safe I gulped down my drink, my eyes had never left Nemesis this whole time. He seemed to be looking for something, he could look all he wanted, I don't care.::

Aug 28th, 2002, 09:32:46 PM
"Apprehension, though a useful ally, can become a dangerous foe; if not used in moderation."

The assassin sensed a great deal of mistrust within Paine's heart, exposing itself with unease to partake of his drink. He moved about in a most automated fashion. This was obviously not the first time he had employed such methods of consternation.

The Ranger continued, "When one studies a tree to closely, they lose sight of the woods." His tone donned a polite, mild covering so as to tactfully advise Isaac and abstain from offense.

Raising his small glass, Nemesis relinquished the ebony facial covering up to the base of his nose. Slow sips of green tea drained the container. Once finished, the hunter overlaid his exposed skin with the mask.

"I applaud your desire to meet an employer prior to commitment. Far to many are easily lead astray by simple deception."

A few tense moments past.

"Do you have any further questions, now that you posses my undivided attention?"

Isaac Paine
Aug 29th, 2002, 02:46:37 PM
:: I nodded for a moment, I'd figured this was Nemesis. A servant wouldn't have bothered with any such talk, I knew from experience. But I totally blew the advice off. My personality was my own and if he took offense from simple precautions, then we might have some trouble down the line. I hoped he realize this was a real galaxy and that some of us didn't have some great force watching out for us like the jedi or implants in the back of our heads to see behind us, I was watchin out for number one on the to-save-list, me.::

... I want to know your objectives in the group as a leader before I place my own with you. I figure you might already know mine already, Morpheus semed to. But if you don't I'll gladly tell you after you answer.

:: I needed to know the grounds this man stood upon, I was not going to be joining a group of people who just wanted to overthrow their enemies then take their place and roles. I knew what I had in mind, it was all up to this answer if our goals really would coincide. Again a soft click from Red, how annoying... I placed my hand on my other wrist and slowly twisted it until I felt the comm unit turn off. This was too important to have to deal with other matters.::

Aug 30th, 2002, 11:15:10 AM
The waitress had returned, but was quickly ushered away by Nemesis' outstretched hand. Paine's words weighed heavy on the inky hunter's mind. How vital these next fleeting seconds had become. Answers were the cagey guardians of the future; chosing to lure Isaac to the fold, or drive him from their midst.

"Understand, Isaac, there are many who believe the Jedi have failed in their goals of retaining peace and order. Their passive views on battle cause them to oppose criminals, such as the Sith, after the fact. However, by the time the Jedi take steps to quell the uprising, many innocent beings have already suffered untold atrocities.

I hold to the ideal that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. We intend to strike those that would commit this heinous offenses prior to their undertaking. Punishing a villian for their trespasses against the dead is not vengeance.....it is justice."

He paused, allowing a great deal of time to pass. His cold, bone colored eyes examined Paine's face for any emotion, aggression, or other manner of reaction to previous statements.

"I do not seek to be magnified, taking some vain position as king. Nor do I desire any form of adulation from those I lead. I ask that you give your loyalty and trust to them you will serve with. If you can give only one or neither.....then this meeting was for naught."

It was no longer the assassin's concern, whether this man chose to accept or decline his invitation. In truth meant for revelations, not satisfaction. What was this man's price?

A man's price? Why did these words haunt the inner reaches of the warrior's soul?

Isaac Paine
Aug 30th, 2002, 04:11:15 PM
:: I had no seconds thought now. My trust I would have to place in the man and my loyalty to his cause. Everything he had just stated fit like a key into my own locked ideals. But the part about vengeance... was I seeking vengeance against the sith? I tore my eyes from Nemesis and closed them. I was to think on this before answering. A vital anwser is all that I would be able to speak, one deciding fate, which path I would choose.
When the emperor had killed me 97 times, I had wanted to kill him in vengeance but now that he was dead... I just wanted to stop the sith from causing any pain like I had suffered. No one innocent deserved such. And Nemesis was right, preventing them from it would save so much more. Those were our objectives and that was what I lived for. I opened my eyes, I could almost feel the visor before my eyes as I said the exact same words that had ensured my promotion to Imperial Gaurd. I just changed a few words.::

My life to the justice... may I serve it eternal.
My fist to the sith... may they fall eternal.
And my staff to your cause... may it stand eternal.

:: The words came from my mouth like a machine. I decieded I would definitely need a pair of sunglasses. Without the tinted view from my visor I was now starting to see the world distorted a bit. That was all I had to say to Nemesis from there, I was finished. Now the formalities of leaving and then I could see what Red was making so frickin important. I extended my hand as I stood.::

Contact me when I am needed. I'll be there.

Aug 30th, 2002, 10:07:27 PM
Nemesis rose from his seat, greeting Paine's extended hand with his own.

"We are indeed grateful to have you with us, Isaac. Rest assured, this night has changed your life for the better. I will contact you again when the time is right. Until then, I bid you a fond farewell."

With this said, the ominous assassin sifted through the crowd of bar patrons, then vanished from sight.

Isaac Paine
Aug 31st, 2002, 03:39:13 PM
:: Fun fun, I headed back to the ship and told Red to be sure to notify me of any messages from Nemesis or Morpheus from now on with utmost importance. I climbed into the captain's seat of my ship and asked Red what had been so important. She responded with a simple message, notifying me of a force signature in the area. Interesting... maybe I won't be leaving just yet. But I was tired, I told Red to trace it and tell me where it was when I woke up. I sat back and tuned the lights down. I was quickly asleep but yet awake again... awake to the memories in my sleep.::