View Full Version : Sanctuary Of Peace
Xazor Elessar
Aug 26th, 2002, 02:34:49 PM
Affirmative may be justified
Take from one give to another
The goal is to be unified
Take my hand be my brother
The payment silenced the masses
Sanctified by oppression
Unity took a back seat
Sliding further in regression
The only way is one
I feel angry I feel helpless
Want to change the world
I feel violent I feel alone
Don't try and change my mind
Society blind by color
Why hold down one to raise another
Discrimination now on both sides
Seeds of hate blossom further
The world is heading for mutiny
When all we want is unity
We may rise and fall, but in the end
We meet our fate together
The only way is one
I feel angry I feel helpless
Want to change the world
I feel violent I feel alone
Don't try and change my mind
Long a journey it had been across Galaxies and the Universe to get where she was....but alas, emptiness filled the soul of an open vessel.....striving for knowledge. Wars raged on all around her.....but the worst of those were fought inside of her heart. Blood and tears mixed upon the ground as Warriors fought and fell. A scream rang out in the night as the sword of the Enemy pierced the heart of a Bearer of the Light. Slowly though, the fallen began to rise and take up a hidden strength. Though once thought dead....they were very much alive in the Force...and had a peace within themselves unlike any other. It was that peace that this young woman sought after.
Several times she thought it was in her hands.....but like the sand, it slipped through her fingers. Such a hard thing it was to hold onto....even when others around her seemed to embrace the very thing. Now she sat in the cockpit of her ship.....cold and it flew threw hyperspace to her home planet: Eden. Peace and Harmony could be found there unlike any other place she had ever visited. Her elbows were upon the arm rests and her hands found her head.....cradeling it gently as the auto-pilot took her to her destination.
"I need to fix things with myself......."
She whispered softly, knowing no one else heard what she had said. How her heart ached now for serenity.....and she hoped that this trip would find it for her. Sighing, she looked out the large windows at the black velvet sky around the X-Wing Fighter. Bluish-white streaks flew past at speeds that even she did not know......taking the place of the small crystals that were really stars. The trip would take several hours.....but in the end.....she would get the Peace that had lacked in her heart for so matter what the price of it was.......
Sene Unty
Aug 26th, 2002, 08:29:15 PM
Sene Unty struggled to maintain comfort as he lay in a bundle inside the hidden compartment of Xazor's heavily modified X-wing. He didn't know if this was a good idea, following her were everywhere she went, but Sene was determined to protect her. Sene thought back on the way her face looked as she entered her X-wing. She was dismayed. Troubled by something. He couldn't stand to see her that way. It hurt him to much. That was why he hid in this tight compartment on a journey were the destination was a mystery to him. He did it to help her.
He was pleasantly surprised that she had apparently been unable to sense him. He had drifted into a deep sleep, allowing the force to block his thoughts. He would surprise her when they got to where they were going.
He just hoped it was somewhere nice....
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 28th, 2002, 10:33:31 AM
A hand fell against Xazor's shoulder from behind, giving it a light reassuring squeeze. The elven Jedi Knight could sense the turmoil inside the one he loved, and it brought great concern upon him - but he had faith in her, and whatever she wished to do was all for a good cause, thus there would be fruition from her ill-mood.
Without saying a word, he sat back down where he had been previously. He doubted she had noticed his arrival when the ship had been taking off, as her mind was clearly elsewhere; but he felt the need to help her with whatever she was encountering, and had therefore decided to accompany her.
He could simply remain silent and vigilant until called upon, awaiting the touch down on Eden.
Xazor Elessar
Aug 28th, 2002, 03:07:06 PM
Xazor had been in a light mediation when her ultra-sensitive ears picked up on the softest noise.....breathing........from two people besides herself. She lofted a brow and then suddenly a hand was placed upon her shoulder and her eyes popped open. It was a familiar touch.....a gentle touch.....that of the one she loved. Smiling, she looked up at Dasquian as he went and sat back behind her again.
"You're welcome to sit up here beside me.....if you wish. I was not aware I had passengers....."
She said softly, a bit of humor upon her words. Her attention was then drawn to a light.....snoring......sound. Getting up from her seat, the Knight walked past Dasquian toward the inboard cargo space. She pulled the door back and was shocked to see yet another! It was of her Padawans....and he too had obviously felt concern for her and decided to join in her trip. Xazor bent over and gently touched his shoulder...then closed the door and went back to her seat.
"A'maelamin......I need to find Peace. Will you help me?"
Sene Unty
Aug 29th, 2002, 08:59:24 AM
Sene's eyes fluttered open with a start as the door to his hidden compartment slammed shut. It wasn't the noise that had startled him, but the sudden realization that he had been found. He sighed. He should have known better than to think I could hide myself from a Jedi master.
With one free hand he pushed the door open and clumsly fell flat against the deck of the cramped ship. Rubbing his head with one hand he stood and realized that there was more than just Xazor and himself on the ship. Apparently Dasquain had also snuck on board.
"Well looks like we'll all be going to.....say where are we going again?"
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 29th, 2002, 12:38:12 PM
Dasquian smiled somewhat, seeing Xazor brightened up a little. He was a bit suprised when she revealed a Padawan hiding in the hold, and this caused him to laugh quietly, though it was a faint chuckle and faded quickly.
"I believe we are headed to the planet Eden,"
His eyes turning from the apprentice to Xazor, he spoke into her mind.
"Of course I will help... in any way that I can."
Sene Unty
Aug 29th, 2002, 12:45:21 PM
Sene looked around confused.
"What's so special about Eden?"
Xazor Elessar
Aug 29th, 2002, 03:50:40 PM
Xazor smiled and looked over at Sene.....realising that he did not wish to sleep any longer. Her gaze went to the floor when Dasquian spoke in her to not draw attention to their hidden words.
Thank you.....
She said softly in his mind. Her attention was brought to Sene when he questioned their destination. The Knight giggled slightly and turned back around to look out at the streaking stars all around the X-Wing.
"It's my home planet....and I have only seen it three times....but its beauty is unlike any other.....and the Force flows so strongly there. Perhaps this will be good for all of this. need to feel the Force in its entirety....when you can fully calm your mind. I doubt that Dasquian has a problem with this.....but it is a place that I know I can find Peace....and that is why we're going to Eden....."
She said softly, drifting off to memories of the place she loved....yet could not remember well from long ago.....and had only seen twice after her memory was erased. It was time to rebuild memories of her birth lands......and call it her home once again......
Sene Unty
Aug 30th, 2002, 09:59:43 AM
Sene sat down on the floor and considered what his master had said. So Eden was where she was from. It would be very interesting to see it for the first time, as Sene truly believed that it was indeed a beautiful place. What concerned him was the fact that he needed to fully clear his mind. Could he really do that? Was he strong enough too? Sene was not certain......
imported_Terran Starek
Aug 30th, 2002, 03:44:13 PM
"You can't do it that way!" She giggled.
"Yes I can! Why not?" He smiled at her. "Why can't I? Who's going to stop me? You?"
"Maybe I will!" She laughed, tackling him into the grass. He had obviously ruined the stone she was painting by adding his own art--or lack thereof.
"You love me too much not to forgive me," he smiled, kissing her. He held the kiss for seconds. They had been engaged three days ago.
"You're right," she managed to say, kissing him again. They were in love. Deep in love. Their minds belonged to no organization nor did their hearts beat with a specific creed. With their love, darkness was released and all was forgotten. It was beautiful. But beauty does not last.
The sky grew dark as the ground rumbled.
"Chase!" She screamed as the ground was torn between them. A red glow took away any of the soft light that graced the field. He stood, igniting his crimson blade to ward away the unseen force.
"You stay back. Show yourself, coward!" His voice boomed with the power of a Sith Knight. His eyes were lit with rage as he was prepared to do what was necessary to protect his love.
"Chase!" The voice screamed again. He looked to see her suspended in the air. A face came from the shadows. It grew in size, until it engulfed the horizon. Eyes pierced his.
"BACK AWAY, JEDI! THIS ONE IS MINE!" The face glared as a voice tenfold his strength crashed into his mind.
"No!" She screamed again. "No...stay away from, VEGA! GET AWAY FROM ME, VEGA!"
He awoke with a gasp. A nightmare. Another. His first in this place, the GJO, had been the knight he discovered his forgotten identity. Something wasn't right.
Xazor, he thought.
He rose to his feet, dressing in his Jedi robes. He grabbed a few supplies--a breathing aparatus, some tools, a rope, and of course his saber, Halcyon--and jogged out of his room. He left a datapad message for his master that he had to run--something big had come up.
First things first. He knew something was wrong. He had felt the dream and was afraid for Xazor. He didn't know where she was. He searched his thoughts...where would she have gone.
The Force let him know he was right. He ran to a ship--as soon as he got close enough, he would be able to feel her presence. He saw the nearest GJO owned fighter--an A-Wing. He knew how to fly those easily. Without checking it out, he jumped in and took off. This was way too important to mess with subtleties.
Xazor...I'm careful...something's not right... he sent the message with as much power as he could, tiring himself out. It was like a Force S.O.S. He was coming. He would find her. He felt, deep inside of him, that something dark was in the future...
Yanagi Shindeiru
Aug 30th, 2002, 05:57:14 PM
She snorted, lounging in the tall grasses of this planet, what did the natives call it? Eden, yes, Eden, although in her opinion this place reeked, with the funny dog-men and the cat tribes, she though she had found her home, but she was wrong, once again.
'Life sucks, maybe I'll ruin someone from here's life for awhile at least." she muttered to herself, gazing at the sky noticing something that wasn't natural at all..
Jared Mriad
Aug 30th, 2002, 06:39:57 PM
Eden... A cloaked, and masked, figure spoke it itself. It seemed to be delving deep into memories which were good? haunting? Exiciting? None would know but he.
The feild the figure looked over was awashed in blood, still, after so much time. The battle for Eden was tooken place here, Garou and one of the Dawnstriders verses the Jedi Knight Xazor, Sith Knight Chaos, Jedi Knight Verse, Jedi Kniht Satine, and Sith Warrior Jared Mriad.
The same Mriad that stood now, overlooking teh plain in boredom. The planet was nice, but this specific place was near haunting. His new sence of vision saw what had happen in past times, ghosts of Garou milled around in hellious purgatory.
Shrugging, the Figure turned it's back to the plain and strolled through the thick emerald grass. Waiting.
Dead Sound
Aug 31st, 2002, 11:04:27 AM
The man's ship was off to his left as he continued to walk through the grassy field. Eden, this planet was called, and he had finally taken the liberty of seeing it for himself.
Indeed, it did seem like paradise, but the killer wasn't interested in beauty.
Dead Sound sighed and lifted his face into the wind, sniffing the air. He was already bored and wanted to get rid of this extra "energy". Clenching his gloved right hand into a fist, he dug into his pocket with the other and pulled out a cigarette. Placing it in between his lips, he took out a lighter and lit it, then put it back away. After inhaling the addictive smoke, he took the cigarette out and dropped it on the ground, walking away.
He didn't care if the place caught on fire - all he was interested in was destroying something.
So he continued to walk, searching ...
Xazor Elessar
Aug 31st, 2002, 12:12:44 PM
The flight continued on...and the passengers of the X-Wing remained pretty silent through the majority of the duration. Slowly the Knight pressed a red button upon the Control Panel and the ship kicked out of hyperspace...the stars returning to the small diamonds upon the black velvet backdrop. Her eyes searched through them...then she located one star in particular. It was extremely bright and stood out above all the rest.
"Gaia's Jewel...."
She whispered to herself. With her finger on the glass between she and Space...she traced from the star upwards....craining her neck to see what lay above her ship...Eden. It was a beautiful planet of blues and greens doting what they could see. The Knight grabbed the joysticks by her hands, and pulled them down, making the ship go up and over a bit so that they were on a head on course to the planet.
"We'll be there momentarily...."
She said to Sene and Dasquian, sitting back in her seat and letting the auto-pilot take over the re-entry process....
Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 31st, 2002, 12:26:42 PM
It had begun to rain on Eden. Not heavy with black clouds, but just a thin cooling spray. The droplets fell down onto the temples of the man who stood, eyes risen to the heavens, hair now partially matted against his cheeks by the change in the weather. His clothes had become a little damp, though he seemed to refuse to move from the spot he stood in, looking up towards space.
Sene Unty
Sep 3rd, 2002, 11:44:47 AM
As Sene stared at the blue-green sphere that was Eden he couldn't help but smile. Indeed it was beautiful.
"So where are we gonna land Master?"
Xazor Elessar
Sep 6th, 2002, 09:38:56 PM
"Wherever the Force takes us..."
She said softly, closing her eyes and letting her mind over to the Force. It reminded her of a place she had used to land once before....a soft patch of meadow where no other inhabitants were around for miles. It was the perfect place and she knew exactly where it was. Moving her hands the way that the Force guided her to....the ship soon began its descent into the atmosphere of Eden. It was beautiful....clouds layering the planet and keeping it enclosed like a blanket. She knew it well even if she was not looking at the moment. Still her eyes remained closed and after skillful maneuvering, they landed softly upon the meadow...just as she knew within her mind. Smiling, she opened her eyes and looked around, then looked to Sene and Dasquian.
"We have arrived..."
Dasquian Belargic
Sep 7th, 2002, 12:41:31 AM
Dasquian smiled and rose from his seat. He was eager to see this place that was so close to Xazor's heart, and infact the heart's of all of her family it seemed. He paced out towards the exit ramp as it lowered and took in a deep inhalation of the crisp air.
Looking up towards the sky, he smiled, though something nagged in his mind. There was something irking him, something unusual, but he wasn't sure what. His brow furrowed at this, though he disregarded it as he turned back to call to Xazor.
"This is a beautiful place."
imported_Terran Starek
Sep 7th, 2002, 12:41:05 PM
"Yeah, I know it's getting overheated, but we have to get there, R-4!" Terran half scolded-half pleaded with the droid to keep the small A-Wing moving. It wasn't the fastest ship around, that was for sure, but he didn't feel comfortable taking something bigger. Too high profile, he thought.
"Ok, how long?" Terran spoke to the droid impatiently. A few beeps and some other spouting came back. "Can't we go any faster? Come on, R-4." Another couple of beeps and something that sounded like a child poking his tongue out at him led him to believe that this was the faster they were going to get there.
"Ok, ok. That's fine. If there's anything you can do to speed it up...I mean, 5 hours is a long time...then do it." The droid acknowledged the order and the ship pushed forward through space.
Sene Unty
Sep 9th, 2002, 12:27:53 PM
As Sene followed Dasquian down the ramp he nodded in agreement. This was indeed a beautiful place.
"So where to next master?"
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