View Full Version : ~Locked in the Crosshairs~{closed Nemesis}
Shawna Brunet
Aug 26th, 2002, 08:01:56 AM
Tossing a few credit chips to the barkeep, Shawna set about to locate her target, Nemesis. Had he known there was a sizable bounty on his head, it would have made no difference to the seasoned mercenary. She relished a challenge, and the prepared acquisitions made for a succulent hunt. His honorable campaign to protect the innocent from Darksiders merely aided him in the procurement of accessing an array of powerful enemies, hell-bent on his eradication.
All she knew of the Ranger was the proficiency of his battle skills, indicating she should be heavily armed for this assignment. Slinging her modified BlasTech E-11 carbine over her shoulder, captured the attention from the patrons of the bar. Dismissing their stares, her indigo blue eyes bored defiantly through their gawking visages causing most to avert their attentions away from the Hunter, only adding to her militaristic tableau. Shawna strutted with intrepidity from the establishment to prepare for her mission.
A holstered DL-44 was strapped to her right leg, a gun belt supporting the heavy blaster pistol and three Mier-Lang concussion grenades. She had heard Nemesis was well versed in melee combat, so she opted to bring along her 12 inch Mandalorion dagger, sheathed in its scabbard secured by her left leg.
As the mercenary ventured out into the intense heat of the Tatooine afternoon, her mandalorion iron armored gauntlets shimmered with gold under the oppressing twin suns that daily baked the desolate planet.
"Nemesis, come out my friend. Time to meet your destiny," she spoke to herself, followed by a cocky grin, making her way to her parked customized Imperial issue speeder bike.
Aug 26th, 2002, 11:00:02 AM
The Raven's inky black hull faded into the backdrop of deep space. A mild glow radiated from the craft's exhaust, shattering its nearly immaculate camouflage. The vessel's destination approached on the horizon. A tiny, bronzed planet known as: Tatooine.
Within the ship, its pilot made preparations for what appeared to be an intense struggle ahead. The dark clad man sheathed twin swords within leather scabbards fastened to his back. Their hilts, one protruding above; between his right shoulder blade and colar bone; while the other; below; bisected the left hip and rib cage, glistened beneath the pale interior light.
After equiping his swords, the Ranger systematically inspected each remaining weapon consisting of: dual blaster pistols with miniature grenade ports (one time use), three concussion grenades (non-lethal), two metal wrist cuffs concealing four darts filled with various toxins and propulsion mechanism, two incendiary mines (two inches wide), and temporary blinding device.
TX, hovered to his master's side; glancing at the multitude of arms, then back to the hunter.
TX: "You don't have to do this, you know."
Nemesis lifted a thick cloak from a neighboring table and placed it about his shoulders.
Nemesis: "One does not cure the disease by ignoring it, TX. I suggest you get back to guiding the Raven. Auto-pilot can not solve every problem, such as docking."
The droid bowed its head, then returned to duty. His small customized Imperial Gunboat entered the desert world's atmosphere, while the ebony man readied his mind for the battle to come.
Shawna Brunet
Aug 29th, 2002, 07:22:12 AM
As Shawna mounted her speeder bike and prepared to engage the engines and repulsor lifts, a squad of stormtroopers suddenly converged on her like a pack of wolves, leaving her no time for any quick evasion. She recalled a past when her talent with mind tricks served her well, due to her abnormally high midi-chlorion count she harbored. But that skill, as well as a sizable amount of her memories were literally wiped clean when she fell victim to the shock wave of a concussion grenade that sent her plummeting down a deep crevice in a cavern. This twist of fate alloted her an escape from her would be captors, Imperial stormtroopers...but for now, her luck may have run out.
Shawna was surprised she didn't sense the danger beforehand, as she always possessed a sharp survivor's instinct for detecting any aggression before a skirmish was initiated. Searching for the squad leader, his colored pauldrons resting on his plasteel shoulders signaled him out, as well as his obvious commanding deportment.
"Anything wrong, Sergeant?"
"Identification," the audible click of his comlink followed the order.
The mercenary had forgotten she was wanted for the pilfering of Imperial property. She slipped him her ID, as the white armored non-com apprehended it, scanning it on his data-pad.
"Shawna we meet. My superiors will be pleased at hearing of your capture. Hands behind your head! Now..slowly ease yourself off the bike or we will commence with your sentence right here."
Four BlasTech E-11 blaster rifles were trained on the mercenary's vital areas, their stocks fully folded in rank attack position, all set for kill. Shawna analyzed the situation, but knew any heroics on her part would be suicide, so she opted to surrender. Her hands grasped the back of her head in the typical prisoner fashion, as she swung a leg over the bike and stood before the squad undauntingly meeting their armored visages. Panic was now erupting in her as the thought of being in Imperial custody was augmenting her adrenaline, yet she stood completely still.
"Seize her weapons!" Barked the Sergeant.
Gloved hands confiscated her modified E-11, three concussion grenades, her signature DL-44, and the mandalorion iron dagger.
"Search her for hidden weapons!" The commanding trooper ordered to the two privates encompassing the prisoner.
One patted her down frisking her for any contraband, as the other scanned her, pulling out two daggers from her boots, noting Shawna's curses as she found her self placed in a dire perdicament.
"You would be wise not to provoke us woman, lest we use you as target practice," the private commented as he commandeered the last of her armament.
The Corporal motioned to the prisoner and hand cuffed her from behind her back. The Sergeant called in the arrest on his voice activated comlink inside his helmet.
"Captain, we have a prisoner. Shawna Brunet, ID 247987A, the one who stole the speeder bike from that downed Scout months back."
"Excellent Sergeant. Report to headquarters. Take no chances with this one," ordered the Captain.
"Yes, sir."
Waving the Corporal and the other two away from Shawna, the reigning trooper switched the setting of his carbine to stun, as he locked the muzzle on her chest.
"Wait! Dont I get a trial?!" Shawna shouted in a burst of protest and terror, eyes widened thinking she was going to be executed on the spot.
Her answer was met with a cobalt tubular ray enshrouding her body, causing her to gasp as every nerve ending in her body screamed out in pain from the shocking assualt. Her seemingly lifeless form then slumped to the ground.
"You two stay with the bike. Corporal, take her to the transport."
"Yes, Sergeant."
Kneeling down, the Cpl. hoisted her up over his shoulder like a rag doll, and threw her harshly in the back of the land speeder. The Sgt. got in next to her, propping her up to a sitting position, as the Corporal took the controls, navigating the transport to the detention building on the outskirts of the sector.
The Sergeant took a fleeting glance at Shawna, her waist-length blonde hair accentuating her exquisite features, as he glided his hand down her cheek.
"Such a waste..Let's see how her beauty stands up against an Imperial probe droid. Or maybe they have better things in mind to test her with. Pain can be a powerful incentive at coercing one to divulge information. Pity, she would make for a competent spy, that is..if she survives the grueling process."
Shaking his head at the foolish path of crime she took, he sat near her motionless, like a bone-white messenger of death. His black visor doubling as a veil that shielded the obscure soul void of morality, accompanied with a merciless militaristic mind that drove him to ascend to his rank in less than a years time. Capturing and killing criminals of the Imperial Empire is what they looked for in their prominent ranks. He grinned wickedly under his helmet, as the Lieutenant's position would soon be his for the taking.
Aug 29th, 2002, 02:01:26 PM
Sand scattered in all directions, with the Raven's slow descent into a poorly conceived hanger. A long glossy walkway lowered from the gunboat's rear, hissing steam flowed through hydraulic lifts. An ebony figure loomed out of the hull and stalked to the scorching desert floor.
Nemesis half expected random laser bolts to careen by at any given moment. The assassin had made no secret of his intentions. He even went to great lengths to assure his unfamiliar executioner would know exactly what day and hour he would arrive. Strangely, no attempts on his life were made.
A blue beacon resonated against the right thigh. Removing the comlink, he activated the communications system between himself, and his mechanical co-pilot.
Nemesis: "Go ahead, TX."
TX: "Master, I've just intercepted a coded Imperial transmission. It seems as though some of the local troopers have taken a wanted mercenary into custody and are transporting the criminal to a penitentiary just on the outskirts. There's a 95% possibility their prisoner is your mysterious assailant."
Nemesis: "Where are they now?"
TX: "The armored transport has already departed, however many of the arresting soilder's are still in the city itself. I fail to see what concern it is of ours now, sir. You should allow the Imperials to deal with it. After all, this person was out to kill you, Master."
His droid's comments came far to late, for Nemesis was already moving toward the open hanger door leading straight into the city's heart.
Nemesis: "I came to this sweltering world to handle the issue myself, not have it stolen from me by Imperial dogs. Moreover, when have I ever expressed any liking for the Empire, or its methods of resolution?"
The cloaked warrior made his way to a handful of free-standing speeder bikes and a single large land cruiser, all of which bore the unmistakable markings of the Galactic Empire. Imperials tended to over indulge shortly after a prominant victory, thus letting their guard drop. Banking on this well publicized rumor, the Ranger hoped to find these speeders unguarded. His assumption was not without merit, for the units were indeed unprotected.
Kneeling beside the innermost vehicles, the hunter attached two oval mines to each of the fuel intake valves. He then, gliding the tip of his index finger across the incinderary devices' surface, armed the well hidden bombs. The trap was set, Nemesis proceeded to the neighboring bar.
White, glinting eyes shuffled through the smoke infused atmosphere till they found the squad of Storm Troopers enjoying their third round of whiskey. The assassin boldly called to the bone colored soilders.
Nemesis: "Execuse me! Do those transports belong to you?!"
Storm Trooper: "Yeah! You lookin' ta buy 'em? Cause they ain't fer sale!"
The one's comments evoked a hurricane of laughter from his comrade's.
Nemesis: "No, I wasn't offering to purchase them. I just wanted to be certain I was blowing up the right ones."
A rectangular remote slipped out from the Ranger's right sleeve, followed by a small flick of his wrist. A tremendous fire ball ripped through the parked Imperial units, incinerating many of them instantly and setting the others ablaze. The distance between the pub and fiery vehicles ensured no harm to the innocent within or outside of the establishment.
Every trooper lept from their seat and hurtled over tables in a mad dash for the door. The highest ranking soilder turned to face Nemesis, then barked an order to another.
Commander: "Watch him! Make sure he doesn't go anywhere! Call the armored transport and inform them we have captured another prisoner."
The ranking officer fleed the scene to regroup with his fellow troopers who were, even now, battling the inferno. A second trooper stepped in front of the inky black hunter. With his blaster trained on the new prisoner, he hailed the armored cruiser which contained the recently captured mercenary.
Nemesis, stalled long enough for the single trooper to finish his message. Swiftly, he swated the rifle from his foe's hand, bringing a heavy right cross against the white helmet. The Imperial collapsed, broken shards of his visor lay beside him.
The assassin's attention was diverted to the returning cruiser. As the unit came to a stop at store front, its exiting driver and guards were promptly greated with a barrage of laser bolts from within the saloon. The pale armored men were cut down, effortlessly.
With little time to spare, Nemesis vaulted for the vehicles's driver seat and speed away.
His head tilted to the holding cell directly behind him, to catch a first glimpse of his would be killer.
"A woman?" truely startled by the revelation, he continued his flight from the city and awaited her awakening. "I pray I don't live to regret this."
Shawna Brunet
Aug 31st, 2002, 06:29:19 AM
Shawna stirred painfully in her seat, groaning in distress as the abyss of unconsciousness was finally wearing off. Her head was singing a chorus of malady she could not still.
"Huttspit I hate being stunned," she chimed, submerged in the torment of the after effects of a stun ray.
Her vision finally focused on the driver as blood-shot eyes strained to ascertain why the lack of snow white armor was replaced with a stygian cloak and mask. Finally it dawned on the mercenary the finality of her plight. Nemesis must have taken out the squad, appropriating the transport, and now her.
"Well, I would rather be taken down by the likes of you, other than those Imperial clowns back there. So...the Hunter becomes the hunted, or should I say...the bagged acquisition. I underestimated you Nemesis. Not only have you surprised a squad of Imperial shock troopers, not an easy task may I add, you knew of my identity and whereabouts. I commend you on your accomplishments. I heard you have honor. Allow me to die in battle like a warrior. You can at least offer me this. From one assassin to another."
The mercenary smoothed her pale silken tresses from her face, as she readied herself for an impending showdown with the reputed Ranger.
"Didn't know I was a woman, did you Ranger? Don't let my gender fool you into thinking I am an easy prey. The only reason those stormies got me was because I suffered a concussion a few days back. My reflexes have yet to be sharpened to their previous sublimity. I made a mistake in coming here too soon to seek you out. Seems you beat me to it," she commented in her usual chaffing disposition.
Sep 3rd, 2002, 10:19:42 AM
The assassin turned his concealed visage to the imprisoned mercenary as the cruiser's engines hummed to a halt.
"It seems as though you overestimate some of my abilities. I was acting upon instinct, assuming that Imperial troops of that number would only concern themselves with a particularly dangerous criminal. Considering only one of exceptional standing could posses the talent to even attempt my assassination, I concluded that their prisoner was the one sent to eliminate me.
However, I do not know who you are nor the person or persons responsible for your assignment. But I suppose none of that truly matters."
Nemesis stepped from the vehicles' cab, moving around to the rear. Procuring a small cylinder rod from his belt, the Ranger extended a tiny electrical charge, coursing through the security system. Twin doors opened into the chamber which restrained his would be murderer.
Shawna exited her former incarceration and advanced into the searing desert sun. Light magnified from the sands below almost inhibited sight altogether. His eyes never veered from the freed woman.
"I have contacted my co-pilot, and he will be arriving shortly. However, before I leave..."
Various weapons fell at her feet. Sand sprang from their resting place. The arms were those confiscated by the Imperial soilders.
"....I think you should earn your pay."
Oddly, the ebony hunter drew no weapon of his own. His lack of aggression was not to insult Brunet with his own conceit, but allow her the opportunity to accept or decline his offer.
Shawna Brunet
Sep 4th, 2002, 12:28:46 PM
"Then you are a fool to deny yourself the benefits of armament! She mocked while exiting the transport, an array of commandeered E-11 blaster rifles cast at the sand where she stood obstinate before her captor.
"Don't suppose you could relieve me of these binds as well? Would be most difficult to handle one of those without hands." The mercenary asked, gesturing to the confiscated carbines.
Shawna was beguiled by the assassin. The brashness in his potentiality would indeed be tested in combat. She had never faced a fellow Hunter in battle, and hungered for an alercation with him. The imminent competition would be an invigorating trial for the demonstration of their abilities.
Sep 4th, 2002, 09:00:44 PM
"But of course." he spoke with constrained gallantry.
A lengthy metal hiss accompanied the withdrawal of a single blade. Its edges flickered specks of radiant color with the rising sun. The sword lowered till its tip grazed the desert sand. Nemesis turned a watchful eye to his cuffed acquaintance.
"I would suggest you hold very still, unless you relish the idea of losing a hand." the comical tone unscored a very serious warning.
His ivory slits of light then narrowed on the restraining devices. From the middle finger of his right hand to the pinkie of the same, the hunter lifted three digits from his weapon enabling a freer range of motion using only the thumb and index.
By a simple rotation of the wrist, he spun the blade backward. As it orbited the hand, his sword was directed to the slender opening between the binders. In one fail swoop and a ringing clash, the cuffs were severed leaving the skin unscathed.
The pair fell limp from Shawna's limbs, with a soft thud upon the Tatooine surface. His weapon then returned to its sheath.
Nemesis' eyes rested on his liberated foe.
" would you have it? Are you skilled in hand to hand combat, or would you prefer we use blasters? Perchance a mixture of the two?"
Shawna Brunet
Sep 10th, 2002, 05:50:32 AM
Diving for the rifles grabbing the nearest in hand, in a blur of motion Shawna spun around on a bent knee aiming an E-11 carbine at Nemesis' chest, flicking the control for kill, setting him in her sights with an ascendancy. The mercenary was prepared for any chicanery as her focus was a sharpened diamond edge.
"Talk is cheap, actions speak louder than words! Don't make me blast you! I give you one chance, back away from the transport and I will allot you a half days retreat, till I hunt you down. This I at least owe you for releasing me, but don't count on your saftety after that time expires!"
Azure eyes hardened from battle, centered on her acquisition, his bulk making no difference, as she has downed twice his size in previous pursuits of her quarries.
Sep 12th, 2002, 10:21:25 PM
"Retreat?" He playfully toyed with the word. "Tempting, but not an option. However if action is what you seek..."
His words trailed off as he aptly swatted the rifle from chest level with the right hand, her gun veering left. Nemesis' other arm shot under the shifting weapon and clutched Brunet's jacket collar. With one mighty heave, the assassin brought his foe upward till both were face to face. Pallid eyes cast a chilling gaze; devoid of any emotion.
"I have neither the time nor the patience to deal with some lengthy sport for you." Though his words maintained a matter-of-fact base, they were unquestionably clothed with the flames of rage.
Each finger eased from its tight grip, permitting Shawna to fall back on the dusty plain.
"What we started here,..."His cloak slipped from the shoulders exposing dual, shimmering hilts on either end of his back already gripped by inky gloved hands; "....will also end here. Defend yourself!"
Shawna Brunet
Sep 22nd, 2002, 05:30:35 AM
"You are lucky I have honor or a sizzling hole would be adorning your chest by my rifle. But I shall defeat you without its technological aid. defend yourself!" She challenged.
Shawna roared with animosity born from years of grappling with anatagonists, as she dove abruptly into the stalwart assassin pushing him down into the dusy terrain with a charging shoulder connecting with his stomach, allowing her weight to land on his chest. She then got his right arm in a wrestler's lock attempting to break it as she shifted her grip in a vise-like hold.
"Such a confident one aren't we, Ranger. But you have never seen the likes of me!" She snarled between clenched teeth.
Sep 22nd, 2002, 08:01:23 PM
"Foolish girl." his voice sputtered amongst a host of muffled laughs.
Swiftly Nemesis dropped to his knees easing the tension applied by her arm bar. Then, whipping the free hand right and upward delivered a crushing open palm strike to Brunet's cheek. Such force backed his blow the woman was thrown from her feet, subsequently releasing the hold on the assassin's limb.
The Ranger now towered over his fallen opponent. Intense sunlight cast a dense shadow over most of his frame as well as projecting itself atop much of hers. Rotating his right shoulder, the warrior slowly alleviated stinging pain caused by the mercenary's recent assault. With this done, his feet locked into position; the left preceding the right. Nemesis' hands assumed a traditional boxing stance, also being lead by the left.
Shawna Brunet
Oct 1st, 2002, 06:26:11 AM
Shawna's eyes widened as she foresaw he may be more versatile than she had prematurely apperceived; nevertheless, she would not retreat from this man's challenge, as she hopped to her feet and answered his offensive gesture with a verbal exchange.
"So, you wan't to duke it out Ranger? Well I'm all game for a bit of sport," she winked as she measureably approached her veiled assailant.
With a feigned knee to the gut, as he gravitated to intercept the target, Shawna hurled her right fist against his left jaw, following with a nasty chop to his windpipe.
Oct 4th, 2002, 10:23:55 AM
His right hand launched forward, ensnaring her retreating hand, which had most recently delivered a brutal chop to his neck, by the wrist.
Coughing to clear and ascertain damage inflicted to his windpipe, Nemesis employed a tremendous tug which brought Brunet dangerously close to her foe.
The Ranger placed a broad right shoulder just beneath her arm while exchanging his hold over Shawna's wrist from the right to his left hand.
He then pulled down hard with his left hand and up with the planted shoulder, lifting the mercenary up and over the inky warrior's head. She finally came to rest, with a forceful thud, flat on her back.
A quick rotation of the arm which still gripped her wrist tightly, tucked the woman's limb under his. Wrenching the arm back, then placing the right glove against her elbow, Nemesis applied enormous strain to his opponent's forearm and bicep. One simple twist would result in the trapped appendage being broken.
Shawna Brunet
Oct 5th, 2002, 06:26:27 AM
Shawna's face was contorted in anguish, her teeth tightly clenched as the pressure was weakening her tenacity. With her free legs she attempted to break loose from his bone breaking restraint by connecting with all parts of his exposed body with wild feet enshrouded in steel toed boots. She kicked at him, as she felt her ligaments tearing, tendons beginning to snap.
"Blasted Rangers!" She spit in a strained voice gripped in pain, trying in vain to liberate herself from the human vise bearing down on her vulnerable position.
Oct 5th, 2002, 09:54:48 PM
Nemesis retained the vice hold until her arm reached the very brink of fracture, then lifted his right hand, which inflicted the vast majority of his maneuver's pressure, while the left continued to restrain the mercenary's wrist and forearm.
With his free limb, he rapidly unsheathed the uppermost blade, bringing its razor edge along side the soft skin of Brunet's throat.
"Yield and I won't be forced to kill you." The statement was harsh, allowing for no doubt of his intent to proceed, should his demand not be met.
Shawna Brunet
Oct 6th, 2002, 08:33:06 AM
The mercenary's mind became a rush of options as the alarming response of the frigid blade kissing her flesh ceased her plight, till she laid there motionless accepting her portending doom. His bleached optics buried their lack of pigmentation into her facade, bleeding the obstinate impudence she had once solicited. Her overbearing egocentricity was being speedily deflated, as tears ran down her cheek from the excruciating calamity, accompanied by the palpable distress of the notion of her own termination.
"Do it...You know my kind can never surrender." She whispered in a defeative air.
Shawna closed her eyes expecting death's cold hands to embrace her as the blade's edge made her involuntarily flinch.
Oct 6th, 2002, 08:54:09 PM
Crystal blue droplets stained the woman's face, all the while Nemesis' blade weighed heavily upon her smooth neck.
Moments of morbid silence passed, as a dry desert breeze swept across the combatants. Then, Brunet shuttered with the sword's sudden movement, only to soon realize the weapon was not pressing downward but was, instead, trembling.
Opening her eyes once more. Shawna beheld the Ranger's right arm, which had begun to shake; an action which was becoming more violent by the minute.
Without warning; a terrible roar, like unto a wounded animal, thundered from the ebony hunter's concealed lips. The mercenary's arm was forcefully thrown from captivity.
Seconds later a deafening crash split the open sky, while the once offensive blade was driven into the cruiser's outer shell. His weapon locked into place, with literally half the sword buried in the dura-steel covering.
"Go." The muffled word was barely audible, still coated with a throaty growl.
Nemesis stood, forehead leaning against a stationary hilt and right hand griped tightly around the same.
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