View Full Version : A Strider Is Born

Straffe Stormrider
Aug 25th, 2002, 02:17:24 PM
Another light...another hope...another potential...and most importantly...another Strider walks in the recruitement center of the greater jedi order. He wonders around in hope of greating his new Jedi Master

Xazor Elessar
Aug 25th, 2002, 07:16:21 PM
A pretty blonde woman stepped from the shadows, allowing the light to bathe her fully. One could see that she was with child....but with power as well. A smile crossed her lips exposing the Garou's elongated canines as she approached the newcomer.

"Greetings, I am Warrior Jedi Knight and Council Member, Xazor Dawnstrider. You seek to learn the ways of the Jedi....yes?"

She questioned, pushing her Garou Warrior Braids from in front of her. Her red robes clung to her and gathered at her feet like sand on a beach. The Knight glowed from the inside out.....and cast a light as did the light that caught the golden coins woven into the braids in her hair. She smiled warmly, waiting his response....

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 26th, 2002, 08:52:23 AM
OOC: Hey Xaz, just a little note cause mister Straffe was just admitted by me and Xeno into the Stormrider family ^_^; for a few IC reasons we would really appreciate it if all of you just play as if you didn't know he was a Stormrider, cause me and Xeno have some stuff planned really long to explain just call him Straffe and don't mention Lancey-Poo to him oki Auntie Xaz!? ^_^

Straffe Stormrider
Aug 26th, 2002, 10:51:57 AM
Yes ...That is true that I wish to learn the ways of the force

Xazor Elessar
Aug 26th, 2002, 01:21:09 PM
ooc: I kinda figured that's how you wanted it...so I didn't say anything. :)


Xazor smiled gently and nodded.

"But will you finish what you begin? This life is not easy. You will be hated and hunted by many....yet needed by all. Training is vigerous and the road after that is long. Are you up to the task, for the Jedi Oath is not to be taken lightly...."

She did not wish to scare him with her words....but she only spoke the truth of this life...

Straffe Stormrider
Aug 26th, 2002, 02:43:54 PM
Straffe stood there looking at her under his hood.

"I am a Strider...Nothing will stand in my way to becoming a Jedi Knight."

He stood there, proud to be a Strider

Xazor Elessar
Aug 27th, 2002, 08:57:08 AM
Xazor smiled gently and nodded.

"Good......I then accept you to the Greater Jedi Order. A Master shall be chosen for you and shall contact you about training soon. In the meantime...find youself a room in the Living Quarters and make some friends in the Bar and Grill. May the Force be with you..."

She said softly and bowed to the new Padawan......wondering if he had any further questions....

Straffe Stormrider
Aug 27th, 2002, 10:28:05 AM
He bowed back and stuck out his arm. He put his hand on her wrist.
"I think it is like this you give a hand shake to a warrior?"

Xazor Elessar
Aug 28th, 2002, 03:44:06 PM
Xazor nodded gently and smiled. She took his wrist....but slid her hand up to his forearm.

"This is the handshake of a Warrior....and how I greet everyone. Welcome to the Order....you will serve the Light well....."

Plo Koon
Aug 28th, 2002, 06:41:45 PM
Plo saw the new Strider
"Welcome...I am Plo Koon, nice to meet you"

Straffe Stormrider
Aug 29th, 2002, 05:39:26 PM
Straffe looked at her with much confidence
"I know I will...I am Straffe Stormrider...The Strider"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 30th, 2002, 07:07:56 PM
A strider?............Hehe......I'm one too :: A man was hanging on the roof upside down like a spider and came back to his feet.

"Hello Xazor...and Plo Koon" He said walking around Straffe

"...Hmmm..." Lance ponders...

"I am willing to take you as my unique apprentice...even if I sworn to my-self....that I would never take one under my instructions...." He said pacing around him again... he seemed somehow familiar...

"If you want...I will....but I must warn you...training with me will be ruff....everyday you will know new things...discover new opponents....discover new horizons...and the life of a Jedi is very hard....are you ready young strider?" He sais on a serious tone stoping his pace.

Straffe Stormrider
Aug 31st, 2002, 09:35:47 AM
Straffe looked at the unknown man
"I am willing to do whatever it takes"
He bowed towards Lance

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 31st, 2002, 02:21:17 PM
"Hum....good..but first...tell me ...what are you strong Strider capabilities? So I can plan your training tonight...we'll start tomorrow morning at dawn." Lance said pacing around him observing him intensively.

Straffe Stormrider
Aug 31st, 2002, 08:00:12 PM
Straffe looked at him quite puzzled
"You wish to know my Strider skills?.....Well....One of the favorite things I like to do is disappear and re-appear without a trace. Another skill is my sword techniques...I have trained for many years and have many sword styles"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 31st, 2002, 08:04:55 PM
"Sword styles? Very well I shall test those skills soon enough" He said then turning around.

"Meet me tomorrow at the academy at dawn. If your late...you'll have to do 1000 push ups with limited time" He said a wide grin forming on his lips.

"Well for now go to the LQ I can recommend you to a few friends of mine for your room....but that is only if you want" He then hands him a holopad.

"There's the locations and data on everything you need.

Straffe Stormrider
Aug 31st, 2002, 08:07:45 PM
Straffe looked at the holopad
"Thank you master Lance....I will not let you down"
Straffe bowed again towards lance

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 31st, 2002, 08:14:28 PM
"Don't forget...at dawn (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22419) " He said then walking out of the RC.