View Full Version : The hunting of Dyzm

Aug 25th, 2002, 12:39:46 PM
With his highly enhanced Sniper riffle, Eldorack watched from a secured spot in the cieling. Waiting for Dark Lord Dyzm. There were guards standing around motionless. A person could hear a pen drop.

Since Eldorack couldn't kill Dyzm, He would improvise. He lined up his scope to the guard nearest the door. Eldorack pulled the trigger and the guard dropped...

The other men started looking at him in confusion and wondering where the bullet had come from. Before they could say anything a man in full body armor walked in...

Aug 25th, 2002, 01:00:50 PM
Synteck heard the Shot and knew what to do. He barged into the room and saw guards in shock. He backhanded the guards nearst him. The spickes coming out of his Gautlets made the skin on the guards faces tear. He pulled out his Sword, and while on his down motion, he sliced a guards arm off.

His heart was pounding. One of the guards was running towards him, but from behind. Synteck jabbed his sword backwards and cut into the mans abdomen.

Lady Vader
Aug 25th, 2002, 07:13:52 PM
*And then a Force strom blew them all, including the guards, into the nearest stone and marble wall, dazing them.*

*LV lowered her hand from wence the powerful blast of air had come and narrowed her eyes at the two intruders, both rising from the ground, all limbs paralyzed, their esophogauses beginning to constrict.*

I demand to know why you have so desicrated the Sith Order with your blatantly violent entrance!

*She looked between both men, their wind pipes constricting further as the dangled in the air, unable to move under the Sith's power.*

And I'd better like the answer I hear...

Aug 29th, 2002, 08:52:26 PM
As Eldorack looked at the woman, and tried to catch his breath. "Hey, this has nothing to do with you. I am looking for Dark Lord Dyzm. He threatend me, so I am just here for some back pay. Or should I say pay back."

Lady Vader
Aug 30th, 2002, 12:12:32 PM
*She remained holding them both, not letting either one have command of his facilities.*

Ah, I see. Well, I'm sorry you had to waist your time.

You see, here at the Sith Order, we don't allow our members to be terrorized by the likes of you. So, if it's all the same to you, and I couldn't give a Bantha's crap what you say, I'm going to show you to the door and then if you're so gracious enough, you'll go back to your ship and go back to the dark hovel you emerged from and ask your elders to teach you some manners.

Or you can be dragon fodder.

*She began walking towards the door, taking them both as they were, floating through the air.*

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 10th, 2002, 12:07:20 AM
OOC: Opps, maybe I should read these more often. Ha, try again in SWfans and send me a PM, I'll respond. Or send me a PM if you ever try to attack me again, so I would know.

Lady Vader
Sep 10th, 2002, 09:17:24 PM

*Makes off with Mini Mage*