View Full Version : Challenge (to someone who is not afraid)

Aug 25th, 2002, 10:40:49 AM
Eldorack walked the streets of Tatooine and noticed how stupid people can be. Fighting over the most stupid things. He found a bar and walked in. He orderd a Brandy and walked outside. He found himself an empty table and sat down.

After a couple minuts of sitting, and drinking, he got the urge to fight.

Aug 25th, 2002, 09:00:57 PM
After the little scuffel in the bar he left and past by a man. From the looks of him he must have been drinking for a good long while. Knowing from my past experinces, those who over indulge with drink, tend to become unpredictably violent and larger than life in their own eyes for drinking gives them courage that lack themselves. Raiden with a smirk on his face sits across from him and leaned back in his chair, looking at him. " I know its none of my business but I was watching you stare off in space and could not help but wonder have you drank enough to be able to even stand on your own feet and hold your ground?. " After all friend this is not a place to be with your senses dulled with drink".

Darius Van-Derveld
Aug 26th, 2002, 05:36:22 AM
From his rooftop vantage Darius scrutinised the pair, to just leap in would be unfair, so he waited and watched.

Aug 27th, 2002, 12:41:36 PM
The wind blew the sand gently over the table. Before I even spoke a word out I sensed a presence not human. My eyes began to lingered about the area as I tried to find what this thing I sensed. The smell of an animal arose to me but I knew that it was not anything. As I look upon the top of the building I see a glimmer of eyes from the moonlight. I think to myself "what kind of thing is this? I've never came across anything like it before." Then I start to remember of a kind of race, human and of animal. I think they called them a.. a.. a Garou. My guess was that this must be what I heard about. Turning my head back to the man, still chatting, but keeping my eye on the thing above.

Clay Dennatta
Aug 27th, 2002, 01:01:30 PM
Standing on the opposite side of the street ontop of a roof top stood, Clay, also watched and waited for what may ensue.

Aug 29th, 2002, 08:46:54 PM
Eldorack looked at the man that had just sat down. "What did you say. Me, Drunk. Huh." Eldorack took another drink of his beer and looked at him straight in the eyes. He noticed the man look off somewhere but paid no attention to it...

"Why do you care anyways." Eldorack looked at the man one more time, then started laughing to himself as he took another drink of his beer.

OOC: sorry it took me so long to post... I cant get on that much...

Aug 30th, 2002, 04:15:39 PM
Raidens grin vanished and a cold glare came from his eyes as he stared at him. "Who said I cared?" Raiden said with a deep and rough voice. Just then Raiden stud up and leaned over the table. Knocking the glass of beer out of his hand Raiden said "Get out of here like I told you the first time friend."

Aug 30th, 2002, 06:19:48 PM
As Raiden leaned forward, he could feel the life force disapear within him. How this happened is because he was inside of Eldoracks buble. His Yisalamiri buble. It is not visible to the untrained or trained eye.

Eldorack watched the glass get knocked out of his hand and he sort of giggled to him self. Eldorack wrapped his feet around Raidens and pulled, knocking him on his back. Eldorack go up and waited for Raiden to arise.

Aug 30th, 2002, 07:38:33 PM
He gets up rubing his head. Raiden steps back a couple of feet never loosing sight of his enemy. Spreading his feet and bending his knees, he gets into his fighting stance. His eyes sparkle and his blood courses through his vans as he prepares for battle. Hearing the unmistakable chime of the blade as its being pulled from its scabbard then turning the force shield on the sword. Leveling the blade on his opponent he start quickly forward. Then raising his sword to attack he slashing down on him. knowing that the opponent would counter it with his weapon he pivots his blade thrusting the hilt into his face. As Raiden feels Eldorack nose crack beneath his blow Eldorack starts to back up and his eyes begin to water while he holding his nose. Raiden steps back and crosses his blade ready for more now that the smell of blood is in the air. "I will give you the chance to get out now. Be smart and leave, You and I both know that you don't want to fight me."

Aug 31st, 2002, 01:58:01 PM
Eldorack was knocked back by the blow. His eyes started to water and he knew that if he let that continue, he would certainly lose.

Eldorack dried his eyes and started walking forward with rage. He brought the right blade around and it was met by Raidens blade. Eldorack brought the other blade around and made contact with his opponents arm. Eldorack could see that the wound was deep because it started bleeding perfously.

Aug 31st, 2002, 02:20:03 PM
Raiden's eyes are filled with anger as he grasps his injured arm. "That's it" he says with a demanding tone. He runs at Eldorack kicking him in the chest. As he falls to the ground Raiden kicks Eldoracks hand sending his blade up in the air. Raiden then shatters it into pieces with his Vibro-Sword. Putting his blade to Eldoracks neck and pulling out my blaster and pointing it at Eldoracks chest.He looks down at him right in his eyes as he says "Do you surrender or do you wish to die now?".

Aug 31st, 2002, 07:29:10 PM
ooc: pay no mind to this post

Sep 1st, 2002, 09:06:08 PM
The scene was witnessed from an alcoved doorway across from the bar. A slight smile perssed the big mans lips as He decided He had seen enough. The few onlookers never impressed Mockadane, but he knew somewhere there would be others.

Speaking to His Neice that had nudged him for the second time... "Alright , this one is just the sort Im looking for!" "Be cautious!"

An invisible force ripped the blaster from its grip of the mans hand, spinnig his torso slightly towards his right. The next instant an invisible hand shoved the prone man sprawling on his back. An instant later the blaster arrived in the waiting gauntlet of Mockadane. His fingers closed around the blaster in mid-stride as he approached the two combattents.

"Thats enough... you've proved your point." Mockadane told the blasters owner, watching him quickly regain his footing and brandish his vibro-sword... "Perhaps we could talk?"

Alana Stormcloud
Sep 1st, 2002, 09:21:46 PM
Alana smiled behind the protective glass of her inviro suit.

"Leave it to my Uncle to start a conversation off right." Alana barely glanced at the man her uncle had been watching. Instead she made her way to Eldorack, a dear friend.

"So I see you have been playing ruff again handsome." She whispered softly in his ear. She smiled as his eyes widened and a grin filled his face.

"Yes, old friend it's Alana, who else would find you so irresistible?" Reaching up she wiped the blood from his lips and held them up for him to see.

"You bleed for him and not for me, I'm hurt." She teased. " Turning back to the man and her Uncle she cocked her head. "As usual my uncle has told me nothing of why he finds this... Human so interesting. But then when has he ever given away trade secrets. Tell me Eldorack do you know what he is up to this time?"

Sep 1st, 2002, 09:39:40 PM
Eldorack stands up and looks at Mockadane and Alana. He did not expect them to be here.

Eldorack leans over towards Alana, "Who knows...He could be doing anything."

Sep 2nd, 2002, 09:14:40 PM
Raiden, with a surprised look on his face, rushes to his feet after the attack from the newcomer. It seems that the man brought reinforcements "Friends of yours?" Raiden asks as he brushes off the dust and ready his weapon. He looks at the man that hit him. A talk? how can he ask to talk after attacking me and then seizing my own weapon? Understanding that he was helping a friend, but this was none of his affair "I have no quarrel with you my friend, this fight is just between me and him. So if you don't mind I would like my weapon returned that you took from me and I ask that you be on your way." Raiden tries to be calm and respectful about this but when in the heat of battle the urge to fight is great.

Sep 2nd, 2002, 09:45:19 PM
The seriosness in the mans voice Made Mockadane smile, slightly. Yes, He thought to himself, a very formidable person.

"Clearly you were the victor here, and he will leave." Looking to Alana... "If you dont mind take him to his ship!"

Once again his attention was turned to the man who's gun he held. Noticing the rather wicked looking blaster had been modified enough for ease of withdrawl from its holster, The big man guessed that the man was well versed in the ways of its usefulness. Holding the blaster out, grip first, Mockadane spoke...

"Are you affiliated with anybody,... or working for an organization?" He asked with intrest, "Because you are somebody I could use!"

Sep 3rd, 2002, 05:17:41 AM
Raiden starts to ease up his grip of his sword as he approaches the man. Turning the Vibro-Sword off and returning it to its scabbard he took a deep breath relaxing his body and reaches for his gun. As he puts his weapons back he turns to the fighter nodding in acknowledgment. His gaze shifts back to the man that spoke "Thank you for the tempting offer but I am with an organization. You will soon know who I am with. Untill then I must be on my way, farewell my friends." He bows his head at all those who where present and turned to leave on his land speeder.