View Full Version : ::Visions in the night:: (closed)

Azhure Darkstone
Aug 25th, 2002, 02:24:35 AM
Azhure tossed and turned in the night. Inside her mind she was walking on the pavement on a dark Correllian street. She could feel the pavement, she could feel her silent black shoes. She could smell the odore of too many people in the one area mingling with the smell of gas off the cars in the air, but it was dark and as noisy as it usually was in the middle of the night, which was loud. The nightlife was often very much overdone around here, but good for dissapearing when you did not want to be found. A peircing cry of pain caught her attention as she whipped her head around to see what it was, and ended up finding herself inside a room.

There was a twelve year old boy, obviously sick. He was coughing up blood but around the home she could see that they would not have enough money to feed themselves let alone pay for medical service. It was a sad case, as she had seen them before too many times but had not thought of them anytime before. Now it hit her, so many suffering out of poverty. Why should she care when she hadnt before? maybe because it seemed suddenly so real, and it was not fair in a way...it almost made her want to learn to heal and go there. But she could not heal well enough yet, maybe one day she would, but to learn to fight first..then hea....the child's cries took her attention once more as she saw him writhle with pain, blood dripping on his lips.

He was sure to die, that night, if not the week. She walked towards him and looked down on him, his mother distraught, but his face caught her eyes. He looked exactly like the man she had once been ordered to assasinate. A corellian official....shock took her wide eyes, and not because the boy looked directly at her with disinterest of the kind of beign used to seeing illusions, but at his face...these were the family?
She stepped back, and hit her ankle on something sharp on the ground, and started to fall........

Azhure woke up sweating, it had felt so real, so real...she felt a sharp pang on her ankle, and taking away the blanket it revealed a drop of red blood, fresh by the smell of it. Long years specializing in death gave her the nose to smell fresh from old.
But the guilt in her heart panged just as much as her ankle did before she mentally blocked off the pain, knowing she would feel it later, taking off her blanket fuilly and walkign out of the ship she went to the waterfall to think. It had seemed so real and you don't get injuries from a dream. Was she finally going crazy, or fi it was not that, what was it? An hour later thinking did no help and she almost felt she needed company to forget the nightmare, if you could call it that.......the bar sounded good, though who woudl be there at 2 am in the morning?::