View Full Version : Vamps, Garou, and Jedis....Oh my. (open)

Aug 24th, 2002, 05:14:24 PM
She slammed her fist on the table next to the faulty holo-vison, a teacup jumping into the air as the fuzzy picture started to focus. She grabbed the cup and took a sip and squinted at the screen, it was showing an old GNN newcast about a fight in a village nearby involing Jedi and Sith. She sighed placing the cup down on the table relisng that because of this, she would have to move again.

"And I was starting to like this place..." she said to herself as she stood up and headed into the other room of her small cottage. She reached under her bed and found an old traveling bag of hers, she carried it to her dresser and took what clothing she could, and then she headed back to the other room.

"Jedis and Sith.....Ruin a good honest persons life." she muttered to herself getting some dry-goods to take on her journey. She headed out the door and looked up at the sky and sighed. "At least it's good weather." she thought to herself as she walked down the path from her cottage into the bordering woods, and away from anything concering Jedis or Siths.

Aug 24th, 2002, 08:52:05 PM
The ebony figure stood in sight of the enraged lady, his dark precence seemed to have brought her tracks to an abrupt standstill for the moment. While the baffled women stood motionless inspecting who had just appeared before her, he began to emcompass her. Without even turning his head to connect in eye contact, he commenced to speak to the startled individual.

" They are a thorn in your palm, are they not? "

The ebony figure knew what the bewildered women had been feeling, what thoughts scurried through her very mind. It was all too often the inhabitants of this galaxy examined the reality that existed, why things were the way they were and always had been. The coal black warrior had found a particular interest in this lady, for the pair were corresponding in ideals. He continued to circle her like previously, awaiting a response from his new acquaintance.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 25th, 2002, 10:32:46 AM
This darkly clad figure was not the only one who could seemingly appear from nothing. Another made themselves visible clearly in the light now. He wore a dark grey trenchcoat which hung just above his ankles, and stood with his arms folded over his chest. A smile played upon his lips, showing thin elongated canines and incisors, one of the many physical traits of his feral nature - another being the pointed tips of his ears.

"A thorn in my paw,"

To the woman, the man standing before her would have been awfully familiar. Why? He knew she had been watching GNN, and also knew that only a few weeks ago he had been the 'star' of one of the broadcasts. He allowed one arm to slip from the knot over his body and motion towards Morpheus, with a gesture that implied lack of mental stability.

Aug 25th, 2002, 10:38:23 AM
She sighed at the dark man and she barely glaced at the other who showed up.

"A thorn? Maybe, but only if you let them bother you does the wound fester and become painful."

she took hold of the edges of her skirt and held it up so she could step over a puddle from a recent rainfall, she stood about a few feet from the man in the coat with the blond hair.

"And you are of darkly origins as well, good sir. So I doubt the sith are of a bother to you."

Aug 25th, 2002, 12:51:04 PM
The obsidian individual drew closer to the lady, utterly and completely neglecting the response of the other rather abrading man. The Garou character's encounter was quite inessential, but his presence would just have to be tolerated. Morpheus's facial features were rather confound, his shrouded mind dwelling upon the misleading response of the women.

" Are you not one of the Sith? "

Sep 30th, 2002, 06:07:47 PM
"One of the sith? Maybe, maybe not, depends on ones view of life really."

She ruffled her skirt slightly and side stepped Vega.

"And does it matter whose side I toss my chips with? No, for life is just a game of Sabbacc, and we'll all lose in the end."

Vampyre Dalamar
Sep 30th, 2002, 10:04:09 PM
Nodding to Van Derveld the vamp joined the discussion. "We'll not if your already dead. My dear, your choice does make a difference would you be tossed around by life's storms or will you come to a decision?"

"Only those who do not wish to make a decisions sit back and wait for events to unfold. While others go out and make things happen. The choice you see is yours."