View Full Version : Trusting oneself...(Kindo, Zeke)

Maia Tharrinn
Aug 24th, 2002, 04:28:54 AM
Maia walked slowly down the halls of the living quarters. She was in search of two of her Padawans. Sending a message via the force she called to them. "Zeke, Kindo. I need you to meet me in ten minutes please. In front of my room." Sighing softly she turned back towards her room. They would probably be there before she was. They loved to learn and were more than willing students. Today she had something else planed. A small test of sorts. She just hoped they could handle the pressure she was about to put on them...

Aug 24th, 2002, 06:53:51 AM
Zeke was lying in the room he shared with Kindo, fast asleep in his box.

"Zeke, Kindo. I need you to meet me in ten minutes please. In front of my room."

Zeke rolled to his left, tipping the box and rolling onto the floor.


Zeke stretched and yawned, got himself dressed and made his way to Maia's room.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 24th, 2002, 08:53:57 AM
Kindo awoke from the comfort of his bed when something was heard, something. Has he sat up and began to concentrate, he realized it was Maia, and she had sent a message via the Force. Kindo had become quite receptive to it's flow, and this only went to further verify that. He arose from his bed and walked towards the door. He must have passed out on his bed last night, for he was in his standard uniform. Still trying to wake up, he left his Quarters and headed for that of his Master's.

Maia Tharrinn
Aug 25th, 2002, 12:18:05 AM
Maia waved at her two Padawans as she approached her room. She knew it was early, but she wanted to get started on there walk before anyone woke up. "Hey guys, you ready for today." She gave no information as to what they would be doing. She would keep it that way until they needed to know. "Let's get going." She slipped her arms into theirs and started off...

Aug 25th, 2002, 12:22:23 AM
Zeke walked with her, casting a curious glance as she failed to mention where they were going or what they were doing. Oh well, none of his business. He yawned and suppressed the urge to collapse and snooze some more.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 26th, 2002, 07:32:35 PM
Despite Kindo's drowsiness and longing to rest, he trusted the word of his master. Overcoming sleepiness was never easy, but it took strength, and somehow Kindo found it. He followed Maia, trying to muster up some morning energy.

Maia Tharrinn
Aug 26th, 2002, 10:50:11 PM
Maia led them out to the wooded area the lay slightly beyond the compound. She wanted to talk with them some and have some saber play come into it. She chatted as she walked. It was a beautiful day and there conversation was pleasant and soothing.

They entered the dimly lit forest, The cooler air brought the faint smell of flowers to them. Maia Turned to Zeke and Kindo and was about to speak. Suddenly she grimaced. Her face went purple and her mouth opened in a silent scream. She was lifted into the air and flung back into the trees where she dangled limply in someone's evil hold. Not even she had sensed the presence of the one who had her. She knew that her Padawans would have to rely on pure instinct..

Aug 26th, 2002, 10:57:33 PM
Zeke's mouth gaped.


He settled into the Force, seeking his Master's attacker. Somewhere, somewhere....but WHERE? A dark signature glared faintly behind them. Zeke drew his sabers and wheeled to face it.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 27th, 2002, 04:03:01 PM
Kindo took a firm grip upon his blade has he saw his master casted into the open air. Almost like reaction, the Jedi tapped into his connection with the Force, allowing it to seige control of his mind and movement. With his sword drawn and prepared, the Jedi ran towards the grim being which held Maia in it's dark hold.

" Who are you and what is your business here? Let the women go and talk to us. We are Jedi of the Greater Jedi Order. Does this have to be in combat? Can we not solve this without harm? "

Aug 28th, 2002, 10:48:34 AM
"He'll let her die while we wait on a response. I won't allow it. Step forward and show yourse--"

Zeke was interrupted as his gold saber fizzled with an electric crack.

"I give you to 3 to show yourself! 1!" Zeke pressed the power. Nothing. "2!" Again, nothing. "3!"

Zeke's saber sparked, the pent-up energy whining within the saber. He moved in front of Kindo, and as the saber howled, he swung it, releasing the energy in a crescent of destructive light. If it didn't hit their antagonizer, it would at least flush him out. Zeke's saber resumed its normal function.

Maia Tharrinn
Aug 28th, 2002, 03:35:56 PM
OOC:ok guys this thread is a test. Maia is out well choked more like it. It is a test on many levels. Won't tell you what till your done :) It's so I can see what areas we can work on togeather so kick some butt kk and remember your Jedi :) Oh and the Sith is hidden and considered a master :) I will pop in from time to time with thoughts and The Sith will show soon :)

Aug 29th, 2002, 08:37:55 AM
OOC: Test? But you didn't let us study! j/k

IC: The saber flew through the trees, felling branches and tree trunks for miles before the upward tilt of the slash took the blade into the sky, where it dissipated in the atmosphere. All was eerily quiet now...He returned to Maia and checked her pulse and breathing. She was hangin' in there. He looked to Kindo.

"Think I got 'im?"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 29th, 2002, 07:00:49 PM
Kindo held his blade tightly within the clasp of his hands, prepared for anything. He had drew closer to the dark figure, still maintaining his peace and focusing on his purpose.

" Ill ask you one more time, can we solve this in peace or does it this have to lead to combat? "

Almost like natural reaction, the Jedi managed to remain calm, but determined to halt the actions of this darksider.

Aug 30th, 2002, 10:29:07 AM
Zeke stood his ground next to Maia as Kindo flushed out the Sith. He didn't want the thing eluding Kindo and coming back for her.

"Kindo! Come here, screw the Sith, let's get her back to the GJO!"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 3rd, 2002, 06:37:24 PM
Kindo leaped directly in the front of the evil being, fortifying his fellow Jedi. He extended his sword outwards, preparing for any assault delivered by the Sith.

" Lets go Zeke! "

Sep 3rd, 2002, 07:08:21 PM
Zeke lifted his master in his arms and gathered the Force.

"Let's go, Kindo!" He took off for the LQ.

Maia Tharrinn
Sep 6th, 2002, 09:48:39 AM
As they ran eyes peered out at them. Smiling cruelly at there futile attempt to leave. A hand snaked out of the foliage and used the force to Jerk Maia from the arms of Zeke. Maia cried out as her body slammed to the ground.

She was stunned by the fall more than anything. "You two go, go now. I can feel his power." She whispered weakly, her throat was bruised and swollen from her clawing at it so she could breath.

Harsh, cold laughter filled the area at her words....

Sep 6th, 2002, 10:29:15 AM
Zeke's eyes shone with a determined light, an odd expression with his smile on his face.

"You're determined to kill our master, aren't you?" he said to no one in particular. "Too bad for you, I'm just as determined to save her."

He knelt next to Maia and picked her up.


Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 6th, 2002, 04:10:44 PM
An irate and enraged feature reflected off Kindo's face, giving proof of the fury he possessed for the dark individual.

" I told you that I would be willing to solve all of this in peace, but you are telling me that cannot be done. "

He paused momentarily, gripping his sword tightly.

" So be it. "

With those words said, the Jedi charged at the dark lord, all while removing a small dagger from his belt. In the midst of his rapid dash, he suddenly halted his hastened tracks. In one swift movement, he forcefully casted the knife towards his adversary to astonoshing speed and accuracy, using the Force to aid him in his activity.

Sep 8th, 2002, 07:56:06 PM
Zeke blasted forward towards the LQ, then took to the trees, moving through the territory of the green, ape-like creatures that inhabited the forests. If he could get lost among them, the Sith may well leave him be to get Maia to the medbay. He hoped Kindo could hold his own til he got back...

Maia Tharrinn
Sep 9th, 2002, 01:36:13 AM
Maia opened her eyes the pain in her throat was almost unbearable. She could not speak so she used the force. "Zeke you cannot leave him alone. It does not matter what happens to me, but you must stick together and help one another. No matter the outcome you must help each other to stop this."

Sep 9th, 2002, 10:09:10 AM
"B...but..." Zeke looked away, making the hardest decision he'd ever made since his arrival at GJO. "Fine...but if you die or something, I'll never forgive you!"

He dropped to the ground, near an old tree with roots twisted up out of the ground.

"Hide under here. I'll be back for you..."

Zeke arrived at the battle ground seconds later, using Force to boost his actions. He came in across from Kindo, pinning their unknown Sith between them. A long overhead slash joined Kindo's attack.

Thayin Nuevole
Sep 9th, 2002, 11:34:18 AM
In vain, the two Padawan learner's milled about the under brush looking for Maia's attacker. Someone or something was there...But where? Maia was terribly wounded, and the dark master held her form in check with an unseen hand. Within the dark-side the figure hid himself, watching, waiting patently for the opportunity to strike!

As Kindo prepared himself, Zeke questioned his master on what to do next...A sinister laugh registered in their ear's as a black cloaked figure emerged from the opposite side of the clearing...It appeared to be the death knight...Soth! The presence of evil was overwhelming as the two young jedi spun around to face the man a few yards from them. The figure pulled back his cowl and reveled his handsome feature's, it was not the death knight but his older brother, Thayin Nuevole...In his dark eye's was the clear message of hate, a harbored power was also noted as Zeke looked on the Sith. Fear and dread fell over him as he locked eye's with Thayin.

A limb of a tree near Kindo broke free and swung low knocking him to the ground as he tore through it with his saber at the last moment, however he found his one of his leg's trapped under the weight of it and was unable to move as it held him fast. It would take the help of a comrade to remove the tree if he were to be set free from it's grasp.

The dark figure without further hesitation snatched two silver hilt's from his side's. An awful hiss broke the silence of their mind's as the black robed figure ignited his double saber's, their red blade stretched to their full length as he stood there eyeing Zeke.

"Come young one...I to have plan's for you! Thayin's word's were through clenched teeth as a large bolder came hurling towards him from Zeke's right side.

Sep 9th, 2002, 11:49:00 AM
Zeke, showing more resourcefulness and speed than the Sith had given him credit for, Zeke flattened to the ground, avoiding the boulder, and rushed for Kindo. He shoved the log aside, freeing his friend. Too much Force boosting...he wouldn't be able to maintain it much longer. Zeke helped Kindo to his feet.

"Any brilliant plans, bro?"

Thayin Nuevole
Sep 9th, 2002, 02:02:23 PM
Zeke had not quite finished his sentence when the last of his word's turned into a yelp. The feeling of falling overtook them both by the pit's of their stomach's as a mammoth ten foot in diameter sink hole opened from underneath them without warning. Quickly the two jedi learner's plummeted down the rough shaft followed by the log that Zeke had cast aside only moment's before. Dirt and sand covered them as they tumbled further down the huge hole. As the two young men hit the bottom with a hard sickening thud some thirty feet below, they were unpleasantly greeted by the large log from above. However, before they could gather their bearing's about them, Kindo felt a sudden sharp smash from behind him. The heavy log glanced off the back side of his head dazing him momentary, then it slipped off his shoulder were the brunt of the log careened into Zeke's chest, pinning him to the dirt wall. Zeke could feel the precious air leave his body with the impact of the log to his torso. Kindo fell to his knee's in pain as more dirt and debris fell in on the two...

Moment's later the Sith could be heard above the mouth of the hole, however his form was not in view of the two men as he spoke.

"You are unwise to lower your defense...jedi!" Thayin word's were firm, tipped with a mocking tone as he stood on the ready for the two men to emerge. The assassin's lethal twin saber's hummed, eager to taste the fresh flesh of the two downed men.

The jedi were in a hell of a fix now...If they shot out of the hole with a "Force Jump" it was curtain that the Sith would cut them down as soon they came out. What were they to do now? The log that was pinning Zeke to the earthen wall was lodged in the hole and would take his jedi brother's help to remove it...Time was now of the essence!

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 9th, 2002, 05:19:35 PM
Kindo felt the hefty load belt him across the backside of his aching head, throwing him to the filthy surface below. Ignoring the overwhelming pain, he saw his friend in dire need of his instant assistance. He managed to arise from the ground, strolling over to his pinned down comrade.

Kindo remebered when his master taught him that the size of the object did not matter, has long has the Force dictated your actions, no matter the how difficult the tasks that often presented themselves were. He closed his eyes, and without giving any attention up towards their foe, lifted the hefty lumber up off his fellow Jedi. Extending his right hand towards his friend, both were heavily injured, but prepared nonetheless. Kindo reobtained his gleaming sword, prepared to execute his current responsibility. He turned his attention back towards Zeke, now primed with well thought tactics.

" Listen, we both Force jump at once towards the top, and make a clear strike at the warrior. "

Sep 9th, 2002, 08:26:34 PM
"He's got sabers. Your sword won't block them. Besides, he's expecting that, I'll bet. I'll jump first, block him, then you attack. On 3...1...2...3!"

The two leapt from the hole. Zeke, through luck and speed, blocked the incoming attack from Thayin.

"Now, Kindo!"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 10th, 2002, 02:08:06 PM
Kindo delivered an apt horizontal slash out towards the Sith, all while regaining his balance upon the solid earth.

Thayin Nuevole
Sep 10th, 2002, 10:08:16 PM
As the first jedi emerged from the now collapsing sink hole, Thayin easily blocked the inverted attack from Kindo. The assassin extended the humming red blade outwards then brought his right arm across in a horizontal motion clipping Kindo's blade, then rolling the twin saber's over his head with both hand's in a blinding three hundred and sixty degree spin as Zeke shot forth from the hole.

Zeke howled in pain as one of the tip's of Thayin's blade's caught him in the mid thigh. As Thayin finished the complex move, he quickly knelt down on one knee extending his left hand towards Kindo while his saber hand stretched out behind him.

An unseen wave hit the Kindo square in the chest, sending him sprawling backwards to the ground...A wicked smile slowly etched it's way across Thayin's face as Zeke landed painfully to the forest floor...

Sep 10th, 2002, 10:44:36 PM
Zeke landed on his feet away from Thayin, and watched the Sith turn his attention to Kindo. He threw the soft dirt under his feet into the master's eyes with his foot, Then boosted himself with Force and leapt at Thayin, knocking the man to the ground as he hit him.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 12th, 2002, 06:03:58 PM
Kindo ascended from the near surface, regaining a sturdy position upon the ground. Immediatly, his training came upon his thoughts, and he remembered what his master had taught him not long ago. He extended his right hand, and allowed a wake of Force energy to emit from his palm, casting the dark assassin many feet away, colliding with the substanial ground below him.

Thayin Nuevole
Sep 13th, 2002, 06:58:32 PM
Thayin felt the grit hit his eye's as he managed to block most of the dirt that Zeke had flung at him. The young jedi's body collided with the Sith's as Zeke forced jumped towards him knocking Thayin off balance.

Thayin instinctively rolled backwards with the young man's body over him, bring his right knee in tightly to his body as he did so...The assassin flung Zeke up and over were he landed behind him with a hard thud to the ground. Completing the tumble, Thayin came to rest in a crouched position as a wave of force hit him, knocking him back as he fought for balance once again.

Once the assassin quickly regained his footing he returned the favor back to Kindo. Thayin stretched his left hand out towards Kindo as a crashing wave hit him full force in the torso. Kindo was lifted off his feet only to stop suddenly as his back slammed into a near by tree...Igniting his saber's, Thayin turned to face Zeke who was now just getting to his feet.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 14th, 2002, 12:33:18 PM
Kindo collided with the large tree, the impact throwing him back towards the solid earth below him. Regaining his strength and ignoring the pain, he leapt back up upon his feet. Spotting his silverish blade a few feet away, he brought the weapon back within his right palm with aid of the Force. He then hurled the blade out towards the darksider, casting it with great force and precise accuracy.

Sep 14th, 2002, 11:03:39 PM
Zeke took to his feet, slower than his usual fast recovery time. He ignited both his sabers, watching as Thayin advanced. He would need to recover his breath and strength, so for the moment, he would have to allow the Sith to attack.

Thayin Nuevole
Sep 17th, 2002, 07:05:38 PM
As Thayin descended upon the young jedi Zeke with his twin saber's, Kindo's silver blade hit it's mark true. The wicked looking blade buried deep into Thayin's upper left shoulder causing the Sith to momentarily cease his attack on Zeke. Thayin spun with the force of it's impact as it hit him, turning just enough to were he was now parallel with the jedi who was recovering himself from the last assault...The Sith master rotated his saber's in an upwards arch were it caught Zeke in the right deltoid. Zeke's mind cried out in agony as one of the searing red blade's tore through his flesh.

Quickly reaching back to where the lethal blade was, Thayin removed it with a painful grunt. As Zeke turned once again to face Thayin, he was met with another smashing force wave to his torso as the Sith held out his left hand towards him. The jedi was lifted off his feet, however this time, the sudden unexpected jolt dislodged a saber from his grasp...

Sep 18th, 2002, 09:48:17 AM
Zeke dropped a saber as Thayin threw him with the Force, the pain was monstrous, and he was having a great deal of trouble focusing. He hit an old, rotted log, then landed on the ground, rolling to keep his injuries from contacting the ground. His saber lay between himself and Thayin, and he didn't dare run to retrieve it or summon it with the Force. Instead, a new idea formulated in Zeke's mind as he took the situation into account. Then he heard the call of animals beyond the log and a piece of fruit landed on the ground nearby. He stood, still grinning, and flourished his saber challengingly.

"Follow, if you have the bravery and skill!"

He taunted Thayin and moved back beyond the log. Kindo should be with him shortly.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 20th, 2002, 04:44:00 PM
Somehow in the midst of the ongoing duel, Kindo's veins were flowing with raw energy. Despite his recent injuries, he managed to gain enough momentum to leap behind the rotten lumber, once again joining up with his comrade.

He then took immediate notice that he was without any sort of weapon, and in this current fight he knew one was extremely needed. Through focusing within the depths of the living Force, Zeke's dormant steel handgrip flew to Ki Adi's right palm in one expeditious motion. He swiftly reignited the dormant lightsaber, allowing a sapphire beam to shoot forth from the silverish hilt.

Sep 20th, 2002, 04:52:11 PM
Zeke took a deep breath.

"Okay Kindo, get ready..." He threw one last taunt at Thayin, the most obscene gesture he could think of. The look of anger on Thayin's face was priceless, and scared Zeke spitless. "Run Kindo!"

The two took off into the jungles.

Thayin Nuevole
Sep 21st, 2002, 06:49:32 PM
As the two young jedi's took refuge behind a worm-eaten log, taunting the Sith to follow them into the woodland's, they hatched a plan for an impending pursuit for Thayin's demise. Oddly enough, Thayin only stood stoically as a satisfied grin took the place of the tentative grimace that was there only moment's before.

As Zeke and Kindo looked on, they were puzzled at the Sith's demeanor and noted something even stranger as the two were about to dash off to the surrounding foliage. Thayin's form seemed to shimmer, momentarily blinking in and out of their sight as if phasing, contorting his frame as if into another nether world. What should have been the white's of Thayin eye's belied the truer nature of the Sith Master who now stood motionless; the slightest hint of the purest blue shone through them as they took on a luminescent quality about them. In that moment the sky over head darkened, the subtle wind from the Northwest seemed to pick up to a fevered pitch as boiling black cloud's rolled in. Leaf's and dirt churned in small dust devil's as the two young jedi's shielded their eye's from the sudden torrent that threatened the forest about them.

"Run little one's...For something wicked this way comes!" Thayin replied, his word's fell on their ear's in cool icy tones that griped their heart's with fear. The limb's from the tree's canopy creaked and moaned, threatening to snap and break as they were pushed beyond the limit's of their endurance...Rain began to dash against the dry ground, saturating the soil as it hit. Jagged vein's of lighting streaked and hissed across the darkened sky as Thayin watched the jedi's with an amusing glare...Then all fell silent and time it's self seemed to stand still...

ooc: Please wait for your Master to post. Thanks bro's :)

Maia Tharrinn
Sep 25th, 2002, 01:24:34 PM
Maia watched as her Padawans fought the Holocron Image of Thayen. It was the last test she would give them as Padawans that would send them on there way to knighthood. They had fought hard and well against the task she had set them. She had taken a demo from the archives of a true Master.

Thayen Nuevole was an imposing advisari and had they met them on a true battle ground they would not have survived. Not even she would have stood a chance with him. Maia had wanted to see what they could do, how well they worked together. She had noticed a few times that they had not done what she would have wanted of them but everyone fought in there own way.

She picked up the small cube and froze the scene. Thayens form froze in place and flickered. Her padawans eyes grew wide at the sight. She moved closer to the holo image of Thayen. "It seems my test has caught you unaware in some places but you fought hard and well. In the end you came together as all Jedi should in battle." She said with a pleased smile.

"I wanted to have this last test and make it as real as possible. I needed to have you worried and unsure, to see if it would become fear and make you falter. But instead it only made you more determined. You have learned well Kindo and Zeke. Always remember, no matter the opponent, always work with your fellow Jedi. There was in truth no way you could have beat him but you did not give up or become angry or discouraged. You two stand before me now and in my eyes I see true Jedi knights."

She flicked the button on the Holocron box. The scene around them changed completely. Gone were the sings of battle. Thayens form winked from existence.

"I am very proud of both of you... If you would like we can discuss what you should ahve done in some areas and where you felt unsure."

Sep 25th, 2002, 01:34:23 PM
Zeke sat heavily, disengaging his saber and gaping at where Thayin's image had been.

"Huh? Wh-what the?"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 25th, 2002, 08:10:48 PM
Kindo chuckled slightly after viewing the created image, one test he was unaware of. Although the relentless combat left him quite tiresome, he was still relieved to grasp the truth, and that was quite satisfying. Many unexpected trials would encounter him throughout his life, and it was great to know he would be prepared for what was thrown his way.