View Full Version : Okay, so I'm a slow learner (LOTR)

Sage Hazzard
Aug 24th, 2002, 01:44:47 AM
Alright, I read a bit of the Hobbit. I quickly got sideswiped by media and video games, so I put down the book and never found the determination to pick it back up. Okay, call me stupid, because I'm thinking the same thing.

I never went to the movies to see LOTR. I figured it'd be boring. I mean, an old dude and a short dude are the lead characters? Yeah, you can call me stupid again. Like I said, I'm agreeing with you now. Why have I finally realized my stupidity?

I rented LOTR:FOTR. Dang, dang, dang. I'll even spell it backwards: gnad. I was almost blown away. Not just because of the amazing acting my Sir Ian, the amazing visuals by the wizards of the special effects team, and not because Aragorn is just so freakin' coooool. The reason is: I could have already read all three of the books and experienced this amazing phenom! What a moron I am. I'm one of the few people that sometimes enjoys a book over a movie, so LOTR book form seems mighty appealing now. It just makes me think... it took a movie and all that publicity to finally get my attention, when it was under my nose at the local library all this time. God bless Mr. Tolkien(sp?) and his innovation, vision, and mastery to put such odd thoughts onto paper. Even though it took that shaggy bearded director dude to grab my attention. I guess I need to stop waiting for the pretty, shiny pennies when I have a handful of dirty quarters.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 24th, 2002, 12:07:10 PM
YAY we have another Tolkien convert!

*hugs Sage*

And Peter Jackson himself got your attention? DO you *know* him?! I dreamed last year that he was at my opening night showing of FotR, and was introducing the movie, and shook hands with everyone. But then ihad to get a soda for my nephew or something, and Kevin Bacon was manning the concession stand. And after I got my soda..I coudln't find the theatre again.

That was such a frustrating dream!

But you really should read the books. ASAP! ;)

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 24th, 2002, 06:24:25 PM
Seems to me to be a common theme - all these people skipped LOTR:FOTR in the theatres cause they thought it would not be a movie they woul d like. Then they see it on DVD / Video and realise what they missed. Yor about the 10th on these forums to say that Sage.

And of course man + Dog is reading Tolkien now :)

Aug 24th, 2002, 06:36:19 PM
The set I got for my birthday is still in its shrink wrap :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 24th, 2002, 10:19:26 PM
Fett must not be a man OR a dog. Weird.


j/k *huggle Fett*

Sage Hazzard
Aug 24th, 2002, 11:21:28 PM
Well, I'm saying his understanding of the book was capable enough to translate it into film. If Joe Nobody made it, it might have been "re-visioned". Like they do with everything now a days. They take a good formula and make it suck by adding modern stuff. I tip my hat to shaggy beard there.

Has anyone noticed that both Jackson and Lucas have large, thick, scragly beards....?

Aug 25th, 2002, 12:06:38 AM
I've never been a big fan of the books, I'll be honest I have yet to read the last two books(though they're on my list!). I like the world, I like the characters I just can't get through Tolkiens writing style. The movies are great and if nothing else will prompt me to read the books after the fact.

Aug 25th, 2002, 05:02:08 AM
So's KJA, Aaron Allston, Steven Spielberg, James Cameron, Ridley Scott....

It's a sign you've made it ;)

And LD, Im something more :)

Im going to read FOTR when I get the time, TTT after I see the film, the Hobbit during the year, and the last one when Ive seen the film

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 25th, 2002, 05:33:21 AM
Well, I'm saying his understanding of the book was capable enough to translate it into film. If Joe Nobody made it, it might have been "re-visioned". Like they do with everything now a days. They take a good formula and make it suck by adding modern stuff. I tip my hat to shaggy beard there.

Two reasons - Jackson is a Tolkien geek and two, Ian McKellan had a copy of LOTR on set and if there was a discussion on what to do, it was always refer to Ian and the book.

That's the thing you really see in LOTR - the people doing it loved what they were doing and cared for what they were doing. Made a big, big difference.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 25th, 2002, 07:11:06 AM
Don't forget Christopher Lee! Apparently he's read each book once every year for the last sixty years; he's a Tolkien expert. On the DVD I find it quite amusing how he goes on like a school teacher on how to pronounce the names correctly.

Admiral Lebron
Aug 25th, 2002, 07:28:18 AM
Yarg! I need the dvd. Damn those parental units for waiting till the november one!

Aug 25th, 2002, 08:03:35 AM
Yeah Loki, that was realy funny. I had no idea Lee read LOTR that much though. I guess it helps to hire other Tolkien experts that just happen to be great actors!

Aug 25th, 2002, 10:34:11 AM
Personally I read all books before the movie and became a huge fanatic.

I loved the movie, and now I am trying to read all Tolkien work, I have already read most of the Unfinished Tales, finished the Hobbit, and started the Silmarrillion (sp?). The last one is a very tought read, but extremely beautiful writing.

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 25th, 2002, 04:07:06 PM
The Silmarillion is an evil book to read, but very worthwhile if you can get into it. I'd consider it better than LOTR, but man do you need to be in the mood to read it.

Admiral Lebron
Aug 25th, 2002, 04:43:38 PM
I tried to read silmarillon when I was like 11. Ugh...got through like 40 pages and quit.

Figrin D'an
Aug 25th, 2002, 07:57:24 PM
Reading The Silmarillion is like trying to read a religious text... it sets the beginnings of Tolkien's realm, chronologs his own "creation" story, the origins of good and evil, the eternal struggle of ethereal powers, and sets the early history of the peoples of that world. Not an easy read, but very intriguing to see just how in-depth Tolkien's notes were, and how vivid his imagination really was.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 25th, 2002, 09:24:31 PM
That's what I love so much about his work. The level of detail from races and languages to mythology and history is so great that it really is a world of it's own that could've existed. It's quite humbling to think about it really, this man had so much passion for his work that essentially he made it so real that his writings might as well be historical accounts.

I may purchase The Silmarillion soon. I'm dying to have a crack at it.

Aug 25th, 2002, 09:27:20 PM
I carry it wherever I go. I know it will take me a couple of months to read it so I am reading other stuff also, but whenever I get a break either at work or at college I sit on a bench and read a couple pages.

I also have a Tolkien companion in my house so whenever I get lost I pick it up. It is an excellent book so far.

Oh Marcus, today I saw FOTR again and I haven't noticed, well I had noticed but not made the relation, that Sam uses a frying pan to beat some orc ass!!!

Anyway my uncle returns from N. Zealand tomorrow, I hope he brings LOTS OF PICTURES!

Figrin D'an
Aug 25th, 2002, 11:21:53 PM
Once all of the films are done, the Kiwi's could make some serious money from people that want to vacation and go see the sets and shooting locations (provided they leave them up as attractions).

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 25th, 2002, 11:36:57 PM
Could? They are! There are LOTR tours you can take already

Serena Laran
Aug 26th, 2002, 01:19:12 AM
I was under the impression all the shooting had been wrapped already for all three films. I want to see Hobbiton!! :cry

*is LD*

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 26th, 2002, 09:02:58 AM
It'd be great if you could buy Bag End. That would be sweet!

Aug 26th, 2002, 09:08:16 AM
They have done all the shooting, but doesnt mean its ALL done :)

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 26th, 2002, 09:19:07 AM
They might need to re-shoot.

Aug 26th, 2002, 09:50:50 AM
Or add

Admiral Lebron
Aug 26th, 2002, 11:23:56 AM
Or just shoot because they want to fool everyone into thinking they need to reshoot or add something when really its a huge practical inside joke.

Aug 26th, 2002, 11:39:55 AM
Get the internet people scared, as people witness them filming Peter Jackson skipping accross a hill in Liederhosen :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 26th, 2002, 06:47:27 PM
>_< :lol

Aug 26th, 2002, 06:50:25 PM
I think it would be a good scene. Remember how Batman had the bat appear when the scene changed? LOTR could have Liederhosen Jackson :)

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 26th, 2002, 06:53:37 PM
LMAO!!! :lol

Only if they have the same sound to accompany the scene change. :)

Aug 27th, 2002, 02:34:48 AM
well it took me going to a theater pub over this summer to really enjoy LotR, and now I cannot stop watching it on dvd.

Aug 27th, 2002, 10:15:54 AM
Yeah, need the music :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 27th, 2002, 12:22:22 PM
No! No liederhosen Jackson! :x

Aug 27th, 2002, 12:28:15 PM
WHy not? :)