View Full Version : I was an extra on Angel!!!

Aug 24th, 2002, 12:45:16 AM
Hehe, I just got back from Las Vegas on Friday after spending a few days there with my best friend and my family (although I didn't see them that much, hehe). Anyway, Bryan and I went to Fremont Street last night, which is off the main strip (where the most luxurious hotels were; we stayed at the Bellagio in a presidential suite again), and there is this awesome cover for the entire street that has thousands upon thousands of light bulbs able to create images above you. Basically it stretches about as far as you can see and they have a show every hour on the hour.

Well we are walking through and thinking, "Eh, this is pretty cool, lots of casinos though and not too much else to do." Then we saw this dude in green face paint and some other people raising this big round light ball or something. So we stood around a bit and figured out it was the TV show Angel, the spinoff of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, by this sign that they had set up there.

Pretty soon I start figuring out the green dude is in fact Angel himself, from almost every episode of Buffy at least that I have seen, and there was this chick there I really didn't recognize. Anyway, so they go through a rehearsal and the extras walk through the area ("background action" is what they said). Now the funny part here is that every extra on that "set" was paid by the company and with the company, but Bryan and I were not. Not like they seemed to notice. They said, "Everyone who is NOT with the company please step away and make room." Bryan and I just stood there anyway.

So pretty soon the director is like, "PLACES PEOPLE! Camera is rolling... and... BACKGROUND ACTION!" then we would all walk by just before Angel got there and these two security guards walk behind Angel as though they are looking for him but can't see him through the crowd. I'd venture to say we did 7 takes of that particular scene, which was only a few seconds. One time Bryan and I walked directly in front of the camera! LOL, it was freakin' awesome. Then they did about two more scenes and I was in both of them too, just pretending like I was an extra. When they finished the first scene the director was like, "CUT, THAT IS A WRAP PEOPLE, PRINT IT!" and everyone starts clapping, hehe. I just was like, "Yeah! *clap clap*" haha, not being paid for this, whoo hoo! lol

So if I'm on a future episode of Angel, that'll be tight. I will be the guy in the background with a black shirt and black shorts and a camera around my neck, haha. Also I had my video camcorder through about half of the takes! It was hilarious. I can't believe they just don't even pay attention to who their own people are.

Anyway, that was pretty tight! You see all kinds of cool/interesting stuff in Vegas.

I also went to a concert with Moby and Dirty Vegas, and some stupid lady who totally sucked, she started it off, and people were booing her. Not everyone, but at least people around me, and she was like, "This is my last song," and everyone was like "YEAH!!! WHOO HOO! LAST SONG! BRING ON DIRTY VEGAS!" hehe. I am not a huge concert fan myself, too much noise, too much smoking, drinking, drug use, and idiocy. There were a ton of people dancing around like total fools. This pretty hot chick in front of me was basically on me she was dancing so close and then to top it all off these two like 40 year old fat chicks, really disgusting, were dancing with this one guy and they were fondling each others boobs. Then to make it worse, they started LICKING each others boobs! My sister and her friend that she brought were so grossed out, ugg, it was frickin' nasty.

Oh I also saw Ultimate X, the ESPN IMAX film, which was very good, plus the 3-D IMAX Space Station movie narrated by Tom Cruise. That was really good and the 3-D is amazing (I had seen it once before). It seems like you are actually there. The realism is just impossible to equal with normal film needless to say. On the last day we saw this stupid Haunted Castle movie, which totally sucked. IMAX 3-D also, but all it did was try to show off the technology and both Bryan and I would give it 1 star. It just was horrible. Corny, plot made no sense, entirely CG so it didn't look nearly as impressive, just a lame attempt at a 3-D film.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 24th, 2002, 12:52:17 AM
I saw that concert in July in Alabama. It was pretty cool, and yes the opening opening band SUCKED! They were so lame.

Aug 24th, 2002, 12:57:19 AM
Yeah, the chick is frickin' horrible. Don't quit your day job lady, jesus. They were so bad.

I thought Moby was better than I expected, but seriously I am not a concert fan. I have the Bond soundtrack with that Moby song on it, his techno Bond version or whatever, and it sounds fantastic on CD, I've always loved that, but hearing it live was horrible. I couldn't even make out the notes because they BLAST the music so loud and it sounds like crap. Oh well, overall the concert was somewhat enjoyable.

Aug 24th, 2002, 07:44:31 AM
Were Ash there? I know they did a concert with Moby

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 24th, 2002, 12:04:11 PM
No. Dirty Vegas and Moby and this girl band thing.

Aug 24th, 2002, 12:44:45 PM
ok :)

Aug 24th, 2002, 02:20:23 PM
The girl band was like "Azzure Ray" or something, I cannot spell it nor would I care to get it right but it's something like that, hehe.

Aug 24th, 2002, 04:00:51 PM
Never heard of them :)

Aug 24th, 2002, 07:18:05 PM
Consider yourself lucky then! :)

Aug 24th, 2002, 07:18:58 PM
lol :)

Aug 26th, 2002, 06:24:20 PM
JON, congrats ..........:shootin :shootin

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 27th, 2002, 02:31:27 AM