View Full Version : Bored, and Job Searching.. (open)

Xander Kace
Aug 23rd, 2002, 10:03:56 PM
Xander once again strolled into the mostly Jedi populated bar for a quick drink before heading off in search of a job. Lately, the cops had cracked down on finding who was crashing speeders into various buildings and things of that nature so he had to lay low for a while.

Releaving himself of his weapon, a Colt .45 Revolver, Xander took two steps in and gave the bar a wide sweep before sitting on a barstool and ordering a flat JD.

The funds from the escapades were quickly deminishing, from taking care of himself and the crew. To bailing out of jail if he got caught.

His JD arrived and Xan slid a adequate amount of cred's across the table before holding up a hand with all the appendages attached to it extened.

"Lesse; Reckless Endangerment, Grand Theft Auto Minor, Operation within restricted areas, Possession of illegal software and hardware. Public Descrimination.." All his fingers were down and he sighed, "One helluva rackup..."

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 23rd, 2002, 10:08:42 PM
"Is this the bit when I wave my hand like this and say 'You want to go home and rethink your life!' ?" The rather odd question cam from a ten-year-old boy, by the braid in his hair and attire he wore, it was obvious he was a padawan and he waved his hand jokingly to immitate the gesture for the Jedi mind trick. He smiled and gestured to a stool at the bar.

"Mind if I join you?"

Xander Kace
Aug 23rd, 2002, 10:17:03 PM
Xander chuckled, "Heh, and this is when I say 'I will go home and rethink my life'. But end up jumping off plat. 86 again before I reach home."

Letting a small grin cross his face as Loki asked to join, "Sure, be my guest. Name's Kace, Xander Kace."

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 24th, 2002, 05:27:30 AM
Loki let out a laugh then nimbly hopped up onto the tall stool. He extended a hand.

"Hi Xander. I'm Loki Ahmrah." He announced cheerfully. The boy diverted his attention momentarily as the bartender went past, after ordering a glass of ice water he turned back to his company.

"So what's all this I heard about Grand Theft Auto, Public Discrimination and Reckless Endangerment? Been keeping yourself busy?"

Xander Kace
Aug 24th, 2002, 07:37:25 AM
"Nice meetin' you, Loki." Xander gave a wry smile and a firm nod of greeting, then contiuned, "Well... Those charges are a small price to pay just to keep Risk alive."

Seeing the initial confusion from Loki, "Risk 101 is a extreme sportist group, We're all orphans who cannot get a Job due to not having a perminate adress or something similar. John, Joesph, Gavinion, Alex, Zane, Mark, and myself do insane stuff to sell over the holonet to eat, sleep, and stay strong.."

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 24th, 2002, 07:19:19 PM
"Wow!" The boy replied wide-eyed. "I've never heard of anything like that, that must be one heck of an exciting way to live--" He paused then quickly added, "--And dangerous! Have you ever injured yourself doing this crazy stuff?"

Xander Kace
Aug 25th, 2002, 06:53:52 PM
"Oh... plenty of times. Broke a leg doing a motorbike stunt and got stuck playing first person shooting video games for three months." With this, Xander gave a slight pat on his left shin. He had gotten more and more broken bones other than that, but that was for another story. "I get cut from the shrapnel from the explosions and brusies from the falls."

"You ever do anything dangerous?" he finished off with a grin

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 25th, 2002, 08:04:39 PM
"I never used to, but--" He paused momentarily reflecting on the past year and a half. "--but ever since I started training to be a Jedi my life has become a lot more dangerous."

Again Loki paused and took a sip of his water. He thought about Xander had said, it was a wonder he was still alive doing all those stunts. The padawan made a mental note to have a look for their escapades being broadcasted on HoloNet - he hate HoloNet and would rather have a good book but this would be worth seeing.

"Let's see; I've been in the middle of civil conflicts between rivalling towns, on Myrkr engaging hungry Vornskyrs, ventured into Byss, helped save two kidnapped children from a gang of thugs, went into battle against a group of Dark-Siders attempting to enslave a planet and in this very Bar and Grill I helped confront and fight off over a score of Dark Jedi." He finished, shaking his head after summing it up.

He could hardly believe he was the same boy as the one who had been left on Arcan IV almost two years ago. A lot has changed. Snapping out of it he looked back up at Xander.

"But that's a way of life. Isn't there any way you can earn a living a less dangerous way? Ever thought of applying for work around here?"

Xander Kace
Aug 25th, 2002, 08:19:00 PM
Xan rose an eyebrow at the boy's story of fighting, saving lives, and things. To him, it sounded pretty fun and worth doing if he could.

Xander shook his head to clear teh thoughs, "I've tried. Either it was too boring and I had to quit, or I was fired because the boss saw the tapes. Although, I did get tested for Midocloriwhatevers awhile back before I began to really get into the platform jumping and snowboardin' things... The Doc' told me I had low to none of them things."

He let out an exausted sigh, "The perfect job for me would be something that would involve my stunts and stuff like that". Taking a long swig from his JD, "Maybe you should come to the stunt we are planning to do later on this afternoon... if we can find a suitible place to do it at."

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 25th, 2002, 08:57:02 PM
"Well that would be interesting! I'd love to join you guys!" Loki replied immediatly, very happy with the offer.

"One thing though--" Loki said, his brow furrowed and his nose wrinkled; that was his trademark thinking look. "--well, from what I remember, doctors aren't qualified and nor do they have the knowledge to test for midichlorians. That is a knowledge only possessed by Jedi. I could arrange a proper test for you sometime if you'd like!"

Suddenly, a look of realisation came over Loki and wide-eyed he said: "I know! What about professional competetive sports?" He paused with a beaming face thinking that he could be talking to a future professional hover-ball player. He added persuasively, "Think about it, physcially enduring, exciting, dangerous and there's a heck of a lot of money in it for you too!"

Xander Kace
Aug 27th, 2002, 05:29:57 AM
Xander lofted a brow, those types of sports he had not thought about. Loki spoke true, alot of the games were physically harsh, not much of an rush when it comes down to it.

"Ah... that'll be considered," He replied, grinning. "Mayhaps I could go into racing.. or something similar..."