View Full Version : Sovereignty Forum request

Telan Desaria
Aug 23rd, 2002, 07:28:15 PM
I would lov o have a forum here, one of those sub thingies.

I would love the following.

Are you dedicated? Honorable? Loyal? Strong of mind or body? Humanoid? If you meet these requirements, you have a fruitful career in the Empire ahead of you.

Ministry of Finance and Economy
All business transactions between the independent and Imperial bacta producion centers and the ubli may be conducted here. IC or OOC

Sovereign High Command
:::RESTRICTED:::Access granted to only members of the Imperial Sovereignty who command and whose loyalty is unquestioned.

That's it. Any other suggestions?

Darth Viscera
Aug 26th, 2002, 03:34:01 AM
Be more specific. You didn't even mention what the group's name is. Here's what Khendon submitted:

Forum Title-the Imperial Federacy

All Access

Join the Federacy's ranks
-Restaurant & Bar Rio
Come by for a bite or a stiff drink
-Declassified Research
Public releases of research
-Resources & Personnel
A listing of all Imperial resources


-Military Command
Running of the Federacy goes on here
-Research & Development
United Imperial Technologies and Maverick Labs joint research
-Training Facility #32
Development of young and old alike goes on here

Telan Desaria
Aug 26th, 2002, 11:06:09 AM
Name: the Imperial Sovereignty

All Access:

Are you dedicated? Honorable? Loyal? Strong of mind or body? Humanoid? If you meet these requirements, you have a fruitful career in the Empire ahead of you.

-Royal Courtyard
A place for discussion, both IC and OOC, to Sovereign authorities, soldiers, and officers.

-Ministry of Finance and Economy
All business transactions between the independent and Imperial bacta producion centers and the ubli may be conducted here. IC or OOC

-Sovereign R&D
All research and development programmes no longer deemed classified are listed here.

Lists of all Sovereignty assets.


-Sovereign High Command
:::RESTRICTED:::Access granted to only members of the Imperial Sovereignty who command and whose loyalty is unquestioned.

-Research and Development
Place of Development for new Imperial Technologies

-Private Diplomatic Relations
Open to those who seek clandestine audience before the Grand Admiral or the Monarchy.