View Full Version : Twisted Up and Rained Upon (open)

Elles Jinn
Aug 23rd, 2002, 05:02:48 PM
tap, tap, tap, tap, tap...

She didn't even notice her repetitive tapping on the bar with her fingernails. For once, she didn't notice much of anything. Elles' thoughts were too stirred up to leave room for anything else save the glass of whiskey that she methodically sipped. The usually cloaked figure was, for the first time in years, simply wearing a pair of loose fitting flight pants and a turtleneck. It was an experience that only added to the agitation of the young woman. She considered going back to Liam’s quarters and grabbing her handy companion but that would entail moving, an action that wasn't exactly high on her priority list at the moment. The start of a headache was beginning to make itself known and Elles merely sighed, rubbing her temples slowly.

"I'll have another please."

She said in a hushed voice, motioning at the bartender and then to her empty glass. It was her third and she was certain that a fourth and a fifth would follow. Perhaps it wasn't the best way to tackle the tangle of questions that had sprouted up but it was a good way to make them fade. Elles sighed and once again lifted the newly filled glass to her lips, grateful that she hadn't had to go far to find a drink.

As she drained the whiskey, Elles looked through the thick-bottomed glass, the distorted view it gave. Everything sort of ran together, like a painting been caught in the rain. Nothing was clear cut, defined. It served as an all too clear reminder of how everything had blurred just that afternoon. Before she had come to Arcan IV, the Greater Jedi Order to be more specific, she had known where she stood. Known who she was and known that nothing could change that. Or, thought she had known at least. But now…now all of that had been tossed out the window, hit with a speeder and mangled until only the smallest of pieces were salvageable.

What she wouldn’t give for just a moment of certainty.