View Full Version : I have learned patience.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 23rd, 2002, 04:14:21 PM
Kindo walked towards the room of the High Council, but this time with a sense of accomplishement and determination. He stepped through the doors and walked towards the middle of the chamber. There he stood in the midst of the High Jedi, with a testimony in his heart. He bowed before them in honor.

" Greetings High Council. I have nothing of great interest to bring before you, except to tell you of a goal that was strived for and recently accomplished. I have tried to understand and apply patience to my training, and not long ago I had to wait for another group to arrive so that I could complete the task given. While it took the individuals very long to arrive, I found my patience by meditating into the Force, allowing myself to be lost in it's power. I then realized that my goal of trying to obtain patience was accomplished and ever since I have used that new ability many times, even in dire situations. I thank all of you who gave me advice about how to go about doing such, it is greatly appreciated. "