View Full Version : Demons to Rest (open)

Khendon Sevon
Aug 23rd, 2002, 01:44:56 PM
Khendon longed to be in Kyry’s loving arms, to caress her gentle, olive skin and stair into her mystical jade eyes. He wished to be surrounded by her tenderness and affection, he yearned for her sweet, rosy lips—the devilish things that had ensnared his own so many times. But this could not be, he had a mission so important that he could not tell even his one, true soul mate of it.

Small things like the way Kyry ran her hands through his hair drove him crazy and burnt sensual memories into his mind which drove him even crazier when he was parted from her. The great commander stood on the bridge of his mightiest, and undoubtedly the galaxy’s mightiest, vessel, the legendary Erebus. He shifted his weight lethargically and sighed, his mind returning to a vice and the goals he had set for himself.

The sole remaining Sevon touched the transparasteel and recalled today’s events…

Khendon had awoke in his office, his face planted firmly on a stack of papers, eyes dull and bloodshot from his preparations, which had not included sleep of any kind; but, which was thrust upon him by his body’s inability to stay awake for more than a week at a time. The new leader of the Imperial Federacy had lifted himself off the table and strode up, out of his office on Omerose. He had carried only a satchel with him, which contained a few changes of clothing, ID, and a Sevon Rifle, Co., pistol with a few extra clips.

The special occasion, which had drawn him from his nest of operations, had to do with a promise, one he had to keep. The ex-Vice Diktat took a shuttle to a nearby asteroid where, in its wake, sat the mightiest of craft ever to breathe fire from its engines, which were silent now. Scaffolding surrounding the still devices like a dark web spun by an insane, giant spider. The craft was missing two of the engines, empty sockets left where they had once been.

As Khendon’s shuttle passed the asteroid, his rear visual sensors picked up the station built on the outside. He had requisitioned its construction before the war, when a fault had been detected in the wiring of the Erebus’s engines, a fault that could, if it hadn’t been detected, have had fatal consequences.

Dim lights glowed eerily in the darkness, unnatural shadows being thrown all over the asteroid’s hard, thirty-kilometer surface. The facility was filled with crack mechanics, technicians, and engineers who had worked tirelessly for weeks to replace four of the six engines on the dark creature that sat meters away from the smooth surface of the base.

Khendon had boarded the craft while the crews changed, powered up the hyperdrive, and escaped into the comfort of the blue tunnel—hyperspace.

He shook himself out of the recollection and turned on his heel, “Send message,” he said with a sober tone in his voice, and the message was transmitted to Kyry, far away in another sector. The Erebus had stopped of a planet, one that was almost entirely engulfed by water, except for a few small islands.

The message that the strategist had sent was brief and simply explained his absence to his love using a lie that stated he would be inspected far off outposts for the next week or so, he hoped she would believe it, but felt doubtful. The computer replied with conformation of it having been sent.

Khendon Sevon commanded the craft to take orbit and strolled slowly to the turbolift, he would need a change of clothing.

Kyryanu Sevon
Sep 8th, 2002, 10:07:15 PM
A metal hand pounded the bartop once more, and its owner let out a slight hiccup before bemoaning the barkeep for another shot of... What was it I was drinking???

Ah hell... "Gimme a... a... a Bothan Banger... "

The barkeep grunted, and set the shot glass before her. She had the glass to her lips when her comm beeped, and venting a disgusted sigh, Kyry pulled the small device from her back pocket and switched it on.

"This better be good."

"Don't get smart with me, Kyry..."

"Lok, I'm drinkin'. What do you want."

"It ain't so much as what I want as what your man wants." The slightest of pauses, then a snap. "Damnit Kyry, I thought I told you to not get involved with him."

Kyryanu Nerrot-s'Ilancy used the time her sister spent scolding her to wash down the shot she'd ordered, and slamming the glass on the bartop, she stood unsteadily to her feet.

"Lok, don't tell me who I can see and who I can't, got it?" she dropped a few credit chits on the bartop, "Now, what does he want?"

The voice on the other end turned ice cold.

"Get your rear to the ship and you can read his message. I'm not your damn answering service."

Kyry closed the link, grumbling, and stormed from the bar she'd recently decided to inhabit.

"Figures," she murmered, "I find a good bar on Duros, and he drags me away from another night of planned drinkin'."

Kyry smiled then, at the thought of Khendon. Truth be told, she wouldn't mind talking to him; she missed him.

Trudging through the streets of the outskirts of the city she and her sister had decided to visit for a 'business meeting', she made her way to the spaceport where The Rascal King was berthed.

Kyryanu Sevon
Sep 11th, 2002, 08:30:39 PM
s'Il was waiting for her when she walked into the office, and as Kyry flopped into one of the soft leather chairs in front of her sister's desk.

The older s'Ilancy flicked her wrist at the younger, sending a small datapad at her, and Kyry caught it easily before switching it on. The message was simple, giving some excuse as to where Khendonhad decided to trapse off to, and with a snort, Kyry looked up.

s'Il stared at her until she'd finished reading, and jade locked with metallic. "I thought I told you to stop seeing him."

Kyry narrowed her eyes. "Just because you told me something doesn't mean I'm gonna do it. You live your life, I'll live mine. Stay outta my business."

s'Il's voice remained calm; though both sisters maintained a dignified and deadly composure, lending a terrible air to the disagreement. "You don't know wht he's like-"

"Oh, and you do?"

"Don't think I'm naive, Kyryanu. I spent enough time with him to let him get close to me; to let him into my life. Khendon Sevon is intense; he's emotional; if he wants something, he does everything in his power to get it. And he always gets it. Whether or not he throws it away when he's done is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is that he always wins."

Kyry tossed the datapad on s'Il's desk, and the clatter seemed to echo through the quiet of the office.

"That's funny, coming from you; you who's already been with him... who's had the luxury of his attentions-"


"... you who even now got a Grand Admiral wrapped around your crooked little pinky-"

"That's enough... " bolting to her feet, s'Il swept a hand across her desk, sending a stack of datpads crashing to the ground along with a glass-encased amulet. "The nature of my relationships is nothing of the sort... and you know it.

"I'm warning you right now, Kyry, stay away from him."

Kyry also shot to her feet. "I most certainly will not!"

"Kyry, listen to me... you don't know what you're getting into..."

"I most certainly do-"

"Do you love him?!"

Kyry stopped, staring at her sister. "I... "

"Do you?! Because if you don't you're gonna hafta tell him... "

"... I'm leaving."

Thirty minutes later Kyry had taken the Shirow, s'Il's personal fighter into hyperspace on her way to meet with Khendon.

She traced the message he'd sent, and came up with it originating in a small, no-name sector in orbit of a small, no-name planet.

As the small, waspish fighter sped through hyperspace, she clenched the metal fingers of her artificial hand around one of the control throttles.

Five hours later

The Shirow dropped from hyperspace gracefully, and as Kyry brought the fighter around in a wide arc, she caught sight of what had to be the biggest ship she'd ever seen, and it seemed to practically dwarf the planet it orbited...

"Holy frell... "

Khendon Sevon
Sep 17th, 2002, 05:13:21 PM
Khendon walked slowly into the shadows, his breathe coming in long gasps that rode the wind like chilled reminders of destiny and fate. The temperature was cold, too cold. As the dark clad figure moved forwards he gripped the hilt of his blade calmly in both hands, the leather squealing with delight as its master prepared to draw life fluid.

The azure-black robes Khendon wore flew around him, ghosts dancing in a gale, as he strode forwards calmly, his face all but concealed by the hood of his garment. The degraded hide military boots that Sevon wore were shredded, tight layers of cloth binding together the scraps of leather that remained.

His stance shifted slightly to his side, his body’s weight being distributed towards his lower body as his center of gravity altered, the metallic luster of his blade nonexistent, its darkness drawing in the shadows around it, causing it to seem darker than night itself as its owner hefted it, brining it into a right high guard position.

“So,” hissed Khendon, his words written in the air, illuminated by the dim torchlight that lined the endless corridor, “you’re the bastard I’ve searched for.”

“That all depends,” said the voice, two octaves dividing it darker and darker as it reverberated throughout the clean cut tunnel, “on,” the damned creature chose its words carefully, a red eye blinking slowly as a yellow toothed grin formed in the dimness. The din of unfurling wings and crashing anvils cut off the dreadful creature as Khendon narrowed his own, raging eyes.

The noise and confusion bothered Khendon to the point of him spitting his next words, “I command you to stop,” he said loathingly, his voice sounding well above the evil devil's, the noise instantly ending as the spite in his words continued throughout the tunnel, a sudden realization coming to Khendon as he gathered his thoughts slowly. “You are the demon, the creature, the evil that I have sought, you… you are what I wish to kill, what I wish to destroy.”

“And you,” said the foul beast with a sigh, his inhuman voice demanding Khendon’s utter attention, “are a fool.”

A flash of blue light filled the corridor consuming everything as it washed over Khendon, his skin burning, robe turning to ashes on his body as his skin turned red and bubbled, then it collapsed upon the dark one as a growl came from the damned creature’s belly. It attacked.

Kyryanu Sevon
Sep 19th, 2002, 04:30:17 PM
Completely empty; abandoned; left for anyone with the desire to plunder it.

As she hopped from the cockpit of the fighter to the deck, her boots let out an echo through the deserted hangar, and she stood still for a few moments before stepping forward.

Now where the hell is Khendon?