View Full Version : A simple case of mistken identiy (Wei-open)

Bobby Gara
Aug 23rd, 2002, 01:21:40 PM
She grinned, she was looking for someone who she heard she could find here, her sister, no her Twin sister, Soja sat at the bar glacing around looking for her and sighed disapointiedly when she did see her, She took a sip of her drink, a cola with lots of ice, and tapped a foot impatenly.

Where are ya sis?she thought to herself....

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 24th, 2002, 09:57:36 PM
"Hi Ange. I know it has been a while since we talked, but you never seem to be over at your room or anywhere anymore."

Wei Wu Wei walked up to the girl that looked like Ange, oblivious to anything. "I missed you," he said, taking her hand.

Bobby Gara
Aug 26th, 2002, 12:59:27 PM
She blinked and looked at the man slightly astonished, and she grinned.

'He knows Angey! Yay! wait.....he thinks I'm her...' she thought to herself as she smiled at Wei.

"Oh yes, it has been awhile hasn't it? I've just been busy with training all."

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 26th, 2002, 02:13:49 PM
"Training?" Wei asked.

"I wasn't aware. Who is your teacher?"

Ange Tot
Aug 27th, 2002, 05:26:51 PM
She coughed and started laughing when Wei asked that question of the young woman he approched thinking Soja to be, well her, she watched from her booth in one of the dark corners of the bar and sent a slight thought towards her sister.

I've been trainging with Lady Dawnstrider. she stifled another giggle.

Oishii Sakana
Aug 27th, 2002, 05:35:02 PM
"What is so funny?" Oishii asked Ange.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 28th, 2002, 07:52:26 PM
Wei felt suddenly energetic. He was tired of sitting. Something wasn;t right.