View Full Version : Tell Me What It Is....(Verse Dawnstrider)
Xazor Elessar
Aug 23rd, 2002, 01:00:31 PM
Silently Xazor made her way down the halls of the Living Quarters. Her eyes scanned the doors to both sides of her, and she rounded a corner. Again she resumed her search until her gaze dropped upon her Father's door. Sighing to herself, she walked up to it and placed a hand against his name....debating whether this was a good idea or not. She decided that it was, she had to know some things. So she knocked...three times softly.
"Father....please open the door..."
Her voice penetrated the metal before her, reaching the ears of the Garou inside. Hopefully he would not ignore her...hopefully he wouldn't be too afraid to answer the door...and her questions. Standing back a little ways, she folded her hands at her weapons belt and looked down at the floor...the little bit that she could see past her buldging stomach where the unborn rested. She shifted her gaze upwards when she heard something....but it wasn't she resumed looking at the ground....hoping...waiting...
Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 24th, 2002, 10:46:01 PM
::The door to Verse's room opened. Verse stood there, much to skinny to be the father Xazor knew. A grey cloak covered his drought face. He breathed deep. He took a step back and spoke slow.::
"Please come in Child. Time for you to see what I become....."
Xazor Elessar
Aug 24th, 2002, 10:53:26 PM
Xazor's eyes widened and nearly fell out of her head at the sight of the man who opened the door. If not for their link....and the fact that she could tell it was him through her senses.....she would have tackled the man who was 'impersonating' her Father. Moving inside his room, she shut the door behind her and grabbed onto his arm.....pulling him around to look right into his eyes.
"What is going on?! And why did you not tell me about this sooner? I could have helped you!"
She growled deeply, exposing her elongated canines. Walking away from him.....she took a few steps and kept her back to him.....feeling a bit betrayed that he had not told her of this 'problem' sooner.
"And who did this to you?"
Her words were spoken through a growl as a viscious hate grew in her heart for the one who hurt her Father....if indeed someone had. Closing her eyes, she called upon the Force and calmed herself...then turned around, waiting for an explaination.....
Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 24th, 2002, 11:57:46 PM
::Verse sat on his bed where two shots sat.::
"Nature did this to me. I have a rare illness. Pivo has been working ona cure for years. We thought we bet it....but it has flair up again. The shots I take keeps it at bay though. This was the reason I left GJO before you came. I returned and started teaching you because I thought I had beat this thing. It really flairs up when I change forms.'
::Verse laid back for a bit.::
"I didn't want you to find out. Didn't want you to worry. I am fine as long as I take the shots. I must take them atleats once a day. Sometimes more."
Xazor Elessar
Aug 25th, 2002, 07:09:46 PM
Xazor sighed and looked at him with sorrow in her eyes. Dropping her head, she walked over to him and sat down on the bedside.
"Father.....I could have helped you. I heal too, remember? I.....I could form a Life Bond with you and then it would affect me too and lessen your suffering!"
Sighing, she looked down at the floor and thought about what he had said. It really affected him while changing......perhaps she should lay off of doing that for a while.
"I was worried when you did not tell me. I knew something was wrong....I can read you like a book! If my Uncle doesn't hurry up and find a cure, I'll find one myself......something has to be done! I can't loose something I just found!"
A few tears threatened to fall from her eyes as she spoke....but she held them back, remaining strong as to not give into emotions as she had been warned of......but how her heart ached.....
Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 26th, 2002, 11:16:19 PM
::Verse injected the two shots in his arms. He grunted and his muscles buldged. Soon he looked normal.::
"One shots holds the virus at bay. The other is a very powerful steriod to keep my muscles up."
::Verse sighed and looked at the ceiling.::
"Me and Pivo have been working on this thing for years. You see now why I wanted to get The Lightwood Cup? Life is hard. As long as I take my shots I am ok though."
Xazor Elessar
Aug 27th, 2002, 08:50:46 AM
Xazor sighed and looked at him now. He was so different than
"I will go to find a cure myself then!"
She said, getting up from the side of his bed. The Knight drew the sword from her back and hussled to the door with a look of determination on her face.
"I will find it at any cost Father....."
Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 27th, 2002, 09:52:36 AM
::Verse smiled.::
"Me and pivo are wondering if there is even a cure. We are wondering if it is a genetic defect. We can only guess."
Xazor Elessar
Aug 27th, 2002, 10:56:17 AM
"There is and I will find it...I promise you that. It's a shame I will have to do this alone though..."
She said softly, thinking of giving her own life for the cause of her Father. She would do it...with or without any cost...
Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 29th, 2002, 08:59:33 AM
::Verse smiled.::
"I can come with you if you like. It is not like the Jedi ar edoing anythign now. Just sitting collecting dust."
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