View Full Version : The Most Simple of all Epiphanies (Kaytor and open)
Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 23rd, 2002, 11:37:03 AM
:: Bortax was one of those thousands of habitable worlds that was only habitable in name. There was no life here, save for the figure shrouded in a depthless hood that emerged from the shuttle. Fossilized sea-beds and a breathable atmosphere were all that remained to tell that there was once a haven for the living. But that was ages past.
The message had been sent days ago. A summons to Kaytor Surna, in her hour of betrayal to the Order. There was no name sent on the message. Only a location, a date, and a sense of ominous urgency. But the vampyre was a creature of shadow, and to seek it out, was to draw it forth. It was a practice rarely met with success, unless done by one who would inexorably pursue to the gates of Hell and beyond.
To this one, there was but one option. To take such an invitation. Even in the dark sanctuary of the Vampyre, there were those whom required locks on the door. The easy way was presented, but the hard way could be seen, waiting in earnest. ::
Kaytor Surna
Aug 23rd, 2002, 05:36:54 PM
Kaytor had gotten the odd message and had left soon after. She was a bit worried about it but merely shruged it off. She quickly boarded a small shuttle and took off for the remote planet after gathering her weapons.
Hours later, the young vampire steped off of the shuttle and onto the planet. She reached out with the force to find the one that had called her. She found a strong force presence north of her and headed off. He wasn't far off by now.
Kaytor soon came apon the jedi. She rested a hand on her sword and watched him. He was faceing away from her. After a moment, she spoke up to him.
"What have you called me here for, Jedi. I can tell we have never met before therefor what do you wish."
Her voice was cold and demanding. She didn't like being summoned like a dog. She also didn't like being this far from the shrine for now. She had only just asked to join them.
Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 23rd, 2002, 05:40:03 PM
Why have you forsaken the teachings of the Order, Kaytor Surna?
:: The hooded figure turned, his face still a dark shroud ::
Have you sold your very soul, for power that you did seek?
Kaytor Surna
Aug 23rd, 2002, 05:46:31 PM
"Hardly the factor."
As soon as he had turned around, she reconised him. She had never met him but had seen pictures and heard of him. Master Anbira.
"I have only accepted that the order is not a place for me. I can not live in the Order for you belive in not harming others. It is imposable for me to live without harming others. I am a vampire in need of blood. Just as you need food and drink and air."
Kaytor's gaze turned into a glare as she watched Anbira. Her right had could pull her sword at any moment if he attacked or if she wished to attack.
Loki Ahmrah
Aug 23rd, 2002, 05:50:36 PM
"What a desolate place this is!" Loki observed with intrigue, his curious eyes looking all around as he stepped down from the ramp of the shuttle. He had came to this planet with his master and they had been waiting for a while now and Anbira had walked off about five minutes ago.
Into his second year with the order, Loki's senses were becoming finer attuned and the presence of his mentor was not a difficult one to identify, it's sheer potency was noticeable in itself. Before they boy went off after his master, he took a sample of the soil and left it in a small beaker for testing later.
"Curious!" He said, beginning his journey to find Anbira he stared up at the sky. Dark clouds of purple and brown swirled loomingly ahead and due to the nature of the mission, Loki rolled his eyes at the pathetic fallacy.
Kaytor Surna
Aug 23rd, 2002, 05:59:09 PM
Kaytor heard the steps of the young jedi. She quickly pulled her sword out and pointed it at the boy. Her dark brown eyes stared at him. A second later, she lowered her sword but kept it in her hand.
"What are you doing in a place like this, young one. Following a senile old man? It is planets like this where death and chaos have taken over and killed everyone. I have seen alot of it in my life time."
Kaytor steped closer to the boy. She stared into his eyes, catching his attention. She used the force to conect his mind to hers. She could read every thought he had, as he could hers. She let her memories flow through the connection. Every painful memory. From the death of her parents to her embrace to her turning. It all travled into the boy.
Loki Ahmrah
Aug 23rd, 2002, 06:08:07 PM
Loki closed his eyes at the experience; as advised he distanced himself from the feelings of pain and suffering - they can only be harmful to a Jedi and his past experiences are evidence of that. But what he didn't know was that she could see the things that played on his mind: mainly his parents and how they are always away with the New Republic and how much he wanted to see them. Perhaps she could even catch a glimpse of his more painful memories; how he had been bullied and beaten up practically every other day at school and how he would have to tell his parents the cuts and bruises were from sports.
Regardless, Loki was in control of his feelings and the only thing he gained from the experience was a greater knowledge of this woman.
"Then you have answered your own question, miss. Death and chaos plague this planet and as a result, my master and I have come here." He paused, his voice polite and calm but had that child-like sincerity about it. "That's what Jedi do!"
Kaytor Surna
Aug 23rd, 2002, 06:19:58 PM
"The jedi to not truly care. If the jedi had cared, this planet and others like it would still have people living here. If the jedi cared, countless amounts of people would not have died. They say that they care but in truth it is only an act."
Kaytor spoke in the boys mind. She smirks slightly and pinches his mind with the force with the same aditude as an adult rustling the hair of a young boy only it was more painful than that. She then turned and faced Anbira.
"How much do you think you know of this boy? Do you know his pain, his sorrow? Do you know what he went through before he joined the jedi and what he still goes through? The jedi do not care of the suffering of their fellows. Only that they can get done what they wish."
Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 26th, 2002, 03:02:40 PM
By nature, this is a dead world.
:: Anbira pulled back his hood ::
And who are you to lecture me upon humanity? A depraved beast, exiled to exist upon the blood of the living?
We are not perfect, Kaytor. Indeed, there are those who do not receive our aid. As for my young Padawan, I know that which he is ready to open unto me. His destiny shall be fruitful, and unless he decides otherwise, I needn't implore further.
We all carry pain in our hearts. It is how we respond to the pain, that determines who we are.
What pain do you now run from, to serve such dark masters?
Lord Soth
Aug 26th, 2002, 04:21:38 PM
The arm of death was long and not without the foresight to see whom it had chosen unto it's own. Even the expanses of time and space could not hold back what fate had destined, beckoned to return to the dark fold's that their kind was born to. Indeed, the conviction's of the heart were measured by one's loyalty to the jedi way's, however, the blood that run through Kaytor's heart was one conceived by the dark-side it's self! The Death Knight, Soth Nuevole had opened the mind of the young jedi padawan to theses truth's...And to the lie's and hypocrisy that she once served. The door to her true nature had been fully revealed. She was a creature unlike no other...A Child of the Damned!
The dark master leaned back in his chair as he sipped slowly at the blood wine from a jeweled chalice. His thought's were on the estranged woman he had met on Naboo and that of the dark assassin, Nemesis. He would bide his time with both as the seed of darkness germinated in their mind's. The subtle temptation that the Death Knight had left them with was now already at work. Like a lethal poison that slowly consumed the body, reaching the deepest recesses of mind until finally it's host surcumed to it's paralyzing embrace...
"Out of the mouth of viper's will they spew their lie's m'lady...And you are the antidote to their kind. Hollow word's from hollow heart's...Curupted by their delustional precept's do they preach." Soth's cryptic word's he had spoken to her on Naboo that night played in Kaytor's mind as she stood there amongst them. An overwhelming feeling of security fell over her form as if the Dark Knight himself was now standing behind her, guarding her interest's and honor in what she knew to be true of them...
Kaytor Surna
Aug 26th, 2002, 08:31:03 PM
Kaytor felt the presence of Soth some where and knew that he was watching her. She was determined to not dissapoint him or the shrine. She then heard Anbira's words of what he belived her to be.
"A beast huh? Only a beast? Beasts have no mind of their own. They do as insticts tell them. And if I am a beast, only able to live off of others, the blood they shed, then it would be the jedi's fault for leting sutch a creature be able to roam these lands like that. Stealing blood from the living. It would be your own fault that I am like this. I did not chose to be what I am. But I have accepted it and I am now proud to be what I am.
And this pain you speak of that is in all of us. Yes I have pain. I have a lot of pain. Probobly more than you could stand. The pain of years of having to kill to eat. Drinking the blood of humanoids and animals alike. And for a while, i stoped drinking the blood of humanoids but it was still in my mind and pulling at me. Like a drug. And now that I have tasted that kind of blood again, you think you can take it away from me? Try to take me back to the jedi?? I think not. You could not comprehend the pain I have gone through!!"
This last part she yelled out at him. She quickly brought her sword up and ran at Anbira. She slashed down from his shoulder to his hip quickly. Her anger flowed through her, making her stronger.
Loki Ahmrah
Aug 27th, 2002, 12:39:15 PM
The boy frowned as Kaytor began questioning Anbira about his pain. "How would she know about my past?" He wondered silently, then coming to realise that when he saw her past she must've opened a door that revealed his. This is in his mind was extremely ill-mannered, delving into his personal life.
He listened to her words of anger and frustration; she had suffered a difficult past and many personal challenges but the boy's attention was divided. There was a strange chill in the air. Suddenly Kaytor ran to attack Anbira and the boy jumped at the suddeness of her aggression.
"Look out, master!" He cried, of course his warning wasn't neccessary but it was an instinctual response.
Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 28th, 2002, 02:26:41 PM
:: It took but a gesture to render the Vampyre immobile. With his full faculties of physical manipulation, the Jedi was powerful enough to seize nearly anyone in his unseen grasp. An aged hand reached forward, and it was as sufficient as an army of adamantite golems, holding Kaytor fast in mid-stride. ::
Your anger has blinded you wretch, if you think you can grapple with me!
:: He allowed her a second to struggle in vain, and with another gesture, Kaytor slid back, her arms and legs spreading apart and straightening, as if she were on an invisible rack. There, he left her, muscles straining against nothing, as he slowly spread his hands wide ::
Don't be foolish, Vampyre. I've not come to battle you. It would be a waste of my effort and your life...and I've far greater use for you. You will be the bearer of a message to your master, the Death Knight Soth Nuevole.
Kaytor Surna
Aug 29th, 2002, 06:36:04 PM
Kaytor glared at Anbira, still strugling with his hold on her. Finaly, after a moment, she stoped strugling, figuring it is futile. He was to strong in the force. She relaxed but kept glaring at him.
'What is your message, Jedi?'
The voice echoed through Anbira's mind.
Anbira Hicchoru
Sep 3rd, 2002, 09:59:33 PM
My message is...the next Jedi he confronts shall be myself. It should be welcome news to your master. I have felt his need for this confrontation, and it shall be granted.
Can you deliver this message with due haste, or do you need sufficient reminding?
Kaytor Surna
Sep 4th, 2002, 09:58:31 PM
'Let me go and we will see. Him getting the message depends on one of two things. When I see him next and if I chose to give him your little threat. Now, jedi, let me go.'
Kaytor glared at the man. She glanced once to the boy that was to the side of her but kept her main gaze on Anbira.
Anbira Hicchoru
Sep 4th, 2002, 11:04:15 PM
Now, now. You don't sound entirely convincing.
:: Anbira turned to his young Padawan ::
Now Loki, what is the mission of the Jedi? Help Kaytor out, she seems to have forgotten.
Loki Ahmrah
Sep 5th, 2002, 09:20:54 AM
"That it does, master." The boy acknowledged, stepping forth. "A Jedi's role is that of servitude and protection; of all life. Through the administering of justice and protection of the innocent we strive to create balance within the Force. A balanced harmonized by all living things." He smiled suddenly, realising what Anbira was getting at.
Kaytor Surna
Sep 6th, 2002, 07:49:15 PM
'You've punished me enough, you do not have to get cruel and unusual. I do not need to be lectured by your young mindless lacky, Anbira. Let me go and I will take your message to Soth. Now remove your hold on me.'
The message was done freely so the young boy could hear it as well. She was getting sick of Anbira's games. She wanted to leave now and return to the shrine before to much time passed.
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