View Full Version : ::Meeting a long forgotten ally::
Azhure Darkstone
Aug 23rd, 2002, 12:32:52 AM
::Azhure glared at her temperamental ship in annoyance. It always did this. She perfered her own two feet. The ship had gone mad, spun into the atmosphere and crashed in the snow.
Lucky it had been soft snow, the ship could be fixed...and more so, she was alive. As usual the galaxy spared her life. She should be dead by now. Only a few scratches and bruises startign to come out. She ahd seena shadowy ship though, something dark at the corner of her eye as she flashed, but it was probably her imagination. Though her eyes rarely lied. Looking around she wondered how the hell she'd fix the ship this time. It was always a pelasurably experiment that one.::
Aug 23rd, 2002, 12:45:23 AM
The Defel darted across the landscape towards the crashed ship. It checked the shadows and waited until the young woman went back into the ship. It approached nightfall, and he ran back to his ship, covered in a cave, a shadow in shadows. It staretd the engine and brought itself closer to the womans ship. It waited in another overhang and watched the ship.
Dawn broke several hours later and the woman left again, bundled up against the cold, and started to make her way to the abandoned rebel base. It turned out the planet she had crashed on was the same Hoth that the Rebellion had been defeated on.
It departed the ship and began to trail her. She eventually slipped into the ruins and began to search for some spare parts to fix the engine. It slipped in after her, tracking her scent. Suddenly it stopped and it turned to be basked in a UV light, revealing it as it is, and suddenly there was a knife blade to his throat.
"Who are you, and why are you following me?" The young woman asked.
Azhure Darkstone
Aug 23rd, 2002, 12:50:21 AM
::Azhure kept her hand steady, the smell of him in her nose, remembering it for future cuase. Why was this man here? Another CrimsonSun Assasin?::
You seem familiar, so if your a crimsonsun assasin go back and tell my lovely ex-leader to leave me alone or I'll cut his throat. he and I both know my skills.
::That did not sound jedi-like and she was not sure if she'd actually do it, but she would see justice done if this man was trying to kill her. He looked very suspicious::
Aug 23rd, 2002, 12:56:23 AM
The Defel stared up at her as the knife pressed into his throat. He wispered something ver quietly, and Azhure gasped slightly and stepped back a little, the Defel grabbed her wrist and grabbed the knife throwing it into one of the Ice Walls.
"Really, I thought you were trained better."
He let go of her wrist and let her step back a bit.
"I recognize that voice..." She whispered.
Azhure Darkstone
Aug 23rd, 2002, 01:00:41 AM
::How had he known? No-one knew her name. No-one accept Matthias. And Matthias had not come back yet. Something hit her in her heart and she turned to glare at him, ignoring the kinife. Always keep your eye on the enemy::
What have you done to him? How did you know my name?
Aug 23rd, 2002, 01:05:46 AM
"Oh, you mean Dante? I've done nothing to him. I came seeking you. I assume you want engine parts to fix you're ship, so I shall show you where they are."
She stared at him hardly. "Who are you? Are you from CrimsonSun?"
"Them? No, no. You would know me as Tessek, I suppose, but noone remembers me, I am from a forgotten time.
Suffice it to say I knew you when you were very little. Follow me."
Azhure Darkstone
Aug 23rd, 2002, 01:10:03 AM
::Looking confused she watched him walk for a minute then disgusted with herself she followed him. She hardly knew him and she was followign him. B ut there were questions...was he lying?::
THe name is hardly familiar but it sounds right. What exactly do you know about me, explain. I cannot recall a good memory of this.
Aug 23rd, 2002, 01:18:43 AM
He turned and said "I suggest you leave on the UV light, I'll seem to be a shadow otherwise."
She stared at him again and replied "I'm a Jedi, I can sense you."
"Ah'. was all he said.
They turned a passage and walked into a large room which looked like a command center. He walked through and stepped through into another hallway and walked down it for several minutes more, until he turned into a large hangar.
He pointed to several freighters and said "These should do fine for engines."
"How do I know you??"
"I knew you when you were very little, before you were brought to the assassin from Crimson Sun. I found you and you're brother and raised you to a point."
She stared disbelievingly at him until he chuckled quietly.
Azhure Darkstone
Aug 23rd, 2002, 01:27:23 AM
::Azhure looked at him before going to the parts::
I do not remember you, I would if you raised me. And why did you send me to an assasin if you did? I remember maybe a shape of a quarren now that i think about it but I do not remember anything else.
Aug 23rd, 2002, 01:34:00 AM
Smiles secretively.
"I was that shape. I used to be a part of Jabba the Hutt's entourage, but when he died, the B'omarr monks put me into a walker, and I finally managed to get put into this body.
I know you don't like you're real anme spoken alod, so I won't say it, but you and Dante were not easy to take care of.
And I sent you to an assassin because that was one of the people who owed me, this was all done before i was taken from my body."
"What is it that you want?"
"I want to find the Kaminoans, and get them to clone me a new body, and I needed to check up on you. I know you have questions about you're heritage you want answered. I can answer them. If you want to know, come back with me to my ship."
Azhure Darkstone
Aug 23rd, 2002, 01:38:55 AM
::Azhure looked at him. Her heritage? THings she had been tryign to find out a long time...
She fingered the necklace witht e blue stone. The blue of eyes she remembered in her dim childhood memory. Did she trust him? Not really but the questions....her legs followed him, after lpickign up the parts almost mechanically. Her heart doing the talking thought her mind argued loudly::
Aug 23rd, 2002, 01:49:29 AM
He looked over his shoulder to see she followed him, he began to jog, he called back "We should move quickly unless we want to get caught in the dark and snow."
They reached his ship at the beginnings of dusk and he opened the hatch.
He turned on the lights and led her to the holoprojector room.
"Please stand in front of the scanner."
Azhure walked in front of a holoscanner and waited as it briefly flashed.
A picture of her flashed up above the projector. Several genetic strains appeared beside her.
See these, these are Correllian DNA strands but these...are you sure you want to know?"
She took a deep breath and nodded.
"This other strain is...Falleen."
Azhure Darkstone
Aug 24th, 2002, 11:33:58 PM
::Azhure looked at him with no emotion, taking in the information and filing it into her mind. Then she looked above the projector again and nodded, almost relieved. At least she knew what she was, who she was in some kind of way...Half faleen? But her skin had never really changed did not fit but there it was. One small missing piece to the puzzle. A small smile crossed her mouth before it dissapeared as soon as it came. She usually did not fully indulge in curiosity, it got you killed, but she could nto help it this time.::
But you know more, do you not? What you have already said is far more...than I can return for a long time..
Aug 31st, 2002, 11:00:34 PM
"I need you to come with me, the purpose of this journey will be revealed, in time. Come with me, and all will be revealed."
Azhure Darkstone
Sep 2nd, 2002, 05:22:22 AM
:;Azhure looked at him, knowing she needed the keys to her past and only he had them, she nodded nodded::
I have no choice but to follow. Where are we going?
Sep 6th, 2002, 07:13:14 PM
OOC: Sorry, didnt get a message telling me you'd reply, my bad
IC: "We are headed to the Roche asteroid belt, we need to talk to the Verpine. Follow me."
Azhure Darkstone
Sep 7th, 2002, 05:24:21 AM
::Azhure stopped for a second and looked at him gaurdedly::
What is the purpose of going there and what do you want me to do? Whats the score in this for I'd like to know the price I must pay for this knowledge it seems I must earn, though by blood it is rightly mine.
::Her annoyance was getting the best of her, though her stare seemed to bore into his mind as if trying to find what she wanted to find.::
Sep 7th, 2002, 12:39:05 PM
"All will be revealed."
Suddenly the UV ligt went off and he became a shadow again, minutes later the ship took off, and the ship soared into open space.
The ship elongated and dissapeared into hyperspace.
Azhure Darkstone
Sep 13th, 2002, 01:12:57 AM
::Azhure sat in the ship, and watched the shadow intently. She was not about to play the roman fool and die by her own sword, but she was going to find out what she wanted::
What do you want there? a mission or something like that? You move like an assasin.
Sep 13th, 2002, 05:12:59 PM
His mind warned him again not to reveal too much, that to tell all would be disastrous. As far as she knew, most of his plans were in the open light, but she knew not half of it. He though over the twisted circles within circles of lies and schemes that he held in his head. Finally, he realized he had taken almost too much time and replied to the impatient Azhure,
"The Verpine are the first stop in a train of stops. I need to revisit contacts and....well, you'll see."
He smiled to himself, satisfied with his answer and waited for Azhure's reaction.
Azhure Darkstone
Oct 10th, 2002, 03:12:59 AM
::Azhure showed nothing of her thoughts, she felt this man was someone who knew how to play mind games very well and she smiled slowly as she looked at an opponant. Two could play that game, but she would deal her cards later. She WOULD find out what he had in his mind.::
Business comes first, credits makes the world go round I hear.
Dec 3rd, 2002, 07:29:08 PM
"That they do."
He turned back to the depths of his ship and fell into a soldiers half-sleep and waited for the ship to come out of hyperspace.
Several hours later the buzzer sounded, announcing entrance into real space shortly.
His ship dropped into real space and engaged a mini-cloaking device. It swiftly flew towards one of the asteroids and spun around slightly. The ship touched down on the outside of the asteroid and clung there. Tessek took a moment to enjoy the beautiful view of stars before putting his mind back to business.
He walked tot he back of the ship and grabbed two space suits.
"You'll need to put this on."
He pulled himself into the suit and checked to make sure Azhure was too. He pressed a button that sealed the door to the airlock and pressed the door to open it.
They floated towards an airlock on the asteroid and snuck in.
Azhure Darkstone
Dec 14th, 2002, 06:45:14 AM
::Azhure looked around and said nothing, wondering why they were on an astroid, but kept her thoughts off her face.::
You have a meeting with a rock I assume, Don't worry. I know it takes a while to get through to a rock, they don't die easily.
::She smiled innocently and walked beside him. His story she did not know much about, much less why he wanted her to come besides what he had said. She felt there had to be far more to it than that.::
OOC:sorry took so long dude.
Dec 14th, 2002, 06:57:06 PM
OOC: np
Tessek closed the airlock behind them and shed the suit, pulling out a small device and plucked it on the suit. It dissapeared.
Replying to Azhure's puzzled look, he simply said "I've picked up some interesting tech."
After she pulled off her suit and he put one on her suit too, and then turned into the tunnel.
They walked for several minutes until they heard heavy bootsteps and hid in a tunnel.
Tessek pulled a small blaster rifle from a pack on his belt.
He slipped out of the tunnel for a minute, sighting on some unknown soldier and fired several quick shots.
He motioned for Azhure to follow after several moments, and she saw no sign of the bodies.
They continued on through the maze of tunnels.
Azhure Darkstone
Dec 17th, 2002, 12:22:51 AM
::Azhure nodded, approving of the practise, she may hate the assasin world but he always cleaned up after each kill, if thatw as not done the job would only be half done.::
I wouldnt mind being told whats happening, I'm not exactly innocent you realize.
Dec 19th, 2002, 11:59:14 PM
"I realize."
They passed under an arch and an infrared beam shot out and touched Tessek.
He hissed as his body was alluminated as in an infrared camera and he whirled, pulling a knife from a hidden sheath and threw it at the camera.
He pushed Azhure towards a large archway.
As she began to protest, he simply barked "I'll explain later."
They ducked through a doorway and into an unexpected crowd, of all races.
"What the..." Azhure muttered under her breath.
"Quietly, I waon't be noticed in the crowd... Move towards that large door covered in symbols, and try to look nonchalant. I'll be right behind you."
"But answer me, whats are we doing? And what's with the crowd? And-"
"Inside the door." Tessek cut her off and gave her a little push. She sighed and continued on, him seeming to be her shadow
Azhure Darkstone
Dec 23rd, 2002, 12:17:12 AM
OOC:LOL, dude. Azhure doesnt completely talk that way. She would accept you will tell her later as long as later wasnt three hours later.
::Azhure moved with stealth wherever she was told to go. Noting the people and the places and directions she said nothing, only growling under her breath. She did not like being the one not in charge of where she went and the fact that he too was an assasin of exceptional skill and good practise, but older demanded of him some respect. That too disgruntled her but she kept that to herself. Moving silently she stopped as someone came past the next corrodor before taking a quick look to the right and left of the corrodor finding three guards.::
There's another door on the right where three guards reside, and on the left where another three reside. There is no chance upon moving without us being seen. When we have time you Will be explaining this. I never, even as an assasin, liked to kill unneccessarily, and even more dislike it as a jedi.
Dec 30th, 2002, 01:55:01 AM
Tessek motioned for quiet and moved by the rooms, blurring for a second in each direction. He continued on and passed past another door. Suddenly a shockwave shot out from the rooms and there were several thuds from that direction.
Azhure looked surprised and started to protest before Tessek pulled her into another room. He shoved a data disk in an outlet and pulled up a file.
"Read it."
He moved to the door as she sta down.
Azhure Darkstone
Dec 31st, 2002, 09:15:06 PM
::Azhure knew that was a bomb, and for some shocking reason had been a letdown. You let people die with honour and one on one combat permitted that. Now they had died with none, but she kept her opinions to herself on this, he did not share the same beliefs as her.
Sitting down she looked ta the holopad, watching words, symbols and images come up. More and more information came up, more and more images, religious symbols and gods and rituals.
There had to be some reason that he was showing this to her, this certainly was not much a part of finding her past but she knew that to him that was not his first mission. To her it was so even as she paid attention the back of her mind wondered what this was about. Looking at Tessek when the disk had done it's dance she took the disk out and handed it back to him.::
An interesting learning session, entrust that I have remembered it as was trained to do. What relevance is it? for I feel that one such as you would not do unneccassary things unless you were playing.
Feb 20th, 2003, 10:14:30 AM
"Just be on the lookout for any of the symbols you saw in the file. There is a sect that worships the gods and goddesses in that file, and they are Thats why we're here, to find out what.
"Are you ready to move out?"
Azhure Darkstone
Feb 24th, 2003, 04:06:24 PM
::For some reason the use of military commands and words seemed to make her feel a little more relaxed, though she still kept her eye about him. His answer had not satisfied her and it only seemed another worded sidestep to the proper answer. He was hiding something and she was beginning to like it less and less. He knew more than what he was aying. How she knew she was not sure but she had a certain feeling about it. Azhure checked that her saber was in place on her hip and her various throwing knives through mind probe.
Here she was in her element.
Move out – a command. She liked commands, understood them. ::
“Ready to move out.”
::The area outside was full of long hallways, wide spaces between each doorway probably for security. Camera’s were everywhere and she pondered briefly on how much they would have put into the security system. No matter, she could deal with that.
Going into the next door after checking there were no guards and sticking close to the wall she went into the next room and was pleased to find a portal.
Taking out a small machine she began to start breaking into the system to slice some information as well as disable the security system. If this was the system she thought it was (and she would check it was first) she could shut it down for 12 minutes without no one noticing. It might take an hour to put it online again and guards would be everywhere. 12 minutes would have to do. Going into the system she nodded, it was the right system. Looking at Tessek she nodded.::
We find what we can, then we go to another portal, I slice again and put off the security. 12 minutes to evacuate then we have the masked hounds on our backs. Understood?
Sep 18th, 2003, 05:11:31 PM
He nodded quickly.
"That I do."
They slid dow the hallway to the next portal and Azhure opened it. The next hallway was empty, but something seemed off about it. Tessek motioned for Azhure to stay back and moved forward silently. He looked inside of a doorway and sure enough, there were five guards waiting for them. Tessek ran back down the hall to where Azhure waited and told her quickly what he had seen.
Azhure Darkstone
Sep 18th, 2003, 05:21:56 PM
::She was in the process of the finishing touch of the slicing when she heard noise ad put her left hand to her katane hilt before seeing Tessek and cursing. Something had gone wrong. She knew it had been too easy thus far! She returned to the slicing and undid the damage.::
How many and how long do you estimate the fight will go on for
Sep 18th, 2003, 05:46:59 PM
"There were five of them, and I would guess at a minute at most, but there may be more of them. I'd advise going around them, or going down another passage. See if you can bring up a map of the station."
Azhure Darkstone
Sep 26th, 2003, 09:40:53 PM
::Azhure nodded, didn’t question him. He was an assassin and had obvious experience. He knew what he was doing and she was used to working with others that needed no directions. She went back to the data pad, chose against using a holoscreen and rapidly started typing in commands and passwords. Wrong section. Exit. New menu. Wrong section. Exit. Ammunition list…Maps. Perfect.
Azhure’s fingers kept dancing over the data pad as she went through the various maps and with a free hand she took out a tiny chip out of her bodice and inserted it, downloading the maps before taking it out and inserting it in a dagger, where a tiny compartment opened and another compartment with a camera lens opened on the end of the hilt. With that she exited the map section of the computer and went back to the menu it had begun with. Azhure took off half of the hilt, steel that looked like one piece becoming two, revealing a keypad and pressed a button, a hologram of a map appearing in the air. After studying it for few seconds, also keeping an ear out for noise she turned to Tessek.::
We are at section B which is the private rooms, and the corridor you just exited is the beginning of section A, which is the correct way to enter the facility. So…we have a pathway in section D, which is the medbay and section C which is where the main central processing unit is, though I can’t read the name of it, it’s in…earthling ancient Egyptian writing? We can walk through the corridors, or…
::She pressed another button, showing a map of the vent system and the water pipes. They would have to turn the water off though, as well as the security system. Or steal uniforms and ID cards off existing soldiers, but where to store the unconscious bodies?::
Or we can use the pipes below, or the vent system. We have five minutes left before the camera in this corridor comes our way.
Oct 25th, 2003, 12:56:22 PM
"You go through the vent system, store the bodies in the control room, but kill them. We don't want witnesses. I'll go through the hallways, noone should notice me. We'll meet again in Section C."
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