View Full Version : TSO Training: Shot in the Dark

Jehova Eaven
Aug 22nd, 2002, 11:57:38 PM
The troopers awaited anxiously as Jehova went through the paces of the upcoming mission. The rows of dark troops stood together awaiting the arrival of the apprentices. The mission was simple enough. Take out the communications facility, then enter the main facility taking out any opposition you could find. After that phase was done, then the supplies were to be shipped aboard the unmarked transports.

"You know your mission, Captain. Failure is not an option."

"Yes, sir."

The man saluted and ordered the troops aboard the first transport. Next were the apprentices, this was to be their first real military mission. No screw ups were to be tolerated this time. Failure meant death, or worse than death. He waited patiently for the apprentices to show themselves.

Salem Ave
Aug 23rd, 2002, 02:34:27 AM
First? It was unusual that he would be first to arrive, indeed usually he was last, late and trailing behind. But it appeared others were not so keen as he to get this mission underway. As he stalked into the chamber which held Jehova, and squadron upon squaron of troopers, his solid-black eyes narrowed.

He moved with an unnerving grace which didn't seem to fit his sickly looking frame. The cloak that hugged his body kicked up at the heels as he stepped towards the Sith Knight and gave a bow, his expression ever indifferent.

"Sss-ir. Sss-alem Ave, rrreporting."

Cherice St_Hilare
Aug 23rd, 2002, 06:37:04 AM
After receiving word that Jehova was sending them out on another mission, Cherice had pulled on a black body suit - perfect for manuevering, fighting, and blending in with the darkness. Only her lightsabre adorned the Succubi's attire, hanging at her side. Her blonde-silver hair hung loosely around her shoulders as she entered the same room with Jehova and Salem, glancing at them with blue eyes.

"You called me, Sire ?"

Getting down on one knee, she bowed her head then looked back up at the Ambriellian.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 23rd, 2002, 10:30:46 AM
Feliciana had heard rumor of another training mission...one that she wished to be involved with so that she could find her place in the Order and develope a sense of comradery. Quickly she made her way toward the gathering of fellow Apprentices and Master Jehova. A set of black robes clung to her body, and the only weapon which she brought...a Lightsaber, one that she had constructed in her free time. Its name was 'Death'...and appropriatly so. Once arriving at the group, she bowed to them and rose to full height, smiling to herself.

"Greetings Master Jehova...and to you as well my fellow Apprentices."

She said softly, a bit shy at first. The only one she knew was her training partner, Salem Ave. Bringing her hands to rest at her weapons belt, she stood in silence...waiting for the others to arrive....

Odin Murk
Aug 23rd, 2002, 09:36:46 PM
:: Odin stalked out of the shuttle. The officer aboard had briefed Odin on some of the ground rules for this mission, such as no unneccesary slaughter, that meant no feasting to the large lizard. He was disturbed by the fact but showed no sign other than an increased irritation of the mammals around him. Odin wore no clothing, that was for warm blooded creatures that needed such hindering things. His armor was his scales, with Wraith's new addition, Odin's scales now fashioned cortis ore in there substance. Jedi lightsabers were like hitting him with a metal pole. And this his laserclaws were also neatly placed under his scales, ready to be drawn at the slightest moment. The other apprentices arrived as he did. He nodded to the undead, Odin had no respect for something that should've been already dead but then this was a fellow sith of the pack, and that demanded respect. The others came and then one human greeted him as a fellow apprentice and he merely hissed. This one, Feliciana was what she was called, might've been attractive to another male human, and the succubi too, but Odin found both uselessly soft and tender for him, in fact, he had never even considered a mate on his planet. He would devour the galaxy with the dark side as his master, why reproduce? He ignored his meanderings of the mind as he turned to Master Jehova::
I am ready massssssster...

Jehova Eaven
Aug 24th, 2002, 03:02:38 PM
The apprentices were arriving promptly. Soon they would all be there, but he was starting to grow slightly impatient. This mission was on a small time frame and had to be completed quickly.

"We leave now, the rest will ride on the next and last transport ship with the troops."

Saying so, he turned and entered the derelict space craft, the apprentices quickly followed him onboard and soon they were off.

imported_Grev Drasen
Aug 24th, 2002, 03:25:30 PM
It was better late than never, he gathered himself from his bunk and scurried out of the door. Fresh out of bed, his appearance could only be described as scruffy; his hair shuffled in an untidy fashion and a five o' clock shadow adding to his rugged shape.

The assemblage was just about to shuttle off, he had made it by a split second.

Cherice St_Hilare
Aug 24th, 2002, 08:15:04 PM
Sighing slightly, Cherice rose back up to her feet and followed Jehova onto the ship. The others were following behind her and soon, the apprentices had boarded the ship and they were off. She didn't know where, and figured that the others didn't, either.

However, not wishing to be of hinderance, she seated herself and crossed her legs. Leaning back in her seat, Cherice reached up and began to idly play with a strand of hair.

Oolana Taine
Aug 24th, 2002, 11:20:59 PM
Oolana hurried as she saw the first transport loading up and ran onboard. She settled into a seat and prepared the best she could for the oncoming mission.

imported_Grev Drasen
Aug 25th, 2002, 05:12:35 PM
"Nice to see I'm not the only late one."

Regarding Oolana as she boarded the transport, Grev averted his gaze towards the arriving Sith. Folding his arms over his torso he awaited patiently for the ship to depart, once again letting his eyes roam freely; stopping upon Jehova who seemed to be spying him with a disconcerting stare.

Aug 25th, 2002, 07:09:30 PM
Southstar was late, he intended to be. Fashionably late as he liked to call it. He watched as the first transport left the dock and he barely made it onto the second. This one was near empty, very few apprentices. But nevertheless he was onboard the mission.
He sat on the durasteel floor and concentrated on the coming task.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 25th, 2002, 08:47:55 PM
Feliciana entered the transport and made her way toward the back where another young woman sat. Her name was Cherice, as far as she knew....and it was rumoured to own the half of another's soul. Cautiously, she sat down beside her and smiled.....remaining quiet for a moment until she turned to her fellow Sith.

"Hi.....I'm Feliciana.....I've heard of you...Cherice, is it?"

She questioned softly as anticipation of the mission grew within her.....

Cherice St_Hilare
Aug 25th, 2002, 11:01:42 PM
"Why, yes."

Her voice was surprisingly pleasant as she looked at Feliciana, letting go of her hair. Her hand rested on her thigh while a faint smile sketched her lips.

"A pleasure to make your acquantice."

The Succubi could smell the excitement radiating off the pores of the woman and grinned inwardly with delight. She knew that Feliciana wasn't the only one anticipating the mission's events ...

Jehova Eaven
Aug 26th, 2002, 12:30:27 AM
His gaze shifted from one late apprentice to the other, some disciplining was still needed. Fortunately for them he wasn't going to be the one to give it now. His thoughts were far too pressed on the difficult task ahead. Finally his gaze stayed upon the loudmouthed apprentice, Grev, as the signal came up that they were arriving on the planet.

"Quit the chatter. We're here." he said. "We're leaving hyperspace now, as you may know I personally requested this mission for you apprentices. I hope my trust in your ability is not misplaced."

His stare seemed to pierce the apprentice's soul.

"Our first target is the communications center. You are to dispose of all personel and make sure that no distress signal is sent. The troops have their own orders, but should it be neccesary they will aid you. Is this understood?"

It didn't matter if they understood it, they were landing now, the second transport should also have landed a few meters away.

Salem Ave
Aug 26th, 2002, 12:07:53 PM
Salems eyes roamed around the room to the apprentice. He didn't particularly enjoy the company of any of those present, and would be glad to get off of the ship - when he could. He rose from where he had been sat and approached Jehova.

"Sirrr, I cannot leave the ssship if it is ssstill daylight outssside," he remarked as he cast a glance back at the others.

Odin Murk
Aug 26th, 2002, 05:15:25 PM
:: Odin was on the second transport and had heard the orders on the intercom. Few other apprentices had come on this transport and that was well, Odin was still getting use to the stink of them. He turned to see the one sitting with his back to Odin on the metal floor. The darkside within this one called out to Odin's devouring stomach and he turned away and put the taste of it out of his mind. They had landed and the ramp was lowering now. Disposing of the personel would be easy enough, Odin unhinged his jaw partially, just in case he happened upon a chance meal. The soldiers stood and prepared to leave, their bulky armor was pathetic compared to Odin's scales, Odin figured them only good for menial tasks and cannon fodder.::

Jehova Eaven
Aug 27th, 2002, 12:49:56 AM
Salem's problem was indeed strange but he would make sure that all of the apprentices participated.

"Leitenant, what is the status outside?" he spoke into the comm.

"Its approximately 1900 hours on this side of the planet. We have heavy cloud cover, sir."

"Is that good enough for you, apprentice? Get moving."

He walked out of the transport casually, looking for stormtroopers and security cameras.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 27th, 2002, 12:54:31 PM
Along with Diego, Loki raced through the cover of the thick forestation that engulfed the perimeter of the communications centre. Every now and then the padawan would have to stop abruptly before losing his balance and falling, Diego on the other hand seemed right at home here.

Soon the young padawan had caught up with the large man who had been innitially hidden from sight, his huge hand wrapped around the boys collar and pulled him into an inclanation lined with thick bushes. From his last experience, Loki had learned to remain absolutely silent and looked in the direction Diego was staring. Then almost silently he whispered.

"What do you see?"

Oishii Sakana
Aug 27th, 2002, 02:44:57 PM
Oishii had soon discovered where the ship was headed and ran off after it.

"Yasashii, hurry!" He was worried his brother would not be able to keep up for too long. Dyzm would pay.

Diego Van Derveld
Aug 27th, 2002, 05:00:49 PM
"There is a squad at the tower base. Ten men. Another two patrolling the landing zone."

Diego's eyes peered from shadow, narrowing.

"They are all armed."

He idly ran a finger along a sandpaper-like face of stubble.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 27th, 2002, 05:15:32 PM
"Do you think we should wait until they make a move? After all there's probably more about to come out of those transports." The boy observed, his brow furrowed with concentration.

Stepping aside, he ducked low and crept around the periphery of the forest, hidden in the underbrush. From his new vantage point he could see a ventilation shaft about seven feet up the wall, there was a step-ladder to the roof and a gaurd station, manned by one armed soldier.

"These soldiers aren't those of the attackers. They will no doubt engage the enemy troopers once they disembark. Would you help me into that air vent and if you get on the roof and work your way inside, I can release the gas into the ventilation system once they attackers have breached security in the building. Perhaps we could get an emergency transmission out or something." This he reported to Diego, once he'd found him again. "There's no way we can go up against so many armed troops."

Diego Van Derveld
Aug 27th, 2002, 05:31:27 PM
"We won't have much time. Those transports will clear the north ridge and touch down soon. C'mon!"

With that, Diego burst from the foliage, carrying Loki along by the arm. The base of the tower was reached in 120 meters, and Diego pulled the ventilation grating away. He turned to Loki.

"I hope you know what you're doing. Don't make the message too long. Get in there, and get out, okay?"

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 27th, 2002, 05:49:09 PM
"Sure thing!" Loki said, his presence in the Force would be barely noticeable even to a well developed Dark-Sider. Stealth would be his only advantage so he would have to be extra careful.

Diego help Loki up into the ventilation shaft, and once the boy was inside he asked his partner in crime to put the grating back in place. Through the grating, Loki had some last words before they went their seperate ways.

"I'll see you inside. The roof shouldn't be heavily gaurded but take care. May the Force be with you." And with that he dissapeared into the dark shaft soundlessly.

Diego Van Derveld
Aug 27th, 2002, 06:52:08 PM
"You too."

Diego slid the grating back in place...and then began the ascent to the guard tower. The guard on duty whirled about, and was promptly lifted by his neck, and off his feet.

"Alright listen. There's about to be all kinds of hell coming down on this spot. We can either do this the easy way, or the hard way...and you need all the help you can get."

The man looked wide-eyed at Diego, and slowly nodded. Diego smiled, easing him back to his feet.

"Alright. That's good. If you've got any spare weapons, I'll need them."

With a nod, the man unlocked a weapon's cabinet, and Diego pulled a large, menacing-looking repeater.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 27th, 2002, 07:19:49 PM
Wu Wei lookd at the communications tower. "What are they here for?" Wei was going here anyhow to get better reception for when he sent his family a transmission. It appeared like it would take a while to get to where he could send it. If the communications tower still stood when it was all over. Wei patted the device in his pocket, the one Re had fixed in the Bar and Grill just a few nights ago. He would send that message, no matter what.

Yasashii Mikan
Aug 27th, 2002, 07:25:46 PM
Yasashii ran onto the battlefield, close behind his brother despite the ringing pain in his head.

"I owe that one a beating. He won't escape us."

Aug 27th, 2002, 07:53:06 PM
Southstar walked off his transport and looked around to get a good idea of what the grounds were like. He nodded his head and walked to Master Jehova.

"Do we have any strategy or will it be chaos?"

Oishii Sakana
Aug 27th, 2002, 07:57:18 PM
Oishii stopped and looked around. The ships were across a large concrete looking pad. Soldiers and such abounded.

"I guess our prey is over there around those ships." Oishii siad pointing. "What do you think, brother of mine?"

Yasashii Mikan
Aug 27th, 2002, 08:12:35 PM
"Sounds good."

Yasashii touched the back of his head gingerly, and steeled his defense. He'd need it to prevent that injury from worsening.

Oishii Sakana
Aug 27th, 2002, 08:19:21 PM
Oishii nodded. "Well, let's go." Oishii bolted toward the ships. It would be mere minutes before he reached them.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Aug 28th, 2002, 12:32:56 AM
OOC: Hope ya all know this is on the same timeline as the other thread, the TSO: Raid, seeing how they are 2 Sith Order attacks almost under the exact same name. This is also on a entirely different planet, I would be pleased if you edit your posts.

**8 ships in Gamma fleet dropped out of hyperspace in staggered order, quickly dropping behind the 9th Planet in the system. It was a gas planet, huge. Twice the size as the 4th planet in which Jehova and his team was making there attack. Planet itself easily masked there arrival, as the ships settled in to wait. Dyzm stood on the bridge of the SSD Stormcloud. With the command ship where the ISD's Shadow Rose and Crimson Blade. The Soul Binder had also tagged along. The rest of the ships where old Imperial Class Dreadnaughts, staggered to surround the fleet in a loose defensive pattern. A single, small, unmanned space tug drifted up and around the gas giant. A simple program ran through the computer brain of the ship. Recive transmission from Jehova, send it to Stormcloud The tug was in such a passive state, even the Fleet had trouble picking it up, and it was almost in viewing distance. Much closer to the fleet then the planet.**

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 28th, 2002, 12:39:23 AM
OOC: What a waste! No-one even knows what's supposed to be going on! :|

If they're on a completely different planet can you tell me what exactly was the purpose of the other thread because you certainly didn't capture and enslave anyone.

Feliciana Devano
Aug 28th, 2002, 06:23:20 AM
ooc: Umm....okay....*is lost now*


Feliciana smiled at Cherice and took her hand in greeting.

"We'll make a good team..."

She said softly and then followed orders by getting off the transport. Slowly she emerged from the ship with the others and looked about...wondering the same things as a few whom had spoken...did they have a plan...or would it be pure chaos? Whatever it was...she would help as much as she could.

Salem Ave
Aug 28th, 2002, 06:27:19 AM
The sun would be done, so Salem would be alright outside, thankfully. As for whatever was going to go on next, he awaited the orders of his superiors - he was a follower, not a leader, and would do the bidding of the highest ranking officer - and no one else.

OOC: o_O

Odin Murk
Aug 28th, 2002, 04:38:00 PM
ooc anyways... thank you peanut gallery :lol

ic: :: Odin lunged down the ramp, he had heard the orders and would not waste any time for the Order. He ran on all fours and scaled the wall with ease as he approached the communications center. His job was to devour... dispose of all personnel, that was all their job but if Odin could get to them first, more food for him. He saw two gaurds near the closest entrance, he barely sneaked up on them before pouncing on one and snapping the other's neck with his tail. He devoured one alive and the other still warm. He felt their souls slowly being digested within. All the others would see is the inferior blaster rifles the gaurds would never touch again. He didn't bother with the door panel but simply tore through the durasteel with his claws. No one liked to bother with moronic machines. He left the door open for the others and then leaped upwards, they could start from the bottom up, he'd gop straight for the top. He climbed upwards and was soon on the fourth floor of the tower. The window had broken without a sound, a simple force push upwards had kept the glass from shattering on the ground below.
The fourth floor was right below the top, which had many satellites above it, Odin assumed it the control area. His mission was to make sure no distress signal was sent, he'd make sure none of them would even get to tell each other from a few feet away.::

imported_Grev Drasen
Aug 28th, 2002, 07:28:44 PM
Well, this mission wasn't getting off on a good start. First it was being late, now with the man in charge singling him out. Shaking his head in disbelief, he stumbled to the side as an over-energetic reptile seemed to blow by; scrambling to all fours in pursuit of the target building.

It hadn't been five seconds, and the lizard was already seen with a pair of legs dangling from his jaws. But it was enough watching the spectacle, he brushed back the long of his duster and fingered the cold hilt of his weapon. Orders had been given, and if he wanted to gain back some brownie points with Jehova he'd better display an impressive job.

With a quick survey of the surroundings, his eyes locked infront of him towards the destination point in the distance. It was now in his hands to prove his worth to the Order, let's just hope his bad luck was all spent.

Jehova Eaven
Aug 28th, 2002, 08:17:04 PM
He eyed the flashing communicator on his wrist. Dyzm was on his way, apparently the first part of the mission was a success. But, now his mission was running late. He looked around him, apprentices and dark troopers were fighting stormtroopers all over the place.

"So these are the imperial special forces...." he said quietly almost in contemplation.

He hoped that no distress signal was sent as he ran quickly through the firefights into the building. His furious pace was almost near breakneck speeds as he ran up a number of staircases. After less than a minute he had arrived, the lizard man Odin stood next to him ready to trounce upon the frightened men.

With a sweet whisper, the ambrelian said to the quick apprentice, "Go."

Before the apprentice could even move, one of the men was on the radio about to send the distress signal. Before he could even think the blaster at his side flew into his hand and had already fired into the man's brain. Human blood splattered all over the communications console. But, who could really be sure if he had already sent a signal.

"Leave one of them alive, I must question him."

Oolana Taine
Aug 28th, 2002, 09:07:03 PM
Oolana saw the missions' beginning as she walked off the first transport. "Yes, another triumph for the Sith Order." She thought and smiled, "well, better be going." She switched on her blade and headed into the fray.

Salem Ave
Aug 29th, 2002, 03:06:39 AM
Salem slid down the exit ramp out into the open and ran straight for the tower, one hand crossing over his chest to reach into his robes for his saber hilt. Drawing it outwards, he held it - unignited - in his left hand as he came to a halt at the foot of the communication center. His eyes rose upwards, to the dents left by the lizard creature. A smirk appeared then faded into nothing as he stepped in the front door of the tower.

"You there, hands in the air!"

... Only to be greeted by guns aimed at his head. Two guards stood guarding the actual entrance, though their guns were torn from their hands quickly. Both shrunk back away as the boy - for he appeared to only be 19 or so - lunged forward at them, and with animal brutality drove his saber butt against their faces, with a loud sickening squelch. Jagged stabs by the blunt object left the two with a bloodied mess for a face as they fell unconsious from the pain.

"Sss-ickening," he remarked quietly as he ignited his saber, driving it into the door security system, thereby shorting it out and allowing him to enter, silent.

Cherice St_Hilare
Aug 29th, 2002, 07:51:27 PM
After the ship had landed, Cherice unbuckled herself and stood, following Feliciana outside. Jehova had given orders to attack the communications center, getting rid of the personel while making sure no distress signal was sent out.

A malicious grin creapt across her face.

"Come, Feliciana," she said, tugging on the sleeve of the other apprentice. "Let's wreak havoc onto the unsuspecting ..." A childish giggle escaped her lips as she began to stride towards the communications center. The two arrived just in time to see Salem 'dispose' of the two guards.

"Nice work, Vampyre ..."

She slipped in through the door he had disabled and saw a staircase. Intrigued, the Sith Apprentice began to walk up them only to be shoved against the wall. The point of a gun was buried in her head and a male voice spoke.

"You, what are you doing in here ?!"

Slowly and deliberately, Cherice turned around, despite the gun. She lifted a hand up and pushed it away, pressing her body up against his. "Big man," she whispered, feeling his knees tremble. She began to infiltrate his mind to read his thoughts and found that he was devising a plan to kill her.

".. Just try it."

A look of surprise passed his face but quickly contorted into pain as she kneed him in the stomach, then grabbed his neck and slammed him into the wall. Her fingers gripped his jaw and began to yank, breaking it. He tried desperately to free himself to no avail, and the Succubi placed her mouth on his, absorbing his Life Essence.

Odin Murk
Aug 29th, 2002, 08:04:44 PM
:: Odin saw a man trying to crawl out. Master Jehova's orders were simple enough one was to stay alive. He had not said that he was not to be hurt, just alive for questioning. Odin lunged upon the man and cauterized a leg off with his saberclaws. He then sliced open the shoulder and spit his paralyzing slime into it. The man would not be moving but would be even more willing to speak to Master Jehova, even without using the force. Odin turned quickly to his commander.::
Your one alive Masssssster... I will kill the ressssssssst.
:: Odin heard fighting below him, so the ret of the apprentices had caught up. Oh well, he was getting his fill here. He ran upstairs and tackled down three men huddled in a corner. Why did humans hide in groups? No clue, maybe it was intinctal stupidity? It didn't matter... The three were soon two, the one, then none as they were all swallowed whole, still living but all severly bleeding. Odin made sure they were cut by every tooth as they went down. He could still hear one of them maning inside his stomach as their souls were slowly devoured. Odin roared as he felt their life essence become his. What a refreshing feeling.
He stalked into the next room to nothing visible. Except for the stink coming from the locker. He tore open the door and felt two bullets suddenlt wrip through his shoulder. It stung barely, if he had been a warm blood, it would've shot him through the head. He ripped the woman out of the locker and ate her gun before tearing the skin off her face. He pushed her against a mirror and spoke.::
See how ugly you really are?

Salem Ave
Aug 30th, 2002, 02:10:00 AM
He gave what sounded like a purred growl as the two women passed. Inhaling - a habitual gesture - to take in their scent, he followed quickly, springing up the stairs. As he landed into the room which Cherice stood in, he saw the Succubi mouth to mouth with one man. The Vampyre planted his hand against a desk to his right and sprung over the little scene, push through to some others who were panicking and trying to find blasters or some form of weapon.

For the first time, he depressed the ignition switch and the crimson beam cut through the air, driving forward in a fencing lunge through one man's chest. Another threw a punch at him, but before it could hit Salem jerked the saber upwards and cleanly cut off his hand.


Swiping it downwards, he cleaved the man in two, then looked back towards Felicia and Cherice expectantly.

Cherice St_Hilare
Aug 30th, 2002, 06:52:16 PM
"Bleh ..."

Cherice shoved the dead man off of her, trying to get rid of the feeling that his body was still on her. Stepping over him, the Succubi paid no more heed to the carcass and went over to Salem. Looking down at the bloody mass he had created, she surpressed a laugh and instead looked over at her right. There - another door.

Immediately, she walked over and paused, leaning on the doorframe. Sensing somebody inside, she smirked.

"Someone want to do the honors ?"

Feliciana Devano
Aug 30th, 2002, 07:00:41 PM
Felicia was very nervous as the killings happened and blood splattered on the floor all around her. She had killed only once...and had liked it, but not to the point where she craved to do it. But alas...she knew this was her life and she had to get used to it...despite her 'soft side'. Sighing, she took the saber from her belt and pressed the ignition switch. A blood red blade shot from the hilt and she smiled as it cast a glow upon her face. The young Sith held "Death" in her hands and walked toward the door that Cherice had motioned to.

"I...I'll do it..."

She said nervously, she then backed away from the door a bit, and ran at it....jumping up and smashing her feet into it. The door fell open and landed upon the ground with a loud thud. A man was inside going through papers, and he turned around in surprise. Felicia suddenly felt a strange wave wash over her body. It was deep hate....he was an enemy and somehow, she knew it now. She growled to herself and narrowed her eyes at him and without thinking....she raised her saber in the air and brought it down in a swift swing....cutting him right in half. It nearly took her breath away....but it felt....good.

The man's eyes grew bigger as he looked at her...and then his top half fell over backward....hanging on upside down by a sinew. The young woman grinned with a new evil and sliced through the small amount of muscle...letting the rest of his body fall to the ground. Blood poured out everywhere and left a huge puddle on the floor.

"Guess I took care of that...."

She said, turning to face the others. A darkness now covered the innocence that rested in her eyes...a darkness that would never leave her now.....for she was growing in the Darkside and would never return to her spirit of gentleness....

Aug 30th, 2002, 11:15:41 PM
Southstar stood and watched as the other apprentices maimed, tourtured and killed the occupants of the facility.

"Well, I guess chaos will do."

He said, but as he finished his sentence a squad of Stoormtroopers appeared from around the building. They did not hesitate to fire and crimson bolts ricocheted off the ships and other surroundings. Southstar reached from his lightsaber and ignighted it. With a snap-hiss a navy blue blade erupted from the hilt and Southstar chraged forward deflecting shots. He reached the squad and hacked away, but there were far to many for him. Instead of shooting at such a close range the Stoormtroopers used their blaster ifles as clubs and began to beat Southstar to the ground.
As his back crashed into the ground he swung his lightsaber any way he could and cut the legs off most of the stoormtroopers, The remaining stepped back some and began shooting, Southstar blocked some shots and the others were hitting the ground around him.

"Stoormtroopers have such terrible aim."

He said under his breath and leapt to his feet. He finished off the rest of the stoormtroopers and ran in the complex where the rest of the apprentices were completing the mission.

Cherice St_Hilare
Aug 31st, 2002, 10:34:22 AM
Even Cherice could sense the sudden change in Feliciana's body.

"Couldn't have done better," she said, clapping her hands lightly.

Walking inside, she looked at the cleaved man than towards the desk. Wondering what papers he was reading, the Apprentice picked up one and glanced at it.

Then laughed.

"Come, and look at what the theif was so interested in."

It was an outline of the whole building, with arrows and lines pointing to many things with descriptions.

"If I read this correctly, there's a lever under the desk that we can pull and it opens a hidden sliding door right there -" she pointed towards it. "- And it's a weapon compartment."

It was obvious that the man didn't work here by his attire, not to mention the little pouch that laid on the desk stuffed with several other items.

imported_Grev Drasen
Aug 31st, 2002, 11:29:04 AM
Entering inside with the remaining apprentices, Grev disengaged his lightsabre blade, as the pillar of heat retracted itself. Sliding the cylinder hilt back inside of his pocket, he glanced around the room; observing the bloodshed quietly to himself. There was a hint of a grin on his face, pacing towards the group that had formed inside.

There were traces of blood stained on his overcoat, some fresher than others. He paid little heed to it though, right now his only concern was finding Jehova and making sure the mission was carried out with a cinch.

Still fingering the cold metal of his lightsabre, he awaited following orders. His eyes still roaming carefully around the establishment.

Salem Ave
Aug 31st, 2002, 12:45:35 PM
Salem watched from afar as Felicia deftly handled another employee. In silence, he followed through the door towards the two and looked to the side as Cherice indicated there was a weapons locker hidden somewhere in here.

"We don't need thossse," he murmured to himself, as he passed by, glancing about the room.

The eyes rose upwards at this point, as he felt life vanish in the upper floors - others were higher up, the lizard probably. Giving a slight shake of his head, he stalked across the open office-like room towards what appeared to be the turbolift entrance.

Cherice St_Hilare
Sep 1st, 2002, 04:19:14 PM
"Who said we needed them ? Just thought it was interesting .. Something that maybe Jehova would want to know."

Shrugging, she set the papers back down then turned to Feliciana.

"Shall we ?" She asked.

The change in the other Apprentice had pleased her much, and she didn't wish to depart without her.

Feliciana Devano
Sep 1st, 2002, 09:29:54 PM
Felicia smiled wickedly.....the darkness within her eyes seemed to grow as the hatred that her so called Jedi Friend had told her about encompassed her heart.

"Oh yes.....let's....."

She nodded toward Cherice. They were making a great team, as she had fortold....and decided that they could possibly be friends....especially after getting to know one another. Her heart grew with anticipation as she wondered where they were to go to next....possibly to find more and....kill.

"How about we take that secret way below this desk?"

She questioned, walking around to the other side and pulling the lever. Soon the desk moved back.....revealing a door in the floor. The young Apprentice quickly opened it and looked up at the others.

"I'll go first....."

She moved closer to the hole and looked for a ladder....but there was none.....so she jumped and suddenly vanished from the others. Felicia fell for a good ten feet and then landed upon her hands and feet on the floor of a black room. She closed her eyes and sensed the presence of others....four, exactly.......three men and one woman. The lights were off and she could not figure out why....but that suddenly changed as she ignited her saber once again......and the red blade shot forth from the black hilt with a hissing sound. She used the Force to turn on the lights that were across the room....something she had picked up in her own personal training......and glared at the four gathered. They were going over papers with some sort of device that allowed them to see in the dark.....leaving them unnoticed to others who might pass by the room and see the light through the crack of the door. They were alarmed, to say the least......and cowered in the corner as the Darkness stepped toward them. Pure evil seemed to enshroud her now as she continued the transformation.....feeding upon the hatred for these people that stood in the way of the mission.....and they would die.

"The good thing is......is that you'll all enjoy the same fate......"

With that said, she spun around and slashed her saber right through the woman's neck.....her head rolled down her body and onto the floor. The three men looked as though they would vomit from the sight.....and she took their shock as an advantage. She spun around again and cut her saber deeply into the chest of the first man.....then moved to the second and drove the blade into his stomach.....and then the third, she cut him right in half as the man upstairs. Killing......how it fed her soul and made her feel a sick glee that others would have never suspected her having. She was now oblivious to the others who had probably joined her in the room. She stood over the four slayn bodies and grinned as she saw the blood pooling on the floor at her feet.

"With each kill I grow stronger, and with strength comes wisdom...."

The Apprentice repeated the words over in her mind that she had once read in a book of hers. Her gaze did not shift or waver from the pile of bodies now.....this was her life......and she was enjoying every little second of the terror.....

Odin Murk
Sep 2nd, 2002, 09:14:36 AM
:: Odin stalked down from the upper floor and reported to Master Jehova, who was at the moment, "questioning" the man from before. Odin had blood streaming down his claws and had a slight piece of intestine hanging out of his mouth, before speaking he quickly licked the piece in and straightened. The top floor had been very nice indeed. So many humans, just cowering in their hiding places, waiting for him to come and devour their wretched souls.::

Massssssssster Jehova, There are no more living beings on the top floor, I aslo checked the transmissions, no outgoing comm signalssssssss have been sent, a distresssssssssssss signal is not one of their options, only death.

:: Odin said what he had to then walked away. The mission wasn't over, people were still dying. They'd all have to be dead for Odin's secondary objective to be achieved. He approached a mail chute and launched himself down the throat of it. He landed in a room lit with lights and a saber. It was the sith apprentice before... her name was... whatever, Odin hadn't spent time to memorize it... Feliciana, that was it! When she had introduced herself.
She was staring at a group of mutilated bodies, she seemed in deep concentration over something, hopefully she wasn't another weakminded one observing all those she had just killed and giving them pity. He would've liked to know but instead he rather treaded up next to her where the bodies were.::

Does it not tasssssssssssste so sweet to see weak human blood flow across the floor.

:: Odin bent down and ran a hand through the sticky liquid and ran his tongue over a soaked claw. He turned to Feliciana, holding up a gushing heart that he tore from one of the bodies.::

Are you not sith, no longer human becaussssse you have evolved? Than taste the human's life force and revel in it for we are darknesssssssssss and we were destined to devour the weak and drink the life from thossssssssse who hide from our power.

:: He would like to see her reaction. Most human's reviled the thought of tasting blood of their own kind, but he had been sincere. Being sith meant you were no longer anything but a sith, superior to all races.::

Cherice St_Hilare
Sep 2nd, 2002, 11:09:26 AM
"Oh, shut up."

Cherice stepped up from behind Odin, lofting a brow. She had followed Feliciana and watched with the upmost interest as she slaughtered some more.

"Do you do anything but flaunt your eating habits?"

Odin Murk
Sep 2nd, 2002, 12:24:03 PM
:: Odin laughed at the other's comment. He felt like turning and knocking her to the ground and seeing what her inside looked like because she didn't smell human.::

At leasssssst I don't eat the life force through kisssssssssing... I pity the mammal that has to be that close to your face.

:: He still held the heart out in one hand to the other girl. He wanted to see what she said and he still waited.::

Feliciana Devano
Sep 2nd, 2002, 12:34:15 PM
Fel glared at Odin and then smiled wickedly.

"There are many things you do not know about me. Human blood is not worth my time...."

Her words were piercing as she glared at him. The young Apprentice pushed him aside and then moved to stand beside Cherice.

"So dear friend...what now?"

She questioned, looking about at the others who had now gathered there. Indeed...there were many things that others did not know about her and she was not about to reveal them to Odin....he was a waste of her time indeed...a lowly lizard. She was a Sith and that's all that mattered...he need not know anymore.....

Cherice St_Hilare
Sep 2nd, 2002, 02:26:36 PM
"Ah, but that's where you're mistaken, Scales. There's so many things you don't know."

For some reason, Cherice didn't particularly like Lizard Boy. He seemed so .. well, there were no words to describe it. Feliciana was right about her reply to him.

"Come, dearie, and let us go wreck more mayhem and chaos !"

Grabbing Feliciana's hand, the Succubi started to run out of the room and into a dimly lit corridor. A childish giggle escaped her lips as she let go of the girl's hand and began to run down the hall. It was almost like a game of hide n' seek ..

imported_Grev Drasen
Sep 2nd, 2002, 03:37:54 PM
As the two fellow apprentices disappeared down the concealed entrance, Grev glanced towards the remaining Vampyre - who seemed to be preoccupied with finding more blood to spill.

It seemed the lizard had pretty much cleaned house in the floors above, and the rest were finishing up downstairs. Following suite after Salem, he allowed his finger to linger over the ignition of his lightsabre.

Odin Murk
Sep 2nd, 2002, 06:06:50 PM
:: Odin merely smiled at the two mammals... if you could call that a smile. He took the still juicy heart and swallowed it whole. He listened to the women run down the hall and hissed at his own obligations... The sith Order dictated that they were not alowwed to betray one another, his terms of betraying had nothing to do with killing but he knew they thought different. He ignored the notion and ran the opposite direction of the women. He rather didn't feel like following a bunch of humans around in closed spaces, they began to stink after awhile. He ran down the hall and entered another room. It was an elevator, Odin didn't feel like being undeground and so he decided to go to the first floor. He could barely sense any more life in the building as the elevator rose up from the basement level. He reached the fist floor and viewed a battle as the door opened.
Sith soldiers fired off rounds f lasers and the stormtrooper's present returned just as much. But the inferior training the stormtroopers had was nothing compared to the sith soldiers. Odin wanted know what this was all abot so he simply held the doors open with his claws as he watched it progress.::

Sep 3rd, 2002, 07:41:47 PM
Southstar had entered the complex now, he folowed the trail of blood, one going upstairs, more continueing down the hall. He followed the blood down the hall stepping over bodies and on the young Rodian who had begged for help. He followed a hall without blood.

"It seems someone missed a few." He said aloud.

He walked down the hall with door on each side and a large vault looking door hanging open. He held his lightsaber and was ready for any surprises. He opened a random door quickly, but no one was home. He looked for anything that might be of use, there was nothing.
His attention was pulled away by the slamming of a durasteel door. His mind instantly thought of the vault. He left the room and approached the vault. He reached out and touched it, knocked on it. It was definatly thick and very hard to get into. No way to do it himself, he needed someone who might have an idea as how to get in and kill whoever was in there.

Jehova Eaven
Sep 4th, 2002, 03:03:37 AM
How messy, the Sith apprentices were evil and twisted. Not one pure thought existed in their minds. Was he ever like that, he wondered.... it didn't really matter at this time. He had a job to do, and a small amount of time to do it in. Odin left one of the officers alive, though in poor shape.

"Where is the bacta?"

He leaned over the man and looked at the stars on his uniform. A luitenant, he may know something but he really wanted to speak with the commander.

"I won't ask again."

Salem Ave
Sep 4th, 2002, 10:33:17 AM
Odin was not the only one with claws. Salem skulked out onto a balcony level of the tower - off set from the office style room they had just been in - and hooked a dark cloven hand into the wall. With a loud crunch of metal he mimicked the action and wretched himself upwards, scaling the wall as the now decrepid wings beneath his clothing fluttered helplessly, wanting to allow him to soar upwards.

Finding a window, he drove his saber in through the glass and skewered himself an opening. The people inside were already half dead, and Salem helped them along the way by finishing them off as he hopped up a stair case towards the top floor, wondering who had left the bloody trail behind them.

Sep 4th, 2002, 06:55:22 PM
Southstar stood in front of the vault door. He did not know how to enter, but a better question was if entering was worth it. He closed his eyes and opened to the force. He felt life, full of terror and fear of him and the other apprentices. He reached further stressing his mind and found that there was more life, but without fear or terror. There were also many more of the fearless creatures than those with fear.

A trap maybe? He thought to himself.

Whatever was in there needed to be destroyed or captured. Southstar ignighted his navyblue lightsaber and slowly pushed it into one of the several locks on the durasteel door. The lock melted away and now only three locks remained.
Southstar melted the other locks in the same procedure as before. He grabbed ahold of the giant handle and pulled. For a surasteel door, it opened with ease. As soon as the smallest crack formed, a blinding light blue glow welcomed him. Southstar squinted and saw large tanks of microrganisms working diligently on they're wounded patients. The patients full of terror and the microrganisms hardly noticing him.

Telan Desaria
Sep 5th, 2002, 01:07:13 AM
OOC: I was informed his is an Imperial world. As of note: as I posted earlier,in some training thread, the Sovereign XVIIIth Rapid Deployment Force had been sent, with the support of a VSD and four small cruisers.

As suh, the RDF and its arms are on the plant. And the refinement facility s still in my control. :::RDF is 28,000 troops. And my stormies are about fifty times more acurate than the movie boys.:::

The Sovereign refinement facility Aurora 13 had been assaulted by the Sith the RDF had been sent to aid. To mak matters worse, the panetary communications relay had been captured, making tyransmissions between the troops long range impossible.

As such, Commodore Gerion had seen fit to deploy four sattelites, revitalizing communications between the four light armored divisions deployed on the planet. They had been grossly dispersed, originally to act as pickets against what had been described as Jedi commandoes. Their task now was to seek out the Sith, whose positions were mapped by the probe droids.

No fire rained down from the orbiting heavy assault warship, the VSD Titan. Yet.

One hour after the commencement of hostilites

" They're what?" asked Commodore Gerion upon being briefed of the unfolding military situation. Their would be allies had assaulted Sovereign personnel and gone as far as taking a Sovereign outpost, and, according to field reports, killed the small station garrison.

" The 3rd Army battalion has moved onto the facility and taken up defensive positions. A company of Walkers is now an hour from arriving. One of our Sentinel pairs is covering the countryside. Two projectile batteries have reinforced the garrison. As soon as they coe within five kilometers, the high yield warheads will smash them to dust." The Army liaison officer, a humanoid Colonel, sounded confident.

The Commodore did not share his tan uniformed comrades' optomistic appraisal of the situation. " Colonel, I am pleased in our confidence in our troops, but do not underestimate our opponent. They are Sith. I have seen them in action. I will contact the Grand Admiral."

Ten minutes later

" Indeed." The six foot tall HoloNet visage of the Sovereign Regent, his typical white uniform immaculate even through the distance between his Inquisitor and the embattled facility.

" Yes sir. I was wondering to your orders given this unexpected turn of events."

Without hesitaio, the Grand Admiral replied. " Destroy them. Howis at your perogative, but make sure they receive the esage that attacks on the Empire will not go unpunished. I will elimiate their bacta contract. Do not let them leave that world alive."

The visage faded.

Commodore Gerion departd the comm chamber aft of the bridge with his actions clear. War had been declared.

Five minutes later. VSD Titan bridge

" Tac Ops, give me a count on all vital Sith targets."

" There is a small field a kilometer from the comm centre where four Sith transports landed. The Comm centre itself. The is a concentation of non Imperial life forms a kilometer distantfrom the transports."

Gerion stroked his blak goatee.

" Siege ops: hit them in that order. Missiles and ventral turbolaser batteries fifteen and twenty, open fire. I want those ships slagged."

" As ordered," came a chorus of answers.

From the Victory-class Star Destroyer, itself an ominous silhouette in the sky, came a hail of fire, mostly old Mark X Sienar torpedoes. The were yused for their potency and obselescence. Logic: why melt down when it can be discarded at maximum use?

The quartet of small craft sat, unaware, as dozens of projectiles and neon bolts streaked towards them.

The Vengeace of the Empire would soon be felt by the Sith. They would pay.

Oolana Taine
Sep 5th, 2002, 08:17:03 AM
Oolana had also made her way into the building. As she stepped inside she felt fear building. Ahead of her was Southstar standing in the doorway of what seemed to be an infirmary full of cringing patients, the source of the terror. She rememered hearing someone...oh yes, Jehova ask for bacta. She quickly ran past Southstar, grabbed a handful of patches and ran them out to Jehova.

"Here your are." She dropped them off and went back to the infirmary to see if there was any fun to be had there.

Jehova Eaven
Sep 9th, 2002, 12:16:55 PM
((OOC: I am ending this now, the mission is a failure due to communications problems. Apprentices, I will count this rp towards your advancement and won't hold it against you. If you only posted once and ignored the rest of the rp then it won't count.))

An apprentice arrived during the interogation and dropped a small amount of bacta on the floor. The luitenant had yielded enough information and was promptly rewarded with a quick death. His wounds would not have allowed him to live long anyway. There was a decent cache of bacta inside the building. All the was left was to command the troopers to take them aboard the transports and move on to the refining facility.

"Sir...! We... ar..... bei...ng... fii....re... upo...n!"

Blast! The Imperials were quicker than anticipated. Someone must have sent a transmission. He quickly relayed orders to the troops to quickly load all the bacta in the facility and borrow a few transports.