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View Full Version : Tongue in Cheek: Coming Attractions

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 22nd, 2002, 10:42:27 PM
For women, by a woman. ;)

Having just seen the teaser for X-Men 2, I'm suddenly feeling torn between wanting to see The Two Towers in December the most...or wanting to see THIS movie more.

And then there is the Matrix Reloaded coming out next year as well...and The Hulk... Augh! Lets not forget Daredevil, with the delicious Ben Affleck in the title role.

What is a girl to do?

Between Hugh Jackman and Orlando Bloom..I'm hard pressed to make a decision here. I think I'm going to have to anticipate each movie in turn.

First I will see TTT..with Legolas, Pippin (he IS cute for a hobbit! And that accent...ah la la!) Aragorn and Elrond...its a man fest like no other. Here we have men in their natural element...bossing women around and covered with dirt, just the way they like it. Lets not forget battles spanning MORE THAN 1/2 an hour!! and terrific sword fights, axe throwing and expert arrow handling by the hotties! Ok, maybe Gimli doesn't count.

THEN I will anticipate X2...with the return of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, and James Masden as Cyclops! I just saw the trailer, and I am PSYCHED about this movie. I want to see it MORE than I want to see the Matrix movies...because they only have Keanu, and he just isn't as manly as Hugh is.

Keanu and James go pretty much head to head, but Hugh takes the cake, and puts X-Men 2 on the top of my 2003 list. The Hulk, with Eric Bana, and Daredevil with Ben Affleck are both right there as well...

I can't think of any more 'movies' to drool over.

*goes to stare at fan sites for Hugh Jackman* :crack

Aug 23rd, 2002, 04:21:26 AM
Daredevil has Colin Farrell too, so that'll get bonus marks no doubt :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 23rd, 2002, 10:13:28 PM
Ooooh. :)

Aug 24th, 2002, 07:40:58 AM
told you so :)

Aug 24th, 2002, 02:24:06 PM
*note to self: register Hugh Jackman fansite*


Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 24th, 2002, 11:10:21 PM
I will buy nothing from you.



Aug 24th, 2002, 11:16:08 PM
Too bad they killed of Sean Bean tho.


When will they wake up and put Michael Wincott in these movies -he's not pretty, but he is sooooo hot.

Aug 24th, 2002, 11:34:20 PM
You wouldn't have to buy anything, I make money just from people visiting. Only slightly, though.

If someone enters a celeb. site of mine and buys nothing, doesn't click on any banner ads or enter any contests, then I only make a slight amount from pop up ads. It is as small as 1/3 of a penny, but that ads up fast...

Daanarri Raurrssaatta
Aug 24th, 2002, 11:51:42 PM
*slashes her tiny claws through the pop-up ads* GRAOUWRRR!



Aug 25th, 2002, 02:41:24 AM
Unfortunately they are a necessary evil.

I think some people who use the Internet don't quite realize how hard it is to make money online, and then you get these people who do everything they can to avoid ads. They use programs to kill popups or they switch their settings around, or they even get programs to cut out banner ads, which sometimes ruins content too.

The point is, IMO you are stealing if you visit a Website while doing that. You don't pay for what you see on most sites, and the people who run the sites are entitled to make some money for their hard work and time, not to mention just having a site on the net costs some cash. It's frustrating when people fail to realize that. I mean, someday it could very well come down to all of the major sites charging you for access like cable channels.

Right now that's not going to happen, but at some point it could. So far the companies have just found alternate means, but the more you avoid one type of ad, the more you are asking to be nailed by another type. Get rid of popups and pretty soon you are going to see interstitials all over the place, like the type of ads that you cannot close until you see fully and that go ACROSS and AROUND the text of the article you are reading until the animation plays out. Now that is annoying. You can close a popup if you don't like what it offers, and there is no harm. You have made the site a tiny bit of money, and you have closed it. Everyone is happy.

I really believe most people online expect everything for free. Not only are they unwilling to pay for access to sites, but they don't want to see ads and they expect that every site they visit should be done for free "for love of the site" or whatever. I mean, should directors make movies for free just because it's really fun being a movie director? Should PGA golfers play for free because golf is a hobby and a fun sport? No, they all get paid a lot of money to do what they do, and Webmasters don't get paid that much. They get paid very little in today's economy, and if they make anything for their time, they are really lucky.

Of course, even suggest the idea of charging money for access to a site and the readers feel you are a sellout. I would easily pay $10 or even $30 per year for access to TheForce.net. I love that site and if it meant keeping it going, heck yeah. I'd pay for access to StarWars.com. What those sites give me is worth money. I already do pay for Variety and ELibrary.com.

Now I wouldn't expect someone to pay to access a movie's official Website for any celebrity sites or any of that type of thing, but there are certain sites that perhaps should all decide to start charging. Otherwise, they may find it hard to stay online.

Mostly there is still enough money to be made online that I don't let it worry me too much. I figure there are always going to be a majority of people who have no idea how to get programs to stop popups, or just don't want to bother. Only 1% of people will ever do that, just as only 1% of people will really bother to sneak into movies or whatever. Those people are the exceptions.

Thank god for AOL and AOLers, they bring in all of the stupid newbies who usually have credit cards and money to spend, hehe. They click on those stupid banner ads that nobody else does either.

Aug 25th, 2002, 05:05:43 AM
I click on ads on certain sites

And hi Hera :)

Admiral Lebron
Aug 25th, 2002, 07:34:19 AM
Jon whats sad is in one of my classes this past year we were in a computer lab and this girl jumped up screaming saying she won she won! Despite the fact it was one of those "you're a winner" pop up ads.

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Aug 25th, 2002, 10:24:07 AM
*growls at the hijackers*

This isn't a thread about pop up ads, its a thread about HOT GUYS.



Admiral Lebron
Aug 25th, 2002, 11:29:36 AM
Pop up ads are more interesting though. :)

Aug 25th, 2002, 08:12:16 PM
Pop up ads are the most despicable things to ever hit humanity. Bar none.